Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.22 s
File size
698.80 kB
Media files
Number of links
277 internal / 0 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
The page title is too short. (64 pixels of 580 max pixel length) Optimize title
The domain is used in the page's title.
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Offizieller GAP EShop für die Tschechische Republik. Kaufen Sie Damen-, Herren- und Kinder-Freizeitkleidung und Jeans aus den neuesten Kollektionen der amerikanischen Marke.
The meta description is too long: 1116 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language defined in HTML: at
Server location: United States of America
One or more of the specified languages are not ISO standard (en, en-us, de, etc.)
The following language is defined by HTML: at
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
descriptionOffizieller GAP EShop für die Tschechische Republik. Kaufen Sie Damen-, Herren- und Kinder-Freizeitkleidung und Jeans aus den neuesten Kollektionen der amerikanischen Marke.
keywordsOriginal-Kleidung, Designer-Kleidung, Designer-Schuhe, Designer-Accessoires GAP, billigste Designer-Kleidung, gap.at
og:descriptionOffizieller GAP EShop für die Tschechische Republik. Kaufen Sie Damen-, Herren- und Kinder-Freizeitkleidung und Jeans aus den neuesten Kollektionen der amerikanischen Marke.

Test up to 1.000 webpages of gap.at with our free plan!

Try For Free
No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
Only 1 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
This page contains 603 words. That's ok.
13.6% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 16 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
The file size of the HTML document is very large (698.8 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The amount of tags is very high (30). We recommend using a maximum of 12 tags for this page.
The following tag is repeated too often: 23,99 eur
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
4 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...YjUwZjYxYjg1NzNjYmI0MzRmOC01NDg0Ny5qcGc=Main banner-1
...ZGQ2NjA3OTgwMzJkMWZjMjU2LTQyODg4OC5qcGc=Baby-Bomberjacke Gap & Paddington
...YTJlYzY1MjdiY2VjYjFkZjZiLTU4MDMyMS5qcGc=Baby-Hemd Gap & Paddington
...ZGIyNDM1ZWE3NzVkMjcxNTYyLTI4NDA4OC5qcGc=Baby Strickoverall Gap & Paddington
...YzMxODA2NmZjZDUyN2FmNjY0LTM2MTgzOC5qcGc=Baby Sherpa Pullover Gap & Paddington
...YmIwODk5YzdhMDFkMTI2ODM3LTg0MjMxOC5qcGc=Baby-Pullover Gap & Paddington
...YTIzNzY3OGE3MDZlZTA2ZWFhLTk1MzY5Ny5qcGc=Baby T-Shirt Gap & Paddington
...95f193ef5e47d5d49ab94611515f1-378944.svgGap For Good
...YzQ4M2U1ZWRhMGNkODYwOTAwLTUxMDA1My5qcGc=Baby Chambrey Kleid Gap & Paddington
...ODVmNTI5N2QyMzAzYTIzZjA4LTU5OTgxMi5qcGc=Baby T-Shirt Gap & Paddington
...95f193ef5e47d5d49ab94611515f1-378944.svgGap For Good
...OGJjY2FiZDg1NjA4MmE2ZGMxLTEyNjQyMS5qcGc=Baby-Pyjama-Set Gap & Paddington
...95f193ef5e47d5d49ab94611515f1-378944.svgGap For Good
...NTU0NzhkZjU3Mzc3YTE1YWU4LTMwMjg3NC5qcGc=Baby Socken Gap & Paddington, 3er-Pack
...NjM2Zjk0OGY0ZTM1NTY4ZTk1LTQzMTk4MS5qcGc=Baby Overall Gap & Paddington
...95f193ef5e47d5d49ab94611515f1-378944.svgGap For Good
...YTg2NzE5MzhjNTNiNjNiM2UyLTk4MDM5OS5qcGc=Baby Body Gap & Paddington
...95f193ef5e47d5d49ab94611515f1-378944.svgGap For Good
...NmFmZjFiNGUyMzViOTVlMTllLTgyNjE1OC5qcGc=Baby Body Gap & Paddington
...ODRlMzU0N2Y3MmRmNWQzMjJmLTE2MjI4Mi5qcGc=Baby T-Shirt Gap & Paddington
...YWM4ZmI0MDBlMTM5NjYzNjU0NC02NzMxNzYuanBnGAP & Paddington
...YWM4ZmI0MDBlMTM5NjYzNjU0NC01MDY1MDIuanBnGAP & Paddington
...YWM4ZmI0MDBlMTM5NjYzNjU0NC0xMDc5MzYuanBnGAP & Paddington
...MjdkMjQ1YTM4MWIzNzIzNGJlZS0zMzU5NDcuanBnGAP & Paddington
...MjdkMjQ1YTM4MWIzNzIzNGJlZS0xNzI0NTUuanBnGAP & Paddington
...MjdkMjQ1YTM4MWIzNzIzNGJlZS02ODU0ODkuanBnGAP & Paddington
...NzA3NTQ2N2JkYjNmOGMyODM3MS02ODU0OTQuanBnGAP & Paddington
...NzA3NTQ2N2JkYjNmOGMyODM3MS0xMzg4MTEuanBnGAP & Paddington
...NzA3NTQ2N2JkYjNmOGMyODM3MS0xNDc5ODIuanBnGAP & Paddington
...NWJkYzNjOWU4MDM4OTQyODRkMS00Nzk3MzUuanBnGAP & Paddington
...NWJkYzNjOWU4MDM4OTQyODRkMS00NjUyNTEuanBnGAP & Paddington
...OThkYTY1MWI2YzM1NmMzODBiMy00Njk3MTguanBnGAP & Paddington
...OThkYTY1MWI2YzM1NmMzODBiMy05MDUxNjkuanBnGAP & Paddington
...OThkYTY1MWI2YzM1NmMzODBiMy0yMTA1ODAuanBnGAP & Paddington
...ODdkNWI2ZDRlN2JhMTQyZmJmNC04NjQ3NjMuanBnMain banner-4
...95f193ef5e47d5d49ab94611515f1-378944.svgGap For Good
...95f193ef5e47d5d49ab94611515f1-378944.svgGap For Good
...Y2ZiY2Y4NDRlYzQyODgwN2E1LTM2MDIzNC5qcGc=Unisex Baby Flanell-Pyjama-Set
...95f193ef5e47d5d49ab94611515f1-378944.svgGap For Good
...N2FjMzQwZGQ3MmRlYzk4ZWMzLTgwMTA3Mi5qcGc=Flanell Pyjama-Set
...NTk4NTYzMWRhZTcwNzE3YmFhLTQ5OTYwNS5qcGc=Flanell Pyjama-Set
...ZDk5YTBhNDBjMGUxYjQ4YzFhLTUyODQ3NS5qcGc=Karierte Pyjamahose
...ZGY4NzVhZWQ2ZDI1ZTg3ODU5LTI3Mzc2OS5qcGc=Flanell Pyjama-Set
...MjA0NjA4NDZhZmRiZGFkNDQxNy00ODkwMTguanBnMain banner-6
...Njk2OWNlYTE5ZWM4YTNiZTVlLTEwNTk4NC5qcGc=Strickpullover mit Rollkragen
...95f193ef5e47d5d49ab94611515f1-378944.svgGap For Good
...NzQwZmE2MTVkOTA2Y2Q2NDgwLTgwMzUxMC5qcGc=Pullover mit Wollanteil Fair Isle
...ODliZWRiZWE1OGQwZDg0NTBhLTQ3Mjk4OS5qcGc=Kinder-Cardigan mit Reißverschluss CashSoft
...YjhmYTIxYTVhNzA3ZDllZTgyLTU1NTc3Mi5qcGc=Kinderpullover CashSoft Fair Isle
...ZDg0ODdjNzMwYWJkMGNkZmVmLTU4NTg5My5qcGc=Baby Pullover mit Schleifen CashSoft
...ODQyOGQ5MGY0MWExNTA5NGExLTYxODA2Mi5qcGc=Gerippter Cardigan mit Reißverschluss
...4dc855e4321ddcdb0171bb03eeefc-475866.svgNo alt attribute provided
...e532a5b252fbed39ed5171b5d2391-927674.svgNo alt attribute provided
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...ac8dad198eb771690d84cb06adbf3-222505.svgNo alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 35 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 GAP & Paddington
H2 Melden Sie sich für unseren Newsletter an und erhalten Sie einen einzigartigen Code für 10% Rabatt auf Ihren Einkauf.
H2 Kostenloser Versand
H2 Das breiteste GAP Angebot Österreichs
H2 Verlängertes Rückgaberecht
H2 Mode für die ganze Familie
H3 Baby-Bomberjacke Gap & Paddington
H3 Baby-Hemd Gap & Paddington
H3 Baby Strickoverall Gap & Paddington
H3 Baby Sherpa Pullover Gap & Paddington
H3 Baby-Pullover Gap & Paddington
H3 Baby T-Shirt Gap & Paddington
H3 Baby Chambrey Kleid Gap & Paddington
H3 Baby T-Shirt Gap & Paddington Duplicate text
H3 Baby-Pyjama-Set Gap & Paddington
H3 Baby Socken Gap & Paddington, 3er-Pack
H3 Baby Overall Gap & Paddington
H3 Baby Body Gap & Paddington
H3 Baby Body Gap & Paddington Duplicate text
H3 Baby T-Shirt Gap & Paddington Duplicate text
H3 Flanell-Pyjamahose
H3 Baby-Pyjama-Set
H3 Unisex Baby Flanell-Pyjama-Set
H3 Flanell-Pyjama-Hose
H3 Kinder-Oversize-Nachthemd
H3 Flanell Pyjama-Set
H3 Flanell Pyjama-Set Duplicate text
H3 Karierte Pyjamahose
H3 Flanell Pyjama-Set Duplicate text
H3 Strickpullover mit Rollkragen
H3 Pullover mit Wollanteil Fair Isle
H3 Kinder-Cardigan mit Reißverschluss CashSoft
H3 Kinderpullover CashSoft Fair Isle
H3 Baby Pullover mit Schleifen CashSoft
H3 Gerippter Cardigan mit Reißverschluss
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
2 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are no external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/versand-und-zahlungVersand und Zahlung
https://www.gap.at/gap-plusGAP+ Treueclub
https://www.gap.at/khaki-at❄️Kauf Kleidung nicht nur für den Winter für die ganze Familie mit einem Extra-Rabatt von 25%
https://www.gap.at/No Text
https://www.gap.at/accessoiresAccessoires und Schuhe
https://www.gap.at/wishlistNo Text
/warenkorb/inhaltNo Text
https://www.gap.at/paddington-atIMG-ALT Main banner-1
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/baby-bomberjacke-gap-paddingtonIMG-ALT Baby-Bomberjacke Gap & Paddington
/baby-bomberjacke-gap-paddingtonNEU 1 Farbe Baby-Bomberjacke Gap & Paddington 76,99 EUR
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/baby-hemd-gap-paddingtonNEU 1 Farbe Baby-Hemd Gap & Paddington 23,99 EUR 31,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/baby-strickoverall-gap-paddin...IMG-ALT Baby Strickoverall Gap & Paddington
/baby-strickoverall-gap-paddin...NEU 1 Farbe Baby Strickoverall Gap & Paddington 30,74 EUR 40,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/baby-pullover-gap-paddingtonNEU 1 Farbe Baby-Pullover Gap & Paddington 26,99 EUR 35,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/baby-t-shirt-gap-paddington-1IMG-ALT Baby T-Shirt Gap & Paddington
/baby-t-shirt-gap-paddington-1NEU 2 Farben Baby T-Shirt Gap & Paddington 20,99 EUR 27,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/baby-chambrey-kleid-gap-paddi...IMG-ALT Baby Chambrey Kleid Gap & Paddington
/baby-chambrey-kleid-gap-paddi...NEU 1 Farbe Baby Chambrey Kleid Gap & Paddington 36,74 EUR 48,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/baby-t-shirt-gap-paddingtonText duplicate 12-18M
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/baby-t-shirt-gap-paddingtonText duplicate IMG-ALT Baby T-Shirt Gap & Paddington
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/baby-pyjama-set-gap-paddingtonNEU 1 Farbe Baby-Pyjama-Set Gap & Paddington 23,99 EUR 31,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/baby-socken-gap-paddington-3e...IMG-ALT Baby Socken Gap & Paddington, 3er-Pack
/baby-socken-gap-paddington-3e...NEU 1 Farbe Baby Socken Gap & Paddington, 3er-Pack 8,99 EUR 11,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/baby-overall-gap-paddingtonNEU 1 Farbe Baby Overall Gap & Paddington 23,99 EUR 31,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/baby-body-gap-paddington-1IMG-ALT Baby Body Gap & Paddington
/baby-body-gap-paddington-1NEU 2 Farben Baby Body Gap & Paddington 17,99 EUR 23,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/baby-body-gap-paddingtonText duplicate NEU 2 Farben Baby Body Gap & Paddington 17,99 EUR 23,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/baby-t-shirt-gap-paddington-2Text duplicate IMG-ALT Baby T-Shirt Gap & Paddington
/baby-t-shirt-gap-paddington-2NEU 1 Farbe Baby T-Shirt Gap & Paddington 20,99 EUR 27,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/flanell-pyjamahose-1IMG-ALT Grün
/flanell-pyjamahoseIMG-ALT Schwarz
/flanell-pyjamahose-1IMG-ALT Flanell-Pyjamahose
/flanell-pyjamahose-1NEU 2 Farben Flanell-Pyjamahose 26,99 EUR 35,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/baby-pyjama-set-1IMG-ALT Rosa
/baby-pyjama-setIMG-ALT Baby-Pyjama-Set
/baby-pyjama-setNEU 2 Farben Baby-Pyjama-Set 23,99 EUR 31,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
/unisex-baby-flanell-pyjama-setText duplicate IMG-ALT Beige
/unisex-baby-flanell-pyjama-setIMG-ALT Unisex Baby Flanell-Pyjama-Set
/unisex-baby-flanell-pyjama-setNEU 1 Farbe Unisex Baby Flanell-Pyjama-Set 42,74 EUR 56,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/flanell-pyjama-hose-2IMG-ALT Bunt
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/flanell-pyjama-hoseNEU 2 Farben Flanell-Pyjama-Hose 26,99 EUR 35,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/kinder-oversize-nachthemdIMG-ALT Kinder-Oversize-Nachthemd
/kinder-oversize-nachthemdNEU 1 Farbe Kinder-Oversize-Nachthemd 26,99 EUR 35,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
/flanell-pyjama-setText duplicate XS
/flanell-pyjama-setText duplicate S
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/flanell-pyjama-setText duplicate L
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/flanell-pyjama-setText duplicate IMG-ALT Beige
/flanell-pyjama-set-2Text duplicate IMG-ALT Beige
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/flanell-pyjama-setIMG-ALT Flanell Pyjama-Set
/flanell-pyjama-setNEU 4 Farben Flanell Pyjama-Set 57,74 EUR 76,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
/flanell-pyjama-set-1Text duplicate XS
/flanell-pyjama-set-1Text duplicate IMG-ALT Rosa
/flanell-pyjama-setText duplicate IMG-ALT Beige
/flanell-pyjama-set-2Text duplicate IMG-ALT Beige
/flanell-pyjama-set-3Text duplicate IMG-ALT Dunkelblau
/flanell-pyjama-set-1Text duplicate IMG-ALT Flanell Pyjama-Set
/flanell-pyjama-set-1Text duplicate NEU 4 Farben Flanell Pyjama-Set 57,74 EUR 76,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
/karierte-pyjamahose-2Text duplicate S
/karierte-pyjamahose-2Text duplicate M
/karierte-pyjamahose-2Text duplicate L
/karierte-pyjamahose-2Text duplicate XL
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/karierte-pyjamahose-2Text duplicate IMG-ALT Dunkelblau
/karierte-pyjamahose-1Text duplicate IMG-ALT Bunt
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/karierte-pyjamahose-2IMG-ALT Karierte Pyjamahose
/karierte-pyjamahose-2NEU • BESTSELLER 5 Farben Karierte Pyjamahose 26,99 EUR 35,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/flanell-pyjama-set-2Text duplicate IMG-ALT Flanell Pyjama-Set
/flanell-pyjama-set-2Text duplicate NEU 4 Farben Flanell Pyjama-Set 57,74 EUR 76,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
https://www.gap.at/cozy-atIMG-ALT Main banner-6
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/strickpullover-mit-zopfmuster-6IMG-ALT Strickpullover mit Rollkragen
/strickpullover-mit-zopfmuster-62 Farben Strickpullover mit Rollkragen 65,99 EUR 87,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
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/pullover-mit-wollanteil-fair-...IMG-ALT Braun
/pullover-mit-wollanteil-fair-...IMG-ALT Pullover mit Wollanteil Fair Isle
/pullover-mit-wollanteil-fair-...NEU 1 Farbe Pullover mit Wollanteil Fair Isle 60,74 EUR 80,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
/kinder-cardigan-mit-reissvers...Text duplicate XS
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/kinder-cardigan-mit-reissvers...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Beige
/kinder-cardigan-mit-reissvers...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Rot
/kinder-cardigan-mit-reissvers...IMG-ALT Kinder-Cardigan mit Reißverschluss CashSoft
/kinder-cardigan-mit-reissvers...NEU 2 Farben Kinder-Cardigan mit Reißverschluss CashSoft 42,74 EUR 56,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
/kinderpullover-cashsoft-fair-...Text duplicate S
/kinderpullover-cashsoft-fair-...Text duplicate M
/kinderpullover-cashsoft-fair-...Text duplicate L
/kinderpullover-cashsoft-fair-...Text duplicate XL
/kinderpullover-cashsoft-fair-...Text duplicate XXL
/kinderpullover-cashsoft-fair-...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Dunkelblau
/kinderpullover-cashsoft-fair-...IMG-ALT Kinderpullover CashSoft Fair Isle
/kinderpullover-cashsoft-fair-...NEU 1 Farbe Kinderpullover CashSoft Fair Isle 39,74 EUR 52,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
/baby-pullover-mit-schleifen-c...Text duplicate 12-18M
/baby-pullover-mit-schleifen-c...Text duplicate 18-24M
/baby-pullover-mit-schleifen-c...Text duplicate 2YRS
/baby-pullover-mit-schleifen-c...Text duplicate 3YRS
/baby-pullover-mit-schleifen-c...Text duplicate 4YRS
/baby-pullover-mit-schleifen-c...Text duplicate 5YRS
/baby-pullover-mit-schleifen-c...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Rosa
/baby-pullover-mit-schleifen-c...IMG-ALT Baby Pullover mit Schleifen CashSoft
/baby-pullover-mit-schleifen-c...NEU 1 Farbe Baby Pullover mit Schleifen CashSoft 30,74 EUR 40,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
/gerippter-cardigan-mit-reissv...Text duplicate S
/gerippter-cardigan-mit-reissv...Text duplicate M
/gerippter-cardigan-mit-reissv...Text duplicate L
/gerippter-cardigan-mit-reissv...Text duplicate XL
/gerippter-cardigan-mit-reissv...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Dunkelblau
/gerippter-cardigan-mit-reissv...IMG-ALT Gerippter Cardigan mit Reißverschluss
/gerippter-cardigan-mit-reissv...NEU 1 Farbe Gerippter Cardigan mit Reißverschluss 82,49 EUR 109,99 EUR -25% mit Code WINTER25
/die-verarbeitung-personenbezo...für die Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten.
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