- SEO Checker

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Calidad de la página
Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
0,76 s
Tamaño HTML
475,90 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
378 internos / 4 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Stitch & Story | Crafting Made Simple
La longitud del título es óptima (332 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
DIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (801 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


descriptionDIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.
twitter:titleStitch & Story | Crafting Made Simple
twitter:descriptionDIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.
og:site_nameStitch & Story UK
og:titleStitch & Story | Crafting Made Simple
og:descriptionDIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1668 palabras.
Un 20.2% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 3 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 12.83 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width,initial-scale=1,shrink-to-fit=no,maximum-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 33 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 12 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página está perfectamente optimizada para las redes sociales.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...low_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1641298181Carece de atributo ALT
...low_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1711101503Carece de atributo ALT
...2db_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1701860027Carece de atributo ALT
...are_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1658824918Carece de atributo ALT
...71d_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1638903808Carece de atributo ALT
...ea9_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1638903938Carece de atributo ALT
...041_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1629826597Carece de atributo ALT
...1_low_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1634118103A hand is holding a ball of 100% merino wool Stitch & story The Chunky Wool in front of the camera, above another 9 balls of the same yarn. The colour shown here is dust pink
...c936_88x88_crop_center.webp?v=1658824034Carece de atributo ALT
...low_400x300_crop_center.jpg?v=1711101503Knitting Kits
...quare_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1658824406Carece de atributo ALT
...2db_400x300_crop_center.jpg?v=1701860027Crochet Kits
...quare_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1658824918Carece de atributo ALT
...e72a8_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1638903790Carece de atributo ALT
...71d_400x300_crop_center.jpg?v=1638903808Project Bags
...d6041_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1629826597Carece de atributo ALT
...041_400x300_crop_center.jpg?v=1629826597Knitting Videos

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Más de un encabezado H1.
El encabezado H1 esta compuesto por una sola palabra. Podrías ampliarlo con más información.
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (4 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 40 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Your crafting journey starts here
H2 Care Bears Collection
H2 Care Bears: Cheer Bear Knitting Kit
H2 Care Bears: Cheer Bear & Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Care Bears: Cheer Bear Amigurumi Crochet Kit
H2 Care Bears: Bedtime Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Care Bears: Cheer Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Care Bears: Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Care Bears: Good Luck Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Your crafting journey starts here Texto duplicado
H2 All-in-one kits
H2 Stitch-by-stitch instructions
H2 Super-soft yarn
H2 Expert advice
H2 Our Yarn Packs
H2 Pack of 10 The Chunky Wool 100g balls
H2 Pack of 10 The Lil Merino 50g balls
H2 Pack of 10 Jolie Yarn 100g balls
H2 Pack of 10 The Melange Wool 100g balls
H2 Pack of 10 Eco Cotton 100g balls
H2 Pack of 10 Woolmere Luxe 25g balls
H2 Pack of 10 Daydreamer Yarn 50g balls
H2 Pack of 10 The Wonder Yarn 100g balls
H2 Giant Doughnuts
H2 Pastel Rainbow
H2 Blankets & Throws
H2 Chunky Wool Kits
H2 Luca Pom Hat Knitting Kit
H2 Lola Pom Slippers Knitting Kit
H2 Mateusz Snood Knitting Kit
H2 Ari Crochet Snood Crochet kit
H2 Grazier Scarf Knitting Kit
H2 Cable Coo Hat Knitting Kit
H2 Soft Lofty Throw Knitting Kit
H2 Phoenix Easy Scarf Crochet kit
H2 Crafting made simple
H2 Subscribe to get 20% off
H2 About
H2 Help
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
4 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay 4 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/pages/delivery-infoFree UK Delivery Orders Over £40
/pages/wholesaleWholesale Stitch & Story UK
/collections/peanutsPeanuts Collection
/collections/new-inNew In
/collections/new-inShop all New
/collections/craft-your-fashionCraft your Fashion
/collections/halloween-cross-s...Halloween Cross Stitch
/collections/fruits-and-the-bunchFruits and the Bunch
/collections/pastel-rainbow-co...Pastel Rainbow
/collections/summer-nightsSummer Nights
/collections/sweet-treatsSweet Treats
/collections/yarnsShop All Yarn
/products/the-chunky-wool-100g...The Chunky Wool
/products/the-lil-merino-50g-b...Lil' Merino
/products/the-homestead-yarn-1...Homestead Yarn
/collections/the-cotton-oneThe Cotton One
/collections/the-melange-woolMelange Wool
/products/woolmere-luxe-25g-ballsWoolmere Luxe
/products/cotton-braid-50g-ballsCotton Braid
/collections/secret-garden-dk-...Secret Garden DK
/products/the-wonder-yarn-100g...The Wonder Yarn
/collections/yarns?pf_t_yarn_c...Subdominio Packs of 10
/collections/pack-of-5Packs of 5
/collections/chunky-super-chunkyChunky & Super Chunky
/collections/merino-woolMerino Wool
/collections/knitting-kitsAll Knitting Kits
/collections/knitting-kits/Bab...Baby & Kids
/collections/knitting-kits/hat...Hats & Headbands
/collections/knitting-kits/Sca...Scarves & Snoods
/collections/knitting-kits/Hom...Blankets & Homeware
/collections/knitting-kits/Jum...Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/knitting-kits/oth...Other Accessories
/collections/children-kitsKits for Kids
/collections/knitting-patternsAll Knitting Patterns
/collections/knitting-patterns...Blankets & Homewares
/collections/knitting-patterns...Texto duplicado Hats & Headbands
/collections/knitting-patterns...Texto duplicado Scarves & Snoods
/collections/knitting-patterns...Texto duplicado Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/knitting-patterns...Texto duplicado Baby & Kids
/collections/knitting-patterns...Texto duplicado Other Accessories
/collections/craft-your-fashio...Texto duplicado Craft your Fashion
/collections/pastel-rainbow-co...Texto duplicado Pastel Rainbow
/collections/kali-friends-coll...Kali & Friends Collection
/collections/daydreamer-collec...Daydreamer Collection
/collections/fun-in-the-sun/kn...Fun in the Sun
/collections/knitting/Level:-A...Advanced Beginner
/products/knitters-of-tomorrowSubdominio Knitters of Tomorrow
/collections/knitting-kitsKnitting Kits
/collections/crochet-kitsAll Crochet Kits
/collections/crochet-kits/hats...Texto duplicado Hats & Headbands
/collections/crochet-kits/Scar...Texto duplicado Scarves & Snoods
/collections/crochet-kits/Home...Texto duplicado Blankets & Homeware
/collections/crochet-patternsAll Crochet Patterns
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Texto duplicado Blankets & Homewares
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Texto duplicado Hats & Headbands
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Texto duplicado Scarves & Snoods
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Texto duplicado Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Texto duplicado Other Accessories
/collections/craft-your-fashio...Texto duplicado Craft your Fashion
/collections/contrast-baby-bri...Baby Brights Collection
/collections/fruits-and-the-bunchTexto duplicado Fruits and the Bunch
/collections/sweet-treatsTexto duplicado Sweet Treats
/collections/kali-friends-coll...Kali & Friends
/collections/crochet/Level:-Be...Texto duplicado Beginner
/collections/crochet/Level:-Ad...Texto duplicado Advanced Beginner
/collections/crochet/Level:-In...Texto duplicado Intermediate
/collections/crochet/Level:-Ex...Texto duplicado Experienced
/collections/crochet-kitsSubdominio Crochet Kits
/collections/cross-stitchCross Stitch
/collections/cross-stitch-kitsShop all Kits
/collections/find-your-clubFind Your Club
/collections/find-your-clubTexto duplicado Find Your Club
/collections/toolsShop All Tools
/collections/knitting-needlesKnitting Needles
/collections/crochet-hooksCrochet Hooks
/products/sewing-needleSewing Needle
/products/cable-needleCable Needle
/collections/booksShop All Books
/collections/books/KnittingKnitting Books
/collections/books/CrochetCrochet Books
/collections/toolsTexto duplicado Shop All Tools
/collections/tools/Project-BagProject Bags
/collections/tools/pom-pomsPom Poms & Makers
/products/gift-card-classicGift Card
/collections/tools/Project-BagSubdominio Texto duplicado Project Bags
/collections/knitting-needles-...Needles & Hooks
/blogs/getting-startedHow-To & Blog
/blogs/getting-startedGetting Started
/blogs/knitting-tipsKnitting Tips
/blogs/crochet-tipsCrochet Tips
/pages/about-us-1Our Story
/blogs/our-journalThe S&S Blog
/blogs/knitting-video-tutorialsKnitting Videos
/blogs/crochet-video-tutorialsCrochet Videos
/blogs/crochet-video-tutorials...Subdominio Crochet Videos (Left-Handed)
/blogs/cross-stitch-video-tuto...Cross Stitch Videos
/pages/contact-usContact Us
/blogs/getting-started/washing...Wash & Care
/pages/pattern-errataPattern Corrections
/blogs/getting-started/stitch-...Kit Levels Explained
/blogs/knitting-video-tutorialsTexto duplicado Knitting Videos
/collections/care-bears-collec...Care Bear Collection
/collections/peanutsTexto duplicado Peanuts Collection
/collections/new-inTexto duplicado New In
/collections/new-inTexto duplicado Shop all New
/collections/craft-your-fashionTexto duplicado Craft your Fashion
/collections/halloween-cross-s...Texto duplicado Halloween Cross Stitch
/collections/fruits-and-the-bunchTexto duplicado Fruits and the Bunch
/collections/pastel-rainbow-co...Texto duplicado Pastel Rainbow
/collections/summer-nightsTexto duplicado Summer Nights
/collections/sweet-treatsTexto duplicado Sweet Treats
/collections/yarnsTexto duplicado Yarns
IMG-ALT A hand is holding a ball of 100% merino wool Stitch & story The Chunky Wool in front of the camera, above another 9 balls of the same yarn. The colour shown ...
/collections/yarnsTexto duplicado Shop All Yarn
/products/the-chunky-wool-100g...Texto duplicado The Chunky Wool
/products/the-lil-merino-50g-b...Texto duplicado Lil' Merino
/products/the-homestead-yarn-1...Texto duplicado Homestead Yarn
/collections/the-cotton-oneTexto duplicado The Cotton One
/products/jolie-yarn-100g-ballsTexto duplicado Jolie
/collections/the-melange-woolTexto duplicado Melange Wool
/products/woolmere-luxe-25g-ballsTexto duplicado Woolmere Luxe
/products/cotton-braid-50g-ballsTexto duplicado Cotton Braid
/collections/daydreamer-collec...Texto duplicado Daydreamer
/collections/secret-garden-dk-...Texto duplicado Secret Garden DK
/products/the-wonder-yarn-100g...Texto duplicado The Wonder Yarn
/collections/yarns?pf_t_yarn_c...Subdominio Texto duplicado Packs of 10
/collections/pack-of-5Texto duplicado Packs of 5
/collections/chunky-super-chunkyTexto duplicado Chunky & Super Chunky
/collections/aranTexto duplicado Aran
/collections/dk-yarnsTexto duplicado DK
/collections/sports-yarnsTexto duplicado Sports
/collections/acrylic-fibreTexto duplicado Acrylic
/collections/cashmereTexto duplicado Cashmere
/collections/cotton-fibreTexto duplicado Cotton
/collections/juteTexto duplicado Jute
/collections/merino-woolTexto duplicado Merino Wool
/collections/wool-fibreTexto duplicado Wool
/collections/knittingTexto duplicado Knitting
/collections/knitting-kitsTexto duplicado All Knitting Kits
/collections/knitting-kits/Bab...Texto duplicado Baby & Kids
/collections/knitting-kits/hat...Texto duplicado Hats & Headbands
/collections/knitting-kits/Sca...Texto duplicado Scarves & Snoods
/collections/knitting-kits/Hom...Texto duplicado Blankets & Homeware
/collections/knitting-kits/Jum...Texto duplicado Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/knitting-kits/oth...Texto duplicado Other Accessories
/collections/children-kitsTexto duplicado Kits for Kids
/collections/knitting-patternsTexto duplicado All Knitting Patterns
/collections/knitting-patterns...Texto duplicado Blankets & Homewares
/collections/knitting-patterns...Texto duplicado Hats & Headbands
/collections/knitting-patterns...Texto duplicado Scarves & Snoods
/collections/knitting-patterns...Texto duplicado Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/knitting-patterns...Texto duplicado Baby & Kids
/collections/knitting-patterns...Texto duplicado Other Accessories
/collections/craft-your-fashio...Texto duplicado Craft your Fashion
/collections/pastel-rainbow-co...Texto duplicado Pastel Rainbow
/collections/kali-friends-coll...Texto duplicado Kali & Friends Collection
/collections/daydreamer-collec...Texto duplicado Daydreamer Collection
/collections/fun-in-the-sun/kn...Texto duplicado Fun in the Sun
/collections/knitting/Level:-B...Texto duplicado Beginner
/collections/knitting/Level:-A...Texto duplicado Advanced Beginner
/collections/knitting/Level:-I...Texto duplicado Intermediate
/collections/knitting/Level:-E...Texto duplicado Experienced
/collections/knitting-kitsTexto duplicado Knitting Kits
IMG-ALT Knitting Kits
/collections/crochetTexto duplicado Crochet
/collections/crochet-kitsTexto duplicado All Crochet Kits
/collections/crochet-kits/hats...Texto duplicado Hats & Headbands
/collections/crochet-kits/Scar...Texto duplicado Scarves & Snoods
/collections/crochet-kits/Home...Texto duplicado Blankets & Homeware
/collections/crochet-patternsTexto duplicado All Crochet Patterns
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Texto duplicado Blankets & Homewares
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Texto duplicado Hats & Headbands
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Texto duplicado Scarves & Snoods
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Texto duplicado Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Texto duplicado Other Accessories
/collections/craft-your-fashio...Texto duplicado Craft your Fashion
/collections/contrast-baby-bri...Texto duplicado Baby Brights Collection
/collections/fruits-and-the-bunchTexto duplicado Fruits and the Bunch
/collections/sweet-treatsTexto duplicado Sweet Treats
/collections/kali-friends-coll...Texto duplicado Kali & Friends
/collections/crochet/Level:-Be...Texto duplicado Beginner
/collections/crochet/Level:-Ad...Texto duplicado Advanced Beginner
/collections/crochet/Level:-In...Texto duplicado Intermediate
/collections/crochet/Level:-Ex...Texto duplicado Experienced
/collections/crochet-kitsSubdominio Texto duplicado Crochet Kits
IMG-ALT Crochet Kits
/collections/cross-stitchTexto duplicado Cross Stitch
/collections/cross-stitch-kitsTexto duplicado Shop all Kits
/collections/find-your-clubTexto duplicado Find Your Club
/collections/toolsTexto duplicado Tools
/collections/toolsTexto duplicado Shop All Tools
/collections/knitting-needlesTexto duplicado Knitting Needles
/collections/crochet-hooksTexto duplicado Crochet Hooks
/products/sewing-needleTexto duplicado Sewing Needle
/products/cable-needleTexto duplicado Cable Needle
/collections/booksTexto duplicado Shop All Books
/collections/books/KnittingTexto duplicado Knitting Books
/collections/books/CrochetTexto duplicado Crochet Books
/collections/toolsTexto duplicado Shop All Tools
/collections/tools/Project-BagTexto duplicado Project Bags
/collections/tools/pom-pomsTexto duplicado Pom Poms & Makers
/products/gift-card-classicTexto duplicado Gift Card
/collections/tools/Project-BagSubdominio Texto duplicado Project Bags
IMG-ALT Project Bags
/blogs/getting-startedTexto duplicado How-To & Blog
/blogs/getting-startedTexto duplicado Getting Started
/blogs/knitting-tipsTexto duplicado Knitting Tips
/blogs/crochet-tipsTexto duplicado Crochet Tips
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/blogs/our-journalTexto duplicado The S&S Blog
/blogs/knitting-video-tutorialsTexto duplicado Knitting Videos
/blogs/crochet-video-tutorialsTexto duplicado Crochet Videos
/blogs/crochet-video-tutorials...Subdominio Texto duplicado Crochet Videos (Left-Handed)
/blogs/cross-stitch-video-tuto...Texto duplicado Cross Stitch Videos
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/pages/contact-usTexto duplicado Contact Us
/blogs/getting-started/washing...Texto duplicado Wash & Care
/pages/pattern-errataTexto duplicado Pattern Corrections
/blogs/getting-started/stitch-...Texto duplicado Kit Levels Explained
/blogs/knitting-video-tutorialsTexto duplicado Knitting Videos
IMG-ALT Knitting Videos
/collections/care-bears-collec...Texto duplicado Care Bear Collection
/accountTexto duplicado Account
/pages/contact-usTexto duplicado Contact
/pages/wholesaleTexto duplicado Wholesale
/collections/baby-kidsSin texto
/collections/baby-kidsBABY CRAFT KITS Adorable Projects For Bundles Of Joy SHOP NOW
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Cheer Bear Knitting Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...Texto duplicado Care Bears: Cheer Bear Knitting Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Cheer Bear & Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...Texto duplicado Care Bears: Cheer Bear & Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Cheer Bear Amigurumi Crochet Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...Texto duplicado Care Bears: Cheer Bear Amigurumi Crochet Kit
/products/care-bears-bedtime-b...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Bedtime Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-bedtime-b...Texto duplicado Care Bears: Bedtime Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Cheer Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...Texto duplicado Care Bears: Cheer Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-funshine-...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-funshine-...Texto duplicado Care Bears: Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-good-luck...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Good Luck Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-good-luck...Texto duplicado Care Bears: Good Luck Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/collections/kitsAll-in-one kits Everything you need to start your project
/pages/beginners-hubStitch-by-stitch instructions Designed with beginners in mind
/collections/yarnsSuper-soft yarn Quality yarns bursting with colours
/pages/contact-usExpert advice Got a question? Ask us anything!
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 The Chunky Wool 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...Pack of 10 The Chunky Wool 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...Silent Night
IMG-ALT Silent Night
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...Mustard Yellow
IMG-ALT Mustard Yellow
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...Stormy Grey
IMG-ALT Stormy Grey
/products/pack-of-10-the-lil-m...Texto duplicado pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 The Lil Merino 50g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-lil-m...Pack of 10 The Lil Merino 50g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-lil-m...Peach Pink
IMG-ALT Peach Pink
/products/pack-of-10-the-lil-m...Baby Blue
IMG-ALT Baby Blue
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Texto duplicado pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 Jolie Yarn 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Pack of 10 Jolie Yarn 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Cookies & Cream
IMG-ALT Cookies & Cream
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Texto duplicado Pastel Rainbow
IMG-ALT Pastel Rainbow
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Wild Flowers
IMG-ALT Wild Flowers
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Texto duplicado pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 The Melange Wool 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Pack of 10 The Melange Wool 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Pastel Beige
IMG-ALT Pastel Beige
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Loft Grey
IMG-ALT Loft Grey
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Blossom Pink
IMG-ALT Blossom Pink
/products/pack-of-10-eco-cotto...Texto duplicado pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 Eco Cotton 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-eco-cotto...Pack of 10 Eco Cotton 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-eco-cotto...Canary Yellow
IMG-ALT Canary Yellow
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IMG-ALT Pink Sherbet
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IMG-ALT Electric Teal
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IMG-ALT Pack of 10 Woolmere Luxe 25g balls
/products/pack-of-10-woolmere-...Pack of 10 Woolmere Luxe 25g balls
IMG-ALT Thistle
IMG-ALT Magnolia
/products/pack-of-10-woolmere-...Texto duplicado +2
/products/pack-of-10-daydreame...Texto duplicado pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 Daydreamer Yarn 50g balls
/products/pack-of-10-daydreame...Pack of 10 Daydreamer Yarn 50g balls
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IMG-ALT White Cotton
/products/pack-of-10-daydreame...Rosy Pink
IMG-ALT Rosy Pink
/products/pack-of-10-daydreame...Texto duplicado +2
/products/pack-of-10-the-wonde...Texto duplicado pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 The Wonder Yarn 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-wonde...Pack of 10 The Wonder Yarn 100g balls
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IMG-ALT Frosty Mint
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IMG-ALT Deep Purple
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IMG-ALT Sweet Pink
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/collections/blankets-homewareSin texto
/products/luca-pom-hat-knittin...IMG-ALT Luca Pom Hat Knitting Kit
/products/luca-pom-hat-knittin...Texto duplicado Luca Pom Hat Knitting Kit
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IMG-ALT Silent Night / Stone Teal
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IMG-ALT Stormy Grey / Stone Teal
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IMG-ALT Stone Teal / Ivory White
/products/lola-pom-slippers-kn...IMG-ALT Lola Pom Slippers Knitting Kit
/products/lola-pom-slippers-kn...Texto duplicado Lola Pom Slippers Knitting Kit
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IMG-ALT Stone Teal
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IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
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IMG-ALT Silent Night
/products/mateusz-snood-knitti...IMG-ALT Mateusz Snood Knitting Kit
/products/mateusz-snood-knitti...Texto duplicado Mateusz Snood Knitting Kit
/products/mateusz-snood-knitti...Texto duplicado Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stone Teal
/products/mateusz-snood-knitti...Texto duplicado Fossil Grey
IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
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IMG-ALT Ivory White
/products/ari-crochet-snood-cr...IMG-ALT Ari Crochet Snood Crochet kit
/products/ari-crochet-snood-cr...Texto duplicado Ari Crochet Snood Crochet kit
/products/ari-crochet-snood-cr...Texto duplicado Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stone Teal
/products/ari-crochet-snood-cr...Texto duplicado Fossil Grey
IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
/products/ari-crochet-snood-cr...Texto duplicado Ivory White
IMG-ALT Ivory White
/products/ari-crochet-snood-cr...Texto duplicado +15
/products/grazier-scarf-knitti...IMG-ALT Grazier Scarf Knitting Kit
/products/grazier-scarf-knitti...Texto duplicado Grazier Scarf Knitting Kit
/products/grazier-scarf-knitti...Texto duplicado Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stone Teal
/products/grazier-scarf-knitti...Texto duplicado Fossil Grey
IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
/products/grazier-scarf-knitti...Texto duplicado Ivory White
IMG-ALT Ivory White
/products/grazier-scarf-knitti...Texto duplicado +15
/products/cable-coo-hat-knitti...IMG-ALT Cable Coo Hat Knitting Kit
/products/cable-coo-hat-knitti...Texto duplicado Cable Coo Hat Knitting Kit
/products/cable-coo-hat-knitti...Texto duplicado Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stone Teal
/products/cable-coo-hat-knitti...Texto duplicado Fossil Grey
IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
/products/cable-coo-hat-knitti...Texto duplicado Ivory White
IMG-ALT Ivory White
/products/cable-coo-hat-knitti...Texto duplicado +15
/products/soft-lofty-throw-kni...IMG-ALT Soft Lofty Throw Knitting Kit
/products/soft-lofty-throw-kni...Texto duplicado Soft Lofty Throw Knitting Kit
/products/soft-lofty-throw-kni...Texto duplicado Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stone Teal
/products/soft-lofty-throw-kni...Texto duplicado Fossil Grey
IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
/products/soft-lofty-throw-kni...Texto duplicado Ivory White
IMG-ALT Ivory White
/products/soft-lofty-throw-kni...Texto duplicado +15
/products/phoenix-easy-scarf-c...IMG-ALT Phoenix Easy Scarf Crochet kit
/products/phoenix-easy-scarf-c...Texto duplicado Phoenix Easy Scarf Crochet kit
/products/phoenix-easy-scarf-c...Texto duplicado Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stone Teal
/products/phoenix-easy-scarf-c...Texto duplicado Fossil Grey
IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
/products/phoenix-easy-scarf-c...Texto duplicado Ivory White
IMG-ALT Ivory White
/products/phoenix-easy-scarf-c...Texto duplicado +15
/pages/about-us-1Read our mission
/pages/privacy-policyNueva ventana Subdominio privacy policy ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto
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A-TITLE About us
/pages/wholesaleTexto duplicado Wholesale
A-TITLE Wholesale
/products/gift-card-classicGift Cards
A-TITLE Gift Cards
/blogs/getting-started/stitch-...Subdominio Our Kits Explained
A-TITLE Our Kits Explained
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A-TITLE Video Tutorials
/pages/terms-and-conditionsTerms & Conditions
A-TITLE Terms & Conditions
/pages/faqsTexto duplicado FAQ
A-TITLE Delivery
A-TITLE Returns
/pages/contact-usTexto duplicado Contact Us
A-TITLE Contact Us
/pages/pattern-errataPattern Errata
A-TITLE Pattern Errata
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A-TITLE Terms of use
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Stitch & Story | Crafting Made Simple
DIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Stitch Story67%Check
Cross Stitch58%Check
Knitting Kits57%Check
Merino Wool57%Check
Stitch Story UK57%Check

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