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Heading level | Content |
H2 | Knowledge for action on climate change and health |
H2 | Climate and Health Explained |
H2 | Quick Facts |
H2 | Explore by Map |
H2 | Publications |
H2 | Tools |
H3 | Explore By |
H3 | Explore By Duplicate text |
H3 | Explore By: |
H3 | WHO demands urgent integration of health in climate negotiations ahead of COP29 |
H3 | 2024 State of Climate Services: Five-year Progress Report (2019–2024) |
H3 | Quality criteria for integrating health into Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) |
H3 | The 2024 Global Report of the Lancet Countdown |
H3 | The Rockefeller Foundation Identifies Critical Gaps in City Responses to Climate-induced Health Threats |
H3 | United Nations Issues Call to Action on Extreme Heat |
H3 | National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments (VAA) in Uganda |
H3 | Cholera in Lusaka |
H3 | Plan de Acción Climática Bogotá 2020 -2050 / Climate Action Plan for Bogotá 2020 -2050 |
H3 | Integrating Climate Change into Mental Health Policy in Vietnam |
H3 | The Need for Mental Health Support for Environmental Defenders in the Philippines |
H3 | Intervention North Carolina Healthy & Resilient Communities Initiative (NC HRCI) |
H3 | PERSIST: Climate School Educational Intervention on Youth Climate Emotions |
H3 | Stichting Klimaat Psychologie: For sustainable insights and green behavioral change |
H3 | Mental Health Effects due to the Double burden of COVID-19 and Extreme Heat and Drought in Afghanistan |
H3 | Responding to mental health challenges of flood-affected communities through technology-driven local solutions in Pakistan: The mPareshan Project |
H3 | Climate change and mental health impacts among Dalit communities in southwestern Bangladesh |
H3 | The Impacts of Climate Change on Mental Health of Tribal Communities in Jharkhand |
H3 | Using citizen science to identify the water and sanitation needs of homeless populations in Mexico City |
H3 | Predicting exposure to pathogens and AMR |
H3 | A model to identify real-time pathogen risks |
H3 | Real-time risk mapping to inform river users |
H3 | A pilot study for the One Health Living Lab |
H3 | Evaluating a bathing water quality app |
H3 | A tool to support local climate adaptations |
H3 | Predicting Health Risks for Swimmers |
H3 | Does information about water quality change behaviour? |
H3 | How climate change affects bacterial communities |
H3 | Sampling methods along the Arrone River |
H3 | The spread of antimicrobial-resistant pathogens |
H3 | Modelling risks due to urban transformation and climate change scenarios |
H3 | Mosquitoes: From Nuisance to Public Health Concern |
H3 | Safeguarding Sweden’s population against ticks |
H3 | Listening to Communities is Key to Preparing for the Public Health Implications of El Niño in Zambia |
H3 | Identifying malaria risk in Niger |
H3 | An integrated early warning dengue system in Viet Nam |
H3 | Enhancing the climate and disaster resilience of the most vulnerable settlements in Lao People’s Democratic Republic |
H3 | Tracking climate change-related health impacts in Europe using evidence-based indicators |
H3 | One Health approach helps NOAA to integrate weather, water and climate services |
H3 | Real-time monitoring and alerts of allergenic pollen risk across Europe |
H3 | Enabling environment for integrated risk monitoring and climate-informed early warning systems in Fiji |
H3 | The Caribbean Health Climatic Bulletin is the result of partnership-driven climate services for health |
H3 | Smart health-care facilities provide safer and greener health services in the Caribbean |
H3 | Model-based risk assessments of vector-borne disease emergence with climate change in CanadaModel-based risk assessments of vector-borne disease emergence with climate change in Canada |
H3 | The Local Climate Adaptation Tool supporting local decision makers in the UK to identify adaptation measures |
H3 | Integrating climate and environmental information from satellites into health surveillance systems for Myanmar |
H3 | How Colombia’s Climate and Health Bulletin is improving the management of environmental health and climate services |
H3 | Improving clean water provision and nutrition through drought anticipation measures in Kenya |
H3 | Improving clean water provision and nutrition through drought anticipation measures in Kenya Duplicate text |
H3 | Food security and shock response systems support social protection in Mauritania and the Sahel |
H3 | Women climate champions fighting heatwaves and reshaping the urban climate agenda |
H3 | Next generation chlorine dispensers for safe water, delivering a climate-health solution at scale |
H3 | COP28 Prospectus of Climate & Health Solutions |
H3 | Vulnerability to Resilience (V2R) project for climate-resilient WASH in Bangladesh |
H3 | Detection of climate-sensitive pathogens via wastewater surveillance in refugee camps in Bangladesh |
H3 | Nagaland, India Solar Power Project |
H3 | Developing a climate-resilient workforce through the establishment of Zambia’s first-ever Family Medicine program |
H3 | Transitioning to lower-emissions cooking and heating energy sources for rural households in Northern China |
H3 | Reducing the global spread of dengue haemorrhagic fever by introducing the Wolbachia bacteria into mosquitoes |
H3 | CARBOMICA: a carbon mitigation and resource allocation modelling tool for the healthcare sector in East Africa |
H3 | AI for Resilient Cities: bringing together technology and community outreach for heat-health interventions in India |
H3 | Project Optimize: Green Vaccine Supply Chain in Tunisia |
H3 | Developing early warning, alert and response systems (EWARS) to combat climate-sensitive diseases in Ethiopia |
H3 | Integrated approach to building community mental health resilience in response to Cyclone Mocha in Myanmar |
H3 | Occupational heat stress intervention to prevent Chronic Kidney Disease of undetermined causes (CKDnT) among sugarcane workers in Nicaragua |
H3 | Solarization of medical oxygen systems in India |
H3 | ‘Energy for Health’ initiative for renewable energy at 25,000 primary health facilities in India |
H3 | Engaging across sectors in six cities to realise health benefits of action on air pollution |
H3 | Preventing climate-driven outbreaks of malaria through scalable and cost effective Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention programs in Africa |
H3 | Promoting active travel while combating climate change through the “More bikes, less emissions” program in Buenos Aires |
H3 | Solar powered refrigerators for sustainable last mile vaccine delivery |
H3 | Conservation of critical rainforest ecosystems and improving health through investment in community-designed solutions in Indonesia |
H3 | Cutting the carbon footprint of Greener NHS healthcare estates |
H3 | Nature exclosures for carbon sequestration to generate revenue, rehabilitate nature and improve agricultural yields in the highlands of Ethiopia |
H3 | Implementing nature-based solutions through multi-sector, multi-organisation collaboration to enhance urban resilience to climate change in Malaysia |
H3 | Strengthening climate resilience of the Laos health system: the first-ever Green Climate Fund project on climate and health |
H3 | Financing climate resilient hospitals through green building standards in Latin America and the Caribbean |
H3 | Healthy Environments and Lives (HEAL): Australia’s first nationally funded research network at the nexus of climate-health science, research and policy translation |
H3 | Guidance Notes on Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work |
H3 | Zero regrets: scaling up action on climate change mitigation and adaptation for health in the WHO European Region, second edition. Key messages from the Working Group on Health in Climate Change |
H3 | Copernicus Health Hub |
H3 | Observatório de Clima e Saúde de Brasil |
H3 | Engaging communities to consider their local response to climate change in Scotland, UK |
H3 | Climate change and health resilience actions in São Tomé and Príncipe |
H3 | Regenerating rainforests by listening to communities: A planetary health approach to the climate and nature crisis in Madagascar |
H3 | Bridging Gaps between Health Professionals, Community Health Workers and Communities through Panchayat Raj Institution (PRI) |
H3 | The Fukuoka Method – A Clean Development Mechanism – at Haags Bosch Sanitary Landfill Facility in Guyana |
H3 | Health benefits of raising ambition in Colombia’s nationally determined contribution ( NDC) : WHO technical report |
H3 | How Is India Adapting to Heatwaves?: An Assessment of Heat Action Plans With Insights for Transformative Climate Action |
H3 | EU/CARIFORUM Caribbean Climate Change and Health Leaders Fellowship Training Program |
H3 | Forecasting the risk of dengue outbreaks in Barbados |
H3 | AIR Plan & Health Co-benefits for Ahmedabad |
H3 | Ahmedabad’s Heat Action Plan: Development and lessons learned |
H3 | Environmental Stewardship: An implementation guide for boards, executive leaders, and clinical staff: Meeting hospital standards and beyond |
H3 | Environmental Stewardship: An implementation guide for boards, management, and clinical staffL meeting long term care standards and beyond |
H3 | Primary Protection: Enhancing Health Care Resilience for a Changing Climate |
H3 | Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Health Care Facilities Toolkit |
H3 | Health Care Facility Climate Change Resiliency Toolkit |
H3 | Bringing health into climate policy-making in Accra using the WHO Urban Health Initiative model-process |
H3 | Strong systems and sound investments: Evidence on and key insights into accelerating progress on sanitation, drinking-water and hygiene – UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and D... |
H3 | Climate change and health: the national policy overview in Europe |
H3 | Map viewer: Accessibility of hospitals in Europe |
H3 | Map viewer: Availability of urban green spaces to vulnerable groups |
H3 | Addressing Rising Demand for Cooling in India with Cool Roofs |
H3 | Climate Resilience for Frontline Clinics Toolkit |
H3 | Climate change as a threat to health and well-being in Europe: focus on heat and infectious diseases |
H3 | From Pollution to Solution in Africa’s Cities: The case for investing in air pollution and climate change together |
H3 | Climate Change Negotiations and Health |
H3 | Feeling the Heat: How California’s Workplace Heat Standards Can Inform Stronger Protections Nationwide |
H3 | Pronóstico Climático – Peru |
H3 | Compendio de clima y salud: resúmenes ejecutivos |
H3 | Nota Técnica: Escenarios de ocurrencia de dengue y malaria a nivel nacional en clima futuro |
H3 | Resumen ejecutivo sobre la inclusión de servicios climáticos para la formulación de políticas públicas para el sector salud |
H3 | Identificación de parámetros para el análisis de vulnerabilidad en el sector salud por peligros climáticos |
H3 | Perspective climatique – Madagascar |
H3 | Bulletin Climat-Santé – Madagascar |
H3 | Climate Hazards and Vulnerability Atlas – India |
H3 | National Flash Flood Guidance Bulletin – India |
H3 | Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) – India |
H3 | Climate assessments – Croatia |
H3 | UV Index – Croatia |
H3 | Climate Atlas of Croatia |
H3 | Información sobre radiación solar UV en Argentina como base para distintas aplicaciones |
H3 | Sistema de alerta temprana por Temperaturas Extremas Frío (SAT-TE Frío) – Argentina |
H3 | Sistema de Alerta Temprana por Temperaturas Extremas Frío (SAT-TE Frío) – Argentina |
H3 | Sistema de Alerta Temprana por Temperaturas Extremas Calor (SAT-TE Calor): la evolución del SAT-OCS – Argentina |
H3 | Cold Wave: Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change |
H3 | Wildfire: Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change |
H3 | Heatwave: Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change |
H3 | Drought: Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change |
H3 | Sea-Level Rise: Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change |
H3 | Storms: Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change |
H3 | Floods: Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change |
H3 | Asian Dust Forecast – South Korea |
H3 | Pollen Allergy Risk Forecast – South Korea |
H3 | Typhoon Forecast – South Korea |
H3 | Impact-based Forecast for Cold and Heat Events – South Korea |
H3 | Drought Forecast – South Korea |
H3 | UV Index Forecast – South Korea |
H3 | Warning Advisory System for Sand and Dust Storm – Burkina Faso |
H3 | Desert Dust Outbreak in the Canary Islands (February 2020): Assessment and Impacts |
H3 | Avisos: Tormentas – España |
H3 | Predicción de niveles de riesgo de incendio – España |
H3 | Monitor de sequía meteorológica – España |
H3 | Predicción de radiación ultravioleta – España |
H3 | Pronóstico climático estacional – Costa Rica |
H3 | Efectos del clima, su variabilidad y cambio climático sobre la salud humana en Costa Rica |
H3 | Sistema de Alerta Temprana de Incendios Forestales (SATIF) – Costa Rica |
H3 | Hazard warnings (Thunderstorm / Rain / Fire / Heat) – Finland |
H3 | Air Quality Index – Finland |
H3 | Severe Thunderstorm Warning – Finland |
H3 | Extreme Heat and Cold Warning – Finland |
H3 | Forest Fire Warning – Finland |
H3 | UV Index – Finland |
H3 | Weather Warning for Pedestrians – Finland |
H3 | Climate and Health Bulletin – Nigeria |
H3 | Seasonal Climate Prediction – Nigeria |
H3 | Air Quality Index – Slovenia |
H3 | Heat / Cold / Fire / Storms Warning – Slovenia |
H3 | Agrometeorological Forecast and Data – Slovenia |
H3 | Flood Warning – Slovenia |
H3 | Regional Pollen Forecast – Slovenia |
H3 | Air Quality Information System – South Africa |
H3 | Fire Danger Index – South Africa |
H3 | Health and Climate Change Urban Profiles: Washington, District of Columbia |
H3 | Health and Climate Change Urban Profiles: Quito |
H3 | Health and Climate Change Urban Profiles: Kisumu county |
H3 | Health and Climate Change Urban Profiles: Glasgow |
H3 | Health and Climate Change Urban Profiles: Indianapolis |
H3 | Health and Climate Change Urban Profiles: Accra |
H3 | Myanmar National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to Climate Change |
H3 | Singapore Climate Action Plan: Take Action Today, for a Climate-Efficient Singapore |
H3 | Mumbai Climate Action Plan 2022 |
H3 | Health checks during extreme heat events |
H3 | Air pollution: causes and impacts (MOOC) |
H3 | European Climate Data Explorer |
H3 | Heat Action Platform |
H3 | The Essential Environmental Public Health Functions. A framework to Implement the Agenda for the Americas on Health, Environment, and Climate Change 2021-2030 |
H3 | Caribbean Action Plan on Health and Climate Change |
H3 | Plan andino de salud y cambio climático 2020-2025 |
H3 | Agenda for the Americas on Health, Environment, and Climate Change 2021–2030 |
H3 | Protocolo para evaluar la situación del agua, el saneamiento y la higiene en establecimientos de salud con atención a la resiliencia al clima |
H3 | Climate Change for Health Professionals: A Pocket Book |
H3 | Nota Técnica: Sistema de Alerta Temprana por Olas de Calor y Salud (SAT-OCS) – Argentina |
H3 | SMN Avisos a Corto Plazo |
H3 | KMD Maproom (Kenya) |
H3 | Ireland Pollen Forecast |
H3 | UV Index maps for Ireland |
H3 | Ireland Storm Centre |
H3 | Ireland Climate Action Plan 2021 |
H3 | Monitoreo de Olas de Calor |
H3 | Índice Observado y Pronosticado de Radiación UV |
H3 | Extreme weather warnings and forecasts |
H3 | Vigilance Meteo et Marine |
H3 | Plan D’actions Du Senegal (2006- 2020) pour la Mise en Place du Cadre National pour les Services Climatologiques (CNSC) |
H3 | Bulletin de Surveillance de la Qualité de l’air Madagascar |
H3 | Madagascar Maproom |
H3 | Vigilance météorologique Madagascar |
H3 | Vigilance Cyclones Tropicaux Madagascar |
H3 | Flood warning services – Australia |
H3 | Drought Knowledge Centre – Australia |
H3 | Fire weather services – Australia |
H3 | Severe weather knowledge centre – Australia |
H3 | AirRater |
H3 | Madagascar: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2022 |
H3 | Lebanon: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2021 |
H3 | Bulgaria: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2021 |
H3 | Iraq: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2021 |
H3 | Malta: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2021 |
H3 | Iceland: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2022 |
H3 | Czechia: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2021 |
H3 | Iran: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2022 |
H3 | Israel: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2022 |
H3 | Occupied Palestinian territories: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2022 |
H3 | Slovakia: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2021 |
H3 | Identificación de Eventos de “Olas de Frío Extremo” en la Amazonía Peruana |
H3 | Identificación de Eventos de “Olas de Calor” en la Amazonía Peruana |
H3 | CH2018 Technical Report: Climate Scenarios for Switzerland |
H3 | Planetary Health starts at home – how Germany’s health professionals are leading transformative change |
H3 | Health Benefits of Open Streets in Latin America |
H3 | Protection Resilience Efficiency and Prevention for Workers in Industrial Agriculture in a Changing Climate: The Adelante Initiative (Nicaragua) |
H3 | ANACIM Maproom (Senegal) |
H3 | UK National Meteorological Library and Archive |
H3 | Climate Change Adaptation through Implementation of Climate-resilient Water Safety Planning in Tanzania |
H3 | UK Storm Centre |
H3 | MEDMI Mortality and Temperature Application |
H3 | Health of Canadians in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action |
H3 | Public Weather Alerts for Canada |
H3 | Hello Weather Canada: Automated Telephone Service |
H3 | WeatherCAN | Canada’s Weather App |
H3 | Alert Ready: Canada’s emergency alerting system |
H3 | Info-Smog |
H3 | Canada Weather Information |
H3 | Canada’s wind chill index |
H3 | Volcanic Ash Products – Montreal Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) |
H3 | Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change in Canada: an update on the National Adaptation Strategy |
H3 | Climate Atlas of Canada |
H3 | |
H3 | ClimateWest |
H3 | Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) |
H3 | Canadian Centre for Climate Services Support Desk and Resource Hub |
H3 | Shifting Risks of Malaria in Southern Africa: A Regional Analysis |
H3 | Plague in a Changing Environment: A Literature Review for Madagascar |
H3 | Malaria Early Warning in Ethiopia: A Roadmap for Scaling to the National Level |
H3 | Climate Risk Profile: Guinea |
H3 | Effects Of Climate Change On The Social & Environmental Determinants Of Health In Africa: What Can Communities Do To Strengthen Their Climate Resilience? |
H3 | Climate And Health Consortium For Africa: Roundtable Discussion |
H3 | Health and Environment Joint Interventions in Africa: Third Interministerial Conference On Health And Environment In Africa, Libreville, Gabon 6–9 November 2018 |
H3 | Strategic Action Plan to Scale Up Health and Environment Interventions in Africa 2019–2029 |
H3 | Framework for Scaling Up Investments in Priority Health and Environment Interventions: Third Interministerial Conference On Health And Environment In Africa Libreville, Gabon 6–9 November 2018 |
H3 | The Libreville Declaration on Health and Environment in Africa: 10 years on, 2008 – 2018 |
H3 | Third Inter-ministerial Conference On Health And Environment In Africa: Conference Proceedings and Outcomes |
H3 | Assessment of Climate Change-related Risks and Vulnerabilities in the Health Sector in Togo |
H3 | Togo Plan National d’Adaptation du Secteur de la Santé aux Effets des Changements Climatiques (PNAS)) |
H3 | Tanzania: Health National Adaptation Plan to Climate Change in Tanzania 2018 – 2023 |
H3 | Plan d’Action National d’Adaptation du Secteur Santé au Changement Climatique à Madagascar |
H3 | Ethiopia National Health Adaptation Plan to Climate Change 2018-2020 |
H3 | Health of People, Health of Planet, and Our Responsibility: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health |
H3 | How to reach vulnerable populations? Evaluation of UV index, heat warning system, air-borne pollen and ozone forecasts in Germany |
H3 | Looking back: Documenting lessons learned from a climate and health project in Ethiopia |
H3 | Using climate knowledge to guide dengue prevention and risk communication ahead of Brazil’s 2014 FIFA World Cup |
H3 | Using climate information to predict and control meningitis epidemics in West Africa |
H3 | Improving malaria evaluation and planning with enhanced climate services in East Africa |
H3 | Early warning systems to guide infectious disease control in Europe |
H3 | Managing the health impacts of drought in Brazil: A comprehensive risk reduction framework |
H3 | Comprehensive climate risk modelling framework to help protect future food and water safety in Canada |
H3 | Healthy Futures Atlas: A publicly available resource for evaluating climate change risks on water-related and vector-borne disease in eastern Africa |
H3 | Bio-climatic bulletins to forecast dengue vectors in Panama |
H3 | Forecasting malaria transmission: finding the basis for making district scale predictions in Uganda |
H3 | Forecasting wildland fire smoke hazards in urban and rural areas in Manitoba, Canada |
H3 | Mapping and modelling plague in Uganda to improve health outcomes |
H3 | MalaClim: climate-based suitability mapping to inform vector control programmes in the Solomon Islands |
H3 | Climate-specific pollen indicators and population exposure monitoring tools to better manage the allergy season in Hungary |
H3 | The Brazilian Observatory of Climate and Health: Experience of organizing and disseminating climate and health information in Manaus, Amazon region |
H3 | EPIDEMIA: integrating climate information and disease surveillance for malaria epidemic forecasting in Ethiopia |
H3 | Vector-virus microclimate surveillance system for dengue control in Machala, Ecuador |
H3 | Innovative community-based data collection to understand and find solutions to rainfall-related diarrhoeal diseases in Ecuador |
H3 | Predicting the impacts of climate on dengue in Brazil: integrated risk modelling and mapping |
H3 | Iterative development and testing of a heat warning and information system in Alberta, Canada |
H3 | Malaria sensitivity to climate in Colombia: The importance of data availability, quality and format |
H3 | Analysis of the health impacts of climate variability in four major South American cities |
H3 | Understanding the sensitivity of dengue to climate and urban risk factors in Minas Gerais State, Brazil |
H3 | Vulnerability and adaptation assessment: Identifying climate information and decision needs in Bhutan |
H3 | Working with communities in East Africa to manage diarrhoeal disease and dengue risk in a changing climate |
H3 | Madagascar Climate and Health Working Group |
H3 | Long-term climate and health collaboration in Ethiopia to improve forecasting of malaria outbreaks |
H3 | Integrating air quality, health and meteorological expertise to address the impact of poor air quality on health in India |
H3 | Ecuador–Peru cooperation for climate-informed dengue surveillance: creating an interdisciplinary multinational team |
H3 | Vitrina del Conocimiento en Clima y Salud – Perú |
H3 | Adapting to the impacts of heatwaves in a changing climate in Botkyrka, Sweden |
H3 | National Guidelines for Preparation of Action Plan – Prevention and Management of Heat Wave |
H3 | Forest fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa 2019 |
H3 | Arotakenga Huringa Āhuarangi: A Framework for the National Climate Change Risk Assessment for Aotearoa New Zealand |
H3 | Dangerous Summer: Escalating Bushfire, Heat and drought Risk |
H3 | Heat waves and human health: Emerging evidence and experience to inform risk management in a warming world. |
H3 | Designing user-driven climate services: What we can learn from the Climandes project: A checklist for practitioners, scientists and policy makers |
H3 | Clima y Salud en La Argentina: Diagnóstico de Situación 2018 |
H3 | Human Health Impacts of Climate Change for New Zealand: Evidence Summary |
H3 | Ghana: Health and Climate Change Country Profile |
H3 | Climate Change and Health Risks in Senegal |
H3 | Peru Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Desktop Study |
H3 | A proposed Approach to Monitoring and Assessing drought in the Caribbean |
H3 | Adaptation aux changements climatiques en Suisse : stratégie du Conseil fédéral |
H3 | Plan D’actions Du Senegal (2006- 2020) pour la Mise en Place du Cadre National pour les Services Climatologiques (CNSC) Duplicate text |
H3 | Pacific islands action plan on climate change and health |
H3 | Nationale klimaatadaptatiestrategie 2016 |
H3 | DOE Climate Change Adaptation Plan |
H3 | Department of the Interior Climate Change Adaptation Plan |
H3 | FY 2014 Climate Change Adaptation Plan U.S. Department of Education |
H3 | HHS Climate Adaptation Plan |
H3 | Housing and Urban Development Climate Change Adaptation Plan |
H3 | U.S. Department of Justice Climate Change Adaptation Plan |
H3 | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Climate Change Adaptation Plan |
H3 | US Department of Agriculture Climate Change Adaptation Plan |
H3 | USDA Forest Service Climate Change Adaptation Plan |
H3 | Climate adaptation plan for the Territories of the Yakama Nation |
H3 | Climate change and health in small island developing states |
H3 | The Minnesota climate and health strategic plan: August 2016 – August 2021 (updated April 2019) |
H3 | Nationaal Hitteplan |
H3 | Heat-Health Action Plan of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
H3 | Karachi Heatwave Management Plan: A Guide to Planning and Response |
H3 | Plano de contingência temperaturas extremas adversas |
H3 | Portugal Plano de Contingência para Temperaturas Extremas Adversas – Módulo Calor |
H3 | Vigilancia y Control de los Efectos de las Olas de Calor 2017 – Madrid |
H3 | Plan nacional de actuaciones preventivas de los efectos del exceso de temperaturas sobre la salud – España |
H3 | Plan de vigilancia y prevención de los efectos del exceso de temperaturas sobre la salud – Extremadura |
H3 | Genève: Plan canicule pour les aîné-e-s |
H3 | Plan Vaudois de Prévention et d’Intervention Sanitaire en cas de Canicule |
H3 | City of Philadelphia Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan |
H3 | California Contingency Plan for Excessive Heat Emergencies |
H3 | Arizona’s Climate and Health Adaptation Plan |
H3 | New Hampshire Excessive Heat Emergency Response Plan |
H3 | Brasilia DF Plano de Contingência para Emergência em Saúde Pública por Seca e Estiagem |
H3 | India National Action Plan For Climate Change & Human Health |
H3 | The United Republic of Tanzania One Health Strategic Plan 2015 – 2020 |
H3 | Adaptation aux changements climatiques en Suisse – Plan d’action 2020-2025 |
H3 | Adaptation aux changements climatiques en Suisse – Plan d’action 2014–2019 |
H3 | Plan de Acción Nacional de Salud y Cambio Climático – Argentina |
H3 | La Plata Plan de Contingencia Hidrometeorológica |
H3 | New South Wales State Heatwave Subplan |
H3 | South Australia Extreme Heat Strategy |
H3 | Heatwave plan for Victoria: Protecting health and reducing harm from heatwaves |
H3 | Turn Down the Heat: Strategy and action plan |
H3 | Gesamtstaatlicher Hitzeschutzplan |
H3 | Plan Vague de Chaleur et Pics d’Ozone |
H3 | Municipal Heat Response Planning in British Columbia, Canada |
H3 | Plan National Canicule – France |
H3 | Ahmedabad Heat Action Plan 2019 |
H3 | Heat Action Plan for Odisha, 2020 |
H3 | Rajasthan Draft Heat Action Plan |
H3 | Tamil Nadu Heat Wave Action Plan 2019 |
H3 | Telangana State Heatwave Action Plan |
H3 | Prevention and Management of Heat Wave in Uttar Pradesh 2018-19 |
H3 | Piano operativo nazionale di prevenzione degli effetti del caldo sulla salute – Italia |
H3 | Luxembourg Extreme Weather Plan |
H3 | Plan de Contingencia Fenómeno Hidrometeorologico 2013 – Quintana Roo |
H3 | Valle de Guadalupe Plan de Contingencia Fenómeno Perturbador Hidrometeorológico |
H3 | From Climate Science to Action |
H3 | Weather and Climate Services for Resilient Development: A Guide for Practitioners and Policy Makers |
H3 | Satellite Remote Sensing for Urban Heat Islands |
H3 | Training Module on Children’s Environmental Health: Climate Change |
H3 | Climate Change and Health: Training modules |
H3 | Flood Management training Manuals |
H3 | Fighting Water Scarcity in the West Bank and Gaza |
H3 | Improving Community WASH and Nutrition Resilience in Rural Bolivia |
H3 | Hourly drought predictions in India |
H3 | Using satellites to find groundwater in Ethiopia |
H3 | Ensuring safe water for communities affected by arsenic contamination in Cambodia |
H3 | Rwanda’s new water supply policy and strategy addresses climate risks |
H3 | Financing Climate Resilient Water and Sanitation and using Multiple User Systems in Madagascar |
H3 | Prioritising the Most At-Risk Children in Myanmar |
H3 | Operation of the Portuguese Contingency Heatwaves Plan |
H3 | Berlin Biotope Area Factor – Implementation of guidelines helping to control temperature and runoff |
H3 | Combating the heat island effect and poor air quality with green ventilation corridors |
H3 | Heat acclimatization and vulnerabilities of people living in the Sahel: The case of Senegal |
H3 | Too hot to handle? Heat resilience in urban South Sudan |
H3 | Beneficial effects of marine and coastal settings on health and well-being (United Kingdom) |
H3 | Assessment of exposure to methylmercury from fish and seafood on the Croatian coast |
H3 | Overcoming health consequences of Fukushima nuclear accident |
H3 | Mitigating health consequences of Chernobyl |
H3 | Buncefield Oil Depot fire 2005 |
H3 | Droughts in the Anthropocene |
H3 | WASH Climate Resilience: A Compendium of Case Studies |
H3 | Creating safe underground water stores in Bangladesh |
H3 | Safeguarding vulnerable island water supplies from the impacts of climate change |
H3 | Building climate-resilient toilets for school children in Mongolia |
H3 | Constructing flood-resilient toilets and protecting water sources in Peru |
H3 | Solar Powered Water Systems in Somaliland |
H3 | Solar Water Pumping for Schools in the Philippines |
H3 | Solar powered water supply for drought-prone communities in Uganda |
H3 | Planning Safe Water Supply in Kiribati |
H3 | Emerging climate change-related public health challenges in Africa: A case study of the heat-health vulnerability of informal settlement residents in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |
H3 | Social vulnerability to heatwaves – from assessment to implementation of adaptation measures in Košice and Trnava, Slovakia |
H3 | Heat Hotline Parasol – Kassel region |
H3 | Operation of the Austrian Heat Protection Plan |
H3 | Tatabánya, Hungary, addressing the impacts of urban heat waves and forest fires with alert measures |
H3 | Protecting The Elderly From Heat And Cold Stress In Hong Kong: Using Climate Information And Client-Friendly Communication Technology |
H3 | Supreme: An Integrated Heat Health Warning System For Quebec |
H3 | The Heat Health Warning System of DWD – Concept and Lessons Learned |
H3 | Vulnerability to heat stress: A case study of Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India |
H3 | Where Do We Need Shade? Mapping Urban Heat Islands in Richmond, Virginia |
H3 | Heatwave Early Actions Test in Hanoi |
H3 | Islas de calor, impactos y respuestas: El caso del cantón de Curridabat |
H3 | How Windsor-Essex Communicates Heat-Health Risks to the Public |
H3 | How Fredericton Developed a Heat Alert and Response System from the Ground Up |
H3 | How Winnipeg Chose its Heat Alert and Response System Alert Triggers |
H3 | Community Response to extreme-heat Events in the City of Ottawa |
H3 | How a Rural Community in Manitoba Reduces Impacts on Health from extreme-heat |
H3 | Evaluation of the Montréal Heat Plan Communication Program |
H3 | Climate Adapted People Shelters (CAPS) |
H3 | Cincinnati’s Urban Canopy Policy |
H3 | Cool Neighborhoods NYC |
H3 | Cool surfaces: roofs and roads |
H3 | Creating a Model Climate Resilient City |
H3 | Deadly Chicago Heat Wave of 1995 |
H3 | Developing an Early Warning System to Prevent Heat Illness |
H3 | Enhancing Syndromic Surveillance for Heat-Related Illness in Michigan with Improved Heat Syndrome Definition |
H3 | Expanding Heat Resilience Across India |
H3 | Expanding heat resilience across India: Heat Action Plan highlights |
H3 | Finding The Right Thresholds To Trigger Action In Heat Wave Early Warning Systems In Spain |
H3 | Green Roof Bylaw and Eco-roof incentive in Toronto |
H3 | Heat Wave And Health Risk Early Warning Systems In China |
H3 | Hermosillo, Mexico, Captures Heat-Related Illnesses at Medical Facilities Using New Database |
H3 | How hot will it be? Translating climate model outputs for public health practice in the United States |
H3 | Implementation of the Heat-Health Action Plan of North Macedonia (2014) |
H3 | Innovative Heat Wave Early Warning System And Action Plan In Ahmedabad, India |
H3 | Knowing When Cold Winters And Warm Summers Can Reduce Ambulatory Care Performance In London |
H3 | Managing health impacts of heat in South East Queensland, Australia |
H3 | Protecting People from Sweltering City Summers |
H3 | Heatwave plan for England |
H3 | Stuttgart: combating the heat island effect and poor air quality with green ventilation corridors |
H3 | Implementation of the Heat-Health Action Plan of North Macedonia |
H3 | Multi-Hazard approach to early warning system in Sogn og Fjordane, Norway |
H3 | Heat Health in Hong Kong: Lessons from the 1st Global Forum on Heat and Health |
H3 | Addressing heat-related health risks in urban India: Ahmedabad’s Heat Action Plan |
H3 | Augmenting Syndromic Surveillance for Real-time Situational Awareness During extreme-heat Events in Ottawa, Canada |
H3 | Bracing for Heat in Minnesota |
H3 | Building Evidence That Effective Heat Alert Systems Save Lives In Southeast Australia |
H3 | Catalyzing Investment and Building Capacity in Las Cruces |
H3 | Cctalk! Communicating Effectively With High-Risk Populations In Austria: A Five-Step Methodology |
H3 | Charting Colorado’s Vulnerability to Climate Change |
H3 | Baltic Sea Algae situation |
H3 | Gulf of Mexico Harmful Algal Bloom Forecast |
H3 | United States Drought Impact Reporter |
H3 | African Flood and Drought Monitor |
H3 | Dartmouth Flood Observatory (DFO) |
H3 | NOAA Automated Flood Warning System |
H3 | Mekong Flood and Drought Forecasting |
H3 | Bangladesh Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre |
H3 | European Flood Awareness System |
H3 | US National Allergy Map |
H3 | Swiss Pollen Forecast |
H3 | WMO North American Regional Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning and Advisory Centre (RVFSP-WAC) |
H3 | Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center |
H3 | European Air Quality Index |
H3 | Pollennieuws |
H3 | Zonkracht |
H3 | The Ontario Climate Change and Health Toolkit |
H3 | U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit |
H3 | |
H3 | Avisos Meteorológicos a nivel nacional (Peru) |
H3 | Heladas y Friajes (Peru) |
H3 | Índice Meteorológico de Incendios (Peru) |
H3 | Indicadores de sequías (Peru) |
H3 | Avisos Hidrológicos a nivel nacional (Peru) |
H3 | Pronóstico de radiación UV máximo (Peru) |
H3 | VAAC Wellington Ash Advisories |
H3 | New Zealand Pollen Advisories |
H3 | New Zealand Water Contamination Risk Levels |
H3 | New Zealand UV Warnings |
H3 | New Zealand Severe Weather Warnings, Watches and Outlooks |
H3 | Environmental Health Intelligence New Zealand |
H3 | Air Quality Map (New Zealand) |
H3 | LAWA Environmental Data Explorer (New Zealand) |
H3 | New Zealand Drought Monitor |
H3 | New Zealand River Flood Statistics |
H3 | New Zealand UV Index |
H3 | GeoNet Geological hazard information for New Zealand |
H3 | New Zealand Shellfish biotoxin alerts |
H3 | Netherlands Air Quality Map |
H3 | India Air Quality Early Warning System |
H3 | India System for Thunderstorm Observation,Prediction and Monitoring (STORM) |
H3 | Multi-hazard early warning system for India |
H3 | India Biomass fire information |
H3 | India Rainfall Monitoring |
H3 | India Quantitative Precipitation Forecast |
H3 | European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) |
H3 | Vigilance Maroc Météo |
H3 | RBG Risk Map Morocco |
H3 | Seasonal Climatic Suitability for Malaria Transmission in Tanzania |
H3 | TMA Map Room |
H3 | CH2018 – Swiss Climate Scenarios |
H3 | Swiss Pollen Calendars and Information |
H3 | Prévisions pollinique |
H3 | Swiss UV Index |
H3 | Swiss Natural Hazards Portal |
H3 | Monitoreo et Pronóstico de la Calidad de Aire, para Lima Metropolitana |
H3 | US SUHI Disparity Explorer |
H3 | Extreme Heat Vulnerability Map Tool: Future Heat Events and Social Vulnerability |
H3 | Experimental Heat Outlooks – Caribbean |
H3 | Caldo e Salute |
H3 | KMA Impact-based Heat Health Warning System (South Korea) |
H3 | EuroHEAT |
H3 | Drought Index Europe |
H3 | Heat Health Watch Warning System (France) |
H3 | Heatwave Service for Australia |
H3 | National Weather Service (US) |
H3 | NOAA Climate Prediction Center |
H3 | California Heat Assessment Tool (CHAT) |
H3 | Climate-ADAPT: sharing adaptation information across Europe (EC and EEA): |
H3 | South-East European Multi-Hazard Early Warning Advisory System |
H3 | Croatia Air Quality Data |
H3 | Croatia Lightening Strike Data |
H3 | Croatia 3-day Thermal Comfort Forecast |
H3 | Croatia forest fire hazard index |
H3 | Drought monitoring – Croatia |
H3 | Croatia UV Index |
H3 | Croatia Biometeorological Forecast |
H3 | Georgia Air Quality Portal |
H3 | German Pollen Count Hazard Index |
H3 | Germany Air Quality Measurements |
H3 | Climate Watch (Climate Atlas – Germany) |
H3 | European heat and cold waves map |
H3 | Heat warning map |
H3 | WarnWetter App |
H3 | Gefahrenindizes für Wetterfühlige |
H3 | DWD GesundheitsWetter-App |
H3 | Space Weather forecasts |
H3 | MEDMI Database |
H3 | Regional Air Quality Deterministic Prediction System |
H3 | Canadian Hurricane Centre |
H3 | European Climate and Health Observatory Resource catalog |
H3 | Mosquito Alert |
H3 | Meteo Rwanda Map Room |
H3 | Hong Kong Heat Index |
H3 | Cold and Very Hot Weather Warnings |
H3 | Location-specific Lightning Alerts |
H3 | Hong Kong Regional Information on Heavy Rain and Thunderstorm |
H3 | Hong Kong Ultraviolet (UV) radiation information |
H3 | Weather information for Senior Citizens |
H3 | Hong Kong Air Quality Health Index |
H3 | The Caribbean Regional Climate Centre (CariCOF) Dry Spell Outlook |
H3 | Caribbean Advanced Flood Forecasting |
H3 | US National Air Quality Forecast System |
H3 | US Vibrio Predictive Models |
H3 | US Future Heat Events and Social Vulnerability |
H3 | US Fire Weather Outlooks |
H3 | US Drought Portal |
H3 | US Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Monitoring System and Forecasts |
H3 | UK Air Pollution Forecasts |
H3 | UK pollen forecasts |
H3 | Chemical Meteorology (CHEMET) |
H3 | FireMet |
H3 | UK National Radiation Monitoring Network and Emergency Response System (RIMNET) |
H3 | UK Joint Agency Modelling (JAM) |
H3 | UK Cold Weather Alerts |
H3 | UK Heat-Health Watch Service |
H3 | England and Wales Fire Severity Index |
H3 | UK Flood Forecasting Centre |
H3 | Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service |
H3 | Copernicus Climate Change Service |
H3 | European Environment Agency |
H3 | NASA Data Portal |
H3 | Sistema de alerta temprana por ola de calor y salud (SAT-OCS) – Argentina |
H3 | Pronóstico de índice solar UV Argentina |
H3 | Catálogo de Datos Abiertos del SMN |
H3 | Caribbean Health-Climatic Bulletin |
H3 | Eastern Caribbean Dust and Air Quality Forecasting System |
H3 | Caribbean Regional Climate Centre (CariCOF) Temperature Outlooks |
H3 | The Caribbean Regional Climate Centre (CariCOF) Heat Outlooks |
H3 | 2023 State of Climate Services - Health |
H3 | Climate Services for Health: Fundamentals and case studies for improving public health decision-making in a new climate |
H3 | WHO Climate Change and Health Toolkit |
H3 | Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change data explorer |
H4 | This site uses cookies. |
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/understand/chapter-1/ | Learn More | | | New window External Subdomain | 1WHO (2018). Preventing disease through healthy environments: a global assessment of the burden of disease from environmental risks |
/resource-library/2023-state-o... | New window | 22023 State of Climate Services – Health | | New window External | 32024 Report of the Lancet Countdown | | New window External Subdomain | 4WHO (2018). COP24 special report: health and climate change |
/who-demands-urgent-integratio... | Trivial anchor text Read More | |
/resource-library/2024-state-o... | Text duplicate | Trivial anchor text Read More |
/resource-library/quality-crit... | Text duplicate | Trivial anchor text Read More |
/the-2024-global-report-of-the... | Text duplicate | Trivial anchor text Read More |
/the-rockefeller-foundation-id... | Text duplicate | Trivial anchor text Read More |
/united-nations-issues-call-to... | Text duplicate | Trivial anchor text Read More |
/resource-library/national-ada... | National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments (VAA) in Uganda 2024 Rockefeller Foundation | |
/resource-library/cholera-in-l... | Cholera in Lusaka 2024 Rockefeller Foundation | |
/resource-library/plan-de-acci... | Plan de Acción Climática Bogotá 2020 -2050 / Climate Action Plan for Bogotá 2020 -2050 2021 Secretaria de Ambiente Bogotá | |
/resource-library/ntegrating-c... | Integrating Climate Change into Mental Health Policy in Vietnam 2024 Connecting Climate Minds | |
/resource-library/the-need-for... | The Need for Mental Health Support for Environmental Defenders in the Philippines 2024 Connecting Climate Minds | |
/resource-library/intervention... | Intervention North Carolina Healthy & Resilient Communities Initiative (NC HRCI) 2024 Connecting Climate Minds | |
/resource-library/persist-clim... | PERSIST: Climate School Educational Intervention on Youth Climate Emotions 2024 Connecting Climate Minds | |
/resource-library/stichting-kl... | Stichting Klimaat Psychologie: For sustainable insights and green behavioral change 2024 Connecting Climate Minds | |
/resource-library/mental-healt... | Mental Health Effects due to the Double burden of COVID-19 and Extreme Heat and Drought in Afghanistan 2024 Connecting Climate Minds | |
/resource-library/responding-t... | Responding to mental health challenges of flood-affected communities through technology-driven local solutions in Pakistan: The mPareshan Project 2024 Connec... | |
/resource-library/climate-chan... | Climate change and mental health impacts among Dalit communities in southwestern Bangladesh 2024 Connecting Climate Minds | |
/resource-library/the-impacts-... | The Impacts of Climate Change on Mental Health of Tribal Communities in Jharkhand 2024 Connecting Climate Minds & Vihara Innovation Network | |
/resource-library/using-citize... | Using citizen science to identify the water and sanitation needs of homeless populations in Mexico City 2023 SEI Urban Toolbox for Liveable Cities | |
/resource-library/predicting-e... | Predicting exposure to pathogens and AMR 2023 Blue Adapt | |
/resource-library/a-model-to-i... | A model to identify real-time pathogen risks 2023 Blue Adapt | |
/resource-library/real-time-ri... | Real-time risk mapping to inform river users 2023 Blue Adapt | |
/resource-library/a-pilot-stud... | A pilot study for the One Health Living Lab 2023 Blue Adapt | |
/resource-library/evaluating-a... | Evaluating a bathing water quality app 2023 Blue Adapt | |
/resource-library/a-tool-to-su... | A tool to support local climate adaptations 2023 Blue Adapt | |
/resource-library/predicting-h... | Predicting Health Risks for Swimmers 2023 IDAlert | |
/resource-library/does-informa... | Does information about water quality change behaviour? 2023 Blue Adapt | |
/resource-library/how-climate-... | How climate change affects bacterial communities 2023 Blue Adapt | |
/resource-library/sampling-met... | Sampling methods along the Arrone River 2023 Blue Adapt | |
/resource-library/the-spread-o... | The spread of antimicrobial-resistant pathogens 2023 Blue Adapt | |
/resource-library/modelling-ri... | Modelling risks due to urban transformation and climate change scenarios 2020 IDAlert | |
/resource-library/mosquitoes-f... | Mosquitoes: From Nuisance to Public Health Concern 2023 IDAlert | |
/resource-library/safeguarding... | Safeguarding Sweden’s population against ticks 2023 IDAlert | |
/resource-library/listening-to... | Listening to Communities is Key to Preparing for the Public Health Implications of El Niño in Zambia 2023 Collective Service | |
/resource-library/identifying-... | Identifying malaria risk in Niger 2023 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/an-integrate... | An integrated early warning dengue system in Viet Nam 2023 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/enhancing-th... | Enhancing the climate and disaster resilience of the most vulnerable settlements in Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2023 World Meteorological Organization (... | |
/resource-library/tracking-cli... | Tracking climate change-related health impacts in Europe using evidence-based indicators 2023 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/one-health-a... | One Health approach helps NOAA to integrate weather, water and climate services 2023 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/real-time-mo... | Real-time monitoring and alerts of allergenic pollen risk across Europe 2023 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/enabling-env... | Enabling environment for integrated risk monitoring and climate-informed early warning systems in Fiji 2023 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/the-caribbea... | The Caribbean Health Climatic Bulletin is the result of partnership-driven climate services for health 2023 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/smart-health... | Smart health-care facilities provide safer and greener health services in the Caribbean 2023 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/model-based-... | Model-based risk assessments of vector-borne disease emergence with climate change in CanadaModel-based risk assessments of vector-borne disease emergence wi... | |
/resource-library/the-local-cl... | The Local Climate Adaptation Tool supporting local decision makers in the UK to identify adaptation measures 2023 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/integrating-... | Integrating climate and environmental information from satellites into health surveillance systems for Myanmar 2023 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/how-colombia... | How Colombia’s Climate and Health Bulletin is improving the management of environmental health and climate services 2023 World Meteorological Organization (W... | |
/resource-library/improving-cl... | Improving clean water provision and nutrition through drought anticipation measures in Kenya 2023 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/improving-cl... | Text duplicate | Improving clean water provision and nutrition through drought anticipation measures in Kenya 2023 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) |
/resource-library/food-securit... | Food security and shock response systems support social protection in Mauritania and the Sahel 2023 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/women-climat... | Women climate champions fighting heatwaves and reshaping the urban climate agenda 2023 Mahila Housing Trust (MHT) | |
/resource-library/next-generat... | Next generation chlorine dispensers for safe water, delivering a climate-health solution at scale 2023 Evidence Action | |
/resource-library/cop28-prospe... | COP28 Prospectus of Climate & Health Solutions 2023 COP28 UAE | |
/resource-library/vulnerabilit... | Vulnerability to Resilience (V2R) project for climate-resilient WASH in Bangladesh 2023 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) | |
/resource-library/detection-of... | Detection of climate-sensitive pathogens via wastewater surveillance in refugee camps in Bangladesh 2023 The Rockefeller Foundation | |
/resource-library/nagaland-sol... | Nagaland, India Solar Power Project 2023 The World Bank | |
/resource-library/developing-a... | Developing a climate-resilient workforce through the establishment of Zambia’s first-ever Family Medicine program 2023 Seed Global Health | |
/resource-library/transitionin... | Transitioning to lower-emissions cooking and heating energy sources for rural households in Northern China 2023 Pathfinder Initiative | |
/resource-library/reducing-the... | Reducing the global spread of dengue haemorrhagic fever by introducing the Wolbachia bacteria into mosquitoes 2023 World Mosquito Program (WMP) | |
/resource-library/carbomica-a-... | CARBOMICA: a carbon mitigation and resource allocation modelling tool for the healthcare sector in East Africa 2023 HIGH Horizons Consortium | |
/resource-library/ai-for-resil... | AI for Resilient Cities: bringing together technology and community outreach for heat-health interventions in India 2023 Sustainable Environment and Ecologic... | |
/resource-library/project-opti... | Project Optimize: Green Vaccine Supply Chain in Tunisia 2023 PATH | |
/resource-library/developing-e... | Developing early warning, alert and response systems (EWARS) to combat climate-sensitive diseases in Ethiopia 2023 World Health Organization (WHO) | |
/resource-library/integrated-a... | Integrated approach to building community mental health resilience in response to Cyclone Mocha in Myanmar 2023 PATH | |
/resource-library/occupational... | Occupational heat stress intervention to prevent Chronic Kidney Disease of undetermined causes (CKDnT) among sugarcane workers in Nicaragua 2023 La Isla Netw... | |
/resource-library/solarization... | Solarization of medical oxygen systems in India 2023 PATH | |
/resource-library/energy-for-h... | ‘Energy for Health’ initiative for renewable energy at 25,000 primary health facilities in India 2023 SELCO Foundation | |
/resource-library/engaging-acr... | Engaging across sectors in six cities to realise health benefits of action on air pollution 2023 Vital Strategies | |
/resource-library/preventing-c... | Preventing climate-driven outbreaks of malaria through scalable and cost effective Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention programs in Africa 2023 The Global Fund | |
/resource-library/promoting-ac... | Promoting active travel while combating climate change through the “More bikes, less emissions” program in Buenos Aires 2023 Pathfinder Initiative | |
/resource-library/solar-powere... | Solar powered refrigerators for sustainable last mile vaccine delivery 2023 PATH | |
/resource-library/conservation... | Conservation of critical rainforest ecosystems and improving health through investment in community-designed solutions in Indonesia 2023 Health In Harmony (H... | |
/resource-library/cutting-the-... | Cutting the carbon footprint of Greener NHS healthcare estates 2023 Greener National Health Service (NHS) England | |
/resource-library/nature-exclo... | Nature exclosures for carbon sequestration to generate revenue, rehabilitate nature and improve agricultural yields in the highlands of Ethiopia 2023 Pathfin... | |
/resource-library/mplementing-... | Implementing nature-based solutions through multi-sector, multi-organisation collaboration to enhance urban resilience to climate change in Malaysia 2023 Ada... | |
/resource-library/strengthenin... | Strengthening climate resilience of the Laos health system: the first-ever Green Climate Fund project on climate and health 2023 Save the Children | |
/resource-library/financing-cl... | Financing climate resilient hospitals through green building standards in Latin America and the Caribbean 2023 Inter-American Development Bank | |
/resource-library/healthy-envi... | Healthy Environments and Lives (HEAL): Australia’s first nationally funded research network at the nexus of climate-health science, research and policy trans... | |
/resource-library/guidance-not... | Guidance Notes on Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work 2023 Hong Kong Labour Department | |
/resource-library/zero-regrets... | Zero regrets: scaling up action on climate change mitigation and adaptation for health in the WHO European Region, second edition. Key messages from the Work... | |
/resource-library/73065/ | Copernicus Health Hub 2023 Copernicus | |
/resource-library/observatorio... | Observatório de Clima e Saúde de Brasil ICICT, Fiocruz, SUS | |
/resource-library/engaging-com... | Engaging communities to consider their local response to climate change in Scotland, UK 2022 Public Health Scotland | |
/resource-library/climate-chan... | Climate change and health resilience actions in São Tomé and Príncipe 2019 | |
/resource-library/regenerating... | Regenerating rainforests by listening to communities: A planetary health approach to the climate and nature crisis in Madagascar 2022 Health in Harmony | |
/resource-library/bridging-gap... | Bridging Gaps between Health Professionals, Community Health Workers and Communities through Panchayat Raj Institution (PRI) 2022 Department of Health and Fa... | |
/resource-library/the-fukuoka-... | The Fukuoka Method – A Clean Development Mechanism – at Haags Bosch Sanitary Landfill Facility in Guyana 2023 | |
/resource-library/health-benef... | Health benefits of raising ambition in Colombia’s nationally determined contribution ( NDC) : WHO technical report 2023 World Health Organization (WHO) | |
/resource-library/how-is-india... | How Is India Adapting to Heatwaves?: An Assessment of Heat Action Plans With Insights for Transformative Climate Action 2023 Centre for Policy Research | |
/resource-library/eu-cariforum... | EU/CARIFORUM Caribbean Climate Change and Health Leaders Fellowship Training Program 2022 The University of the West Indies | |
/resource-library/climate-serv... | Forecasting the risk of dengue outbreaks in Barbados 2022 1. Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research 2. Columbia University 3. Ministry of Health... | |
/resource-library/air-plan-hea... | AIR Plan & Health Co-benefits for Ahmedabad 2022 Indian Institute of Public Health-Gandhinagar (IIPH-G), SAFAR Programme,2022 Indian Institute of Tropical Me... | |
/resource-library/ahmedabads-h... | Ahmedabad’s Heat Action Plan: Development and lessons learned 2022 Indian Institute of Public Health-Gandhinagar (IIPH-G), Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (A... | |
/resource-library/environmenta... | Environmental Stewardship: An implementation guide for boards, executive leaders, and clinical staff: Meeting hospital standards and beyond 2022 Peach Health... | |
/resource-library/environmenta... | Environmental Stewardship: An implementation guide for boards, management, and clinical staffL meeting long term care standards and beyond 2022 Peach Health ... | |
/resource-library/primary-prot... | Primary Protection: Enhancing Health Care Resilience for a Changing Climate 2014 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services2014 | |
/resource-library/sustainable-... | Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Health Care Facilities Toolkit U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit, US HHS | |
/resource-library/health-care-... | Health Care Facility Climate Change Resiliency Toolkit Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care, Nova Scotia Department of Environment | |
/resource-library/bringing-hea... | Bringing health into climate policy-making in Accra using the WHO Urban Health Initiative model-process | |
/resource-library/strong-syste... | Strong systems and sound investments: Evidence on and key insights into accelerating progress on sanitation, drinking-water and hygiene – UN-Water Global Ana... | |
/resource-library/national-pol... | Climate change and health: the national policy overview in Europe 2022 European Environment Agency (EEA) | |
/resource-library/map-viewer-a... | Map viewer: Accessibility of hospitals in Europe European Environment Agency (EEA) | |
/resource-library/availability... | Map viewer: Availability of urban green spaces to vulnerable groups European Environment Agency (EEA) | |
/resource-library/addressing-r... | Addressing Rising Demand for Cooling in India with Cool Roofs 2022 NRDC | |
/resource-library/climate-resi... | Climate Resilience for Frontline Clinics Toolkit 2022 Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health C-CHANGE, americares | |
/resource-library/climate-chan... | Climate change as a threat to health and well-being in Europe: focus on heat and infectious diseases 2022 European Environment Agency (EEA) | |
/resource-library/from-polluti... | From Pollution to Solution in Africa’s Cities: The case for investing in air pollution and climate change together 2022 Clean Air Fund | |
/resource-library/climate-chan... | Climate Change Negotiations and Health 2022 WHO, UNITAR, | |
/resource-library/feeling-the-... | Feeling the Heat: How California’s Workplace Heat Standards Can Inform Stronger Protections Nationwide 2022 Available in: EN, ES | |
/resource-library/pronostico-c... | Pronóstico Climático – Peru Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú (SENAMHI) Available in: ES | |
/resource-library/compendio-de... | Compendio de clima y salud: resúmenes ejecutivos 2021 Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú (SENAMHI) Available in: ES | |
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/resource-library/resumen-ejec... | Resumen ejecutivo sobre la inclusión de servicios climáticos para la formulación de políticas públicas para el sector salud 2021 Servicio Nacional de Meteoro... | |
/resource-library/identificaci... | Identificación de parámetros para el análisis de vulnerabilidad en el sector salud por peligros climáticos 2021 Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrologí... | |
/resource-library/perspective-... | Perspective climatique – Madagascar Available in: FR | |
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/resource-library/climate-haza... | Climate Hazards and Vulnerability Atlas – India India Meteorological Department (IMD) | |
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/resource-library/standardized... | Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) – India India Meteorological Department (IMD) | |
/resource-library/climate-asse... | Climate assessments – Croatia Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ) | |
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/resource-library/coldwave-che... | Cold Wave: Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) | |
/resource-library/wildfire-che... | Wildfire: Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) | |
/resource-library/heatwave-che... | Heatwave: Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) | |
/resource-library/drought-chec... | Drought: Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) | |
/resource-library/sea-level-ri... | Sea-Level Rise: Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) | |
/resource-library/storm-checkl... | Storms: Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) | |
/resource-library/flood-checkl... | Floods: Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) | |
/resource-library/asian-dust-f... | Asian Dust Forecast – South Korea Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) | |
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/resource-library/prediccion-d... | Predicción de niveles de riesgo de incendio – España Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) Available in: ES | |
/resource-library/monitor-de-s... | Monitor de sequía meteorológica – España Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) Available in: ES | |
/resource-library/prediccion-d... | Predicción de radiación ultravioleta – España Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) Available in: Spanish | |
/resource-library/pronostico-c... | Pronóstico climático estacional – Costa Rica Instituto Meteorológico Nacional de Costa Rica (IMN) Available in: ES | |
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/resource-library/sistema-de-a... | Sistema de Alerta Temprana de Incendios Forestales (SATIF) – Costa Rica Instituto Meteorológico Nacional de Costa Rica (IMN) Available in: ES | |
/resource-library/hazard-warni... | Hazard warnings (Thunderstorm / Rain / Fire / Heat) – Finland Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) Available in: EN, FI | |
/resource-library/air-quality-... | Air Quality Index – Finland Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) Available in: EN, FI, SV | |
/resource-library/severe-thund... | Severe Thunderstorm Warning – Finland Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) Available in: EN, FI | |
/resource-library/extreme-heat... | Extreme Heat and Cold Warning – Finland Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) Available in: EN, FI | |
/resource-library/forest-fire-... | Forest Fire Warning – Finland Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) Available in: EN, FI | |
/resource-library/uv-index-fin... | UV Index – Finland Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) Available in: EN, FI | |
/resource-library/weather-warn... | Weather Warning for Pedestrians – Finland Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) Available in: EN, FI | |
/resource-library/climate-and-... | Climate and Health Bulletin – Nigeria 2022 Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet) | |
/resource-library/seasonal-cli... | Seasonal Climate Prediction – Nigeria 2022 Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet) | |
/resource-library/kakovost-zra... | Air Quality Index – Slovenia Slovenian Environment Agency Available in: SL | |
/resource-library/opozorila-hl... | Heat / Cold / Fire / Storms Warning – Slovenia Slovenian Environment Agency Available in: Other | |
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/resource-library/vode-opozori... | Flood Warning – Slovenia Slovenian Environment Agency Available in: SL | |
/resource-library/cvetni-prah-... | Regional Pollen Forecast – Slovenia Slovenian Environment Agency Available in: SL | |
/resource-library/air-quality-... | Air Quality Information System – South Africa South African Weather Service (SAWS) | |
/resource-library/fire-danger-... | Fire Danger Index – South Africa South African Weather Service (SAWS) | |
/resource-library/urban-profil... | Health and Climate Change Urban Profiles: Washington, District of Columbia 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) | |
/resource-library/urban-profil... | Health and Climate Change Urban Profiles: Quito 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) | |
/resource-library/urban-profil... | Health and Climate Change Urban Profiles: Kisumu county 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) | |
/resource-library/urban-profil... | Health and Climate Change Urban Profiles: Glasgow 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) | |
/resource-library/urban-profil... | Health and Climate Change Urban Profiles: Indianapolis 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) | |
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/resource-library/singapore-cl... | Singapore Climate Action Plan: Take Action Today, for a Climate-Efficient Singapore 2016 National Climate Change Secretariat | |
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/resource-library/health-check... | Health checks during extreme heat events 2022 National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Available in: EN, FR, ZH, PA | |
/resource-library/air-pollutio... | Air pollution: causes and impacts (MOOC) IMTx Available in: EN, FR, ES, PT | |
/resource-library/european-cli... | European Climate Data Explorer Climate-ADAPT | |
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/resource-library/the-essentia... | The Essential Environmental Public Health Functions. A framework to Implement the Agenda for the Americas on Health, Environment, and Climate Change 2021-203... | |
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/resource-library/ireland-poll... | Ireland Pollen Forecast Met Éireann | |
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/resource-library/monitoreo-de... | Monitoreo de Olas de Calor MeteoChile | |
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/resource-library/extreme-weat... | Extreme weather warnings and forecasts Bangladesh Meteorological Department | |
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/resource-library/plan-daction... | Plan D’actions Du Senegal (2006- 2020) pour la Mise en Place du Cadre National pour les Services Climatologiques (CNSC) 2016 Republique du Senegal, GFCS, ANA... | |
/resource-library/bulletin-de-... | Bulletin de Surveillance de la Qualité de l’air Madagascar Meteo Madagascar | |
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/resource-library/vigilance-cy... | Vigilance météorologique Madagascar Meteo Madagascar | |
/resource-library/vigilance-cy... | Vigilance Cyclones Tropicaux Madagascar Meteo Madagascar | |
/resource-library/flood-warnin... | Flood warning services – Australia Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) | |
/resource-library/drought-know... | Drought Knowledge Centre – Australia Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) | |
/resource-library/fire-weather... | Fire weather services – Australia Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) | |
/resource-library/severe-weath... | Severe weather knowledge centre – Australia Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) | |
/resource-library/airrater/ | AirRater Department of Health Tasmania, Menzies Institute for Medical Research, ACT Health, NT Department of Health, National Recovery and Resilience Agency,... | |
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/resource-library/bulgaria-hea... | Bulgaria: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2021 2021 WHO | |
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/resource-library/malta-health... | Malta: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2021 2021 WHO | |
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/resource-library/czechia-heal... | Czechia: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2021 2021 WHO | |
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/resource-library/israel-healt... | Israel: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2022 2021 WHO | |
/resource-library/palestine-he... | Occupied Palestinian territories: Health and Climate Change Country Profile 2022 2022 WHO | |
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/resource-library/planetary-he... | Planetary Health starts at home – how Germany’s health professionals are leading transformative change 2022 | |
/resource-library/health-benef... | Health Benefits of Open Streets in Latin America | |
/resource-library/protection-r... | Protection Resilience Efficiency and Prevention for Workers in Industrial Agriculture in a Changing Climate: The Adelante Initiative (Nicaragua) | |
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/resource-library/volcanic-ash... | Volcanic Ash Products – Montreal Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) Government of Canada | |
/resource-library/adapting-to-... | Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change in Canada: an update on the National Adaptation Strategy 2021 Government of Canada | |
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/resource-library/ouranos/ | OURANOS Government of Quebec | |
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/resource-library/climatewest/ | ClimateWest Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative (PARC), Prairie Climate Centre (PCC), International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) | |
/resource-library/pacific-clim... | Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) University of Victoria | |
/resource-library/canadian-cen... | Canadian Centre for Climate Services Support Desk and Resource Hub Government of Canada | |
/resource-library/shifting-ris... | Shifting Risks of Malaria in Southern Africa: A Regional Analysis 2020 USAID | |
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/resource-library/third-inter-... | Third Inter-ministerial Conference On Health And Environment In Africa: Conference Proceedings and Outcomes 2018 WHO, UN Environment | |
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/resource-library/health-natio... | Tanzania: Health National Adaptation Plan to Climate Change in Tanzania 2018 – 2023 2018 Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Child... | |
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/resource-library/ethiopia-nat... | Ethiopia National Health Adaptation Plan to Climate Change 2018-2020 2018 Federal Ministry of Health, Ethiopia | |
/resource-library/health-of-pe... | Health of People, Health of Planet, and Our Responsibility: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health 2020 The Pontical Academy of Sciences | |
/resource-library/how-to-reach... | How to reach vulnerable populations? Evaluation of UV index, heat warning system, air-borne pollen and ozone forecasts in Germany 2018 | |
/resource-library/looking-back... | Looking back: Documenting lessons learned from a climate and health project in Ethiopia 2018 | |
/resource-library/using-climat... | Using climate knowledge to guide dengue prevention and risk communication ahead of Brazil’s 2014 FIFA World Cup 2018 | |
/resource-library/using-climat... | Using climate information to predict and control meningitis epidemics in West Africa 2018 | |
/resource-library/improving-ma... | Improving malaria evaluation and planning with enhanced climate services in East Africa 2018 | |
/resource-library/early-warnin... | Early warning systems to guide infectious disease control in Europe 2018 | |
/resource-library/managing-the... | Managing the health impacts of drought in Brazil: A comprehensive risk reduction framework 2018 | |
/resource-library/comprehensiv... | Comprehensive climate risk modelling framework to help protect future food and water safety in Canada 2018 | |
/resource-library/healthy-futu... | Healthy Futures Atlas: A publicly available resource for evaluating climate change risks on water-related and vector-borne disease in eastern Africa 2018 | |
/resource-library/bio-climatic... | Bio-climatic bulletins to forecast dengue vectors in Panama 2018 | |
/resource-library/forecasting-... | Forecasting malaria transmission: finding the basis for making district scale predictions in Uganda 2018 | |
/resource-library/forecasting-... | Forecasting wildland fire smoke hazards in urban and rural areas in Manitoba, Canada 2018 | |
/resource-library/mapping-and-... | Mapping and modelling plague in Uganda to improve health outcomes 2018 | |
/resource-library/malaclim-cli... | MalaClim: climate-based suitability mapping to inform vector control programmes in the Solomon Islands 2018 | |
/resource-library/climate-spec... | Climate-specific pollen indicators and population exposure monitoring tools to better manage the allergy season in Hungary 2018 | |
/resource-library/the-brazilia... | The Brazilian Observatory of Climate and Health: Experience of organizing and disseminating climate and health information in Manaus, Amazon region 2018 | |
/resource-library/epidemia-int... | EPIDEMIA: integrating climate information and disease surveillance for malaria epidemic forecasting in Ethiopia 2018 | |
/resource-library/vector-virus... | Vector-virus microclimate surveillance system for dengue control in Machala, Ecuador 2018 | |
/resource-library/innovative-c... | Innovative community-based data collection to understand and find solutions to rainfall-related diarrhoeal diseases in Ecuador 2018 | |
/resource-library/predicting-t... | Predicting the impacts of climate on dengue in Brazil: integrated risk modelling and mapping 2018 | |
/resource-library/iterative-de... | Iterative development and testing of a heat warning and information system in Alberta, Canada 2018 | |
/resource-library/malaria-sens... | Malaria sensitivity to climate in Colombia: The importance of data availability, quality and format 2018 | |
/resource-library/analysis-of-... | Analysis of the health impacts of climate variability in four major South American cities 2018 | |
/resource-library/understandin... | Understanding the sensitivity of dengue to climate and urban risk factors in Minas Gerais State, Brazil 2018 | |
/resource-library/vulnerabilit... | Vulnerability and adaptation assessment: Identifying climate information and decision needs in Bhutan 2018 | |
/resource-library/working-with... | Working with communities in East Africa to manage diarrhoeal disease and dengue risk in a changing climate 2018 | |
/resource-library/madagascar-c... | Madagascar Climate and Health Working Group 2018 | |
/resource-library/long-term-cl... | Long-term climate and health collaboration in Ethiopia to improve forecasting of malaria outbreaks 2036 | |
/resource-library/integrating-... | Integrating air quality, health and meteorological expertise to address the impact of poor air quality on health in India 2018 | |
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/resource-library/usda-forest-... | USDA Forest Service Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2014 USDA Forest Service Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/climate-adap... | Climate adaptation plan for the Territories of the Yakama Nation 2016 Cascadia Consulting Group, SAH Ecologia LLC, University of Washington Climate Impacts G... | |
/resource-library/climate-chan... | Climate change and health in small island developing states 2019 World Health Organization Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/the-minnesot... | The Minnesota climate and health strategic plan: August 2016 – August 2021 (updated April 2019) 2019 Minnesota Department of Health Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/nationaal-hi... | Nationaal Hitteplan 2015 Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu | |
/resource-library/heat-health-... | Heat-Health Action Plan of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2011 World Health Organization (WHO) Europe Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/karachi-heat... | Karachi Heatwave Management Plan: A Guide to Planning and Response Commissioner Karachi Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/plano-de-con... | Plano de contingência temperaturas extremas adversas 2013 Administração Regional de Saúde de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo | |
/resource-library/portugal-pla... | Portugal Plano de Contingência para Temperaturas Extremas Adversas – Módulo Calor 2014 Direção-Geral da Saúde Available in: other | |
/resource-library/vigilancia-y... | Vigilancia y Control de los Efectos de las Olas de Calor 2017 – Madrid 2017 Comunidad de Madrid Available in: ES | |
/resource-library/plan-naciona... | Plan nacional de actuaciones preventivas de los efectos del exceso de temperaturas sobre la salud – España 2020 Ministerio de Sanidad Available in: ES | |
/resource-library/plan-de-vigi... | Plan de vigilancia y prevención de los efectos del exceso de temperaturas sobre la salud – Extremadura 2013 Gobierno de Extremadura Consejería de Salud y Pol... | |
/resource-library/geneve-plan-... | Genève: Plan canicule pour les aîné-e-s 2020 Ville de Genève Available in: FR | |
/resource-library/plan-vaudois... | Plan Vaudois de Prévention et d’Intervention Sanitaire en cas de Canicule 2020 État de Vaud Available in: FR | |
/resource-library/city-of-phil... | City of Philadelphia Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan 2012 City of Philadelphia Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/california-c... | California Contingency Plan for Excessive Heat Emergencies 2014 Cal OES Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/arizonas-cli... | Arizona’s Climate and Health Adaptation Plan 2017 Arizona Department of Health Services, Arizona State University, University of Arizona Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/new-hampshir... | New Hampshire Excessive Heat Emergency Response Plan 2014 State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and HumanServices Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/brasilia-df-... | Brasilia DF Plano de Contingência para Emergência em Saúde Pública por Seca e Estiagem 2015 Ministério da Saúde Available in: ES | |
/resource-library/india-nation... | India National Action Plan For Climate Change & Human Health 2018 Government of India Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/the-united-r... | The United Republic of Tanzania One Health Strategic Plan 2015 – 2020 Prime Minister's Office, United Replublic of Tanzania Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/adaptation-a... | Adaptation aux changements climatiques en Suisse – Plan d’action 2020-2025 2020 Office fédéral de l'environnement OFEV Available in: FR, other | |
/resource-library/adaptation-a... | Adaptation aux changements climatiques en Suisse – Plan d’action 2014–2019 2014 Office fédéral de l'environnement OFEV Available in: FR, other | |
/resource-library/plan-de-acci... | Plan de Acción Nacional de Salud y Cambio Climático – Argentina 2019 Secretaria de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible Available in: ES | |
/resource-library/la-plata-pla... | La Plata Plan de Contingencia Hidrometeorológica 2014 Municipalidad de La Plata Available in: ES | |
/resource-library/new-south-wa... | New South Wales State Heatwave Subplan 2018 NSW Government Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/south-austra... | South Australia Extreme Heat Strategy 2016 Government of South Australia Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/heatwave-pla... | Heatwave plan for Victoria: Protecting health and reducing harm from heatwaves 2011 State of Victoria, Department of Health Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/turn-down-th... | Turn Down the Heat: Strategy and action plan 2018 Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/gesamtstaatl... | Gesamtstaatlicher Hitzeschutzplan 2017 Ministerium Frauen Gesundheit | |
/resource-library/plan-vague-d... | Plan Vague de Chaleur et Pics d’Ozone Service Public Fédéral Sante Publique Available in: FR | |
/resource-library/municipal-he... | Municipal Heat Response Planning in British Columbia, Canada 2017 BC Centre for Disease Control Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/plan-nationa... | Plan National Canicule – France 2017 Republique Francaise Available in: FR | |
/resource-library/ahmedabad-he... | Ahmedabad Heat Action Plan 2019 2019 Amdavad Municipal Corporation, NRDC, Indian Institutes of Public Health, Mount Sinai, University of Washington Available... | |
/resource-library/heat-action-... | Heat Action Plan for Odisha, 2020 2020 Odisha State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA) Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/rajasthan-dr... | Rajasthan Draft Heat Action Plan 2017 RSPCB, DMRD, Govt. of Rajasthan, UNICEF Rajasthan and IIPH-Gandhinagar Initiative Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/tamil-nadu-h... | Tamil Nadu Heat Wave Action Plan 2019 2019 Commissionerate of Revenue Administration andDisaster Management Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/telangana-st... | Telangana State Heatwave Action Plan 2019 Revenue (Disaster Management) Department,Government of Telangana Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/prevention-a... | Prevention and Management of Heat Wave in Uttar Pradesh 2018-19 2018 Uttar Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/piano-operat... | Piano operativo nazionale di prevenzione degli effetti del caldo sulla salute – Italia 2020 Ministero della Salute Available in: other | |
/resource-library/luxembourg-e... | Luxembourg Extreme Weather Plan 2015 Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/plan-de-cont... | Plan de Contingencia Fenómeno Hidrometeorologico 2013 – Quintana Roo 2013 Gobierno del Estado de Quintana Roo Available in: ES | |
/resource-library/valle-de-gua... | Valle de Guadalupe Plan de Contingencia Fenómeno Perturbador Hidrometeorológico 2017 Unidad Municipal de Protección Civil de Valle de Guadalupe Available in:... | |
/resource-library/from-climate... | From Climate Science to Action World Bank Group Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/weather-and-... | Weather and Climate Services for Resilient Development: A Guide for Practitioners and Policy Makers World Bank Group Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/satellite-re... | Satellite Remote Sensing for Urban Heat Islands NASA ARSET Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/training-mod... | Training Module on Children’s Environmental Health: Climate Change WHO Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/climate-chan... | Climate Change and Health: Training modules WHO Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/flood-manage... | Flood Management training Manuals APFM, WMO, GWP Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/fighting-wat... | Fighting Water Scarcity in the West Bank and Gaza 2020 UNICEF Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/improving-co... | Improving Community WASH and Nutrition Resilience in Rural Bolivia 2020 UNICEF Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/hourly-droug... | Hourly drought predictions in India 2020 UNICEF Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/using-satell... | Using satellites to find groundwater in Ethiopia 2020 UNICEF Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/ensuring-saf... | Ensuring safe water for communities affected by arsenic contamination in Cambodia 2020 UNICEF Available in: EN | |
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/resource-library/financing-cl... | Financing Climate Resilient Water and Sanitation and using Multiple User Systems in Madagascar 2020 UNICEF Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/prioritising... | Prioritising the Most At-Risk Children in Myanmar 2020 UNICEF Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/operation-of... | Operation of the Portuguese Contingency Heatwaves Plan 2015 European Climate and Health Observatory Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/berlin-bioto... | Berlin Biotope Area Factor – Implementation of guidelines helping to control temperature and runoff 2020 European Climate and Health Observatory Available in... | |
/resource-library/combating-th... | Combating the heat island effect and poor air quality with green ventilation corridors 2014 European Climate and Health Observatory Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/heat-acclima... | Heat acclimatization and vulnerabilities of people living in the Sahel: The case of Senegal 2018 Institut de Recherche pour le Développement Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/too-hot-to-h... | Too hot to handle? Heat resilience in urban South Sudan 2019 Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/beneficial-e... | Beneficial effects of marine and coastal settings on health and well-being (United Kingdom) 2019 WHO Europe Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/assessment-o... | Assessment of exposure to methylmercury from fish and seafood on the Croatian coast 2019 WHO Europe Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/overcoming-h... | Overcoming health consequences of Fukushima nuclear accident WHO Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/mitigating-h... | Mitigating health consequences of Chernobyl WHO Available in: EN | |
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/resource-library/droughts-in-... | Droughts in the Anthropocene 2019 Available in: EN, FR, ES | |
/resource-library/wash-climate... | WASH Climate Resilience: A Compendium of Case Studies UNICEF Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/creating-saf... | Creating safe underground water stores in Bangladesh 2020 UNICEF Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/safeguarding... | Safeguarding vulnerable island water supplies from the impacts of climate change 2020 UNICEF Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/building-cli... | Building climate-resilient toilets for school children in Mongolia 2020 UNICEF | |
/resource-library/constructing... | Constructing flood-resilient toilets and protecting water sources in Peru 2020 UNICEF Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/solar-powere... | Solar Powered Water Systems in Somaliland 2020 UNICEF Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/solar-water-... | Solar Water Pumping for Schools in the Philippines 2020 UNICEF Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/solar-powere... | Solar powered water supply for drought-prone communities in Uganda 2020 UNICEF Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/planning-saf... | Planning Safe Water Supply in Kiribati 2020 UNICEF Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/emerging-cli... | Emerging climate change-related public health challenges in Africa: A case study of the heat-health vulnerability of informal settlement residents in Dar es ... | |
/resource-library/social-vulne... | Social vulnerability to heatwaves – from assessment to implementation of adaptation measures in Košice and Trnava, Slovakia 2018 European Climate and Health ... | |
/resource-library/heat-hotline... | Heat Hotline Parasol – Kassel region 2017 European Climate and Health Observatory Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/operation-of... | Operation of the Austrian Heat Protection Plan 2017 European Climate and Health Observatory | |
/resource-library/tatabanya-hu... | Tatabánya, Hungary, addressing the impacts of urban heat waves and forest fires with alert measures 2014 Climate ADAPT | |
/resource-library/protecting-t... | Protecting The Elderly From Heat And Cold Stress In Hong Kong: Using Climate Information And Client-Friendly Communication Technology 2018 Hong Kong Observat... | |
/resource-library/supreme-an-i... | Supreme: An Integrated Heat Health Warning System For Quebec 2018 Institut National de Santé Publique du Québec (INSPQ), the Ministry of Public Security (Qué... | |
/resource-library/the-heat-hea... | The Heat Health Warning System of DWD – Concept and Lessons Learned DWD | |
/resource-library/vulnerabilit... | Vulnerability to heat stress: A case study of Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India ASSAR | |
/resource-library/where-do-we-... | Where Do We Need Shade? Mapping Urban Heat Islands in Richmond, Virginia U.S Climate Resilience Toolkit | |
/resource-library/heatwave-ear... | Heatwave Early Actions Test in Hanoi 2019 German Red Cross Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/islas-de-cal... | Islas de calor, impactos y respuestas: El caso del cantón de Curridabat 2019 Municipalidad de Curridabat Available in: ES | |
/resource-library/how-windsor-... | How Windsor-Essex Communicates Heat-Health Risks to the Public 2012 Health Canada Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/how-frederic... | How Fredericton Developed a Heat Alert and Response System from the Ground Up 2012 Health Canada Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/how-winnipeg... | How Winnipeg Chose its Heat Alert and Response System Alert Triggers 2012 Health Canada | |
/resource-library/community-re... | Community Response to extreme-heat Events in the City of Ottawa 2012 Health Canada Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/how-a-rural-... | How a Rural Community in Manitoba Reduces Impacts on Health from extreme-heat 2012 Health Canada Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/evaluation-o... | Evaluation of the Montréal Heat Plan Communication Program 2012 Health Canada Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/climate-adap... | Climate Adapted People Shelters (CAPS) 2018 Penrith City Council Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/cincinnatis-... | Cincinnati’s Urban Canopy Policy | |
/resource-library/cool-neighbo... | Cool Neighborhoods NYC NYC Mayor’sOffice of Resiliency | |
/resource-library/cool-surface... | Cool surfaces: roofs and roads | |
/resource-library/creating-a-m... | Creating a Model Climate Resilient City U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit | |
/resource-library/deadly-chica... | Deadly Chicago Heat Wave of 1995 2014 AdaptNY | |
/resource-library/developing-a... | Developing an Early Warning System to Prevent Heat Illness U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit | |
/resource-library/enhancing-sy... | Enhancing Syndromic Surveillance for Heat-Related Illness in Michigan with Improved Heat Syndrome Definition Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) | |
/resource-library/expanding-he... | Expanding Heat Resilience Across India 2019 NRDC International | |
/resource-library/expanding-he... | Expanding heat resilience across India: Heat Action Plan highlights 2020 NRDC | |
/resource-library/finding-the-... | Finding The Right Thresholds To Trigger Action In Heat Wave Early Warning Systems In Spain 2018 World Health Organization (WHO), World Meteorological Organiz... | |
/resource-library/green-roof-b... | Green Roof Bylaw and Eco-roof incentive in Toronto City of Toronto | |
/resource-library/heat-wave-an... | Heat Wave And Health Risk Early Warning Systems In China 2018 World Health Organization (WHO), World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/hermosillo-m... | Hermosillo, Mexico, Captures Heat-Related Illnesses at Medical Facilities Using New Database Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) | |
/resource-library/how-hot-will... | How hot will it be? Translating climate model outputs for public health practice in the United States 2018 World Health Organization (WHO), World Meteorologi... | |
/resource-library/implementati... | Implementation of the Heat-Health Action Plan of North Macedonia (2014) 2014 Climate ADAPT | |
/resource-library/innovative-h... | Innovative Heat Wave Early Warning System And Action Plan In Ahmedabad, India 2018 World Health Organization (WHO), World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/knowing-when... | Knowing When Cold Winters And Warm Summers Can Reduce Ambulatory Care Performance In London 2018 World Health Organization (WHO), World Meteorological Organi... | |
/resource-library/managing-hea... | Managing health impacts of heat in South East Queensland, Australia 2014 | |
/resource-library/protecting-p... | Protecting People from Sweltering City Summers U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit | |
/resource-library/heatwave-pla... | Heatwave plan for England 2016 European Climate and Health Observatory Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/stuttgart-co... | Stuttgart: combating the heat island effect and poor air quality with green ventilation corridors 2014 European Climate and Health Observatory Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/implementati... | Implementation of the Heat-Health Action Plan of North Macedonia 2014 European Climate and Health Observatory Available in: EN | |
/resource-library/multi-hazard... | Multi-Hazard approach to early warning system in Sogn og Fjordane, Norway 2014 European Climate and Health Observatory | |
/resource-library/heat-health-... | Heat Health in Hong Kong: Lessons from the 1st Global Forum on Heat and Health GHHIN | |
/resource-library/addressing-h... | Addressing heat-related health risks in urban India: Ahmedabad’s Heat Action Plan 2014 CDKN | |
/resource-library/augmenting-s... | Augmenting Syndromic Surveillance for Real-time Situational Awareness During extreme-heat Events in Ottawa, Canada Commission for Environmental Cooperation (... | |
/resource-library/bracing-for-... | Bracing for Heat in Minnesota U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit | |
/resource-library/building-evi... | Building Evidence That Effective Heat Alert Systems Save Lives In Southeast Australia 2018 World Health Organization (WHO), World Meteorological Organization... | |
/resource-library/catalyzing-i... | Catalyzing Investment and Building Capacity in Las Cruces U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit | |
/resource-library/cctalk-commu... | Cctalk! Communicating Effectively With High-Risk Populations In Austria: A Five-Step Methodology 2018 World Health Organization (WHO), World Meteorological O... | |
/resource-library/charting-col... | Charting Colorado’s Vulnerability to Climate Change U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit | |
/resource-library/baltic-sea-a... | Baltic Sea Algae situation Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) Available in: English | |
/resource-library/gulf-of-mexi... | Gulf of Mexico Harmful Algal Bloom Forecast NOAA Available in: English | |
/resource-library/united-state... | United States Drought Impact Reporter National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USDA, NOAA Available in: English, Spanish | |
/resource-library/african-floo... | African Flood and Drought Monitor Princeton University Available in: English | |
/resource-library/dartmouth-fl... | Dartmouth Flood Observatory (DFO) University of Colorado Available in: English | |
/resource-library/noaa-automat... | NOAA Automated Flood Warning System NOAA Available in: English | |
/resource-library/mekong-flood... | Mekong Flood and Drought Forecasting Mekong River Commission Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/bangladesh-f... | Bangladesh Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/european-flo... | European Flood Awareness System Copernicus, European Commission Available in: English | |
/resource-library/us-national-... | US National Allergy Map Available in: English | |
/resource-library/swiss-pollen... | Swiss Pollen Forecast MeteoSwiss Available in: French, other | |
/resource-library/wmo-north-am... | WMO North American Regional Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning and Advisory Centre (RVFSP-WAC) WMO, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) | |
/resource-library/johns-hopkin... | Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center Johns Hopkins University Available in: English | |
/resource-library/european-air... | European Air Quality Index EEA Available in: English | |
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/resource-library/the-ontario-... | The Ontario Climate Change and Health Toolkit Ontario Ministry of Health Available in: English | |
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/resource-library/avisos-meteo... | Avisos Meteorológicos a nivel nacional (Peru) SENAMHI Available in: Spanish | |
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/resource-library/avisos-hidro... | Avisos Hidrológicos a nivel nacional (Peru) SENAMHI Available in: Spanish | |
/resource-library/pronostico-d... | Pronóstico de radiación UV máximo (Peru) Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú (SENAMHI) Available in: Spanish | |
/resource-library/vaac-welling... | VAAC Wellington Ash Advisories New Zealand MetService Available in: English | |
/resource-library/new-zealand-... | New Zealand Pollen Advisories New Zealand MetService Available in: English | |
/resource-library/new-zealand-... | New Zealand Water Contamination Risk Levels New Zealand MetService Available in: English | |
/resource-library/new-zealand-... | New Zealand UV Warnings New Zealand MetService Available in: English | |
/resource-library/new-zealand-... | New Zealand Severe Weather Warnings, Watches and Outlooks New Zealand MetService Available in: English | |
/resource-library/environmenta... | Environmental Health Intelligence New Zealand Massey University Available in: English | |
/resource-library/air-quality-... | Air Quality Map (New Zealand) Waka Kotahi Available in: English | |
/resource-library/lawa-environ... | LAWA Environmental Data Explorer (New Zealand) Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (LAWA) Available in: English | |
/resource-library/new-zealand-... | New Zealand Drought Monitor NIWA Available in: English | |
/resource-library/new-zealand-... | New Zealand River Flood Statistics NIWA Available in: English | |
/resource-library/new-zealand-... | New Zealand UV Index NIWA Available in: English | |
/resource-library/geonet-geolo... | GeoNet Geological hazard information for New Zealand EQC, GNS Available in: English | |
/resource-library/new-zealand-... | New Zealand Shellfish biotoxin alerts New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries Available in: English | |
/resource-library/netherlands-... | Netherlands Air Quality Map Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), GGD Amsterda... | |
/resource-library/india-air-qu... | India Air Quality Early Warning System Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Pune, IMD Available in: EN, other | |
/resource-library/india-system... | India System for Thunderstorm Observation,Prediction and Monitoring (STORM) Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Pune, India Meteorological Department Av... | |
/resource-library/multi-hazard... | Multi-hazard early warning system for India India Meteorological Department Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/india-biomas... | India Biomass fire information India Meteorological Department Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/india-rainfa... | India Rainfall Monitoring India Meteorological Department Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/india-quanti... | India Quantitative Precipitation Forecast India Meteorological Department Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/european-for... | European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) European Commission Available in: English | |
/resource-library/vigilance-ma... | Vigilance Maroc Météo Direction Générale de la Météorologie Maroc Available in: FR, AR | |
/resource-library/rbg-risk-map... | RBG Risk Map Morocco Direction Générale de la Météorologie Maroc Available in: FR, AR | |
/resource-library/seasonal-cli... | Seasonal Climatic Suitability for Malaria Transmission in Tanzania Tanzania Meteorological Authority (TMA) Available in: English | |
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/resource-library/ch2018-swiss... | CH2018 – Swiss Climate Scenarios Swiss National Centre for Climate Services (NCCS) Available in: English | |
/resource-library/swiss-pollen... | Swiss Pollen Calendars and Information MeteoSwiss Available in: English, French, other | |
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/resource-library/swiss-uv-index/ | Swiss UV Index MeteoSwiss Available in: English, French, other | |
/resource-library/swiss-natura... | Swiss Natural Hazards Portal MeteoSwiss Available in: French, other | |
/resource-library/monitoreo-de... | Monitoreo et Pronóstico de la Calidad de Aire, para Lima Metropolitana SENAMHI Available in: Spanish | |
/resource-library/us-suhi-disp... | US SUHI Disparity Explorer Available in: English | |
/resource-library/extreme-heat... | Extreme Heat Vulnerability Map Tool: Future Heat Events and Social Vulnerability NIHHIS Available in: English | |
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/resource-library/caldo-e-salute/ | Caldo e Salute Ministero della Salute e dal Dipartimento di epidemiologia del servizio sanitario della Regione Lazio - ASL Roma 1 Available in: other | |
/resource-library/kma-impact-b... | KMA Impact-based Heat Health Warning System (South Korea) Republic of Korea National Institute of Meteorological Sciences Available in: other | |
/resource-library/euroheat/ | EuroHEAT EuroHEAT Available in: English | |
/resource-library/droughtindex... | Drought Index Europe Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Available in: English | |
/resource-library/heat-health-... | Heat Health Watch Warning System (France) Meteo France Available in: French | |
/resource-library/heatwave-ser... | Heatwave Service for Australia Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology Available in: English | |
/resource-library/national-wea... | National Weather Service (US) US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Available in: English | |
/resource-library/noaa-climate... | NOAA Climate Prediction Center US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Available in: English | |
/resource-library/california-h... | California Heat Assessment Tool (CHAT) Four Twenty Seven, California Natural Resources Agency Available in: English | |
/resource-library/climate-adap... | Climate-ADAPT: sharing adaptation information across Europe (EC and EEA): European Commission, European Environment Agency | |
/resource-library/south-east-e... | South-East European Multi-Hazard Early Warning Advisory System World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/croatia-air-... | Croatia Air Quality Data DHMZ Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/croatia-ligh... | Croatia Lightening Strike Data DHMZ Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/croatia-3-da... | Croatia 3-day Thermal Comfort Forecast DHMZ Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/croatia-fore... | Croatia forest fire hazard index DHMZ Available in: other | |
/resource-library/croatia-cumu... | Drought monitoring – Croatia DHMZ Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/croatia-uv-i... | Croatia UV Index DHMZ Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/croatia-biom... | Croatia Biometeorological Forecast DHMZ Available in: other | |
/resource-library/georgia-air-... | Georgia Air Quality Portal Georgia National Environmental Agency (NEA) Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/german-polle... | German Pollen Count Hazard Index Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Available in: other | |
/resource-library/germany-air-... | Germany Air Quality Measurements Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Available in: other | |
/resource-library/climate-watc... | Climate Watch (Climate Atlas – Germany) Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | |
/resource-library/european-hea... | European heat and cold waves map Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/heat-warning... | Heat warning map Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/warnwetter-app/ | WarnWetter App Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Available in: English, other | |
/resource-library/gefahrenindi... | Gefahrenindizes für Wetterfühlige Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Available in: other | |
/resource-library/dwd-gesundhe... | DWD GesundheitsWetter-App Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Available in: other | |
/resource-library/space-weathe... | Space Weather forecasts UK Met Office Available in: English | |
/resource-library/medmi-database/ | MEDMI Database UK Met Office Available in: English | |
/resource-library/regional-air... | Regional Air Quality Deterministic Prediction System Meteorological Service of Canada Available in: English, French | |
/resource-library/canadian-hur... | Canadian Hurricane Centre Meteorological Service of Canada Available in: English, French | |
/resource-library/european-cli... | European Climate and Health Observatory Resource catalog European Climate and Health Observatory | |
/resource-library/mosquito-alert/ | Mosquito Alert ICREA, CEAB, CREAF Available in: English | |
/resource-library/meteo-rwanda... | Meteo Rwanda Map Room Available in: English | |
/resource-library/hong-kong-he... | Hong Kong Heat Index Hong Kong Observatory Available in: English, Chinese | |
/resource-library/cold-and-ver... | Cold and Very Hot Weather Warnings Hong Kong Observatory Available in: English, Chinese | |
/resource-library/location-spe... | Location-specific Lightning Alerts Hong Kong Observatory Available in: English, Chinese | |
/resource-library/hong-kong-re... | Hong Kong Regional Information on Heavy Rain and Thunderstorm Hong Kong Observatory Available in: English, Chinese | |
/resource-library/hong-kong-ul... | Hong Kong Ultraviolet (UV) radiation information Hong Kong Observatory Available in: English, Chinese | |
/resource-library/weather-info... | Weather information for Senior Citizens Hong Kong Observatory Available in: English, Chinese | |
/resource-library/hong-kong-ai... | Hong Kong Air Quality Health Index Environmental Protection Department (EPD) Available in: English, Chinese | |
/resource-library/the-caribbea... | The Caribbean Regional Climate Centre (CariCOF) Dry Spell Outlook Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) | |
/resource-library/caribbean-ad... | Caribbean Advanced Flood Forecasting Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) Available in: English | |
/resource-library/us-national-... | US National Air Quality Forecast System NOAA Available in: English | |
/resource-library/us-vibrio-pr... | US Vibrio Predictive Models NOAA Available in: English | |
/resource-library/us-future-he... | US Future Heat Events and Social Vulnerability NOAA, CDC Available in: English | |
/resource-library/us-fire-weat... | US Fire Weather Outlooks NOAA Available in: English | |
/resource-library/us-drought-p... | US Drought Portal NOAA, NIDIS Available in: English | |
/resource-library/us-harmful-a... | US Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Monitoring System and Forecasts NOAA, NCCOS Available in: English | |
/resource-library/uk-air-pollu... | UK Air Pollution Forecasts UK Met Office Available in: English | |
/resource-library/uk-pollen-fo... | UK pollen forecasts UK Met Office Available in: English | |
/resource-library/chemical-met... | Chemical Meteorology (CHEMET) UK Met Office Available in: English | |
/resource-library/firemet/ | FireMet UK Met Office Available in: English | |
/resource-library/uk-national-... | UK National Radiation Monitoring Network and Emergency Response System (RIMNET) UK Met Office Available in: English | |
/resource-library/uk-joint-age... | UK Joint Agency Modelling (JAM) UK Met Office Available in: English | |
/resource-library/uk-cold-weat... | UK Cold Weather Alerts UK Met Office Available in: English | |
/resource-library/uk-heat-heal... | UK Heat-Health Watch Service UK Met Office Available in: English | |
/resource-library/england-and-... | England and Wales Fire Severity Index UK Met Office Available in: English | |
/resource-library/uk-flood-for... | UK Flood Forecasting Centre UK Met Office Available in: English | |
/resource-library/copernicus-a... | Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service ECMWF Available in: English | |
/resource-library/copernicus-c... | Copernicus Climate Change Service ECMWF Available in: English | |
/resource-library/european-env... | European Environment Agency European Environment Agency Available in: English | |
/resource-library/nasa-data-po... | NASA Data Portal NASA Available in: English | |
/resource-library/sistema-de-a... | Sistema de alerta temprana por ola de calor y salud (SAT-OCS) – Argentina Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) Available in: Spanish | |
/resource-library/pronostico-d... | Pronóstico de índice solar UV Argentina Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) Available in: Spanish | |
/resource-library/catalogo-de-... | Catálogo de Datos Abiertos del SMN Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) Available in: Spanish | |
/resource-library/caribbean-he... | Caribbean Health-Climatic Bulletin Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and ... | |
/resource-library/eastern-cari... | Eastern Caribbean Dust and Air Quality Forecasting System Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) Available in: English | |
/resource-library/caribbean-re... | Caribbean Regional Climate Centre (CariCOF) Temperature Outlooks Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) | |
/resource-library/the-caribbea... | The Caribbean Regional Climate Centre (CariCOF) Heat Outlooks Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) | |
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/resource-library/2023-state-o... | PUBLICATION 2023 State of Climate Services - Health World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 2023 | |
/resource-library/climate-serv... | PUBLICATION Climate Services for Health: Fundamentals and case studies for improving public health decision-making in a new climate WMO, WHO, 2018 | |
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/resource-library/who-toolkit-... | TOOL WHO Climate Change and Health Toolkit WHO | |
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