- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
1.43 s
File size
123.90 kB
Media files
Number of links
94 internal / 21 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
NLP Rhein-Neckar: Systemisches NLP für Coaching und Coachingausbildung, Führung und Selbstführung
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 954 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Systemischer Coach: Wir bieten Ihnen eine zertifizierte Ausbildung auf der Basis von NLP mit individueller Betreuung und lebendigen Trainingsmethoden.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (946 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

robotsindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
generatorPowered by Visual Composer - drag and drop page builder for WordPress.
descriptionSystemischer Coach: Wir bieten Ihnen eine zertifizierte Ausbildung auf der Basis von NLP mit individueller Betreuung und lebendigen Trainingsmethoden.
og:titleNLP Rhein-Neckar: Systemisches NLP für Coaching und Coachingausbildung, Führung und Selbstführung
og:descriptionSystemischer Coach: Wir bieten Ihnen eine zertifizierte Ausbildung auf der Basis von NLP mit individueller Betreuung und lebendigen Trainingsmethoden.
og:site_nameNLP Rhein-Neckar

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
This page contains 863 words. That's ok.
27.8% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
17 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 14.46 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Some tags are too long. With 170 characters this one is longer than 70 characters:
"unsere kommunikations- und lernplattform “marquardt online-akademie” für alle präsenz- und online-kurs..."
The following tag is repeated too often: (auch online)
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Systemischer NLP-Coach werden: Coaching-Ausbildung mit integrierter Practitioner- und Master-Ausbildung
The H1 heading is perfect.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Systemischer NLP-Coach werden: Coaching-Ausbildung mit integrierter Practitioner- und Master-Ausbildung
H2 Kommunikation, die wirkt: Systemisches NLP für Coaching, Führung & Selbstführung
H2 Ausbildungsprofil Systemischer Coach inkl. NLP-Practitioner & NLP-Master (DVNLP)
H2 Weiterbildungen für NLP-Anwender, NLP-Coachs, Trainer & alle, die beruflich weiterkommen wollen
H2 Hohe Qualität
H3 Weitere Leistungen
H3 Regionale Schwerpunkte
H3 Newsletter
H3 Resonanzen
H3 Aktuelle Termine
H3 NLP Rhein-Neckar-Video
H3 Buch zur Ausbildung
H3 Ich berate Sie gern
H3 Der NLP Coach RSS
H3 NLP-Rhein-Neckar-Blog RSS
H3 Marquardt Online-Akademie
H4 Unsere Leistungen sind individuell, intensiv und praxisorientiert. Sie erleben
H4 Besonderen Wert legen wir auf
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
1 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 21 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/ueber-nlp-rhein-neckar/Subdomain Über uns
/ueber-nlp-rhein-neckar/sabine...Subdomain Dr. Sabine Marquardt & Team
/ueber-nlp-rhein-neckar/philos...Subdomain Philosophie
/ueber-nlp-rhein-neckar/kunden/Subdomain Kunden
/ueber-nlp-rhein-neckar/resona...Subdomain Resonanzen
/ueber-nlp-rhein-neckar/links/Subdomain Netzwerk
/ueber-nlp-rhein-neckar/zertif...Subdomain Zertifizierungen
/anfahrt-nlp-rhein-neckar/Subdomain Anfahrt
https://nlpheidelbergmannheim....New window External Subdomain Blog
/ueber-unsere-methoden/Subdomain Unsere Methoden
/ueber-unsere-methoden/nlp-def...Subdomain NLP
/ueber-unsere-methoden/coachin...Subdomain Coaching
/ueber-unsere-methoden/moderat...Subdomain Moderation / Facilitation
/ueber-unsere-methoden/mediati...Subdomain Mediation
/ueber-unsere-methoden/systemi...Subdomain Systemisches Denken
https://akademie.nlp-rhein-nec...External Subdomain Marquardt Online-Akademie
/ueber-unsere-methoden/kommuni...Subdomain Kommunikation als Hardskill
/datenschutz/Subdomain Datenschutz
/impressum/Subdomain Impressum
/kontakt/Subdomain Kontakt & Telefon IMG-ALT NLP Rhein-Neckar
A-TITLE NLP Rhein-Neckar
/termine/Subdomain No Text Home
/systemische-coach-ausbildung/Subdomain Systemische Coach-Ausbildung
/systemische-coach-ausbildung/...Subdomain Systemischer Coach I / NLP Practitioner
/systemische-coach-ausbildung/...Subdomain Systemischer Coach II / NLP Master Coach
/systemische-coach-ausbildung/...Subdomain Upgrades zum Systemischen Coach II
/coach-weiterbildungen/Subdomain Coach-Weiterbildungen
/coach-weiterbildungen/wingwav...Subdomain wingwave®-Coach
/coach-weiterbildungen/systemi...Subdomain Systemisch-dynamischer Moderator
/trainer-dvnlp-2/Subdomain Trainer
/coach-weiterbildungen/coach-t...Subdomain (Online)CoachClub
/coaching-mediation/Subdomain Text duplicate Coaching
/coaching-mediation/personal-e...Subdomain Personal & Executive Coaching
/psychotherapie-hpg/Subdomain Psychotherapie (HPG)
/coaching-mediation/team-coach...Subdomain Teamcoaching
/coaching-mediation/konfliktco...Subdomain Konflikt-Coaching
/coaching-mediation/mediation/Subdomain Text duplicate Mediation
/seminare-trainings/Subdomain Text duplicate Moderation / Facilitation
/zukunftswerkstatt-fuehren/Subdomain (Selbst-)Führung im Business
/termine/Subdomain Termine
https://akademie.nlp-rhein-nec...External Subdomain “Marquardt Online-Akademie”
/systemische-coach-ausbildung-...Subdomain Systemische Coaching-Ausbildung I inkl. NLP-Practitioner, DVNLP
A-TITLE Systemischer Coach I / NLP Practitioner
/systemische-coach-ausbildung/...Subdomain Systemische Coaching-Ausbildung II inkl. NLP-Master Coach, DVNLP
/upgrade-zum-systemischen-coac...Subdomain Upgrade Systemischer Coach I für NLP-Practitioner, DVNLP
/wingwave-coach/Subdomain wingwave®-Coach-Ausbildung
/train-the-trainer/systemisch-...Subdomain systemisch-dynamischen Moderator
/train-the-trainer/trainer-dvnlp/Subdomain Trainer, DVNLP
/coach-the-coach-weiterbildung...Subdomain Supervisionen für Coachs
/zukunftswerkstatt-fuehren/ind...Subdomain Individuelle Führungskräfte-Trainings
/seminare-trainings/Subdomain Trainings, Moderationen sowie Team Coachings
/personal-executive-coaching/Subdomain Personal Coaching & Executive Coaching
/mediation/Subdomain Mediation, Konfliktmanagement
/konfliktcoaching/Subdomain Konfliktcoaching
/psychotherapie-hpg/Subdomain Text duplicate Psychotherapie (HPG)
/termine/Subdomain Terminen & Preisen.
/kontakt/Subdomain Mail
/zertifizierungen/KompetenzNetz NLP
/newsletter-anfordern/Halten Sie sich auf dem Laufenden >>
/ueber-nlp-rhein-neckar/resona...Subdomain Erfahren Sie, was Teilnehmer bei uns erleben >>
/termine/Sehen Sie alle Termine im Überblick >>
/events/persoenlicher-infoterm...Subdomain Persönlicher Infotermin für Ausbildungsinteressierte (off-/online)
A-TITLE Persönlicher Infotermin für Ausbildungsinteressierte (off-/online)
/events/einfuehrung-in-nlp-coa...Subdomain Einführung in NLP, Coaching & systemisches Denken
A-TITLE Einführung in NLP, Coaching & systemisches Denken
/events/systemischer-coach-i-2...Subdomain Systemischer Coach I 2025 inkl. NLP-Practitioner
A-TITLE Systemischer Coach I 2025 inkl. NLP-Practitioner
/events/systemischer-coach-ii-...Subdomain Systemischer Coach II 2025 Master Coach, DVNLP
A-TITLE Systemischer Coach II 2025 Master Coach, DVNLP
/events/infoabend-systemische-...Subdomain Infoabend Systemische Coach-Ausbildung
A-TITLE Infoabend Systemische Coach-Ausbildung
/nlp-rhein-neckar-video/IMG-ALT screen-video
/kommunikation-als-hardskillBuch zur Ausbildung
/kommunikation-als-hardskillKommunikation als Hardskill.
/sabine-marquardt-team-team/Subdomain Dr. Sabine Marquardt
/kontakt/Subdomain E-Mail-Kontakt Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain IMG-ALT RSS Subdomain Der NLP Coach Subdomain Im Dynamic-Facilitation-Flow Subdomain Coaching ohne Worte Subdomain Grundlagen für systemische NLP-Coachs
https://nlpheidelbergmannheim....External Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT RSS
https://nlpheidelbergmannheim....External Subdomain NLP-Rhein-Neckar-Blog
https://nlpheidelbergmannheim....External Subdomain Navigieren in Coaching-Gesprächen
https://nlpheidelbergmannheim....External Subdomain Was sind Schattenthemen?
https://nlpheidelbergmannheim....External Subdomain Text duplicate Einführung in NLP, Coaching & systemisches Denken
https://akademie.nlp-rhein-nec...External Subdomain Text duplicate Marquardt Online-Akademie
https://akademie.nlp-rhein-nec...External Subdomain Wissens-Koffer: NLP-, Coaching- und Moderations-Know-how
https://akademie.nlp-rhein-nec...External Subdomain Bücher-Welt: Literatur zu systemischem NLP-Coaching, Moderation & (Selbst-)Führung
https://akademie.nlp-rhein-nec...External Subdomain Akademie-Zugang für Ausbildungsteilnehmende
/zertifizierungenIMG-ALT Kompetenz Netz NLP
/zertifizierungenText duplicate IMG-ALT DVNLP
/zertifizierungenIMG-ALT Coach DVNLP
/zertifizierungenIMG-ALT Forum
/zertifizierungenIMG-ALT EANLP
/wingwave-coachIMG-ALT Wingwave Privatsphäre-Einstellungen ändern
/systemische-coaching-ausbildu...Subdomain Systemische Coaching-Ausbildung Mannheim
A-TITLE Systemische Coaching-Ausbildung Mannheim
/systemische-coaching-ausbildu...Subdomain Systemische Coaching-Ausbildung Heidelberg
A-TITLE Systemische Coaching-Ausbildung Heidelberg
/systemische-coaching-ausbildu...Subdomain Systemische Coaching-Ausbildung Ludwigshafen
A-TITLE Systemische Coaching-Ausbildung Ludwigshafen
/systemische-coaching-ausbildu...Subdomain Systemische Coaching-Ausbildung Karlsruhe
A-TITLE Systemische Coaching-Ausbildung Karlsruhe
/systemische-coaching-ausbildu...Subdomain Systemische Coaching-Ausbildung Darmstadt
A-TITLE Systemische Coaching-Ausbildung Darmstadt
/nlp-ausbildungen-practitioner...Subdomain NLP-Ausbildungen Practitioner, Master & NLP-Coach Mannheim, Heidelberg & Ludwigshafen
A-TITLE NLP-Ausbildungen Practitioner, Master & NLP-Coach Mannheim, Heidelberg & Ludwigshafen
/nlp-ausbildungen-practitioner...Subdomain NLP-Ausbildungen Practitioner, Master & NLP-Coach Karlsruhe & Bruchsal
A-TITLE NLP-Ausbildungen Practitioner, Master & NLP-Coach Karlsruhe & Bruchsal
/nlp-ausbildungen-practitioner...Subdomain NLP-Ausbildungen Practitioner, Master & NLP-Coach im Raum Darmstadt & Bensheim (Bergstraße)
A-TITLE NLP-Ausbildungen Practitioner, Master & NLP-Coach im Raum Darmstadt & Bensheim (Bergstraße)
/systemisches-nlp-coaching-man...Subdomain Systemisches NLP-Coaching Mannheim
A-TITLE Systemisches NLP-Coaching Mannheim
/systemisches-nlp-coaching-hei...Subdomain Systemisches NLP-Coaching Heidelberg
A-TITLE Systemisches NLP-Coaching Heidelberg
/systemisches-nlp-coaching-lud...Subdomain Systemisches NLP-Coaching Ludwigshafen
A-TITLE Systemisches NLP-Coaching Ludwigshafen
/konfliktcoaching-und-konflikt...Subdomain Konfliktcoaching und Konflikt-Coach-Weiterbildung Heidelberg, Mannheim & Ludwigshafen
A-TITLE Konfliktcoaching und Konflikt-Coach-Weiterbildung Heidelberg, Mannheim & Ludwigshafen
/wingwave-coaching-wingwave-au...Subdomain wingwave-Coaching & wingwave®-Ausbildung Heidelberg, Mannheim & Ludwigshafen
A-TITLE wingwave-Coaching & wingwave®-Ausbildung Heidelberg, Mannheim & Ludwigshafen
/agiles-mindset-mit-systemisch...Subdomain Agiles Arbeiten mit systemischer Moderation & Facilitation
A-TITLE Agiles Arbeiten mit systemischer Moderation & Facilitation
/zukunftswerkstatt-fuehrung-un...Subdomain Zukunftswerkstatt Führung und Selbstführung in Teams Heidelberg, Mannheim & Ludwigshafen
A-TITLE Zukunftswerkstatt Führung und Selbstführung in Teams Heidelberg, Mannheim & Ludwigshafen
/zukunftswerkstatt-fuehren/den...Subdomain Den coachenden & moderierenden Führungsstil erlernen in Heidelberg, Mannheim & Ludwigshafen
A-TITLE Den coachenden & moderierenden Führungsstil erlernen in Heidelberg, Mannheim & Ludwigshafen
/innovative-ideen-fuer-meeting...Subdomain Innovative Ideen für Meetings, Workshops & Besprechungen im Raum Heidelberg, Mannheim & Ludwigshafen
A-TITLE Innovative Ideen für Meetings, Workshops & Besprechungen im Raum Heidelberg, Mannheim & Ludwigshafen No Text

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
The X-powered header is sent within the response header. (unnecessary)
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is slow (1.43 seconds). The response time should be less than 0.4 seconds. Slow websites are bad for search engine bots and also result in bad user experience.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (124 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateWed, 11 Dec 2024 21:43:26 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
link<>; rel="", <>; rel="alternate"; title="JSON"; type="application/json", <>; rel=shortlink

External factors

This page is very well linked from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 30 referring domains.
This page has 226 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 29 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.

Search preview
NLP Rhein-Neckar: Systemisches NLP für Coaching und Coachingausbild...
Systemischer Coach: Wir bieten Ihnen eine zertifizierte Ausbildung auf der Basis von NLP mit individueller Betreuung und lebendigen Trainingsmethoden.

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

NLP Coach89%Check
NLP Ausbildung85%Check
Coach Ausbildung84%Check
NLP Coaching83%Check
NLP Rhein-Neckar80%Check
Coaching Ausbildung78%Check

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