- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.76 s
File size
475.90 kB
Media files
Number of links
378 internal / 4 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Stitch & Story | Crafting Made Simple
The length of the page title is perfect. (332 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
DIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (801 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionDIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.
twitter:titleStitch & Story | Crafting Made Simple
twitter:descriptionDIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.
og:site_nameStitch & Story UK
og:titleStitch & Story | Crafting Made Simple
og:descriptionDIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1668 words. That's ok.
20.2% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
3 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 12.83 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width,initial-scale=1,shrink-to-fit=no,maximum-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 33 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
12 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...low_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1641298181No alt attribute provided
...low_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1711101503No alt attribute provided
...2db_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1701860027No alt attribute provided
...are_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1658824918No alt attribute provided
...71d_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1638903808No alt attribute provided
...ea9_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1638903938No alt attribute provided
...041_400x400_crop_center.jpg?v=1629826597No alt attribute provided
...1_low_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1634118103A hand is holding a ball of 100% merino wool Stitch & story The Chunky Wool in front of the camera, above another 9 balls of the same yarn. The colour shown here is dust pink
...c936_88x88_crop_center.webp?v=1658824034No alt attribute provided
...low_400x300_crop_center.jpg?v=1711101503Knitting Kits
...quare_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1658824406No alt attribute provided
...2db_400x300_crop_center.jpg?v=1701860027Crochet Kits
...quare_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1658824918No alt attribute provided
...e72a8_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1638903790No alt attribute provided
...71d_400x300_crop_center.jpg?v=1638903808Project Bags
...d6041_88x88_crop_center.jpg?v=1629826597No alt attribute provided
...041_400x300_crop_center.jpg?v=1629826597Knitting Videos

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Too many H1 headings
The H1 heading consists of only one word. There should be more information given.
The H1 heading is too short (4 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 40 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Your crafting journey starts here
H2 Care Bears Collection
H2 Care Bears: Cheer Bear Knitting Kit
H2 Care Bears: Cheer Bear & Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Care Bears: Cheer Bear Amigurumi Crochet Kit
H2 Care Bears: Bedtime Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Care Bears: Cheer Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Care Bears: Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Care Bears: Good Luck Bear Cross Stitch Kit
H2 Your crafting journey starts here Duplicate text
H2 All-in-one kits
H2 Stitch-by-stitch instructions
H2 Super-soft yarn
H2 Expert advice
H2 Our Yarn Packs
H2 Pack of 10 The Chunky Wool 100g balls
H2 Pack of 10 The Lil Merino 50g balls
H2 Pack of 10 Jolie Yarn 100g balls
H2 Pack of 10 The Melange Wool 100g balls
H2 Pack of 10 Eco Cotton 100g balls
H2 Pack of 10 Woolmere Luxe 25g balls
H2 Pack of 10 Daydreamer Yarn 50g balls
H2 Pack of 10 The Wonder Yarn 100g balls
H2 Giant Doughnuts
H2 Pastel Rainbow
H2 Blankets & Throws
H2 Chunky Wool Kits
H2 Luca Pom Hat Knitting Kit
H2 Lola Pom Slippers Knitting Kit
H2 Mateusz Snood Knitting Kit
H2 Ari Crochet Snood Crochet kit
H2 Grazier Scarf Knitting Kit
H2 Cable Coo Hat Knitting Kit
H2 Soft Lofty Throw Knitting Kit
H2 Phoenix Easy Scarf Crochet kit
H2 Crafting made simple
H2 Subscribe to get 20% off
H2 About
H2 Help
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
4 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 4 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/pages/delivery-infoFree UK Delivery Orders Over £40
/pages/wholesaleWholesale Stitch & Story UK
/collections/peanutsPeanuts Collection
/collections/new-inNew In
/collections/new-inShop all New
/collections/craft-your-fashionCraft your Fashion
/collections/halloween-cross-s...Halloween Cross Stitch
/collections/fruits-and-the-bunchFruits and the Bunch
/collections/pastel-rainbow-co...Pastel Rainbow
/collections/summer-nightsSummer Nights
/collections/sweet-treatsSweet Treats
/collections/yarnsShop All Yarn
/products/the-chunky-wool-100g...The Chunky Wool
/products/the-lil-merino-50g-b...Lil' Merino
/products/the-homestead-yarn-1...Homestead Yarn
/collections/the-cotton-oneThe Cotton One
/collections/the-melange-woolMelange Wool
/products/woolmere-luxe-25g-ballsWoolmere Luxe
/products/cotton-braid-50g-ballsCotton Braid
/collections/secret-garden-dk-...Secret Garden DK
/products/the-wonder-yarn-100g...The Wonder Yarn
/collections/yarns?pf_t_yarn_c...Subdomain Packs of 10
/collections/pack-of-5Packs of 5
/collections/chunky-super-chunkyChunky & Super Chunky
/collections/merino-woolMerino Wool
/collections/knitting-kitsAll Knitting Kits
/collections/knitting-kits/Bab...Baby & Kids
/collections/knitting-kits/hat...Hats & Headbands
/collections/knitting-kits/Sca...Scarves & Snoods
/collections/knitting-kits/Hom...Blankets & Homeware
/collections/knitting-kits/Jum...Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/knitting-kits/oth...Other Accessories
/collections/children-kitsKits for Kids
/collections/knitting-patternsAll Knitting Patterns
/collections/knitting-patterns...Blankets & Homewares
/collections/knitting-patterns...Text duplicate Hats & Headbands
/collections/knitting-patterns...Text duplicate Scarves & Snoods
/collections/knitting-patterns...Text duplicate Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/knitting-patterns...Text duplicate Baby & Kids
/collections/knitting-patterns...Text duplicate Other Accessories
/collections/craft-your-fashio...Text duplicate Craft your Fashion
/collections/pastel-rainbow-co...Text duplicate Pastel Rainbow
/collections/kali-friends-coll...Kali & Friends Collection
/collections/daydreamer-collec...Daydreamer Collection
/collections/fun-in-the-sun/kn...Fun in the Sun
/collections/knitting/Level:-A...Advanced Beginner
/products/knitters-of-tomorrowSubdomain Knitters of Tomorrow
/collections/knitting-kitsKnitting Kits
/collections/crochet-kitsAll Crochet Kits
/collections/crochet-kits/hats...Text duplicate Hats & Headbands
/collections/crochet-kits/Scar...Text duplicate Scarves & Snoods
/collections/crochet-kits/Home...Text duplicate Blankets & Homeware
/collections/crochet-patternsAll Crochet Patterns
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Text duplicate Blankets & Homewares
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Text duplicate Hats & Headbands
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Text duplicate Scarves & Snoods
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Text duplicate Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Text duplicate Other Accessories
/collections/craft-your-fashio...Text duplicate Craft your Fashion
/collections/contrast-baby-bri...Baby Brights Collection
/collections/fruits-and-the-bunchText duplicate Fruits and the Bunch
/collections/sweet-treatsText duplicate Sweet Treats
/collections/kali-friends-coll...Kali & Friends
/collections/crochet/Level:-Be...Text duplicate Beginner
/collections/crochet/Level:-Ad...Text duplicate Advanced Beginner
/collections/crochet/Level:-In...Text duplicate Intermediate
/collections/crochet/Level:-Ex...Text duplicate Experienced
/collections/crochet-kitsSubdomain Crochet Kits
/collections/cross-stitchCross Stitch
/collections/cross-stitch-kitsShop all Kits
/collections/find-your-clubFind Your Club
/collections/find-your-clubText duplicate Find Your Club
/collections/toolsShop All Tools
/collections/knitting-needlesKnitting Needles
/collections/crochet-hooksCrochet Hooks
/products/sewing-needleSewing Needle
/products/cable-needleCable Needle
/collections/booksShop All Books
/collections/books/KnittingKnitting Books
/collections/books/CrochetCrochet Books
/collections/toolsText duplicate Shop All Tools
/collections/tools/Project-BagProject Bags
/collections/tools/pom-pomsPom Poms & Makers
/products/gift-card-classicGift Card
/collections/tools/Project-BagSubdomain Text duplicate Project Bags
/collections/knitting-needles-...Needles & Hooks
/blogs/getting-startedHow-To & Blog
/blogs/getting-startedGetting Started
/blogs/knitting-tipsKnitting Tips
/blogs/crochet-tipsCrochet Tips
/pages/about-us-1Our Story
/blogs/our-journalThe S&S Blog
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/blogs/crochet-video-tutorialsCrochet Videos
/blogs/crochet-video-tutorials...Subdomain Crochet Videos (Left-Handed)
/blogs/cross-stitch-video-tuto...Cross Stitch Videos
/pages/contact-usContact Us
/blogs/getting-started/washing...Wash & Care
/pages/pattern-errataPattern Corrections
/blogs/getting-started/stitch-...Kit Levels Explained
/blogs/knitting-video-tutorialsText duplicate Knitting Videos
/collections/care-bears-collec...Care Bear Collection
/collections/peanutsText duplicate Peanuts Collection
/collections/new-inText duplicate New In
/collections/new-inText duplicate Shop all New
/collections/craft-your-fashionText duplicate Craft your Fashion
/collections/halloween-cross-s...Text duplicate Halloween Cross Stitch
/collections/fruits-and-the-bunchText duplicate Fruits and the Bunch
/collections/pastel-rainbow-co...Text duplicate Pastel Rainbow
/collections/summer-nightsText duplicate Summer Nights
/collections/sweet-treatsText duplicate Sweet Treats
/collections/yarnsText duplicate Yarns
IMG-ALT A hand is holding a ball of 100% merino wool Stitch & story The Chunky Wool in front of the camera, above another 9 balls of the same yarn. The colour shown ...
/collections/yarnsText duplicate Shop All Yarn
/products/the-chunky-wool-100g...Text duplicate The Chunky Wool
/products/the-lil-merino-50g-b...Text duplicate Lil' Merino
/products/the-homestead-yarn-1...Text duplicate Homestead Yarn
/collections/the-cotton-oneText duplicate The Cotton One
/products/jolie-yarn-100g-ballsText duplicate Jolie
/collections/the-melange-woolText duplicate Melange Wool
/products/woolmere-luxe-25g-ballsText duplicate Woolmere Luxe
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/collections/daydreamer-collec...Text duplicate Daydreamer
/collections/secret-garden-dk-...Text duplicate Secret Garden DK
/products/the-wonder-yarn-100g...Text duplicate The Wonder Yarn
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/collections/chunky-super-chunkyText duplicate Chunky & Super Chunky
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/collections/dk-yarnsText duplicate DK
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/collections/wool-fibreText duplicate Wool
/collections/knittingText duplicate Knitting
/collections/knitting-kitsText duplicate All Knitting Kits
/collections/knitting-kits/Bab...Text duplicate Baby & Kids
/collections/knitting-kits/hat...Text duplicate Hats & Headbands
/collections/knitting-kits/Sca...Text duplicate Scarves & Snoods
/collections/knitting-kits/Hom...Text duplicate Blankets & Homeware
/collections/knitting-kits/Jum...Text duplicate Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/knitting-kits/oth...Text duplicate Other Accessories
/collections/children-kitsText duplicate Kits for Kids
/collections/knitting-patternsText duplicate All Knitting Patterns
/collections/knitting-patterns...Text duplicate Blankets & Homewares
/collections/knitting-patterns...Text duplicate Hats & Headbands
/collections/knitting-patterns...Text duplicate Scarves & Snoods
/collections/knitting-patterns...Text duplicate Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/knitting-patterns...Text duplicate Baby & Kids
/collections/knitting-patterns...Text duplicate Other Accessories
/collections/craft-your-fashio...Text duplicate Craft your Fashion
/collections/pastel-rainbow-co...Text duplicate Pastel Rainbow
/collections/kali-friends-coll...Text duplicate Kali & Friends Collection
/collections/daydreamer-collec...Text duplicate Daydreamer Collection
/collections/fun-in-the-sun/kn...Text duplicate Fun in the Sun
/collections/knitting/Level:-B...Text duplicate Beginner
/collections/knitting/Level:-A...Text duplicate Advanced Beginner
/collections/knitting/Level:-I...Text duplicate Intermediate
/collections/knitting/Level:-E...Text duplicate Experienced
/collections/knitting-kitsText duplicate Knitting Kits
IMG-ALT Knitting Kits
/collections/crochetText duplicate Crochet
/collections/crochet-kitsText duplicate All Crochet Kits
/collections/crochet-kits/hats...Text duplicate Hats & Headbands
/collections/crochet-kits/Scar...Text duplicate Scarves & Snoods
/collections/crochet-kits/Home...Text duplicate Blankets & Homeware
/collections/crochet-patternsText duplicate All Crochet Patterns
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Text duplicate Blankets & Homewares
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Text duplicate Hats & Headbands
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Text duplicate Scarves & Snoods
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Text duplicate Jumpers & Cardigans
/collections/crochet-patterns/...Text duplicate Other Accessories
/collections/craft-your-fashio...Text duplicate Craft your Fashion
/collections/contrast-baby-bri...Text duplicate Baby Brights Collection
/collections/fruits-and-the-bunchText duplicate Fruits and the Bunch
/collections/sweet-treatsText duplicate Sweet Treats
/collections/kali-friends-coll...Text duplicate Kali & Friends
/collections/crochet/Level:-Be...Text duplicate Beginner
/collections/crochet/Level:-Ad...Text duplicate Advanced Beginner
/collections/crochet/Level:-In...Text duplicate Intermediate
/collections/crochet/Level:-Ex...Text duplicate Experienced
/collections/crochet-kitsSubdomain Text duplicate Crochet Kits
IMG-ALT Crochet Kits
/collections/cross-stitchText duplicate Cross Stitch
/collections/cross-stitch-kitsText duplicate Shop all Kits
/collections/find-your-clubText duplicate Find Your Club
/collections/toolsText duplicate Tools
/collections/toolsText duplicate Shop All Tools
/collections/knitting-needlesText duplicate Knitting Needles
/collections/crochet-hooksText duplicate Crochet Hooks
/products/sewing-needleText duplicate Sewing Needle
/products/cable-needleText duplicate Cable Needle
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/collections/books/CrochetText duplicate Crochet Books
/collections/toolsText duplicate Shop All Tools
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/collections/tools/pom-pomsText duplicate Pom Poms & Makers
/products/gift-card-classicText duplicate Gift Card
/collections/tools/Project-BagSubdomain Text duplicate Project Bags
IMG-ALT Project Bags
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/blogs/getting-startedText duplicate Getting Started
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/blogs/crochet-tipsText duplicate Crochet Tips
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/blogs/our-journalText duplicate The S&S Blog
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/blogs/cross-stitch-video-tuto...Text duplicate Cross Stitch Videos
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/pages/contact-usText duplicate Contact Us
/blogs/getting-started/washing...Text duplicate Wash & Care
/pages/pattern-errataText duplicate Pattern Corrections
/blogs/getting-started/stitch-...Text duplicate Kit Levels Explained
/blogs/knitting-video-tutorialsText duplicate Knitting Videos
IMG-ALT Knitting Videos
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/pages/contact-usText duplicate Contact
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/collections/baby-kidsNo Text
/collections/baby-kidsBABY CRAFT KITS Adorable Projects For Bundles Of Joy SHOP NOW
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Cheer Bear Knitting Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...Text duplicate Care Bears: Cheer Bear Knitting Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Cheer Bear & Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...Text duplicate Care Bears: Cheer Bear & Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Cheer Bear Amigurumi Crochet Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...Text duplicate Care Bears: Cheer Bear Amigurumi Crochet Kit
/products/care-bears-bedtime-b...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Bedtime Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-bedtime-b...Text duplicate Care Bears: Bedtime Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Cheer Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-cheer-bea...Text duplicate Care Bears: Cheer Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-funshine-...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-funshine-...Text duplicate Care Bears: Funshine Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-good-luck...IMG-ALT Care Bears: Good Luck Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/products/care-bears-good-luck...Text duplicate Care Bears: Good Luck Bear Cross Stitch Kit
/collections/kitsAll-in-one kits Everything you need to start your project
/pages/beginners-hubStitch-by-stitch instructions Designed with beginners in mind
/collections/yarnsSuper-soft yarn Quality yarns bursting with colours
/pages/contact-usExpert advice Got a question? Ask us anything!
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 The Chunky Wool 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...Pack of 10 The Chunky Wool 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...Silent Night
IMG-ALT Silent Night
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...Mustard Yellow
IMG-ALT Mustard Yellow
/products/pack-of-10-the-chunk...Stormy Grey
IMG-ALT Stormy Grey
/products/pack-of-10-the-lil-m...Text duplicate pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 The Lil Merino 50g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-lil-m...Pack of 10 The Lil Merino 50g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-lil-m...Peach Pink
IMG-ALT Peach Pink
/products/pack-of-10-the-lil-m...Baby Blue
IMG-ALT Baby Blue
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Text duplicate pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 Jolie Yarn 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Pack of 10 Jolie Yarn 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Cookies & Cream
IMG-ALT Cookies & Cream
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Text duplicate Pastel Rainbow
IMG-ALT Pastel Rainbow
/products/pack-of-10-jolie-yar...Wild Flowers
IMG-ALT Wild Flowers
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Text duplicate pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 The Melange Wool 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Pack of 10 The Melange Wool 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Pastel Beige
IMG-ALT Pastel Beige
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Loft Grey
IMG-ALT Loft Grey
/products/pack-of-10-the-melan...Blossom Pink
IMG-ALT Blossom Pink
/products/pack-of-10-eco-cotto...Text duplicate pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 Eco Cotton 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-eco-cotto...Pack of 10 Eco Cotton 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-eco-cotto...Canary Yellow
IMG-ALT Canary Yellow
/products/pack-of-10-eco-cotto...Pink Sherbet
IMG-ALT Pink Sherbet
/products/pack-of-10-eco-cotto...Electric Teal
IMG-ALT Electric Teal
/products/pack-of-10-woolmere-...Text duplicate pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 Woolmere Luxe 25g balls
/products/pack-of-10-woolmere-...Pack of 10 Woolmere Luxe 25g balls
IMG-ALT Thistle
IMG-ALT Magnolia
/products/pack-of-10-woolmere-...Text duplicate +2
/products/pack-of-10-daydreame...Text duplicate pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 Daydreamer Yarn 50g balls
/products/pack-of-10-daydreame...Pack of 10 Daydreamer Yarn 50g balls
/products/pack-of-10-daydreame...White Cotton
IMG-ALT White Cotton
/products/pack-of-10-daydreame...Rosy Pink
IMG-ALT Rosy Pink
/products/pack-of-10-daydreame...Text duplicate +2
/products/pack-of-10-the-wonde...Text duplicate pack of 10
IMG-ALT Pack of 10 The Wonder Yarn 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-wonde...Pack of 10 The Wonder Yarn 100g balls
/products/pack-of-10-the-wonde...Frosty Mint
IMG-ALT Frosty Mint
/products/pack-of-10-the-wonde...Deep Purple
IMG-ALT Deep Purple
/products/pack-of-10-the-wonde...Sweet Pink
IMG-ALT Sweet Pink
/products/giant-doughnut-cushi...No Text
/collections/pastel-rainbow-co...No Text
/collections/blankets-homewareNo Text
/products/luca-pom-hat-knittin...IMG-ALT Luca Pom Hat Knitting Kit
/products/luca-pom-hat-knittin...Text duplicate Luca Pom Hat Knitting Kit
/products/luca-pom-hat-knittin...Silent Night / Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Silent Night / Stone Teal
/products/luca-pom-hat-knittin...Stormy Grey / Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stormy Grey / Stone Teal
/products/luca-pom-hat-knittin...Stone Teal / Ivory White
IMG-ALT Stone Teal / Ivory White
/products/lola-pom-slippers-kn...IMG-ALT Lola Pom Slippers Knitting Kit
/products/lola-pom-slippers-kn...Text duplicate Lola Pom Slippers Knitting Kit
/products/lola-pom-slippers-kn...Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stone Teal
/products/lola-pom-slippers-kn...Fossil Grey
IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
/products/lola-pom-slippers-kn...Text duplicate Silent Night
IMG-ALT Silent Night
/products/mateusz-snood-knitti...IMG-ALT Mateusz Snood Knitting Kit
/products/mateusz-snood-knitti...Text duplicate Mateusz Snood Knitting Kit
/products/mateusz-snood-knitti...Text duplicate Stone Teal
IMG-ALT Stone Teal
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IMG-ALT Fossil Grey
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Stitch & Story | Crafting Made Simple
DIY knitting kits for all knitters, beginners and experts! Learn to knit video tutorials, patterns, and 100% merino wool yarn available.

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