- SEO Check

Übersicht der SEO Analyse
Externe Faktoren
SEO Score
0,76 s
475,90 kB
Anzahl Links
378 Intern / 4 Extern

To-do Liste mit SEO Optimierungen

Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
Stitch & Story | Crafting Made Simple
Die Länge des Titels ist optimal. (332 Pixel von maximal 580 Pixel Länge)
Es gibt keine Wortwiederholungen im Titel.
(Extrem wichtig)
DIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.
Die Meta-Description hat eine optimale Länge. (801 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel Länge)
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Die Seite hat einen korrekten Canonical Link.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite nutzt keine Alternate Links.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Länge der Domain ist gut.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Angaben zur Zeichensatzkodierung (UTF-8) sind fehlerfrei.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

descriptionDIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.
twitter:titleStitch & Story | Crafting Made Simple
twitter:descriptionDIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.
og:site_nameStitch & Story UK
og:titleStitch & Story | Crafting Made Simple
og:descriptionDIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.

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(Extrem wichtig)
Der Inhalt ist mit 1668 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 20.2% aus Füllwörtern.
Worte aus dem Titel werden im Text wiederholt.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 3 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Der Text auf der Seite ist optimal.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Es befinden sich keine Duplikate auf der Seite.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 12.83 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Es ist kein Apple-Touch Icon angegeben.
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width,initial-scale=1,shrink-to-fit=no,maximum-scale=1) ist korrekt.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 33 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 12 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Die Seite ist optimal auf Soziale Netzwerke ausgerichtet.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


...low_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1641298181Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...low_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1711101503Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...2db_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1701860027Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...are_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1658824918Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...71d_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1638903808Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...ea9_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1638903938Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...041_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1629826597Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...1_low_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1634118103A hand is holding a ball of 100% merino wool Stitch & story The Chunky Wool in front of the camera, above another 9 balls of the same yarn. The colour shown here is dust pink
...c936_88x88_crop_center.webp?v=1658824034Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...low_400x300_crop_center.jpg?v=1711101503Knitting Kits
...quare_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1658824406Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...2db_400x300_crop_center.jpg?v=1701860027Crochet Kits
...quare_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1658824918Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...e72a8_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1638903790Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...71d_400x300_crop_center.jpg?v=1638903808Project Bags
...d6041_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1629826597Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...041_400x300_crop_center.jpg?v=1629826597Knitting Videos


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Zu viele H1 Überschriften
Die H1-Überschrift besteht nur aus einem Wort. Es sollten mehr Informationen angegeben werden.
Die H1-Überschrift ist zu kurz (4 Zeichen). Sie sollte mindestens 20 Zeichen lang sein.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Es befinden sich 40 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Your crafting journey starts here
H2 Care Bears Collection
H2 Care Bears: Cheer Bear Knitting Kit
H2 Care Bears: Cheer Bear & Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Care Bears: Cheer Bear Amigurumi Crochet Kit
H2 Care Bears: Bedtime Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Care Bears: Cheer Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Care Bears: Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Care Bears: Good Luck Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Your crafting journey starts here Text-Duplikat
H2 All-in-one kits
H2 Stitch-by-stitch instructions
H2 Super-soft yarn
H2 Expert advice
H2 Our Yarn Packs
H2 Pack of 10 The Chunky Wool 100g balls
H2 Pack of 10 The Lil Merino 50g balls
H2 Pack of 10 Jolie Yarn 100g balls
H2 Pack of 10 The Melange Wool 100g balls
H2 Pack of 10 Eco Cotton 100g balls
H2 Pack of 10 Woolmere Luxe 25g balls
H2 Pack of 10 Daydreamer Yarn 50g balls
H2 Pack of 10 The Wonder Yarn 100g balls
H2 Giant Doughnuts
H2 Pastel Rainbow
H2 Blankets & Throws
H2 Chunky Wool Kits
H2 Luca Pom Hat Knitting Kit
H2 Lola Pom Slippers Knitting Kit
H2 Mateusz Snood Knitting Kit
H2 Ari Crochet Snood Crochet kit
H2 Grazier Scarf Knitting Kit
H2 Cable Coo Hat Knitting Kit
H2 Soft Lofty Throw Knitting Kit
H2 Phoenix Easy Scarf Crochet kit
H2 Crafting made simple
H2 Subscribe to get 20% off
H2 About
H2 Help
Die internen Links haben teilweise dynamische Parameter. Alle internen URLs, welche nicht als nofollow markiert sind, sollten keine dynamischen Parameter aufweisen.
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
4 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Keiner der Linktexte ist zu lang.
Es befinden sich 4 externe Links auf der Seite.
/pages/delivery-infoFree UK Delivery Orders Over £40
/pages/wholesaleWholesale Stitch & Story UK
/collections/peanutsPeanuts Collection
/collections/new-inNew In
/collections/new-inShop all New
/collections/craft-your-fashionCraft your Fashion
/collections/halloween-cross-s...Halloween Cross Stitch
/collections/fruits-and-the-bunchFruits and the Bunch
/collections/pastel-rainbow-co...Pastel Rainbow
/collections/summer-nightsSummer Nights
/collections/sweet-treatsSweet Treats
/collections/yarnsShop All Yarn
/products/the-chunky-wool-100g...The Chunky Wool
/products/the-lil-merino-50g-b...Lil' Merino
/products/the-homestead-yarn-1...Homestead Yarn
/collections/the-cotton-oneThe Cotton One
/collections/the-melange-woolMelange Wool
/products/woolmere-luxe-25g-ballsWoolmere Luxe
/products/cotton-braid-50g-ballsCotton Braid
/collections/secret-garden-dk-...Secret Garden DK
/products/the-wonder-yarn-100g...The Wonder Yarn
/collections/yarns?pf_t_yarn_c...Subdomain Packs of 10
/collections/pack-of-5Packs of 5
/collections/chunky-super-chunkyChunky & Super Chunky
/collections/merino-woolMerino Wool
/collections/knitting-kitsAll Knitting Kits
/collections/knitting-kits/Bab...Baby & Kids
/collections/knitting-kits/hat...Hats & Headbands
/collections/knitting-kits/Sca...Scarves & Snoods
/collections/knitting-kits/Hom...Blankets & Homeware
/collections/knitting-kits/Jum...Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/knitting-kits/oth...Other Accessories
/collections/children-kitsKits for Kids
/collections/knitting-patternsAll Knitting Patterns
/collections/knitting-patterns...Blankets & Homewares
/collections/knitting-patterns...Textduplikat Hats & Headbands
/collections/knitting-patterns...Textduplikat Scarves & Snoods
/collections/knitting-patterns...Textduplikat Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/knitting-patterns...Textduplikat Baby & Kids
/collections/knitting-patterns...Textduplikat Other Accessories
/collections/craft-your-fashio...Textduplikat Craft your Fashion
/collections/pastel-rainbow-co...Textduplikat Pastel Rainbow
/collections/kali-friends-coll...Kali & Friends Collection
/collections/daydreamer-collec...Daydreamer Collection
/collections/fun-in-the-sun/kn...Fun in the Sun
/collections/knitting/Level:-A...Advanced Beginner
/products/knitters-of-tomorrowSubdomain Knitters of Tomorrow
/collections/knitting-kitsKnitting Kits
/collections/crochet-kitsAll Crochet Kits
/collections/crochet-kits/hats...Textduplikat Hats & Headbands
/collections/crochet-kits/Scar...Textduplikat Scarves & Snoods
/collections/crochet-kits/Home...Textduplikat Blankets & Homeware
/collections/crochet-patternsAll Crochet Patterns
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Textduplikat Blankets & Homewares
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Textduplikat Hats & Headbands
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Textduplikat Scarves & Snoods
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Textduplikat Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Textduplikat Other Accessories
/collections/craft-your-fashio...Textduplikat Craft your Fashion
/collections/contrast-baby-bri...Baby Brights Collection
/collections/fruits-and-the-bunchTextduplikat Fruits and the Bunch
/collections/sweet-treatsTextduplikat Sweet Treats
/collections/kali-friends-coll...Kali & Friends
/collections/crochet/Level:-Be...Textduplikat Beginner
/collections/crochet/Level:-Ad...Textduplikat Advanced Beginner
/collections/crochet/Level:-In...Textduplikat Intermediate
/collections/crochet/Level:-Ex...Textduplikat Experienced
/collections/crochet-kitsSubdomain Crochet Kits
/collections/cross-stitchCross Stitch
/collections/cross-stitch-kitsShop all Kits
/collections/find-your-clubFind Your Club
/collections/find-your-clubTextduplikat Find Your Club
/collections/toolsShop All Tools
/collections/knitting-needlesKnitting Needles
/collections/crochet-hooksCrochet Hooks
/products/sewing-needleSewing Needle
/products/cable-needleCable Needle
/collections/booksShop All Books
/collections/books/KnittingKnitting Books
/collections/books/CrochetCrochet Books
/collections/toolsTextduplikat Shop All Tools
/collections/tools/Project-BagProject Bags
/collections/tools/pom-pomsPom Poms & Makers
/products/gift-card-classicGift Card
/collections/tools/Project-BagSubdomain Textduplikat Project Bags
/collections/knitting-needles-...Needles & Hooks
/blogs/getting-startedHow-To & Blog
/blogs/getting-startedGetting Started
/blogs/knitting-tipsKnitting Tips
/blogs/crochet-tipsCrochet Tips
/pages/about-us-1Our Story
/blogs/our-journalThe S&S Blog
/blogs/knitting-video-tutorialsKnitting Videos
/blogs/crochet-video-tutorialsCrochet Videos
/blogs/crochet-video-tutorials...Subdomain Crochet Videos (Left-Handed)
/blogs/cross-stitch-video-tuto...Cross Stitch Videos
/pages/contact-usContact Us
/blogs/getting-started/washing...Wash & Care
/pages/pattern-errataPattern Corrections
/blogs/getting-started/stitch-...Kit Levels Explained
/blogs/knitting-video-tutorialsTextduplikat Knitting Videos
/collections/care-bears-collec...Care Bear Collection
/collections/peanutsTextduplikat Peanuts Collection
/collections/new-inTextduplikat New In
/collections/new-inTextduplikat Shop all New
/collections/craft-your-fashionTextduplikat Craft your Fashion
/collections/halloween-cross-s...Textduplikat Halloween Cross Stitch
/collections/fruits-and-the-bunchTextduplikat Fruits and the Bunch
/collections/pastel-rainbow-co...Textduplikat Pastel Rainbow
/collections/summer-nightsTextduplikat Summer Nights
/collections/sweet-treatsTextduplikat Sweet Treats
/collections/yarnsTextduplikat Yarns
IMG-ALT A hand is holding a ball of 100% merino wool Stitch & story The Chunky Wool in front of the camera, above another 9 balls of the same yarn. The colour shown ...
/collections/yarnsTextduplikat Shop All Yarn
/products/the-chunky-wool-100g...Textduplikat The Chunky Wool
/products/the-lil-merino-50g-b...Textduplikat Lil' Merino
/products/the-homestead-yarn-1...Textduplikat Homestead Yarn
/collections/the-cotton-oneTextduplikat The Cotton One
/products/jolie-yarn-100g-ballsTextduplikat Jolie
/collections/the-melange-woolTextduplikat Melange Wool
/products/woolmere-luxe-25g-ballsTextduplikat Woolmere Luxe
/products/cotton-braid-50g-ballsTextduplikat Cotton Braid
/collections/daydreamer-collec...Textduplikat Daydreamer
/collections/secret-garden-dk-...Textduplikat Secret Garden DK
/products/the-wonder-yarn-100g...Textduplikat The Wonder Yarn
/collections/yarns?pf_t_yarn_c...Subdomain Textduplikat Packs of 10
/collections/pack-of-5Textduplikat Packs of 5
/collections/chunky-super-chunkyTextduplikat Chunky & Super Chunky
/collections/aranTextduplikat Aran
/collections/dk-yarnsTextduplikat DK
/collections/sports-yarnsTextduplikat Sports
/collections/acrylic-fibreTextduplikat Acrylic
/collections/cashmereTextduplikat Cashmere
/collections/cotton-fibreTextduplikat Cotton
/collections/juteTextduplikat Jute
/collections/merino-woolTextduplikat Merino Wool
/collections/wool-fibreTextduplikat Wool
/collections/knittingTextduplikat Knitting
/collections/knitting-kitsTextduplikat All Knitting Kits
/collections/knitting-kits/Bab...Textduplikat Baby & Kids
/collections/knitting-kits/hat...Textduplikat Hats & Headbands
/collections/knitting-kits/Sca...Textduplikat Scarves & Snoods
/collections/knitting-kits/Hom...Textduplikat Blankets & Homeware
/collections/knitting-kits/Jum...Textduplikat Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/knitting-kits/oth...Textduplikat Other Accessories
/collections/children-kitsTextduplikat Kits for Kids
/collections/knitting-patternsTextduplikat All Knitting Patterns
/collections/knitting-patterns...Textduplikat Blankets & Homewares
/collections/knitting-patterns...Textduplikat Hats & Headbands
/collections/knitting-patterns...Textduplikat Scarves & Snoods
/collections/knitting-patterns...Textduplikat Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/knitting-patterns...Textduplikat Baby & Kids
/collections/knitting-patterns...Textduplikat Other Accessories
/collections/craft-your-fashio...Textduplikat Craft your Fashion
/collections/pastel-rainbow-co...Textduplikat Pastel Rainbow
/collections/kali-friends-coll...Textduplikat Kali & Friends Collection
/collections/daydreamer-collec...Textduplikat Daydreamer Collection
/collections/fun-in-the-sun/kn...Textduplikat Fun in the Sun
/collections/knitting/Level:-B...Textduplikat Beginner
/collections/knitting/Level:-A...Textduplikat Advanced Beginner
/collections/knitting/Level:-I...Textduplikat Intermediate
/collections/knitting/Level:-E...Textduplikat Experienced
/collections/knitting-kitsTextduplikat Knitting Kits
IMG-ALT Knitting Kits
/collections/crochetTextduplikat Crochet
/collections/crochet-kitsTextduplikat All Crochet Kits
/collections/crochet-kits/hats...Textduplikat Hats & Headbands
/collections/crochet-kits/Scar...Textduplikat Scarves & Snoods
/collections/crochet-kits/Home...Textduplikat Blankets & Homeware
/collections/crochet-patternsTextduplikat All Crochet Patterns
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Textduplikat Blankets & Homewares
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Textduplikat Hats & Headbands
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Textduplikat Scarves & Snoods
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Textduplikat Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Textduplikat Other Accessories
/collections/craft-your-fashio...Textduplikat Craft your Fashion
/collections/contrast-baby-bri...Textduplikat Baby Brights Collection
/collections/fruits-and-the-bunchTextduplikat Fruits and the Bunch
/collections/sweet-treatsTextduplikat Sweet Treats
/collections/kali-friends-coll...Textduplikat Kali & Friends
/collections/crochet/Level:-Be...Textduplikat Beginner
/collections/crochet/Level:-Ad...Textduplikat Advanced Beginner
/collections/crochet/Level:-In...Textduplikat Intermediate
/collections/crochet/Level:-Ex...Textduplikat Experienced
/collections/crochet-kitsSubdomain Textduplikat Crochet Kits
IMG-ALT Crochet Kits
/collections/cross-stitchTextduplikat Cross Stitch
/collections/cross-stitch-kitsTextduplikat Shop all Kits
/collections/find-your-clubTextduplikat Find Your Club
/collections/toolsTextduplikat Tools
/collections/toolsTextduplikat Shop All Tools
/collections/knitting-needlesTextduplikat Knitting Needles
/collections/crochet-hooksTextduplikat Crochet Hooks
/products/sewing-needleTextduplikat Sewing Needle
/products/cable-needleTextduplikat Cable Needle
/collections/booksTextduplikat Shop All Books
/collections/books/KnittingTextduplikat Knitting Books
/collections/books/CrochetTextduplikat Crochet Books
/collections/toolsTextduplikat Shop All Tools
/collections/tools/Project-BagTextduplikat Project Bags
/collections/tools/pom-pomsTextduplikat Pom Poms & Makers
/products/gift-card-classicTextduplikat Gift Card
/collections/tools/Project-BagSubdomain Textduplikat Project Bags
IMG-ALT Project Bags
/blogs/getting-startedTextduplikat How-To & Blog
/blogs/getting-startedTextduplikat Getting Started
/blogs/knitting-tipsTextduplikat Knitting Tips
/blogs/crochet-tipsTextduplikat Crochet Tips
/pages/about-us-1Textduplikat Our Story
/blogs/our-journalTextduplikat The S&S Blog
/blogs/knitting-video-tutorialsTextduplikat Knitting Videos
/blogs/crochet-video-tutorialsTextduplikat Crochet Videos
/blogs/crochet-video-tutorials...Subdomain Textduplikat Crochet Videos (Left-Handed)
/blogs/cross-stitch-video-tuto...Textduplikat Cross Stitch Videos
/pages/faqsTextduplikat FAQ
/pages/contact-usTextduplikat Contact Us
/blogs/getting-started/washing...Textduplikat Wash & Care
/pages/pattern-errataTextduplikat Pattern Corrections
/blogs/getting-started/stitch-...Textduplikat Kit Levels Explained
/blogs/knitting-video-tutorialsTextduplikat Knitting Videos
IMG-ALT Knitting Videos
/collections/care-bears-collec...Textduplikat Care Bear Collection
/accountTextduplikat Account
/pages/contact-usTextduplikat Contact
/pages/wholesaleTextduplikat Wholesale
/collections/baby-kidsKein Text
/collections/baby-kidsBABY CRAFT KITS Adorable Projects For Bundles Of Joy SHOP NOW
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Cheer Bear Knitting Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...Textduplikat Care Bears: Cheer Bear Knitting Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Cheer Bear & Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...Textduplikat Care Bears: Cheer Bear & Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Cheer Bear Amigurumi Crochet Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...Textduplikat Care Bears: Cheer Bear Amigurumi Crochet Kit
/products/care-bears-bedtime-b...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Bedtime Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-bedtime-b...Textduplikat Care Bears: Bedtime Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Cheer Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...Textduplikat Care Bears: Cheer Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-funshine-...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-funshine-...Textduplikat Care Bears: Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-good-luck...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Good Luck Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-good-luck...Textduplikat Care Bears: Good Luck Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/collections/kitsAll-in-one kits Everything you need to start your project
/pages/beginners-hubStitch-by-stitch instructions Designed with beginners in mind
/collections/yarnsSuper-soft yarn Quality yarns bursting with colours
/pages/contact-usExpert advice Got a question? Ask us anything!
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 The Chunky Wool 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...Pack of 10 The Chunky Wool 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...Silent Night
IMG-ALT Silent Night
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...Mustard Yellow
IMG-ALT Mustard Yellow
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...Stormy Grey
IMG-ALT Stormy Grey
/products/pack-of-10-the-lil-m...Textduplikat pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 The Lil Merino 50g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-lil-m...Pack of 10 The Lil Merino 50g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-lil-m...Peach Pink
IMG-ALT Peach Pink
/products/pack-of-10-the-lil-m...Baby Blue
IMG-ALT Baby Blue
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Textduplikat pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 Jolie Yarn 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Pack of 10 Jolie Yarn 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Cookies & Cream
IMG-ALT Cookies & Cream
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Textduplikat Pastel Rainbow
IMG-ALT Pastel Rainbow
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Wild Flowers
IMG-ALT Wild Flowers
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Textduplikat pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 The Melange Wool 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Pack of 10 The Melange Wool 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Pastel Beige
IMG-ALT Pastel Beige
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Loft Grey
IMG-ALT Loft Grey
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Blossom Pink
IMG-ALT Blossom Pink
/products/pack-of-10-eco-cotto...Textduplikat pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 Eco Cotton 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-eco-cotto...Pack of 10 Eco Cotton 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-eco-cotto...Canary Yellow
IMG-ALT Canary Yellow
/products/pack-of-10-eco-cotto...Pink Sherbet
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IMG-ALT Electric Teal
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IMG-ALT Pack of 10 Woolmere Luxe 25g balls
/products/pack-of-10-woolmere-...Pack of 10 Woolmere Luxe 25g balls
IMG-ALT Thistle
IMG-ALT Magnolia
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IMG-ALT Pack of 10 Daydreamer Yarn 50g balls
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IMG-ALT White Cotton
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IMG-ALT Rosy Pink
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IMG-ALT Pack of 10 The Wonder Yarn 100g balls
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IMG-ALT Frosty Mint
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IMG-ALT Deep Purple
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/products/luca-pom-hat-knittin...Textduplikat Luca Pom Hat Knitting Kit
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IMG-ALT Silent Night / Stone Teal
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IMG-ALT Stormy Grey / Stone Teal
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IMG-ALT Stone Teal / Ivory White
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/products/lola-pom-slippers-kn...Textduplikat Lola Pom Slippers Knitting Kit
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IMG-ALT Stone Teal
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IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
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IMG-ALT Silent Night
/products/mateusz-snood-knitti...IMG-ALT Mateusz Snood Knitting Kit
/products/mateusz-snood-knitti...Textduplikat Mateusz Snood Knitting Kit
/products/mateusz-snood-knitti...Textduplikat Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stone Teal
/products/mateusz-snood-knitti...Textduplikat Fossil Grey
IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
/products/mateusz-snood-knitti...Ivory White
IMG-ALT Ivory White
/products/ari-crochet-snood-cr...IMG-ALT Ari Crochet Snood Crochet kit
/products/ari-crochet-snood-cr...Textduplikat Ari Crochet Snood Crochet kit
/products/ari-crochet-snood-cr...Textduplikat Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stone Teal
/products/ari-crochet-snood-cr...Textduplikat Fossil Grey
IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
/products/ari-crochet-snood-cr...Textduplikat Ivory White
IMG-ALT Ivory White
/products/ari-crochet-snood-cr...Textduplikat +15
/products/grazier-scarf-knitti...IMG-ALT Grazier Scarf Knitting Kit
/products/grazier-scarf-knitti...Textduplikat Grazier Scarf Knitting Kit
/products/grazier-scarf-knitti...Textduplikat Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stone Teal
/products/grazier-scarf-knitti...Textduplikat Fossil Grey
IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
/products/grazier-scarf-knitti...Textduplikat Ivory White
IMG-ALT Ivory White
/products/grazier-scarf-knitti...Textduplikat +15
/products/cable-coo-hat-knitti...IMG-ALT Cable Coo Hat Knitting Kit
/products/cable-coo-hat-knitti...Textduplikat Cable Coo Hat Knitting Kit
/products/cable-coo-hat-knitti...Textduplikat Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stone Teal
/products/cable-coo-hat-knitti...Textduplikat Fossil Grey
IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
/products/cable-coo-hat-knitti...Textduplikat Ivory White
IMG-ALT Ivory White
/products/cable-coo-hat-knitti...Textduplikat +15
/products/soft-lofty-throw-kni...IMG-ALT Soft Lofty Throw Knitting Kit
/products/soft-lofty-throw-kni...Textduplikat Soft Lofty Throw Knitting Kit
/products/soft-lofty-throw-kni...Textduplikat Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stone Teal
/products/soft-lofty-throw-kni...Textduplikat Fossil Grey
IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
/products/soft-lofty-throw-kni...Textduplikat Ivory White
IMG-ALT Ivory White
/products/soft-lofty-throw-kni...Textduplikat +15
/products/phoenix-easy-scarf-c...IMG-ALT Phoenix Easy Scarf Crochet kit
/products/phoenix-easy-scarf-c...Textduplikat Phoenix Easy Scarf Crochet kit
/products/phoenix-easy-scarf-c...Textduplikat Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stone Teal
/products/phoenix-easy-scarf-c...Textduplikat Fossil Grey
IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
/products/phoenix-easy-scarf-c...Textduplikat Ivory White
IMG-ALT Ivory White
/products/phoenix-easy-scarf-c...Textduplikat +15
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A-TITLE About us
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Stitch & Story | Crafting Made Simple
DIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.

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