edition & galerie hoffmann promotes constructivist and concrete art since 1967. the gallery plays an integral role in the aforementioned movements, as it also functions as a meeting point for artists from europe, the americas and japan.
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edition & galerie hoffmann promotes constructivist and concrete art since 1967. the gallery plays an integral role in the aforementioned movements, as it also functions as a meeting point for artists from europe, the americas and japan.
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edition & galerie hoffmann promotes constructivist and concrete art since 1967. the gallery plays an integral role in the aforementioned movements, as it also functions as a meeting point for artists from europe, the americas and japan.
edition & galerie hoffmann
edition & galerie hoffmann promotes constructivist and concrete art since 1967. the gallery plays an integral role in the aforementioned movements, as it also functions as a meeting point for artists from europe, the americas and japan.
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serena amrein, hermann bartels, katrina blannin, marcelle cahn, gianni colombo, lars erik falk, marcel floris, barbara francken, mechtild frisch, hans jörg glattfelder, hermann glöckner, ekkeland g...
marcelle cahn, jean gorin, aurélie nemours, michel seuphor, francois thépot
no. 3/2024
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in focus: einblicke 2024 serena amrein, hermann bartels, katrina blannin, marcelle cahn, gianni colombo, lars erik falk, marcel floris, barbara francken, mec...
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edition & galerie hoffmann promotes constructivist and concrete art since 1967. the gallery plays an integral role in the aforementioned movements, as it also functions as a meeting point for artists from europe, the americas and japan.
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