- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.27 s
File size
45.20 kB
Media files
Number of links
77 internal / 6 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Gabriela Martinelli Design | Branding Web & Grafik Agentur
The length of the page title is perfect. (529 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Meine Design-Agentur in Winterthur kreiert für dich und deine Marke durchdachte Lösungen in den Bereichen Branding, Webdesign und Grafik Design.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (930 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain name is very long.
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

generatorCmsbox 3.0
descriptionMeine Design-Agentur in Winterthur kreiert für dich und deine Marke durchdachte Lösungen in den Bereichen Branding, Webdesign und Grafik Design.
keywordsDesign-Agentur Winterthur, Grafik Winterthur, Grafikdesign, Winterthur, Branding Winterthur, Webdesign Winterthur
twitter:titleGabriela Martinelli Design | Branding Web & Grafik Agentur
twitter:descriptionFür dich und deine Marke kreiere ich durchdachte Lösungen in den Bereichen Branding, Webdesign und Grafik in Winterthur.
og:titleGabriela Martinelli Design | Branding Web & Grafik Agentur
og:descriptionFür dich und deine Marke kreiere ich durchdachte Lösungen in den Bereichen Branding, Webdesign und Grafik in Winterthur.

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
Only 2 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
There are only 262 words on this page. Good pages should have about 800 words of useful content.
25.6% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 12.43 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width,initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Empty bold or strong tags were found on this page.
The amount of tags is very high (20). We recommend using a maximum of 6 tags for this page.
The following tag is repeated too often: .
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/images/logo-gabrielamartinelli-black.svgGabriela Martinelli
...risore-website-design-winterthur-700.jpgPosterprint: Grosse Ideen. Grosse Resultate. Kampagne und Motion Design von deiner Design-Agentur in Winterthur.gabriela-martinelli-design-posterprint-kampagne-motion design.jpg
...sign-posterprint-google-kampagne-700.jpgPosterprint: Grosse Ideen. Grosse Resultate. Kampagne und Motion Design von deiner Grafik-Agentur in Winterthur.gabriela-martinelli-design-posterprint-kampagne-motion design.jpg
...haft-winterthur-buchcover-design-700.jpgHeimstätten-Genossenschaft Winterthur: Branding, Buch- und Layout Design von deiner Design-Agentur in Winterthurgabriela-martinelli-design-heimstatten-genossenschaft-winterthur-layout-design.jpg
...sign-hasler--co.-website-design.-700.jpgHasler + Co. Winterthur: Webdesign, UX/UI Design und Grafikdesign von deiner Webagentur in Winterthur.gabriela-martinelli-design-hasler--co.-website-design..jpg
...i-design-dein-date-poster-design-700.jpgDein Date: Plakat Design und Grafik Design von deiner Grafik Agentur in Winterthur.gabriela-martinelli-design-dein-date-plakat-grafik-design.jpg Julian Huwyler: Grafik Design und Buch Cover Design für «Teahead's Bible on caffeine management» von deiner Grafik Agentur in Winterthur.gabriela-martinelli-design-teahead-bible-coverdesign.jpg
...00-jahre-hgw_schorle-labeldesign-700.jpgHeimstätten-Genossenschaft Winterthur: 100-Jahre-Jubiläum Branding, Logodesign, Labeldesign, Layout Design, Motion Design, Ausstellungsgrafik und vieles mehr von deiner Grafik Agentur in Winterthur.gabriela-martinelli-design-Heimstätten-Genossenschaft-Winterthur-Branding.jpg
...corporate-identity-und-webdesign-700.jpgFlaum & Feder: Brand Strategie, Corporate Identity, Branding und Webdesign von deiner Grafik und Webagentur in Winterthur.gabriela-martinelli-design-flaum-und-feder-corporate-identity-Branding-webdesign.jpg
...onentsorgung-winterthur_kampagne-700.jpgKartonentsorgung Winterthur: Kampagne, Motion Design und Grafik Design.gabriela-martinelli-design-kartonentsorgung-winterthur-kampagne.jpg
...work_b9-lounge-bar_visitenkarten-700.jpgB9 Club: Corporate Identity, Branding und Webdesign von deiner Grafik und Webagentur in Winterthur.gabriela-martinelli-design-b9-club-brandingvisitenkarten.jpg
...elli-design_work_dein-tanz_flyer-700.jpgDein Tanz: Corporate Design, Branding und Flyer Design von deiner Grafik Agentur in Winterthur.gabriela-martinelli-design-dein-tanz-branding-flyerdesign.jpg
...-reiseburo_identity-und-branding-700.jpgNomads Reisebüro: Fiktive Corporate Identity und Branding von deiner Branding Agentur in Winterthur.gabriela-martinelli-design-nomads-reiseburo-corporate identity-branding.jpg
...5wkylpa9ai7j97tofa91wu/gulmenhof-700.jpgGulmenhof: Branding, Logodesign, Corporate Identity, Webdesign und Packaging für einen rustikalen Bauernhof.gabriela-martinelli-design-gulmenhof-branding-logodesign-webdesign.jpg
...-martinelli-design_work__kopie_3-700.jpgUnter Strom: Informationsdesign, Plakatdesign und Grafikdesign von deiner Grafik Agentur in Winterthur.gabriela-martinelli-design-unter strom-infografik.jpg
...s/logo-gabrielamartinelli-icon-white.svgGabriela Martinelli
Video URLWidthHeight
...ideo_Branding Webdesign_Grafikdesign.mp4

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Für dich und deine Marke kreiert meine Design-Agentur in Winterthur durchdachte Lösungen. Dabei schaffe ich Unerwartetes, das ästhetisch überzeugt und nachhaltig wirkt.
The H1 heading is too long.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 33 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Für dich und deine Marke kreiert meine Design-Agentur in Winterthur durchdachte Lösungen. Dabei schaffe ich Unerwartetes, das ästhetisch überzeugt und nachhaltig wirkt.
H2 Branding – Webdesign
H2 Kampagne – Motion Design – Bildkonzept
H2 Buchdesign – Illustration – Branding
H2 Webdesign
H2 Plakatdesign – Grafikdesign – Illustration
H2 Grafikdesign – Buchcover-Design – Illustration
H2 Branding Jubiläum
H2 Corporate Identity – Branding – Webdesign
H2 Kampagne – Motion Design
H2 Corporate Identity – Branding – Webdesign Duplicate text
H2 Corporate Identity – Branding – Flyerdesign
H2 Corporate Identity – Branding – Webdesign – Motion Design
H2 Corporate Identity – Branding – Webdesign Duplicate text
H2 Corporate Identity – Branding – Webdesign – Packaging
H2 Informationsdesign – Grafikdesign
H3 Branding, Webdesign & überhaupt.
H3 Gerne erfahre ich alles über dein Projekt.
H4 Zelo Frisöre.
H4 Posterprint.
H4 Heimstätten-Genossenschaft Winterthur.
H4 Hasler + Co.
H4 Dein Date.
H4 Patrick Huwyler.
H4 100 Jahre HGW.
H4 Flaum & Feder.
H4 Kartonentsorgung Winterthur.
H4 B9 Lounge Bar.
H4 Dein Tanz.
H4 EBGW Winterthur.
H4 NOMADS Reisebüro.
H4 Gulmenhof.
H4 Unter Strom.
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 6 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/Subdomain Direkt auf die Startseite
A-TITLE Direkt auf die Startseite
/Anchor Direkt zu Navigation 1
A-TITLE Direkt zu Navigation 1
/Anchor Direkt zum Inhalt
A-TITLE Direkt zum Inhalt
/Anchor Direkt zu Service 1
A-TITLE Direkt zu Service 1
/Anchor Direkt zu Service 2
A-TITLE Direkt zu Service 2
/Subdomain IMG-ALT Gabriela Martinelli
A-TITLE Gabriela Martinelli
A-TITLE Das sind meine Projekte in Branding, Webdesign & Grafik, lass dich inspirieren.
A-TITLE Wir bringen deine Marke zum Fliegen – mit Branding, Webdesign & Grafik.
A-TITLE Branding Winterthur – deine Marke, meine Leidenschaft.
A-TITLE Webdesign Winterthur – für erfolgreiche digitale Erlebnisse.
A-TITLE Grafik aus Winterthur – auf den Punkt gebracht.
A-TITLE Schön, dich in meiner Design-Agentur in Winterthur zu begrüssen.
A-TITLE Kontakt
/workText duplicate Work
A-TITLE Das sind meine Projekte in Branding, Webdesign & Grafik, lass dich inspirieren.
/angebotText duplicate Angebot
A-TITLE Wir bringen deine Marke zum Fliegen – mit Branding, Webdesign & Grafik.
/angebot/brandingText duplicate Branding
A-TITLE Branding Winterthur – deine Marke, meine Leidenschaft.
/angebot/webdesignText duplicate Webdesign
A-TITLE Webdesign Winterthur – für erfolgreiche digitale Erlebnisse.
/angebot/grafikdesignText duplicate Grafikdesign
A-TITLE Grafik aus Winterthur – auf den Punkt gebracht.
/studioText duplicate Studio
A-TITLE Schön, dich in meiner Design-Agentur in Winterthur zu begrüssen.
/kontaktText duplicate Kontakt
A-TITLE Kontakt window Nofollow External Subdomain Facebook
A-TITLE Facebook window Nofollow External Subdomain Instagram
A-TITLE Instagram window Nofollow External Subdomain Linkedin
A-TITLE Linkedin
/studioZum Studio
A-TITLE Schön, dich in meiner Design-Agentur in Winterthur zu begrüssen.
/work/zelo-frisoere-webdesignIMG-ALT Posterprint: Grosse Ideen. Grosse Resultate. Kampagne und Motion Design von deiner Design-Agentur in Winterthur.
A-TITLE Zelo Frisöre – Brand Refresh und Webdesign
/work/zelo-frisoere-webdesignBranding – Webdesign
A-TITLE Zelo Frisöre – Brand Refresh und Webdesign
/work/zelo-frisoere-webdesignZelo Frisöre.
A-TITLE Zelo Frisöre – Brand Refresh und Webdesign
/work/posterprint-motion-designIMG-ALT Posterprint: Grosse Ideen. Grosse Resultate. Kampagne und Motion Design von deiner Grafik-Agentur in Winterthur.
A-TITLE Posterprint – Kampagne und Motion Design
/work/posterprint-motion-designKampagne – Motion Design – Bildkonzept
A-TITLE Posterprint – Kampagne und Motion Design
A-TITLE Posterprint – Kampagne und Motion Design
/work/hgw-buchdesignIMG-ALT Heimstätten-Genossenschaft Winterthur: Branding, Buch- und Layout Design von deiner Design-Agentur in Winterthur
A-TITLE Heimstätten-Genossenschaft Winterthur – Buchdesign, Illustration, Grafik
/work/hgw-buchdesignBuchdesign – Illustration – Branding
A-TITLE Heimstätten-Genossenschaft Winterthur – Buchdesign, Illustration, Grafik
/work/hgw-buchdesignHeimstätten-Genossenschaft Winterthur.
A-TITLE Heimstätten-Genossenschaft Winterthur – Buchdesign, Illustration, Grafik
/work/hasler-webdesignIMG-ALT Hasler + Co. Winterthur: Webdesign, UX/UI Design und Grafikdesign von deiner Webagentur in Winterthur.
A-TITLE Hasler + Co. AG – Webdesign
/work/hasler-webdesignText duplicate Webdesign
A-TITLE Hasler + Co. AG – Webdesign
/work/hasler-webdesignHasler + Co.
A-TITLE Hasler + Co. AG – Webdesign
/work/deindate-grafikdesignIMG-ALT Dein Date: Plakat Design und Grafik Design von deiner Grafik Agentur in Winterthur.
A-TITLE dein date – Plakat- und Grafikdesign
/work/deindate-grafikdesignPlakatdesign – Grafikdesign – Illustration
A-TITLE dein date – Plakat- und Grafikdesign
/work/deindate-grafikdesignDein Date.
A-TITLE dein date – Plakat- und Grafikdesign
/work/patrick-huwyler-grafikde...IMG-ALT Patrick Julian Huwyler: Grafik Design und Buch Cover Design für «Teahead's Bible on caffeine management» von deiner Grafik Agentur in Winterthur.
A-TITLE Patrick Julian Huwyler – Buchcoverdesign
/work/patrick-huwyler-grafikde...Grafikdesign – Buchcover-Design – Illustration
A-TITLE Patrick Julian Huwyler – Buchcoverdesign
/work/patrick-huwyler-grafikde...Patrick Huwyler.
A-TITLE Patrick Julian Huwyler – Buchcoverdesign
/work/hgw-brandingIMG-ALT Heimstätten-Genossenschaft Winterthur: 100-Jahre-Jubiläum Branding, Logodesign, Labeldesign, Layout Design, Motion Design, Ausstellungsgrafik und vieles mehr...
A-TITLE Heimstätten-Genossenschaft Winterthur – Branding und Grafikdesign
/work/hgw-branding100 Jahre HGW.
A-TITLE Heimstätten-Genossenschaft Winterthur – Branding und Grafikdesign
/work/flaum-und-feder-branding...IMG-ALT Flaum & Feder: Brand Strategie, Corporate Identity, Branding und Webdesign von deiner Grafik und Webagentur in Winterthur.
A-TITLE Flaum & Feder – Branding und Webdesign
/work/flaum-und-feder-branding...Corporate Identity – Branding – Webdesign
A-TITLE Flaum & Feder – Branding und Webdesign
/work/flaum-und-feder-branding...Flaum & Feder.
A-TITLE Flaum & Feder – Branding und Webdesign
/work/kartonentsorgung-wintert...IMG-ALT Kartonentsorgung Winterthur: Kampagne, Motion Design und Grafik Design.
A-TITLE Entsorgungsdienst Stadt Winterthur – Werbekampagne
/work/kartonentsorgung-wintert...Kampagne – Motion Design
A-TITLE Entsorgungsdienst Stadt Winterthur – Werbekampagne
/work/kartonentsorgung-wintert...Kartonentsorgung Winterthur.
A-TITLE Entsorgungsdienst Stadt Winterthur – Werbekampagne
/work/b9-club-branding-webdesignIMG-ALT B9 Club: Corporate Identity, Branding und Webdesign von deiner Grafik und Webagentur in Winterthur.
A-TITLE B9 Club – Branding und Webdesign
/work/b9-club-branding-webdesignText duplicate Corporate Identity – Branding – Webdesign
A-TITLE B9 Club – Branding und Webdesign
/work/b9-club-branding-webdesignB9 Lounge Bar.
A-TITLE B9 Club – Branding und Webdesign
/work/dein-tanz-brandingIMG-ALT Dein Tanz: Corporate Design, Branding und Flyer Design von deiner Grafik Agentur in Winterthur.
A-TITLE Dein Tanz – Branding und Webdesign
/work/dein-tanz-brandingCorporate Identity – Branding – Flyerdesign
A-TITLE Dein Tanz – Branding und Webdesign
/work/dein-tanz-brandingDein Tanz.
A-TITLE Dein Tanz – Branding und Webdesign
/work/dein-tanz-brandingCorporate Identity – Branding
A-TITLE Dein Tanz – Branding und Webdesign
/work/ebgw-branding-webdesign– Webdesign – Motion
A-TITLE Eisenbahner-Baugenossenschaft Winterthur – Branding und Webdesign
/work/ebgw-branding-webdesignEBGW Winterthur.
A-TITLE Eisenbahner-Baugenossenschaft Winterthur – Branding und Webdesign
/work/nomads-brandingIMG-ALT Nomads Reisebüro: Fiktive Corporate Identity und Branding von deiner Branding Agentur in Winterthur.
/work/dein-tanz-brandingText duplicate Corporate Identity – Branding
A-TITLE Dein Tanz – Branding und Webdesign
/work/nomads-branding– Webdesign
/work/nomads-brandingNOMADS Reisebüro.
/work/gulmenhof-branding-webde...IMG-ALT Gulmenhof: Branding, Logodesign, Corporate Identity, Webdesign und Packaging für einen rustikalen Bauernhof.
A-TITLE Gulmenhof – Branding und Webdesign
/work/dein-tanz-brandingText duplicate Corporate Identity – Branding
A-TITLE Dein Tanz – Branding und Webdesign
/work/gulmenhof-branding-webde...– Webdesign – Packaging
A-TITLE Gulmenhof – Branding und Webdesign
A-TITLE Gulmenhof – Branding und Webdesign
/work/unter-strom-grafikdesignIMG-ALT Unter Strom: Informationsdesign, Plakatdesign und Grafikdesign von deiner Grafik Agentur in Winterthur.
A-TITLE Unter Strom – Grafikdesign, Infografik
/work/unter-strom-grafikdesignInformationsdesign – Grafikdesign
A-TITLE Unter Strom – Grafikdesign, Infografik
/work/unter-strom-grafikdesignUnter Strom.
A-TITLE Unter Strom – Grafikdesign, Infografik
/workmehr Projekte
A-TITLE mehr Projekte
/angebot/brandingeinzigartiges Branding
A-TITLE Branding Winterthur – deine Marke, meine Leidenschaft.
/angebot/webdesignProfessionelles Webdesign
A-TITLE Webdesign Winterthur – für erfolgreiche digitale Erlebnisse.
/angebot/grafikdesignkonzeptstarkes Grafikdesign
A-TITLE Grafik aus Winterthur – auf den Punkt gebracht.
/angebotzum Angebot
A-TITLE Wir bringen deine Marke zum Fliegen – mit Branding, Webdesign & Grafik.
/kontaktzum Kontakt
A-TITLE Kontakt window Nofollow External Subdomain Text duplicate Facebook
A-TITLE Facebook window Nofollow External Subdomain Text duplicate Instagram
A-TITLE Instagram window Nofollow External Subdomain Text duplicate Linkedin
A-TITLE Linkedin
A-TITLE Impressum
A-TITLE Datenschutz
/?loginNofollow Subdomain Login
A-TITLE Benutzer anmelden

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
The web server version is sent within the HTTP header.
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.27 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (45 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateFri, 07 Feb 2025 09:37:13 GMT
set-cookie62 Characters
expiresFri, 31 Dec 1999 23:00:00 GMT
cache-controlno-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-store

External factors

This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 7 referring domains.
This page only has 8 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 6 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


# Cmsbox 3.0

User-agent: *
# disallow URLs containing ?login
Disallow: /*?login
Disallow: /*?cart
Disallow: /*?contact
Disallow: /*?recommend
Disallow: /*?search
Disallow: /*?highlight
Disallow: /*?intro
Disallow: /*?cancel
Disallow: /*?print
Disallow: /*?newsletter
Disallow: /*?rss*
# system
Disallow: /dtd/
Disallow: /errors/
Disallow: /language/
Disallow: /printer/
# upload-root
Allow: /uploads/
Allow: /download/
# uploads
Allow: /animations/
Allow: /audio/
Disallow: /contents/
Allow: /documents/
Allow: /pictures/
Allow: /photos/
Allow: /movies/
Disallow: /prints/
Disallow: /temporary/

Search preview
Gabriela Martinelli Design | Branding Web & Grafik Agentur
Meine Design-Agentur in Winterthur kreiert für dich und deine Marke durchdachte Lösungen in den Bereichen Branding, Webdesign und Grafik Design.

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Branding Agentur70%Check
Design-Agentur Winterthur69%Check
Web Design69%Check
Martinelli Design69%Check
Design Agentur68%Check
Gabriela Martinelli Design67%Check
Webdesign und Grafik66%Check

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