- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
1.65 s
File size
381.70 kB
Media files
Number of links
323 internal / 71 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Home - The Muscogee Nation :The Muscogee Nation
There are word repetitions in the page title.
The length of the page title is perfect. (475 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
Meta description
(Critically important)
The meta description is empty.
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en-us
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en-us
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
robotsfollow, index, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1, max-image-preview:large
twitter:titleHome - The Muscogee Nation
og:titleHome - The Muscogee Nation
og:site_nameThe Muscogee Nation

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1358 words. That's ok.
9.9% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
3 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 15.33 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 27 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
7 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
...nt/uploads/2023/11/MCN-NSN-Seal.png.webpNo alt attribute provided
/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/logo.png.webpMuscogee Nation Logo
/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/health.svgNo alt attribute provided
...ntent/uploads/2021/07/human-services.svgNo alt attribute provided
/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/education.svgNo alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64Tickets
data:[...] Base64Great Seal of the Muscogee Nation
Video URLWidthHeight

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 Empty heading
H2 Legal Resources
H3 Health
H3 Community and Human Services
H3 Education and Training
H3 News
H3 Events
H3 Quick Links
H4 Summer Youth Worksites
H4 Mvskoke Leadership Program Applications
H4 2025 High School Senior Honor Cord Applications
H4 Academic Incentive Applications
H4 SYEP T-Shirt Design Contest
H4 2025 Mvskoke Leadership Program Applications
H4 Dance for LIFE
H4 Dance for LIFE Duplicate text
H4 Virtual Mvskoke Language Class | Tuesday | Evenings | Six Weeks
H4 Closed: Vocational Rehabilitation Offices
H4 Women’s Empowerment Support Group: Let’s Make Fry Bread!
H4 Dance for LIFE Duplicate text
H4 Dance for LIFE Duplicate text
H4 Virtual Mvskoke Language Class | Thursdays, Fridays | Noon | Six Weeks
H4 Virtual Mvskoke Language Class | Thursdays, Fridays | Noon | Six Weeks Duplicate text
H4 Cans for the Kids Korral
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
4 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are too many external links (71) on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Skip to Content
/2024/10/02/2025-syep-worksite...Subdomain Information
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Information
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Information ACE
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Employment & Training
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Higher Education
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor JOM
https://creeknationfoundation....External Scholarship Foundation window External Subdomain Mvskoke Tourism: Visit Muscogee Nation!
/lighthorse-police/Subdomain POLICE
/attorney-general-directory/at...Subdomain Traffic Tickets
/emergency-management/Subdomain DISASTER HOTLINE
/government/Subdomain Government
/government/executive/Subdomain EXECUTIVE BRANCH
/government/executive/Subdomain No Text
/government/legislative/Subdomain LEGISLATIVE BRANCH
/government/legislative/Subdomain No Text
/government/judicial/Subdomain JUDICIAL BRANCH
/government/judicial/Subdomain No Text
/government/executive/Subdomain FOR THE PEOPLE
/government/executive/Subdomain No Text
/attorney-general/Subdomain ATTORNEY GENERAL
/attorney-general/justice-on-t...Subdomain Justice on the Rez
/attorney-general/attorney-gen...Subdomain Phone Directory
/attorney-general/attorney-gen...Subdomain Text duplicate Traffic Tickets
/attorney-general/attorney-gen...Subdomain Court Records
/attorney-general/attorney-gen...Subdomain Legal Services Forms
/attorney-general/attorney-gen...Subdomain Legal Code Reference
/attorney-general/attorney-gen...Subdomain Documents
/departments/Subdomain Departments Anchor Independent Agencies
/child-support-program/Subdomain Child Support Program
/citizenship/Subdomain Citizenship Office window External Subdomain Department of Health window External Subdomain Department of Housing
/election-board/Subdomain Election Board
/emergency-management/Subdomain Emergency Management
/lighthorse-police/Subdomain Lighthorse Police
/lighthorse-police/lighthorse-...Subdomain Lighthorse Police Commission
/tax-commission/Subdomain Tax Commission window External Subdomain Health window External Subdomain Text duplicate Department of Health window External Subdomain Housing window External Subdomain Text duplicate Department of Housing
/department-of-commerce/Subdomain Commerce
/department-of-commerce/contra...Subdomain Contracting & Employment Support Office (CESO)
/department-of-commerce/market...Subdomain Marketing & Tourism window External Mvskoke Loan Fund
/department-of-commerce/Subdomain Anchor Planning & Grants
/department-of-commerce/recrea...Subdomain Recreation
/department-of-commerce/unifor...Subdomain Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
/office-of-tribal-administration/Subdomain Tribal Administration
/office-of-tribal-administration/Subdomain Anchor Community Research & Dev (CR&D)
/office-of-tribal-administration/Subdomain Anchor Facilities Department
/office-of-tribal-administration/Subdomain Anchor Fleet Management
/office-of-tribal-administration/Subdomain Anchor General Services Administration (GSA)
/office-of-tribal-administration/Subdomain Anchor Human Resources (HR)
/office-of-tribal-administration/Subdomain Anchor Information Technology (IT)
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Community & Human Services
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Adult Protective Services
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Caregiver Program
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Child Care
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Children & Family
/child-support-program/Subdomain Text duplicate Child Support Program
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Elderly Nutrition
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Food Distribution
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Tribal Juvenile Justice (TJJ)
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Mvskoke Royalty
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Senior Services
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Social Security
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Social Services
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Tribal TANF
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Victim Services
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain WIC
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Youth Services (MNYS)
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Education & Training
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Accessing Choices in Education (ACE)
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor At-Large Honor Cord
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Challenge Bowl
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Employment & Training (ETA)
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Euchee Language
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Eufaula Dormitory
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Head Start
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Text duplicate Higher Education
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Johnson O’Malley (JOM)
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Mvskoke Language
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor NYCP Educator Resources
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Reintegration
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Scholarship Foundation
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Special/Extra Curricular Grant
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Vocational Rehabilitation
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Virtual Learning
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Documents
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Interior Affairs
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Agriculture & Natural Resources (DANR)
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Arbor Care
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Conservation District
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Environmental Services (MCNOES)
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Geospatial (GIS)
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Historic & Cultural
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Anchor Looped Square Meat Co.
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Transit
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Transportation (MCN DOT)
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Tribal Construction
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Tribal Driveways
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Anchor Wildlife Program window External Text duplicate Accessing Choices in Education (ACE) window External College Of The Muscogee Nation window External Text duplicate Environmental Services (MCNOES) window External Muscogee Nation Festival window External Subdomain Muscogee National Council window External Muscogee Nation GIS Maps window External Subdomain Muscogee Nation Scholarship Pageant window External Subdomain Muscogee Nation Supreme Court window External Text duplicate Mvskoke Loan Fund window External Subdomain Mvskoke Media window External Subdomain Mvskoke Nation Youth Services (MNYS) window External NYCP Education Resources window External Subdomain Public Gaming
https://www.creeknationgiftsho...New window External Subdomain Redstick Gallery
https://creeknationfoundation....New window External Text duplicate Scholarship Foundation window External Traffic Court window External Veterans Affairs
/services/Subdomain Services
/beyondthereservation/Subdomain RESOURCES
/beyondthereservation/Subdomain Beyond the Reservation Services Packet
/the-muscogee-nation-resource-...Subdomain Muscogee Nation Resource Center, OKC
/southern-regional-office/Subdomain Southern Regional Office Services Muscogee Nation Maps
/citizenship/Subdomain CITIZENSHIP
/citizenship/Subdomain Text duplicate Citizenship Office
/citizenship/citizenship-forms/Subdomain Citizenship Forms
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/election-board/Subdomain Anchor Registration
/election-board/Subdomain Anchor Boundaries & Precincts
/election-board/Subdomain Anchor Filing for Office
/election-board/Subdomain Anchor Previous Elections
/election-board/Subdomain Anchor Voting Regulations
/election-board/Subdomain Anchor Voter Totals
/recreation/Subdomain Text duplicate Recreation
/mvskokeartmarket/Subdomain Mvskoke Art Market
/lighthorse-police/Subdomain Text duplicate POLICE
/lighthorse-police/Subdomain Text duplicate Lighthorse Police
/lighthorse-police/lighthorse-...Subdomain Text duplicate Lighthorse Police Commission
/attorney-general/Subdomain LEGAL
/attorney-general-directory/Subdomain Attorney General Directory
/attorney-general-directory/at...Subdomain Court Records Instructions window External District Court
/attorney-general-directory/at...Subdomain Legal Code Lookup window External Subdomain National Council window External Subdomain Supreme Court Text duplicate Traffic Court
/attorney-general-directory/at...Subdomain Text duplicate Traffic Tickets
/tax-commission/Subdomain TRANSPORTATION
/office-of-tribal-administrati...Subdomain Automotive Services
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor KATS Info
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Trolley Routes Map
/tax-commission/Subdomain Vehicle Registration, Tag Office
/emergency-management/Subdomain NATURAL DISASTER RESPONSE
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Driveway Repair
/emergency-management/Subdomain Text duplicate Emergency Management
/emergency-management/Subdomain Anchor Storm Shelter Program
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/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Library & Archives
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Ground Penetrating Radar
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Geospatial Department (GIS)
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain BEREAVEMENT
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Tribal Burial & Support Programs
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain BIA Burial Assistance
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Grave Digging Assistance
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Cemetery Preservation
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain COMMUNITY/HUMAN SERVICES
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/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Elderly Nutrition Locations
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Elderly Nutrition Menu
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Elder Services
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Food Distribution
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Tribal Juvenile Justice (TJJ) Subdomain Text duplicate Mvskoke Nation Youth Services (MNYS)
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Mvskoke Royalty
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Social Security Assistance
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain WIC Resources
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Victim Services
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain SOCIAL SERVICES
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain BIA General Assistance
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain BIA Individual Indian Money (IIM) Account Assessment
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Energy Heating & Cooling Assistance
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Hardship Assistance
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain LIHEAP Heating & Cooling Assistance
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Medical Travel Assistance
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain NAHASDA Program
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Disaster Assistance
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain School Clothing Assistance
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Clothing Guidelines K-12
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Clothing Guidelines College/Vo-Tech
/department-of-commerce/unifor...Subdomain BUSINESS/UCC
/department-of-commerce/unifor...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
/department-of-commerce/unifor...Subdomain Anchor LLC Resources
/department-of-commerce/unifor...Subdomain Anchor Foreign LLC Resources
/department-of-commerce/unifor...Subdomain Anchor Foreign Limited Partnership
/department-of-commerce/unifor...Subdomain Anchor Limited Partnership
/department-of-commerce/unifor...Subdomain Anchor Not for Profit Corporation
/department-of-commerce/unifor...Subdomain Anchor Corporation
/department-of-commerce/unifor...Subdomain Anchor Foreign Corporation
/department-of-commerce/unifor...Subdomain Anchor Merger or Consolidation
/department-of-commerce/unifor...Subdomain Anchor UCC Finance Statement
/department-of-commerce/Subdomain COMMERCE
/department-of-commerce/contra...Subdomain CESO Resources/Jobs/Contractors Text duplicate Mvskoke Loan Fund
/department-of-commerce/Subdomain Anchor Planning and Grants
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain CONSERVATION
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Arbor Care Services
/conservation-district-program/Subdomain Hog Trap Installment
/conservation-district-program/Subdomain Technical Assistance
/conservation-district-program/Subdomain Soil/Water/Hay Testing
/conservation-district-program/Subdomain Anchor Resource Survey
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain HUNTING
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Text duplicate Wildlife Program
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Anchor Wildlife Survey
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Anchor Regulations
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Anchor Harvest Report
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Anchor Wildlife Permit
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Anchor Hunting Maps
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain EDUCATION Text duplicate Accessing Choices in Education (ACE)
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate At-Large Honor Cord
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Challenge Bowl Resources
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Euchee Language Program
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Eufaula Dormitory Program
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Head Start Program
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Johnson O’Malley (JOM)
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain JOM Forms & Documents
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Mvskoke Language Program Text duplicate NYCP Education Resources
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Special/Extra Curricular Grant
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Virtual Learning Support
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain HIGHER EDUCATION
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Emergency Scholarship Fund
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Post-graduate Grants
https://creeknationfoundation....External Text duplicate Scholarship Foundation
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Undergraduate Grants
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain EMPLOYMENT TRAINING
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Career Readiness Support
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Classroom Training Programs
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Employment & Training Application
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor GED Assistance
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Grants and Incentives
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Youth ACT Test Assistance
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Jobsearch Expense Assistance
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Text duplicate Vocational Rehabilitation
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Youth Life Skills
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Youth OSU-IT Fees (SPURS)
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Youth Summer Employment
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Youth Work Experience
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain CHILD CARE
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Child Care Assistance
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Child Care Dev. Center
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Child Care for Foster Children
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Child Care for Job Searchers
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Child Care Monitoring
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Child Care Provider Training
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Child Care Referral
/child-support-program/Subdomain CHILDREN/FAMILY
/child-support-program/Subdomain Text duplicate Child Support Program
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Certification Placement Recruitment Training (CPRT)
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Family Protection
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Indian Child Welfare
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Promoting Safe & Stable Families
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Reunification and Permanency
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Anchor Ag Youth Program
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Anchor Ag Youth Reimbursement
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Anchor Ag Youth Livestock Assistance
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Anchor Ag Youth Archery Assistance
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Anchor Ag Youth Leadership Training
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Anchor Ag Youth Poultry Assistance
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain REINTEGRATION
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Adult Re-Entry Program
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Batterers Intervention (BIP)
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Fiber Technician Training
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor License Reinstatement
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Substance Abuse Services
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Anchor Youth Reintegration Services
/phone-directory/Subdomain Text duplicate Phone Directory
/phone-directory/map/Subdomain Interactive Maps
/phone-directory/community-cen...Subdomain Community Centers
/phone-directory/community-cen...Subdomain Anchor Regional Offices
/quarterly-reports/Subdomain Quarterly Reports
/quarterly-reports/Subdomain Text duplicate Quarterly Reports Subdomain Impact Report
/office-of-tribal-administrati...Subdomain Human Resources
/office-of-tribal-administrati...Subdomain Text duplicate Human Resources
https://muscogeecreekokemploye...External Subdomain Munis
/events/category/holiday-sched...Subdomain Holiday Schedule
https://muscogeenation.mysafet...External Subdomain Safety Skills Training Subdomain Employment Application
/lighthorse-police/Subdomain Text duplicate POLICE
/attorney-general-directory/at...Subdomain Text duplicate Traffic Tickets Subdomain MEDICAL
/emergency-management/Subdomain Text duplicate DISASTER HOTLINE
/emergency-management/Subdomain Text duplicate Emergency Management
/news/Subdomain News
/events/Subdomain Events
/videos/Subdomain Videos
/jobs/Subdomain Careers Subdomain Camphouse window External Subdomain No Text window External No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text Subdomain Facebook X/Twitter Subdomain Instagram Subdomain YouTube window External Subdomain Mvskoke Tourism: Visit the Nation! IMG-ALT Muscogee Nation Logo
/news/Subdomain Text duplicate News
/events/Subdomain Text duplicate Events
/videos/Subdomain Text duplicate Videos
/jobs/Subdomain Text duplicate Careers Subdomain Text duplicate Camphouse window External Text duplicate Health
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Community and Human Services
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Education and Training
/2025/01/24/state-of-the-natio...Subdomain State of the Nation Address: January 25, 10am
/2025/01/21/quarterly-report-f...Subdomain Quarterly Report, FY 2025 1Q
/2025/01/20/scholarship-founda...Subdomain Scholarship Foundation Fundraiser with the University of Oklahoma
/2025/01/20/mnyc-wind-runners-...Subdomain MNYC Wind Runners Fundraiser Donations
/event/syep-t-shirt-design-con...Subdomain SYEP T-Shirt Design Contest
/event/2025-mvskoke-leadership...Subdomain 2025 Mvskoke Leadership Program Applications
/event/dance-for-life-9/Subdomain Dance for LIFE
/event/dance-for-life-40/Subdomain Text duplicate Dance for LIFE
/event/virtual-mvskoke-languag...Subdomain Virtual Mvskoke Language Class | Tuesday | Evenings | Six Weeks
/event/closed-vocational-rehab...Subdomain Closed: Vocational Rehabilitation Offices
/event/womens-empowerment-supp...Subdomain Women’s Empowerment Support Group: Let’s Make Fry Bread!
/event/dance-for-life-10/Subdomain Text duplicate Dance for LIFE
/event/dance-for-life-41/Subdomain Text duplicate Dance for LIFE
/event/virtual-mvskoke-languag...Subdomain Virtual Mvskoke Language Class | Thursdays, Fridays | Noon | Six Weeks
/event/virtual-mvskoke-languag...Subdomain Text duplicate Virtual Mvskoke Language Class | Thursdays, Fridays | Noon | Six Weeks
/event/cans-for-the-kids-korral/Subdomain Cans for the Kids Korral
/justice-for-hickory-ground/Subdomain Justice for Hickory Ground
/the-muscogee-pod/Subdomain The Muscogee Pod
/beyondthereservation/Subdomain Beyond the Reservation | Citizen Services
/phone-directory/community-cen...Subdomain Community Centers | Resource Centers
/conservation-district-program/Subdomain Text duplicate Conservation District
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Elderly Nutrition
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Text duplicate Employment & Training
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Text duplicate Head Start Program
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Text duplicate Higher Education
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Johnson O’Malley (JOM) | Forms
/mvskokeartmarket/Subdomain Text duplicate Mvskoke Art Market
/department-of-education-and-t...Subdomain Text duplicate Mvskoke Language Program
/department-of-interior-affairs/Subdomain Anchor Transit & KATS Trollies
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Transportation and Federal Roads
/department-of-interior-affair...Subdomain Text duplicate Wildlife Program
https://muscogeenationfestival...New window External Annual Muscogee Nation Festival Text duplicate Accessing Choices in Education (ACE) Geospatial Department Maps window External Mvskoke Fund CDFI
https://mvskokenationallibrary...External National Library and Archive Subdomain Text duplicate Public Gaming
https://creeknationfoundation....External Text duplicate Scholarship Foundation window External Subdomain Scholarship Pageant and Royalty window External Subdomain Tourism: Visit the Muscogee Nation! Text duplicate Transportation and Federal Roads window External Veterans Affairs Service Office VASO Subdomain Youth Services MNYS
/events/month/Subdomain Events Calendar
/services/Subdomain All MCN Services
/government/Subdomain Our Government
/citizenship/Subdomain Citizenship Info
/election-board/Subdomain Anchor Registered Voters
/child-support-program/Subdomain Child Support
/department-of-community-and-h...Subdomain Children and Family Services
/citizenship/Subdomain Text duplicate Citizenship Office
/election-board/Subdomain Text duplicate Election Board
/emergency-management/Subdomain Text duplicate Emergency Management
/recreation/Subdomain Mvskoke Nation Recreation
/tax-commission/Subdomain Tax Commission | Vehicle Tags window External College of the Muscogee Nation window External Subdomain Health Department window External Subdomain Housing Department window External Subdomain Text duplicate Mvskoke Media window External Subdomain Text duplicate Public Gaming
/attorney-general/attorney-gen...Subdomain IMG-ALT Tickets
/lighthorse-police/Subdomain Text duplicate Lighthorse Police
/attorney-general/attorney-gen...Subdomain Attorney General
/attorney-general/justice-on-t...Subdomain Text duplicate Justice on the Rez
/attorney-general/attorney-gen...Subdomain Anchor Traffic Court Hearings IMG-ALT Great Seal of the Muscogee Nation
/privacy-policy/Subdomain Privacy Policy

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