- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.38 s
File size
393.00 kB
Media files
Number of links
283 internal / 10 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
pmOne - Home of Data
The length of the page title is perfect. (208 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Wir sind Data Management, Modern BI, Data Science, Künstliche Intelligence (KI), Corporate Performance Management, Operation Services.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (871 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de-de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de-de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

robotsindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1
descriptionWir sind Data Management, Modern BI, Data Science, Künstliche Intelligence (KI), Corporate Performance Management, Operation Services.
generatorWP Rocket
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0
twitter:descriptionWir sind Data Management, Modern BI, Data Science, Künstliche Intelligence (KI), Corporate Performance Management, Operation Services.
og:titlepmOne - Home of Data
og:descriptionWir sind Data Management, Modern BI, Data Science, Künstliche Intelligence (KI), Corporate Performance Management, Operation Services.

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1210 words. That's ok.
24.6% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
9 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 13.6 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 24 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
10 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
data:[...] Base64Icon Test 004
data:[...] Base64Icon Test 004
data:[...] Base64Icon Test 004
data:[...] Base64Icon Test 004
data:[...] Base64Icon Test 004
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute providedWhitepaper 4
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute providedKeyVisual Das Multitalent Microsoft Fabric
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute providedKey Visual Alex Fahim
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute providedLieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG)
data:[...] Base64Pfeil Rechts 1 01Pfeil Rechts 1 01
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64Microsoft AzureMicrosoft Azure
data:[...] Base64Microsoft Power BIMicrosoft Power BI
data:[...] Base64Microsoft Fabric
data:[...] Base64ActerysActerys
data:[...] Base64PigmentPigment
data:[...] Base64XL CubedXL Cubed
data:[...] Base64TagetikTagetik
data:[...] Base64databricksdatabricks
data:[...] Base64Zebra BiZebra Bi
data:[...] Base64FluenceFluence
data:[...] Base64TheobaldTheobald
data:[...] Base64Microsoft Cloud for SustainabilityMicrosoft Cloud for Sustainability
data:[...] Base640000 200430 Three_weißLogo_pmOne_2020_white
data:[...] Base64pmOne-Logo-positiv
...ent/uploads/2021/09/Kununu-Icon-blue.svgNo alt attribute provided
Video URLWidthHeight

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 30 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 pmOne ist Microsoft Fabric Featured Partner
H2 Microsoft Fabric: Für wen sich der Umstieg lohnt
H2 pmOne ♥ Home of Data
H2 ESG-Reporting - ESRS final
H2 Sustainability by pmOne
H2 Microsoft Fabric: Für wen sich der Umstieg lohnt Duplicate text
H2 pmOne ♥ Home of Data Duplicate text
H2 ESG-Reporting - ESRS final Duplicate text
H2 Sustainability by pmOne Duplicate text
H2 Kundenreferenzen.
H2 Insights!
H3 Data Management
H3 Planung & Reporting
H3 Data Science & KI
H3 ESG & Sustainability
H3 Operation Services
H3 12.12.2024 | Das Multitalent Microsoft Fabric
H3 09.12.2024 | Führungswechsel bei der pmOne Group: Fahim Alefi ist neuer CEO
H3 Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG)
H3 Weil wir unsere Datenliebe in den Erfolg unserer Kunden stecken...
H3 Blog
H3 Webinare
H3 Whitepaper
H4 Data Science und KI in der Produktion: 5 Anwendungsfälle
H4 Highlights
H4 Themen
H4 Themen Duplicate text
H4 Netzwerk-Anmeldung
H4 Hauptsitz der pmOne
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
4 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 10 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text IMG-ALT pmOne Themen
/cloud-transformation/Subdomain Cloud Transformation
/data-fabric/Subdomain Data Fabric
/esg-sustainability/Subdomain Nachhaltigkeit managen OpenAI
/reporting-end-to-end/Subdomain Erfolg berichten Lösungen
/loesung/data-management/Subdomain Data Management
/loesung/data-management/data-...Subdomain Data Governance
/loesung/data-management/data-...Subdomain Data Strategy Assessment
/loesung/data-management/data-...Subdomain Data Warehouse
/loesung/data-management/hybri...Subdomain Hybride IT Strategie
/loesung/data-management/maste...Subdomain Master Data Management
/loesung/modern-bi/Subdomain Modern BI
/loesung/modern-bi/dashboard-a...Subdomain Dashboard & Reporting Assessment
/loesung/modern-bi/power-bi-sap/Subdomain Power BI & SAP
/loesung/modern-bi/power-bi-in...Subdomain Power BI in Planung und Controlling
/loesung/data-science-ki/Subdomain Data Science & KI
/loesung/data-science-ki/data-...Subdomain Data & AI Assessment
/loesung/data-science-ki/data-...Subdomain Data Thinking
/loesung/data-science-ki/analy...Subdomain Analytics Platform
/loesung/data-science-ki/data-...Subdomain Data Modelling Review
/loesung/data-science-ki/data-...Subdomain Data Screening
/loesung/data-science-ki/opena...Subdomain OpenAI Assessment
/loesung/data-science-ki/proof...Subdomain Proof of Concept
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain Corporate Performance Management
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain CFO Assessment
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain Controlling mit Advanced Analytics
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain Financial Dashboarding & Reporting
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain Smart Start Consolidation
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain Smart Start Planning
/loesung/esg-sustainability/Subdomain ESG und Sustainability
/loesung/esg-sustainability/es...Subdomain Alle ESG-Lösungen
/esg-open-desk/Subdomain Wir beantworten Ihre Fragen!
/loesung/operation-services/Subdomain Operation Services
/loesung/operation-services/be...Subdomain Betrieb vorhandener IT Infrastruktur
/loesung/operation-services/mi...Subdomain Migration in die Cloud
/technologien/Subdomain Technologien
/technologie/planung-und-konso...Subdomain Planen und konsolidieren
/technologie/acterys/Subdomain Acterys
/technologie/cch-tagetik/Subdomain CCH® Tagetik
/technologie/fluencexl/Subdomain FluenceXL
/technologie/pigment/Subdomain Pigment
/technologie/visualisieren-und...Subdomain Visualisieren und reporten
/technologie/microsoft/powerbi/Subdomain Microsoft Power BI
/technologie/fluencexl/Subdomain Text duplicate FluenceXL
/technologie/zebra-bi/Subdomain Zebra BI
/technologie/esg-umsetzen-und-...Subdomain ESG umsetzen und berichten
/technologie/cch-tagetik/cch-t...Subdomain CCH® Tagetik ESG & Sustainability Performance
/technologie/microsoft/microso...Subdomain Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability
/technologie/daten-verwalten-u...Subdomain Daten verwalten und vorhersagen
/technologie/databricks/Subdomain Databricks
/technologie/informatica/Subdomain Informatica IDMC
/technologie/microsoft/azure/Subdomain Microsoft Azure
/technologie/microsoft/microso...Subdomain Microsoft Fabric
/technologie/theobald-software/Subdomain Theobald Software pmOne Wissen
/kategorie/wissen/anwenderberi...Subdomain Kundenreferenzen
/kategorie/wissen/whitepaper/Subdomain Whitepaper
/kategorie/wissen/blog/Subdomain Blog
/kategorie/wissen/wiki/Subdomain Wiki
/wissen/mediathek/Subdomain Mediathek Events
/events/categories/training/Subdomain Trainings
/events/categories/webseminare/Subdomain Webseminare
/events/categories/veranstaltung/Subdomain Veranstaltungen Über uns
/ueber-uns/mission-werte/Subdomain Mission und Werte
/ueber-uns/team/Subdomain Team Partner
/kategorie/presse/Subdomain Presse
/ueber-uns/netzwerk/Subdomain Netzwerk
/ueber-uns/kontakt/Subdomain Kontakt
/hinweisgebersystem/Subdomain Meldestelle Karriere
/karriere/dein-weg-zu-uns/Subdomain Dein Weg zu uns Subdomain Jobs für dich
/karriere/das-bieten-wir-dir/Subdomain Das bieten wir dir
/karriere/das-ist-uns-wichtig/Subdomain Das ist uns wichtig
/karriere/sprich-uns-an/Subdomain Sprich uns an
/presse/mit-microsoft-fabric-d...Subdomain pmOne ist Microsoft Fabric Featured Partner
/presse/mit-microsoft-fabric-d...Subdomain Pressemitteilung lesen
/wissen/whitepaper/entscheidun...Subdomain Microsoft Fabric: Für wen sich der Umstieg lohnt
/wissen/whitepaper/entscheidun...Subdomain Whitepaper lesen
/wissen/whitepaper/esg-reporti...Subdomain ESG-Reporting - ESRS final
/wissen/whitepaper/esg-reporti...Subdomain Text duplicate Whitepaper lesen
/wissen/whitepaper/entscheidun...Subdomain Text duplicate Microsoft Fabric: Für wen sich der Umstieg lohnt
/wissen/whitepaper/entscheidun...Subdomain Text duplicate Whitepaper lesen
/wissen/whitepaper/esg-reporti...Subdomain Text duplicate ESG-Reporting - ESRS final
/wissen/whitepaper/esg-reporti...Subdomain WHITEPAPER LESEN
/cloud-transformation/Subdomain Text duplicate Cloud Transformation
/data-fabric/Subdomain Text duplicate Data Fabric
/reporting-end-to-end/Subdomain Text duplicate Erfolg berichten
/esg-sustainability/Subdomain Text duplicate Nachhaltigkeit managen Text duplicate OpenAI
/loesung/data-management/Subdomain Text duplicate Data Management
/loesung/modern-bi/Subdomain Text duplicate Modern BI
/loesung/data-science-ki/Subdomain Text duplicate Data Science & KI
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain Text duplicate Corporate Performance Management
/esg-sustainability/Subdomain ESG & Sustainability
/loesung/operation-services/Subdomain Text duplicate Operation Services
/technologie/acterys/Subdomain Text duplicate Acterys
/technologie/cch-tagetik/Subdomain Text duplicate CCH® Tagetik
/technologie/databricks/Subdomain Text duplicate Databricks
/technologie/fluence-technolog...Subdomain Fluence Technologies
/technologie/microsoft/azure/Subdomain Text duplicate Microsoft Azure
/technologie/microsoft/powerbi/Subdomain Text duplicate Microsoft Power BI
/technologie/pigment/Subdomain Text duplicate Pigment
/technologie/profisee/Subdomain Profisee
/technologie/fluencexl/Subdomain Text duplicate FluenceXL
/technologie/zebra-bi/Subdomain Text duplicate Zebra BI
/cloud-transformation/Subdomain Text duplicate Cloud Transformation
/data-fabric/Subdomain Text duplicate Data Fabric
/reporting-end-to-end/Subdomain Text duplicate Erfolg berichten
/esg-sustainability/Subdomain Text duplicate Nachhaltigkeit managen Text duplicate OpenAI
/loesung/data-management/Subdomain Data Management – Das ist ein Test
/loesung/modern-bi/Subdomain Text duplicate Modern BI
/loesung/data-science-ki/Subdomain Data Science & KI – Mit Data Science, Machine Learning und Artificial Intelligence verwandeln wir Ihre Daten zu zuverlässigen Partnern für Ihre erfolgreiche ...
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain Text duplicate Corporate Performance Management
/esg-sustainability/Subdomain Text duplicate ESG & Sustainability
/loesung/operation-services/Subdomain Operation Services – Unser Angebot für Operation Services stellt den laufenden Betrieb einer Applikation kontnuierlich sicher, auch in kritischen Phasen.
/technologie/acterys/Subdomain Acterys – Kurzbeschreibung zu Acterys
/technologie/cch-tagetik/Subdomain CCH® Tagetik – Kurzbeschreibung zu CCH Tagetik
/technologie/databricks/Subdomain Text duplicate Databricks
/technologie/fluence-technolog...Subdomain Text duplicate Fluence Technologies
/technologie/microsoft/azure/Subdomain Text duplicate Microsoft Azure
/technologie/microsoft/powerbi/Subdomain Microsoft Power BI – Die bewährte Self-Service-Lösung mit Köpfchen für jedes Unternehmen
/technologie/pigment/Subdomain Pigment – pigment: Die zuverlässige Planungssoftware für flexible Prozesse.
/technologie/profisee/Subdomain Profisee – test test test
/technologie/fluencexl/Subdomain FluenceXL – Kurzbeschreibung zu XLCubed
/technologie/zebra-bi/Subdomain Text duplicate Zebra BI
/loesung/data-management/Subdomain IMG-ALT Icon Test 004
/loesung/data-management/Subdomain Text duplicate Data Management
/loesung/modern-bi/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Icon Test 004
/loesung/modern-bi/Subdomain Planung & Reporting
/loesung/modern-bi/Subdomain Text duplicate
/loesung/data-science-ki/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Icon Test 004
/loesung/data-science-ki/Subdomain Text duplicate Data Science & KI
/loesung/data-science-ki/Subdomain Text duplicate
/esg-sustainability/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Icon Test 004
/esg-sustainability/Subdomain Text duplicate ESG & Sustainability
/esg-sustainability/Subdomain Text duplicate
/loesung/operation-services/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Icon Test 004
/loesung/operation-services/Subdomain Text duplicate Operation Services
/loesung/operation-services/Subdomain Text duplicate
/wissen/whitepaper/ki-in-der-p...Subdomain No Text
/wissen/whitepaper/ki-in-der-p...Subdomain Data Science und KI in der Produktion: 5 Anwendungsfälle
/presse/das-multitalent-micros...Subdomain No Text
/presse/das-multitalent-micros...Subdomain 12.12.2024 | Das Multitalent Microsoft Fabric
/presse/das-multitalent-micros...Subdomain [mehr lesen]
/presse/fuehrungswechsel-bei-d...Subdomain No Text
/presse/fuehrungswechsel-bei-d...Subdomain 09.12.2024 | Führungswechsel bei der pmOne Group: Fahim Alefi ist neuer CEO
/presse/fuehrungswechsel-bei-d...Subdomain Text duplicate [mehr lesen]
/wissen/wiki/lieferkettensorgf...Subdomain No Text
/wissen/wiki/lieferkettensorgf...Subdomain Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG)
/wissen/wiki/lieferkettensorgf...Subdomain Text duplicate [mehr lesen]
/esg-sustainability/Subdomain Text duplicate ESG & Sustainability
/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Ev...Subdomain A-TITLE Evonik Anwenderbericht Header
/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Fi...Subdomain A-TITLE Fischertechnik Anwenderbericht Header
/kategorie/wissen/anwenderberi...Subdomain Das sagen unsere Kunden...
/technologienNew window Text duplicate IMG-ALT Microsoft Azure
/technologienNew window Text duplicate IMG-ALT Microsoft Power BI
/technologienText duplicate IMG-ALT Microsoft Fabric
/technologienNew window Text duplicate IMG-ALT Acterys
/technologienNew window Text duplicate IMG-ALT Pigment
/technologienNew window IMG-ALT XL Cubed
/technologienNew window IMG-ALT Tagetik
/technologienNew window IMG-ALT databricks
/technologienNew window IMG-ALT Zebra Bi
/technologienNew window IMG-ALT Fluence
/technologienNew window IMG-ALT Theobald
/technologienNew window Text duplicate IMG-ALT Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability 0000 200430 Three_weiß Text duplicate Über uns Text duplicate Karriere
/kategorie/presse/Subdomain Text duplicate Presse
/ueber-uns/kontakt/Subdomain Text duplicate Kontakt
/wissen/wiki/beps-pillar-2-glo...Subdomain BEPS Pillar 2 (globale Mindestbesteuerung)
/wissen/wiki/business-intellig...Subdomain Business Intelligence
/cloud-transformation/Subdomain Text duplicate Cloud Transformation
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain CPM
/loesung/data-science-ki/Subdomain Text duplicate Data Science & KI
/loesung/data-management/data-...Subdomain Data Strategy
/loesung/data-management/data-...Subdomain Text duplicate Data Governance
/loesung/data-management/data-...Subdomain Text duplicate Data Warehouse
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain ESG Reporting
/wissen/wiki/eu-taxonomie/Subdomain EU-Taxonomie
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain Konsolidierung
/wissen/wiki/machine-learning/Subdomain Machine Learning
/technologie/microsoft/azure/Subdomain Text duplicate Microsoft Azure
/technologie/microsoft/microso...Subdomain Text duplicate Microsoft Fabric
/technologie/microsoft/powerbi/Subdomain Text duplicate Microsoft Power BI
/wissen/wiki/nachhaltigkeitsco...Subdomain Nachhaltigkeitscontrolling Text duplicate OpenAI
/wissen/wiki/sql-server/Subdomain SQL Server
/rechtliches/datenschutzerklae...New window Datenschutzerklärung window External Barthstraße 2 - 10 80339 München Deutschland
/rechtliches/impressum/Subdomain Impressum
/rechtliches/datenschutzerklae...Subdomain Text duplicate Datenschutzerklärung
/rechtliches/agb/Subdomain AGB
/hinweisgebersystem/Subdomain Hinweisgebersystem Sitemap WordPress Agentur PERIMETRIK® IMG-ALT pmOne-Logo-positiv Text duplicate Themen
/cloud-transformation/Subdomain Text duplicate Cloud Transformation
/data-fabric/Subdomain Text duplicate Data Fabric
/esg-sustainability/Subdomain Text duplicate Nachhaltigkeit managen Text duplicate OpenAI
/reporting-end-to-end/Subdomain Text duplicate Erfolg berichten Text duplicate Lösungen
/loesung/data-management/Subdomain Text duplicate Data Management
/loesung/data-management/data-...Subdomain Text duplicate Data Governance
/loesung/data-management/data-...Subdomain Text duplicate Data Strategy Assessment
/loesung/data-management/data-...Subdomain Text duplicate Data Warehouse
/loesung/data-management/hybri...Subdomain Text duplicate Hybride IT Strategie
/loesung/data-management/maste...Subdomain Text duplicate Master Data Management
/loesung/modern-bi/Subdomain Text duplicate Modern BI
/loesung/modern-bi/dashboard-a...Subdomain Text duplicate Dashboard & Reporting Assessment
/loesung/modern-bi/power-bi-sap/Subdomain Text duplicate Power BI & SAP
/loesung/modern-bi/power-bi-in...Subdomain Text duplicate Power BI in Planung und Controlling
/loesung/data-science-ki/Subdomain Text duplicate Data Science & KI
/loesung/data-science-ki/data-...Subdomain Text duplicate Data & AI Assessment
/loesung/data-science-ki/data-...Subdomain Text duplicate Data Thinking
/loesung/data-science-ki/analy...Subdomain Text duplicate Analytics Platform
/loesung/data-science-ki/data-...Subdomain Text duplicate Data Modelling Review
/loesung/data-science-ki/data-...Subdomain Text duplicate Data Screening
/loesung/data-science-ki/opena...Subdomain Text duplicate OpenAI Assessment
/loesung/data-science-ki/proof...Subdomain Text duplicate Proof of Concept
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain Text duplicate Corporate Performance Management
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain Text duplicate CFO Assessment
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain Text duplicate Controlling mit Advanced Analytics
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain Text duplicate Financial Dashboarding & Reporting
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain Text duplicate Smart Start Consolidation
/loesung/corporate-performance...Subdomain Text duplicate Smart Start Planning
/loesung/esg-sustainability/Subdomain Text duplicate ESG und Sustainability
/loesung/esg-sustainability/es...Subdomain Text duplicate Alle ESG-Lösungen
/esg-open-desk/Subdomain Text duplicate Wir beantworten Ihre Fragen!
/loesung/operation-services/Subdomain Text duplicate Operation Services
/loesung/operation-services/be...Subdomain Text duplicate Betrieb vorhandener IT Infrastruktur
/loesung/operation-services/mi...Subdomain Text duplicate Migration in die Cloud
/technologien/Subdomain Text duplicate Technologien
/technologie/planung-und-konso...Subdomain Text duplicate Planen und konsolidieren
/technologie/acterys/Subdomain Text duplicate Acterys
/technologie/cch-tagetik/Subdomain Text duplicate CCH® Tagetik
/technologie/fluencexl/Subdomain Text duplicate FluenceXL
/technologie/pigment/Subdomain Text duplicate Pigment
/technologie/visualisieren-und...Subdomain Text duplicate Visualisieren und reporten
/technologie/microsoft/powerbi/Subdomain Text duplicate Microsoft Power BI
/technologie/fluencexl/Subdomain Text duplicate FluenceXL
/technologie/zebra-bi/Subdomain Text duplicate Zebra BI
/technologie/esg-umsetzen-und-...Subdomain Text duplicate ESG umsetzen und berichten
/technologie/cch-tagetik/cch-t...Subdomain Text duplicate CCH® Tagetik ESG & Sustainability Performance
/technologie/microsoft/microso...Subdomain Text duplicate Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability
/technologie/daten-verwalten-u...Subdomain Text duplicate Daten verwalten und vorhersagen
/technologie/databricks/Subdomain Text duplicate Databricks
/technologie/informatica/Subdomain Text duplicate Informatica IDMC
/technologie/microsoft/azure/Subdomain Text duplicate Microsoft Azure
/technologie/microsoft/microso...Subdomain Text duplicate Microsoft Fabric
/technologie/theobald-software/Subdomain Text duplicate Theobald Software Text duplicate pmOne Wissen
/kategorie/wissen/anwenderberi...Subdomain Text duplicate Kundenreferenzen
/kategorie/wissen/whitepaper/Subdomain Text duplicate Whitepaper
/kategorie/wissen/blog/Subdomain Text duplicate Blog
/kategorie/wissen/wiki/Subdomain Text duplicate Wiki
/wissen/mediathek/Subdomain Text duplicate Mediathek Text duplicate Events
/events/categories/training/Subdomain Text duplicate Trainings
/events/categories/webseminare/Subdomain Text duplicate Webseminare
/events/categories/veranstaltung/Subdomain Text duplicate Veranstaltungen Text duplicate Über uns
/ueber-uns/mission-werte/Subdomain Text duplicate Mission und Werte
/ueber-uns/team/Subdomain Text duplicate Team Text duplicate Partner
/kategorie/presse/Subdomain Text duplicate Presse
/ueber-uns/netzwerk/Subdomain Text duplicate Netzwerk
/ueber-uns/kontakt/Subdomain Text duplicate Kontakt
/hinweisgebersystem/Subdomain Text duplicate Meldestelle Text duplicate Karriere
/karriere/dein-weg-zu-uns/Subdomain Text duplicate Dein Weg zu uns Subdomain Text duplicate Jobs für dich
/karriere/das-bieten-wir-dir/Subdomain Text duplicate Das bieten wir dir
/karriere/das-ist-uns-wichtig/Subdomain Text duplicate Das ist uns wichtig
/karriere/sprich-uns-an/Subdomain Text duplicate Sprich uns an window External Subdomain LinkedIn window External Subdomain YouTube window External Subdomain Facebook window External Subdomain Instagram window External Subdomain Xing window External Subdomain Kununu

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.38 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (393 kB).

HTTP Response Header

last-modifiedWed, 18 Dec 2024 17:01:29 GMT
expiresThu, 19 Dec 2024 00:02:08 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
dateThu, 19 Dec 2024 00:02:08 GMT

External factors

This page is referenced by wikipedia.
This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 210 referring domains.
This page has 2,789 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 170 different ip addresses.

Search preview
pmOne - Home of Data
Wir sind Data Management, Modern BI, Data Science, Künstliche Intelligence (KI), Corporate Performance Management, Operation Services.

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

pmOne AG70%Check
Data Science64%Check
Data Management63%Check
Data Science KI60%Check
Modern BI55%Check
Data Driven54%Check
Data Strategy54%Check

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