- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
3.46 s
File size
262.30 kB
Media files
Number of links
119 internal / 71 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
The title contains the word Home! More content should be covered in the title.
The page title is too short. (52 pixels of 580 max pixel length) Optimize title
The page title is only one word.
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
SC Johnson is a family company dedicated to innovative, high-quality products, excellence in the workplace and a long-term commitment to the environment and the communities in which it operates. Based in the USA, the company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of household cleaning products and products for home storage, air care, pest control and shoe care, as well as professional products. It markets such well-known brands as GLADE®, KIWI®, OFF! ®, PLEDGE®, RAID®, SCRUBBING BUBBLES®, SHOUT®, WINDEX® and ZIPLOC® in the U.S. and beyond, with brands marketed outside the U.S. including AUTAN®, BAYGON®, BRISE®, KABIKILLER®, KLEAR®, MR MUSCLE® and RIDSECT®. The 135-year-old company employs approximately 13,000 people globally and sells products in virtually every country around the world.
The meta description is too long: 5496 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Language defined in meta tags: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
descriptionSC Johnson is a family company dedicated to innovative, high-quality products, excellence in the workplace and a long-term commitment to the environment and the communities in which it operates. Based in the USA, the company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of household cleaning products and products for home storage, air care, pest control and shoe care, as well as professional products. It markets such well-known brands as GLADE®, KIWI®, OFF! ®, PLEDGE®, RAID®, SCRUBBING BUBBLES®, SHOUT®, WINDEX® and ZIPLOC® in the U.S. and beyond, with brands marketed outside the U.S. including AUTAN®, BAYGON®, BRISE®, KABIKILLER®, KLEAR®, MR MUSCLE® and RIDSECT®. The 135-year-old company employs approximately 13,000 people globally and sells products in virtually every country around the world.
keywordssc johnson, a family company, family owned, scj, johnson and johnson, fisk johnson, sam johnson, AUTAN®, BAYGON®, BRISE®, KABIKILLER®, KLEAR®, MR MUSCLE®, RIDSECT®, GLADE®, KIWI®, OFF! ®, PLEDGE®, RAID®, SCRUBBING BUBBLES®, SHOUT®, WINDEX®, ZIPLOC®, consumer goods
twitter:descriptionSC Johnson is a family company dedicated to innovative, high-quality products, excellence in the workplace and a long-term commitment to the environment and the communities in which it operates. Based in the USA, the company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of household cleaning products and products for home storage, air care, pest control and shoe care, as well as professional products. It markets such well-known brands as GLADE®, KIWI®, OFF! ®, PLEDGE®, RAID®, SCRUBBING BUBBLES®, SHOUT®, WINDEX® and ZIPLOC® in the U.S. and beyond, with brands marketed outside the U.S. including AUTAN®, BAYGON®, BRISE®, KABIKILLER®, KLEAR®, MR MUSCLE® and RIDSECT®. The 135-year-old company employs approximately 13,000 people globally and sells products in virtually every country around the world. +
og:descriptionSC Johnson is a family company dedicated to innovative, high-quality products, excellence in the workplace and a long-term commitment to the environment and the communities in which it operates. Based in the USA, the company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of household cleaning products and products for home storage, air care, pest control and shoe care, as well as professional products. It markets such well-known brands as GLADE®, KIWI®, OFF! ®, PLEDGE®, RAID®, SCRUBBING BUBBLES®, SHOUT®, WINDEX® and ZIPLOC® in the U.S. and beyond, with brands marketed outside the U.S. including AUTAN®, BAYGON®, BRISE®, KABIKILLER®, KLEAR®, MR MUSCLE® and RIDSECT®. The 135-year-old company employs approximately 13,000 people globally and sells products in virtually every country around the world.

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
This page contains 1697 words. That's ok.
29.6% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
7 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 24 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" is provided.
This page only loads 1 JavaScript files. That's good!
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Some tags are too long. With 118 characters this one is longer than 70 characters:
"watch now: scj teams and our dedicated partners are working to help safeguard communities in the fight..."
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
54 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
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...20&hash=1FDB9754498388311DD98C0E8EEA8F89Faucet of Plastic
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...20&hash=1EBBB891AAFE9E66AC72FE73DFBF5E00No alt attribute provided
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...90&hash=4567D0148A37BD8B350D428F0059BBCEDouble Diamond - Default Image Listing
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...20&hash=EEFA0A91C588CAA1427AED4D31AB6406No alt attribute provided
...04&hash=B3C4F176714842BBE8A69A8EA7E4F9BFMother taking a break from working to talk to her son.
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...20&hash=E2C2EDB41BE0CE4D82A7A94E2DC9D635No alt attribute provided
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...00&hash=9C08DA4F96F6AD78A78BF75AABCCC18ENo alt attribute provided
...52&hash=012F111188A3BA0498E3EB4121E480DESC Johnson RDE Scientist in lab
...00&hash=0388EC0C03DDFA763EDF59CA2B5FB374No alt attribute provided
...ncy/girl-with-microscope-and-flowers.jpgSC Johnson Pushes for Transparency in Business
...00&hash=DFA978A1B46EE30E02A07135981929C2SC Johnson ingredient selection and transparency video still
...00&hash=C62E045317010A395170298C41520D70SC Johnson’s Greenlist™ Program evaluates product ingredients
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...21&hash=876554E577DF9B9B91810C2913F20DB4young girl scratching her arm
...20&hash=090EC245DBE9A6ED5EE4102386FDFB10No alt attribute provided
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...20&hash=1FDB9754498388311DD98C0E8EEA8F89Faucet of Plastic
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...60&hash=349A41953F2D397A42B9C22C42A2EB5ESCJ People at Brantford Plant
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...00&hash=FAF04A2E902A912C25EFDD36AEC8F244Fisk Johnson on plastic covered beachFisk Johnson, Chairman and CEO of SC Johnson raising awareness on the effect of plastic pollution.
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...40&hash=2C89D16A27F83CF4D2CFD2A8AD7C533Aworking mother and daughter on their way home
...40&hash=D1571C35E84968C5DC9AF5FB23B8CCA6babyganics logo
...00&hash=B9CCA0F6FA48686439E3AEE756B3A137KIWI Shoe Care brand logo
...30&hash=EDB46ED8F892B409830264F6817CD990Mr Muscle
...30&hash=ABCB72CB04C82184AF8F3AC11FB9DD01Mrs Meyers
...40&hash=954B192F80F58AF105986403C0392CEFSC Johnson Professional
...30&hash=2F5326CA3FB35F00B041FAB6D91F5578Scrubbing Bubbles
...30&hash=455BDFD71078288D526C83337027DDB9All Joy
...30&hash=EDB46ED8F892B409830264F6817CD990Mr Muscle
...30&hash=ABCB72CB04C82184AF8F3AC11FB9DD01Mrs Meyers
...30&hash=2F5326CA3FB35F00B041FAB6D91F5578Scrubbing Bubbles
...30&hash=944725CBC6D46E97E410FB403E1AE787Skin Guard
...40&hash=954B192F80F58AF105986403C0392CEFSC Johnson Professional
...30&hash=D580D0D296D19EF0212255382B145919Red Bird
...30&hash=9BA0075D9B44BD7DC13AEC8CF04E69ABGolden Rooster
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...00&hash=B9CCA0F6FA48686439E3AEE756B3A137KIWI Shoe Care brand logo

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Interacting with SCJ
Too many H1 headings
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 83 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Interacting with SCJ
H1 Better World Accountability Report
H1 For Media
H1 Careers
H1 Legal
H1 Contact Us
H2 Select a Region
H2 Helping Safeguard Communities in the Fight Against Malaria
H2 Turning The Tide on Plastic Pollution Requires a Bold Global Effort
H2 Fisk Johnson Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Testimony
H2 A Walk Beneath the Ocean’s Surface: SC Johnson Presents The Blue Paradox – An Immersive Experience Exploring the Ocean Plastic Pollution Crisis
H2 At Work For a Better World- Better World Accountability Report
H2 UN Foundation Honors Extraordinary Global Leaders At 'We The Peoples' 2023 Awards Ceremony
H2 Stories
H2 Our Purpose
H2 Our Family of Brands
H2 Follow Our Journey
H3 Global
H3 North America
H3 Latin America
H3 Europe
H3 Asia
H3 Empty heading
H3 Popular Searches
H3 Redefining Sustainable Shopping: Embracing PCR Packaging
H3 New Report on Tackling Plastic Waste Highlights SC Johnson for Achieving Key Packaging Goals Early
H3 Understanding Lyme Disease: The Vector-Borne Illness to Look out for all Year-Round
H3 Fisk Johnson on Key Elements for an Ambitious Global Plastics Treaty
H3 Diving into the Blue Paradox: How SC Johnson is Leading the Charge Against Plastic Waste
H3 OFF Brand and The Weather Channel Partner to Launch New In-App Mosquito Forecast
H3 Message in a bottle: How the Global Plastic Treaty is making the case for optimism and the end of plastic waste
H3 Shaping the Future: 5 Ways SC Johnson is Supporting Environmental Education for Tomorrow’s Leaders
H3 Redefining Sustainable Shopping: Embracing PCR Packaging Duplicate text
H3 New Report on Tackling Plastic Waste Highlights SC Johnson for Achieving Key Packaging Goals Early Duplicate text
H3 Fisk Johnson on Key Elements for an Ambitious Global Plastics Treaty Duplicate text
H3 Diving into the Blue Paradox: How SC Johnson is Leading the Charge Against Plastic Waste Duplicate text
H3 Message in a bottle: How the Global Plastic Treaty is making the case for optimism and the end of plastic waste Duplicate text
H3 Back to the Future: How the push to reduce packaging waste is driving a return to refilling and reuse options
H3 Can touch this: Interactive experiences are helping raise awareness about ocean plastic, recycling and mosquito-borne disease
H3 Celebrating Fans' Sustainable Efforts: The Mr Muscle & SC Johnson Walk of Fame
H3 SC Johnson Donates 180,000 Mosquito Repellents during Dengue Outbreak in Argentina
H3 How do I apply personal repellent
H3 How can I minimize exposure to mosquitoes
H3 Building Effective Handwashing Solutions and to Help Create a Healthier World
H3 Nine Things to Know About How SC Johnson Impacts Mosquito-borne Disease
H3 SC Johnson Reaches Major Milestone with Breakthrough Mosquito Repellent Tool
H3 Meet Amina and Sonia - The Base of the Pyramid's Impact in Africa
H3 Providing Sustainable Solutions
H3 SC Johnson Applauds Discussion on Ingredient Transparency
H3 8 Ways SC Johnson is Helping Continually Raise Standards for a More Transparent World
H3 Global Product Transparency: SC Johnson Offers Ingredient Lists So You Can Make Choices for Your Family
H3 Corporate Transparency Commitment: SC Johnson Tells You More about Fragrance Ingredients
H3 Everything is Chemistry: Why SC Johnson is Tackling Negative Perceptions about Synthetic Chemicals
H3 SC Johnson’s Greenlist™ Program: Choosing Product Ingredients to Better Protect Human Health and the Environment
H3 100% Transparent: Glade® Fresh Citrus Blossoms Collection Shares Its Full Ingredient List
H3 SC Johnson Gives Families the Whole Story on Skin Allergens
H3 Understanding Lyme Disease: The Vector-Borne Illness to Look out for all Year-Round Duplicate text
H3 Shaping the Future: 5 Ways SC Johnson is Supporting Environmental Education for Tomorrow’s Leaders Duplicate text
H3 Closing the Gap Partnering to Address Barriers Between Girls and STEM Education
H3 Celebrating 45 Years Inspiring Today’s Learners and Tomorrow’s Leaders with the Kaleidoscope Education Series
H3 Day Tripping: STEM Learning Trips Outside the Classroom are an Opportunity to Find Fun in Learning and The Sciences
H3 Strong, Smart and Bold: Fostering STEM Education for Girls
H3 How SC Johnson Partners with Habitat For Humanity
H3 Bug House Coloring Pages for Families
H3 Redefining Sustainable Shopping: Embracing PCR Packaging Duplicate text
H3 Understanding Lyme Disease: The Vector-Borne Illness to Look out for all Year-Round Duplicate text
H3 Fisk Johnson on Key Elements for an Ambitious Global Plastics Treaty Duplicate text
H3 Diving into the Blue Paradox: How SC Johnson is Leading the Charge Against Plastic Waste Duplicate text
H3 OFF Brand and The Weather Channel Partner to Launch New In-App Mosquito Forecast Duplicate text
H3 Message in a bottle: How the Global Plastic Treaty is making the case for optimism and the end of plastic waste Duplicate text
H3 Shaping the Future: 5 Ways SC Johnson is Supporting Environmental Education for Tomorrow’s Leaders Duplicate text
H3 Back to the Future: How the push to reduce packaging waste is driving a return to refilling and reuse options Duplicate text
H3 New Report on Tackling Plastic Waste Highlights SC Johnson for Achieving Key Packaging Goals Early Duplicate text
H3 SC Johnson donates to families affected by the rains in Rio Grande do Sul
H3 You’ll Never Recycle Alone
H3 SC Johnson Makes Significant Investment in Canada Facility
H3 Ziploc® and Milk Bar Launch Limited-Edition Holiday Mix Available in New Ziploc® Stay Open Design Bags
H3 UN Foundation Honors Extraordinary Global Leaders At 'We The Peoples' 2023 Awards Ceremony Duplicate text
H3 SC Johnson and Milwaukee Bucks™ Release Scrubbing Bubbles® Bottle Made From Recycled Plastic Including Plastic Cups and Clear Bottles From Fiserv Forum and Deer District
H3 SC Johnson Demonstrates Industry Leadership in Plastic Packaging in Latest Global Commitment Progress Report
H3 A More Sustainable World
H3 A Healthier World
H3 A More Transparent World
H3 A World with More Opportunity
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are too many external links (71) on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Skip to Main Content
/en/a-healthier-world/our-miss...New window Subdomain SCJ teams and our dedicated partners are working to help safeguard communities in the fight against malaria Subdomain Українська
/en/newsroomNewsroom Home
/en/a-more-sustainable-worlda more sustainable world
/en/a-more-sustainable-world/b...The Blue Paradox
/en/a-more-sustainable-world/o...Our Meaningful Actions
/en/a-more-sustainable-world/p...Taking action to end plastic waste
/en/a-more-sustainable-world/p...Protecting & preserving the environment
/en/a-more-sustainable-world/r...Resourcing efficient production
/en/a-healthier-worlda healthier world
/en/a-healthier-world/our-miss...Our Mission to Help End Malaria
/en/a-healthier-world/base-of-...SC Johnson Global Impact: The Base of the Pyramid Team
/en/a-healthier-world/health-a...Strengthening communities
/en/a-healthier-world/mosquito...Mosquito prevention & education
/en/a-more-transparent-worlda more transparent world
/en/a-more-transparent-world/s...Skin Allergens
/en/a-world-with-more-opportunitya world with more opportunity
/en/a-world-with-more-opportun...Creating a diverse & inclusive workplace
/en/a-world-with-more-opportun...Inspiring future generations through education & STEM learning
/en/a-world-with-more-opportun...Promoting fair treatment & opportunity
/en/productsour family of brands
https://whatsinsidescjohnson.c...External What's Inside SC Johnson: Product ingredient disclosures
/en/products/safety-data-sheetsSafety Data Sheets
/en/products/cpsia-reportsConsumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA)
/en/about-usabout us
/en/about-us/the-johnson-familyThe Johnson Family
/en/about-us/who-we-areWho we are
/en/about-us/this-we-believeThis We Believe: Our Corporate Values
/en/about-us/board-of-directorsBoard of Directors
/en/about-us/sc-johnson-awards...Awards & Recognitions
/en/about-us/faqs-about-sc-joh...FAQs About SC Johnson & Getting in Touch
/en/better-world-accountabilit...Better World Accountability Report
/en/newsroomText duplicate Newsroom
/en/a-healthier-world/our-miss...Watch now.
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Read now.
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Read the full testimony.
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Learn more
/en/better-world-accountabilit...Read our report
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2023...Text duplicate Learn more
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Redefining Sustainable Shopping: Embracing PCR Packaging
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2024...New Report on Tackling Plastic Waste Highlights SC Johnson for Achieving Key Packaging Goals Early
/en/stories/a-world-with-more-...Understanding Lyme Disease: The Vector-Borne Illness to Look out for all Year-Round
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Fisk Johnson on Key Elements for an Ambitious Global Plastics Treaty
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Diving into the Blue Paradox: How SC Johnson is Leading the Charge Against Plastic Waste
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2024...OFF Brand and The Weather Channel Partner to Launch New In-App Mosquito Forecast
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Message in a bottle: How the Global Plastic Treaty is making the case for optimism and the end of plastic waste
/en/stories/a-world-with-more-...Shaping the Future: 5 Ways SC Johnson is Supporting Environmental Education for Tomorrow’s Leaders
/en/storiesSee all stories
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Text duplicate Redefining Sustainable Shopping: Embracing PCR Packaging
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2024...Text duplicate New Report on Tackling Plastic Waste Highlights SC Johnson for Achieving Key Packaging Goals Early
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Text duplicate Fisk Johnson on Key Elements for an Ambitious Global Plastics Treaty
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Text duplicate Diving into the Blue Paradox: How SC Johnson is Leading the Charge Against Plastic Waste
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Text duplicate Message in a bottle: How the Global Plastic Treaty is making the case for optimism and the end of plastic waste
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Back to the Future: How the push to reduce packaging waste is driving a return to refilling and reuse options
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Can touch this: Interactive experiences are helping raise awareness about ocean plastic, recycling and mosquito-borne disease
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Celebrating Fans' Sustainable Efforts: The Mr Muscle & SC Johnson Walk of Fame
/en/story-listings/a-more-sust...View All
/en/newsroom/statements/sc-joh...SC Johnson Donates 180,000 Mosquito Repellents during Dengue Outbreak in Argentina
/en/stories/healthier-world/mo...How do I apply personal repellent
/en/stories/healthier-world/mo...How can I minimize exposure to mosquitoes
/en/stories/healthier-world/he...Building Effective Handwashing Solutions and to Help Create a Healthier World
/en/stories/healthier-world/mo...Nine Things to Know About How SC Johnson Impacts Mosquito-borne Disease
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2023...SC Johnson Reaches Major Milestone with Breakthrough Mosquito Repellent Tool
/en/a-healthier-world/base-of-...Meet Amina and Sonia - The Base of the Pyramid's Impact in Africa
/en/a-healthier-world/base-of-...Providing Sustainable Solutions
/en/story-listings/a-healthier...Text duplicate View All
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2023...SC Johnson Applauds Discussion on Ingredient Transparency
/en/stories/transparent-world/...8 Ways SC Johnson is Helping Continually Raise Standards for a More Transparent World
/en/stories/transparent-world/...Global Product Transparency: SC Johnson Offers Ingredient Lists So You Can Make Choices for Your Family
/en/stories/transparent-world/...Corporate Transparency Commitment: SC Johnson Tells You More about Fragrance Ingredients
/en/stories/transparent-world/...Everything is Chemistry: Why SC Johnson is Tackling Negative Perceptions about Synthetic Chemicals
/en/stories/transparent-world/...SC Johnson’s Greenlist™ Program: Choosing Product Ingredients to Better Protect Human Health and the Environment
/en/stories/transparent-world/...100% Transparent: Glade® Fresh Citrus Blossoms Collection Shares Its Full Ingredient List
/en/stories/transparent-world/...SC Johnson Gives Families the Whole Story on Skin Allergens
/en/story-listings/a-more-tran...Text duplicate View All
/en/stories/a-world-with-more-...Text duplicate Understanding Lyme Disease: The Vector-Borne Illness to Look out for all Year-Round
/en/stories/a-world-with-more-...Text duplicate Shaping the Future: 5 Ways SC Johnson is Supporting Environmental Education for Tomorrow’s Leaders
/en/stories/a-world-with-more-...Closing the Gap Partnering to Address Barriers Between Girls and STEM Education
/en/stories/a-world-with-more-...Celebrating 45 Years Inspiring Today’s Learners and Tomorrow’s Leaders with the Kaleidoscope Education Series
/en/stories/a-world-with-more-...Day Tripping: STEM Learning Trips Outside the Classroom are an Opportunity to Find Fun in Learning and The Sciences
/en/stories/a-world-with-more-...Strong, Smart and Bold: Fostering STEM Education for Girls
/en/stories/a-world-with-more-...How SC Johnson Partners with Habitat For Humanity
/en/stories/a-world-with-more-...Bug House Coloring Pages for Families
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Text duplicate Redefining Sustainable Shopping: Embracing PCR Packaging
/en/stories/a-world-with-more-...Text duplicate Understanding Lyme Disease: The Vector-Borne Illness to Look out for all Year-Round
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Text duplicate Fisk Johnson on Key Elements for an Ambitious Global Plastics Treaty
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Text duplicate Diving into the Blue Paradox: How SC Johnson is Leading the Charge Against Plastic Waste
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2024...Text duplicate OFF Brand and The Weather Channel Partner to Launch New In-App Mosquito Forecast
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Text duplicate Message in a bottle: How the Global Plastic Treaty is making the case for optimism and the end of plastic waste
/en/stories/a-world-with-more-...Text duplicate Shaping the Future: 5 Ways SC Johnson is Supporting Environmental Education for Tomorrow’s Leaders
/en/stories/sustainable-world/...Text duplicate Back to the Future: How the push to reduce packaging waste is driving a return to refilling and reuse options
/en/storiesText duplicate View All
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2024...Text duplicate New Report on Tackling Plastic Waste Highlights SC Johnson for Achieving Key Packaging Goals Early
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2024...SC Johnson donates to families affected by the rains in Rio Grande do Sul
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2024...You’ll Never Recycle Alone
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2024...SC Johnson Makes Significant Investment in Canada Facility
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2023...Ziploc® and Milk Bar Launch Limited-Edition Holiday Mix Available in New Ziploc® Stay Open Design Bags
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2023...UN Foundation Honors Extraordinary Global Leaders At 'We The Peoples' 2023 Awards Ceremony
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2023...SC Johnson and Milwaukee Bucks™ Release Scrubbing Bubbles® Bottle Made From Recycled Plastic Including Plastic Cups and Clear Bottles From Fiserv Forum and D...
/en/newsroom/all-releases/2023...SC Johnson Demonstrates Industry Leadership in Plastic Packaging in Latest Global Commitment Progress Report
/en/newsroomText duplicate View All
/en/a-more-sustainable-worldText duplicate Learn more
/en/a-healthier-worldText duplicate Learn more
/en/a-more-transparent-worldText duplicate Learn more
/en/a-world-with-more-opportunityText duplicate Learn more IMG-ALT Autan IMG-ALT babyganics logo Subdomain IMG-ALT Baygon Subdomain IMG-ALT Caldrea Subdomain IMG-ALT Deb Subdomain IMG-ALT Drano Subdomain IMG-ALT Duck Subdomain IMG-ALT Ecover
https://www.whatsinsidescjohns...External Subdomain IMG-ALT Fantastik Subdomain IMG-ALT Glade Subdomain IMG-ALT Oust Subdomain IMG-ALT KIWI Shoe Care brand logo Subdomain IMG-ALT Lysoform IMG-ALT Method Subdomain IMG-ALT Mr Muscle Subdomain IMG-ALT Mrs Meyers IMG-ALT Off Subdomain IMG-ALT Pledge Subdomain IMG-ALT Raid Subdomain IMG-ALT Saran Subdomain IMG-ALT SC Johnson Professional Subdomain IMG-ALT Scrubbing Bubbles Subdomain IMG-ALT Windex IMG-ALT Ziploc
https://www.whatsinsidescjohns...External Subdomain IMG-ALT All Joy Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Glade Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Oust
https://www.whatsinsidescjohns...External Subdomain IMG-ALT Bayclin Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Caldrea Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Duck Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Drano Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Ecover
https://www.whatsinsidescjohns...External Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Fantastik Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Lysoform Text duplicate IMG-ALT Method Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Mr Muscle Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Mrs Meyers Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Pledge Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Scrubbing Bubbles Subdomain IMG-ALT Shout Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Windex Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Saran Text duplicate IMG-ALT Ziploc Text duplicate IMG-ALT Autan Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Baygon Text duplicate IMG-ALT Off Subdomain IMG-ALT Pyrel Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Raid IMG-ALT Skin Guard Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Deb Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT SC Johnson Professional Subdomain IMG-ALT Red Bird Subdomain IMG-ALT Salamander IMG-ALT Tana Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT KIWI Shoe Care brand logo
/en/our-productsView All Brands Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text No Text Subdomain No Text
/en/interacting-with-sc-johnso...Tours & Architecture
/en/interacting-with-sc-johnso...Virtual Tours Subdomain Book Your Tour
/en/interacting-with-sc-johnso...Community Interest Programs
https://scj-corp-cdn.azureedge...External Subdomain Text duplicate Better World Accountability Report
/en/contact-us-pressPress Contact
/en/newsroomText duplicate Newsroom Subdomain Join Our Family Subdomain Privacy Policy Subdomain Terms of Use
/en/newsroom/statements/sc-joh...Statement on Slavery & Human Trafficking
/en/health-insuranceHealth Insurance Subdomain Questions about products window External Subdomain facebook window External twiiter window External Subdomain linkedin window External Subdomain instagram

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SC Johnson is a family company dedicated to innovative, high-quality products, excellence in the workplace and a long-term commitment to the environment and the communities in which it operates. Based in the USA, the company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of household cleaning products and products for home storage, air care, pest control and shoe care, as well as professional products. It markets such well-known brands as GLADE®, KIWI®, OFF! ®, PLEDGE®, RAID®, SCRUBBING BUBBLES®, SHOUT®, WINDEX® and ZIPLOC® in the U.S. and beyond, with brands marketed outside the U.S. including AUTAN®, BAYGON®, BRISE®, KABIKILLER®, KLEAR®, MR MUSCLE® and RIDSECT®. The 135-year-old company employs approximately 13,000 people globally and sells products in virtually every country around the world.

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