- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.72 s
File size
396.00 kB
Media files
Number of links
192 internal / 10 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Regionale Produkte - Österreichische Spezialitäten - online kaufen
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 596 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Regionale Produkte aus Österreich - Österreichische Spezialitäten wie Würstel, Speck, Salami, Spirituosen und vieles mehr online kaufen
The length of the meta description is perfect. (849 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
robotsindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1
descriptionRegionale Produkte aus Österreich - Österreichische Spezialitäten wie Würstel, Speck, Salami, Spirituosen und vieles mehr online kaufen
generatorElementor 3.21.8; features: e_optimized_assets_loading, additional_custom_breakpoints; settings: css_print_method-external, google_font-enabled, font_display-auto
og:titleRegionale Produkte - Österreichische Spezialitäten - online kaufen
og:descriptionRegionale Produkte aus Österreich - Österreichische Spezialitäten wie Würstel, Speck, Salami, Spirituosen und vieles mehr online kaufen
og:site_nameSchmankerl Österreich

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
This page contains 1157 words. That's ok.
37.1% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
14 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 17.68 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The following tag is repeated too often: shop
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
30 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...606835904835-removebg-preview-153x61.pngSchmankerl Österreich
...ontent/uploads/2023/02/italy-300x300.pngNo alt attribute provided
...ontent/uploads/2023/02/italy-300x300.pngNo alt attribute provided
...606835904835-removebg-preview-153x61.pngSchmankerl Österreich
...8174658cb392ad5f4/header-Karreespeck.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...3/photoroom_20240319_151557-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
...2020/02/AdobeStock_402361162-scaled.jpegLeberkäse Schmankerl Österreich
...2020/02/AdobeStock_162129535-scaled.jpegBratwurst Schmankerl Österreich
...photoroom_20240319_155553-1-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
...3/photoroom_20240322_141051-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
...3/photoroom_20240319_155726-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
...2/photoroom_20240223_170503-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
...photoroom_20240319_155726-1-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
...2/11/Design-ohne-Titel-9-1-300x300-1.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...2/11/Design-ohne-Titel-4-1-300x300-1.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...3/photoroom_20240322_143353-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
...2/photoroom_20240225_143856-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
...2/photoroom_20240223_172232-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
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.../2021/05/AdobeStock_90120911-scaled.jpegNo alt attribute provided
...3/photoroom_20240322_191239-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
...3/photoroom_20240319_142004-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
...3/photoroom_20240319_143526-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
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...3/photoroom_20240322_155736-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
...3/photoroom_20240322_191239-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
...3/photoroom_20240322_143353-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
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...3/photoroom_20240319_154829-650x650.jpegNo alt attribute provided
...atsApp-Image-2021-05-31-at-15.21.05.jpegGams Rohschinken Schmankerl in Österreich
/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/versand.pngNo alt attribute provided
/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/osterreich.pngNo alt attribute provided
/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/schild.pngNo alt attribute provided
/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/geschenk.pngNo alt attribute provided
...forms-lite/assets/images/submit-spin.svgWird geladen
...s/2023/04/footer-junghirsch-1024x222.pngNo alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
The H1 heading contains the words Home! Use important keywords instead.
Too many H1 headings
The H1 heading consists of only one word. There should be more information given.
The H1 heading is too short (4 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 38 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Home
H1 Österreichischer Speck
H1 Bio Käse - Spezialität
H1 Hochwertige und köstliche Speck-, Schinken- und Filet-Sorten!
H1 Auf der Suche, wie man köstlich sein Brot oder Gebäck genießt?
H1 Häufig gestellte Fragen
H1 Bereits Follower? Entdecke unsere Geschichte!
H1 Versandkostenfrei ab 80 € innerhalb von Österreich
H1 Ausgewählte Produkte aus Österreich
H1 Sichere Bestellung & schneller Zahlungsvorgang
H1 Top Auswahl und schnelle Lieferung
H1 Für Liebhaber von Würsteln bieten wir auch eine spezielle Wurst-Auswahl an!
H3 Instagram
H3 Facebook
H3 Keine Messen und Märkte mehr verpassen?
H5 Frankfurter, immer ein Genuss
H5 Schmackhafter innviertler Leberkäse Ca 300g
H5 Bratwurst, feine Wurst mit Kalbfleisch
H5 Burenwurst, die etwas schärfere im Wurstsortiment
H5 Gschmackige Knacker mit feinem Speck
H5 Käsekrainer die Traditionelle Kaswurst
H5 Berner Würstel mit gschmackigen Innviertler Bauchspeck
H5 Wildkäsekrainer – die einzigartige Wurst ca 300g
H5 Hirschspeck
H5 Bio Camembert im Alpenblütenmantel ca 180 g
H5 Bio Rahm Tilsiter, unser Rahmiger Bestseller! ca 300 g
H5 Bio Camembert Chili ca 180 g
H5 Rehwurzen – Rehbeisser, herzhaft feiner Geschmack, 3 stk
H5 Wildschwein Rohschinken Ca 180 g
H5 Schweinefilet im Alpenkräutermantel Ca 200g
H5 Schweinefilet im Trüffelmantel der Extraklasse ca 200g
H5 Kaiserspeck für Figurbewusste genießer
H5 Karreespeck, herrlich zart
H5 Wildschwein Rohschinken Ca 180 g Duplicate text
H5 Hirschspeck Duplicate text
H5 Schinkenspeck aus Tirol Ca 450g
H5 Selchkarree in Scheiben geschnitten (Kasseler ohne Knochen) Ca 250g
H5 Gams Rohschinken
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
26 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 10 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/Anchor Zum Inhalt springen
A-TITLE Zum Inhalt springen
/IMG-ALT Schmankerl Österreich
/ueber-uns/Über uns
/kontakt/Kontakt No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Speck – Schinken – Filet
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Schwein – Speck, Schinken, Filet
/produkt-kategorie/knoedel/Knödel & Suppeneinlagen
/produkt-kategorie/bio-kaese/Käsesortiment (BIO)
/produkt-kategorie/bio-kaese/kuh/Kuh Käsesortiment
/produkt-kategorie/geselchtes/Innviertler Geselchtes
/produkt-kategorie/salami-sals...Salami & Hartwürste
/produkt-kategorie/salami-sals...Hirsch – Salami & Hartwürste
/produkt-kategorie/salami-sals...Reh – Salami & Hartwürste
/produkt-kategorie/salami-sals...Schwein – Salami & Hartwürste
/produkt-kategorie/salami-sals...Wildschwein – Salami & Hartwürste
/produkt-kategorie/schnaepse-l...Schnäpse & Liköre
/produkt-kategorie/marmelade-u...Süße Schmankerl
/produkt-kategorie/marmelade-u...Marmelade Darbo Reform
/produkt-kategorie/marmelade-u...Marmelade passiert
/produkt-kategorie/sossen/Senf & Kren
/produkt-kategorie/wild/gams/Gams Wildspezialitäten
/produkt-kategorie/wild/hirsch...Hirsch Wildspezialitäten
/produkt-kategorie/wild/reh-wild/Reh – Wildspezialitäten
/produkt-kategorie/wild/wildsc...Wildschwein – Wildschweinspezialitäten
/shop/0,00 €
A-TITLE Einkaufen beginnen
/shop/Text duplicate Shop
/unternehmen/Text duplicate Unternehmen
/ueber-uns/Text duplicate Über uns
/kontakt/Text duplicate Kontakt No Text
/Text duplicate IMG-ALT Schmankerl Österreich
/cart/No Text
/produkt-kategorie/bio-kaese/BIO- Käsesortiment
/produkt-kategorie/geselchtes/Text duplicate Innviertler Geselchtes
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Speck – Schinken – Filet
/produkt-kategorie/knoedel/Text duplicate Knödel & Suppeneinlagen
/produkt-kategorie/salami-sals...Text duplicate Salami & Hartwürste
/produkt-kategorie/wild/Text duplicate Wild
/produkt-kategorie/wuerstel/Text duplicate Würstel
/produkt-kategorie/olio/Text duplicate Kürbiskernöl
/produkt-kategorie/schnaepse-l...Text duplicate Schnäpse & Liköre
/produkt-kategorie/brot/Text duplicate Brot
/produkt-kategorie/sossen/Text duplicate Senf & Kren
/produkt-kategorie/marmelade-u...Süße Aufstriche
/produkt-kategorie/suesses/Text duplicate Süße Schmankerl
/prodotto/frankfurter/Frankfurter, immer ein Genuss
/produkt-kategorie/wuerstel/Text duplicate Würstel
/?add-to-cart=413Nofollow In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/frankfurter/No Text
/prodotto/leberkaese/Schmackhafter innviertler Leberkäse Ca 300g
/produkt-kategorie/wuerstel/Text duplicate Würstel
/?add-to-cart=434Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/leberkaese/No Text
/prodotto/bratwurst/Bratwurst, feine Wurst mit Kalbfleisch
/produkt-kategorie/wuerstel/Text duplicate Würstel
/?add-to-cart=426Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/bratwurst/No Text
/prodotto/burenwurst/Burenwurst, die etwas schärfere im Wurstsortiment
/produkt-kategorie/wuerstel/Text duplicate Würstel
/?add-to-cart=453Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/burenwurst/No Text
/prodotto/knacker/Gschmackige Knacker mit feinem Speck
/produkt-kategorie/wuerstel/Text duplicate Würstel
/?add-to-cart=446Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/knacker/No Text
/prodotto/kasekrainer/Käsekrainer die Traditionelle Kaswurst
/produkt-kategorie/wuerstel/Text duplicate Würstel
/?add-to-cart=452Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/kasekrainer/No Text
/prodotto/berner-wuerstel/Berner Würstel mit gschmackigen Innviertler Bauchspeck
/produkt-kategorie/wuerstel/Text duplicate Würstel
/?add-to-cart=436Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/berner-wuerstel/No Text
/prodotto/wildkaesekrainer/Wildkäsekrainer – die einzigartige Wurst ca 300g
/produkt-kategorie/wild/Text duplicate Wild
/produkt-kategorie/wuerstel/Text duplicate Würstel
/?add-to-cart=555Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/wildkaesekrainer/No Text
/ueber-uns/Mehr über uns
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...No Text
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Österreichischer Speck
/produkt-kategorie/bio-kaese/No Text
/produkt-kategorie/bio-kaese/Bio Käse - Spezialität
/prodotto/hirschspeck/Text duplicate Hirschspeck
/produkt-kategorie/wild/hirsch...Text duplicate Hirsch Wildspezialitäten
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Hirschspeck
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Speck - Schinken - Filet
/produkt-kategorie/wild/Text duplicate Wild
/?add-to-cart=570Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/hirschspeck/No Text
/prodotto/kraeuterbert-ca180g/Bio Camembert im Alpenblütenmantel ca 180 g
/produkt-kategorie/bio-kaese/Text duplicate BIO- Käsesortiment
/produkt-kategorie/bio-kaese/kuh/Text duplicate Kuh Käsesortiment
/prodotto/kraeuterbert-ca180g/Nofollow Trivial anchor text
/prodotto/kraeuterbert-ca180g/No Text
/prodotto/bio-rahm-tilsiter-un...Bio Rahm Tilsiter, unser Rahmiger Bestseller! ca 300 g
/produkt-kategorie/bio-kaese/Text duplicate BIO- Käsesortiment
/produkt-kategorie/bio-kaese/kuh/Text duplicate Kuh Käsesortiment
/prodotto/bio-rahm-tilsiter-un...Nofollow Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
/prodotto/bio-rahm-tilsiter-un...No Text
/prodotto/bio-camembert-chili-...Bio Camembert Chili ca 180 g
/produkt-kategorie/bio-kaese/Text duplicate BIO- Käsesortiment
/produkt-kategorie/bio-kaese/kuh/Text duplicate Kuh Käsesortiment
/prodotto/bio-camembert-chili-...Nofollow Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
/prodotto/bio-camembert-chili-...No Text
/prodotto/rehwurzen/Rehwurzen – Rehbeisser, herzhaft feiner Geschmack, 3 stk
/produkt-kategorie/salami-sals...Reh - Salami & Hartwürste
/produkt-kategorie/wild/reh-wild/Reh - Wildspezialitäten
/produkt-kategorie/salami-sals...Text duplicate Salami & Hartwürste
/produkt-kategorie/wild/Text duplicate Wild
/?add-to-cart=1244Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/rehwurzen/No Text
/prodotto/wildschweinspeck/Wildschwein Rohschinken Ca 180 g
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Speck - Schinken - Filet
/produkt-kategorie/wild/Text duplicate Wild
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Wildschwein
/produkt-kategorie/wild/wildsc...Wildschwein - Wildschweinspezialitäten
/?add-to-cart=525Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/wildschweinspeck/No Text
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Bereit für ein Geschmackserlebnis?
/prodotto/schweinefilet-alpenk...Schweinefilet im Alpenkräutermantel Ca 200g
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Speck - Schinken - Filet
/?add-to-cart=311Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/schweinefilet-alpenk...No Text
/prodotto/trueffelfilet/Schweinefilet im Trüffelmantel der Extraklasse ca 200g
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Speck - Schinken - Filet
/?add-to-cart=513Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/trueffelfilet/No Text
/prodotto/kaiserspeck/Kaiserspeck für Figurbewusste genießer
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Schwein - Speck, Schinken, Filet
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Speck - Schinken - Filet
/?add-to-cart=519Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/kaiserspeck/No Text
/prodotto/karreespeck/Karreespeck, herrlich zart
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Schwein - Speck, Schinken, Filet
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Speck - Schinken - Filet
/?add-to-cart=521Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/karreespeck/No Text
/prodotto/wildschweinspeck/Text duplicate Wildschwein Rohschinken Ca 180 g
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Speck - Schinken - Filet
/produkt-kategorie/wild/Text duplicate Wild
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Wildschwein
/produkt-kategorie/wild/wildsc...Text duplicate Wildschwein - Wildschweinspezialitäten
/?add-to-cart=525Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/wildschweinspeck/No Text
/prodotto/hirschspeck/Text duplicate Hirschspeck
/produkt-kategorie/wild/hirsch...Text duplicate Hirsch Wildspezialitäten
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Hirschspeck
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Speck - Schinken - Filet
/produkt-kategorie/wild/Text duplicate Wild
/?add-to-cart=570Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/hirschspeck/No Text
/prodotto/schinkenspeck/Schinkenspeck aus Tirol Ca 450g
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Schwein - Speck, Schinken, Filet
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Speck - Schinken - Filet
/?add-to-cart=623Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/schinkenspeck/No Text
/prodotto/selchkarree/Selchkarree in Scheiben geschnitten (Kasseler ohne Knochen) Ca 250g
/produkt-kategorie/geselchtes/Text duplicate Innviertler Geselchtes
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Schwein - Speck, Schinken, Filet
/?add-to-cart=959Nofollow Text duplicate In den Warenkorb
/prodotto/selchkarree/No Text
/prodotto/gams-rohschinken/Gams Rohschinken
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Gams
/produkt-kategorie/wild/gams/Text duplicate Gams Wildspezialitäten
/produkt-kategorie/speck-prosc...Text duplicate Speck - Schinken - Filet
/produkt-kategorie/wild/Text duplicate Wild
/prodotto/gams-rohschinken/Nofollow Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
/prodotto/gams-rohschinken/No Text
/produkt-kategorie/marmelade-u...Versüße den Morgen! window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain Instagram window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain Facebook
/produkt-kategorie/wuerstel/Jetzt Würsteln bestellen window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
The HTML page should be transferred using GZip compression.
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.72 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (396 kB).

HTTP Response Header

expiresThu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
cache-controlno-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
link<>; rel="", <>; rel="alternate"; type="application/json", <>; rel=shortlink
set-cookie50 Characters
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
dateTue, 03 Dec 2024 23:50:23 GMT

External factors

This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 8 referring domains.
This page only has 366 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 4 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


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User-agent: *

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Search preview
Regionale Produkte - Österreichische Spezialitäten - online kaufen
Regionale Produkte aus Österreich - Österreichische Spezialitäten wie Würstel, Speck, Salami, Spirituosen und vieles mehr online kaufen

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Produkte Österreich73%Check
Österreichische Spezialitäten60%Check
regionale Produkte56%Check

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