- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.16 s
File size
186.70 kB
Media files
Number of links
264 internal / 7 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Sundance Living ~ Previously Sundance Catalog
The length of the page title is perfect. (436 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Sundance Livingwas founded in 1989 by Robert Redford. The Sundance lifestyle is one of authenticity, freedom and creativity, yet rich in heritage.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (893 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=5, viewport-fit=cover
descriptionSundance Livingwas founded in 1989 by Robert Redford. The Sundance lifestyle is one of authenticity, freedom and creativity, yet rich in heritage.
twitter:titleSundance Living ~ Previously Sundance Catalog
twitter:descriptionSundance Livingwas founded in 1989 by Robert Redford. The Sundance lifestyle is one of authenticity, freedom and creativity, yet rich in heritage.
og:titleSundance Living ~ Previously Sundance Catalog
og:descriptionSundance Livingwas founded in 1989 by Robert Redford. The Sundance lifestyle is one of authenticity, freedom and creativity, yet rich in heritage.

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
Only 2 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
The average number of words per sentence of 64 words is high.
This page contains 749 words. That's ok.
19.4% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=5, viewport-fit=cover" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 15 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
24 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
..._030725_20x_crop_center.jpg?v=1741307865No alt attribute provided
...d_gifts_20x_crop_center.jpg?v=1739503099No alt attribute provided
..._030725_20x_crop_center.jpg?v=1741307864No alt attribute provided
..._030725_20x_crop_center.jpg?v=1741307865No alt attribute provided
..._030725_20x_crop_center.jpg?v=1741307865No alt attribute provided
..._030725_20x_crop_center.jpg?v=1741307865No alt attribute provided
..._030725_20x_crop_center.jpg?v=1741307865No alt attribute provided
...d_gifts_20x_crop_center.jpg?v=1739503099No alt attribute provided
..._030725_20x_crop_center.jpg?v=1741307864No alt attribute provided
..._030725_20x_crop_center.jpg?v=1741307865No alt attribute provided
..._030725_20x_crop_center.jpg?v=1741307865No alt attribute provided
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Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H4 Cart
H4 Select options
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
26 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 7 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Skip to content
A-TITLE Apparel
A-TITLE Jewelry
/collections/new-shoes-accesso...Shoes & Accessories
A-TITLE Shoes & Accessories
/collections/women-s-new-arrivalsNew Arrivals
A-TITLE New Arrivals
A-TITLE Sweaters
/collections/jackets-coatsJackets & Coats
A-TITLE Jackets & Coats
/collections/denim-shopDenim Shop
A-TITLE Denim Shop
/collections/dresses-jumpsuitsDresses & Jumpsuits
A-TITLE Dresses & Jumpsuits
A-TITLE Skirts
/collections/pants-shortsPants & Shorts
A-TITLE Pants & Shorts
A-TITLE Swimwear
/collections/petite-stylesPetite Styles
A-TITLE Petite Styles
/collections/sleep-loungeSleep & Lounge
A-TITLE Sleep & Lounge
/collections/now-on-sale-apparelNow On Sale
A-TITLE Now On Sale
/collections/top-rated-womenTop Rated
A-TITLE Top Rated
/collections/occasions-gatheringsDressing Up
A-TITLE Dressing Up
/collections/outerwear-collectionOuterwear Collection
A-TITLE Outerwear Collection
/collections/waffle-thermal-teesThermal Collection
A-TITLE Thermal Collection
/collections/resort-wear-1Resort Wear
A-TITLE Resort Wear
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A-TITLE Embroidered Apparel
/collections/lace-and-eyeletLace & Eyelet
A-TITLE Lace & Eyelet
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A-TITLE Western Inspired
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A-TITLE Brands We Love
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/collections/dresses-jumpsuitsSHOP SPRING DRESSES
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A-TITLE E-Gift Cards
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A-TITLE Gifts Under $100
/collections/gifts-under-75Gifts Under $75
A-TITLE Gifts Under $75
/collections/gifts-under-50Gifts Under $50
A-TITLE Gifts Under $50
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A-TITLE Favorite Jewelry Gifts
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A-TITLE Sleepwear & Slippers
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A-TITLE Gifts for the Home
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A-TITLE Personalized Gifts
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A-TITLE Gifts for The Pet Lover
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A-TITLE Celebration Rings
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A-TITLE Giftable Jewelry
/collections/candle-gifts-setsCandle Gifts & Sets
A-TITLE Candle Gifts & Sets
/products/e-gift-cardNo Text
/products/e-gift-cardSHOP SUNDANCE GIFT CARDS
/collections/new-women-s-jewel...Text duplicate New Arrivals
A-TITLE New Arrivals
A-TITLE Necklaces
A-TITLE Bracelets
A-TITLE Earrings
A-TITLE Watches
A-TITLE Personalization
A-TITLE Charms
A-TITLE Accessories
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A-TITLE Jewelry Storage
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A-TITLE Now On Sale
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A-TITLE Last Ones Left
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A-TITLE Top Rated Subdomain Curated Jewelry Collection
A-TITLE Curated Jewelry Collection
/collections/heritage-collectionHeritage Collection
A-TITLE Heritage Collection
/collections/occasion-jewelryOccasion Jewelry
A-TITLE Occasion Jewelry
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A-TITLE March's Birthstones
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A-TITLE Celebration Rings
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A-TITLE Our Jewelry Artists
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/collections/new-women-s-jewel...SHOP SPRING JEWELRY
/collections/new-shoes-accesso...Text duplicate New Arrivals
A-TITLE New Arrivals
/collections/all-footwearAll Footwear
A-TITLE All Footwear
A-TITLE Sandals
/collections/occasion-footwearOccasion Footwear
A-TITLE Occasion Footwear
/collections/slippers-socksSlippers & Socks
A-TITLE Slippers & Socks
A-TITLE Handbags
/collections/scarves-glovesScarves & Gloves
A-TITLE Scarves & Gloves
/collections/now-on-sale-shoes...Text duplicate Now On Sale
A-TITLE Now On Sale
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A-TITLE Top Rated
/collections/occasions-gatheringsGetting Dressed Up
A-TITLE Getting Dressed Up
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A-TITLE Western Inspired
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A-TITLE Comfort Footwear
/collections/exclusively-sundanceExclusively Sundance
A-TITLE Exclusively Sundance
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/collections/handbags-pursesSHOP NEW HANDBAGS
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A-TITLE New Arrivals
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A-TITLE Bedding & Bath
A-TITLE Tabletop
A-TITLE One-Of-A-Kind
A-TITLE Seasonal
/collections/for-pets-the-pet-...For Pets & Pet Lovers
A-TITLE For Pets & Pet Lovers
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A-TITLE Now On Sale
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A-TITLE Gifts for the Home
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A-TITLE Pendleton Throws
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A-TITLE Our Home Artists
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A-TITLE Personalized Gifts
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/collections/new-home-arrivalsSHOP SPRING DECOR
/collections/new-outlet-arrivalsText duplicate New Arrivals
A-TITLE New Arrivals
/collections/outlet-women-s-ap...Women's Apparel
A-TITLE Women's Apparel
/collections/outlet-swimwearText duplicate Swimwear
A-TITLE Swimwear
/collections/outlet-womens-pet...Text duplicate Petite Styles
A-TITLE Petite Styles
/collections/outlet-jewelryText duplicate Jewelry
A-TITLE Jewelry
/collections/outlet-shoes-acce...Text duplicate Shoes & Accessories
A-TITLE Shoes & Accessories
/collections/outlet-home-furni...Home Furnishings
A-TITLE Home Furnishings
/collections/almost-gone-outle...Almost Gone
A-TITLE Almost Gone
/collections/recent-outlet-mar...Recent Markdowns
A-TITLE Recent Markdowns
/collections/outlet-items-unde...$30 & Under
A-TITLE $30 & Under
/collections/outlet-limited-je...Limited Jewelry Luxuries
A-TITLE Limited Jewelry Luxuries
/collections/outlet-women-s-ap...No Text
/collections/outlet-women-s-ap...SHOP FRESH MARKDOWNS
/products/e-gift-cardGift Cards
A-TITLE Gift Cards
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A-TITLE Login Sundance
/collections/new-arrivalsText duplicate New Arrivals
/collections/women-s-new-arrivalsText duplicate Apparel
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/collections/brands-we-loveText duplicate Brands We Love
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/collections/dresses-jumpsuitsText duplicate SHOP SPRING DRESSES
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/collections/gifts-under-75Text duplicate Gifts Under $75
/collections/gifts-under-50Text duplicate Gifts Under $50
/collections/best-jewelry-giftsText duplicate Favorite Jewelry Gifts
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/collections/gifts-for-the-home-1Text duplicate Gifts for the Home
/collections/personalized-giftsText duplicate Personalized Gifts
/collections/for-pets-the-pet-...Text duplicate Gifts for The Pet Lover
/collections/celebration-ringsText duplicate Celebration Rings
/collections/jewelry-to-splurg...Text duplicate Giftable Jewelry
/collections/candle-gifts-setsText duplicate Candle Gifts & Sets
/products/e-gift-cardNo Text
/products/e-gift-cardText duplicate SHOP SUNDANCE GIFT CARDS
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/collections/new-women-s-jewel...Text duplicate New Arrivals
/collections/necklaces-1Text duplicate Necklaces
/collections/braceletsText duplicate Bracelets
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/collections/last-ones-leftText duplicate Last Ones Left
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/collections/heritage-collectionText duplicate Heritage Collection
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/collections/celebration-ringsText duplicate Celebration Rings
/pages/our-jewelry-artistsText duplicate Our Jewelry Artists
/collections/new-women-s-jewel...No Text
/collections/new-women-s-jewel...Text duplicate SHOP SPRING JEWELRY
/collections/shoes-accessoriesText duplicate Shoes & Accessories
/collections/new-shoes-accesso...Text duplicate New Arrivals
/collections/all-footwearText duplicate All Footwear
/collections/bootsText duplicate Boots
/collections/shoesText duplicate Shoes
/collections/sandalsText duplicate Sandals
/collections/occasion-footwearText duplicate Occasion Footwear
/collections/slippers-socksText duplicate Slippers & Socks
/collections/handbags-pursesText duplicate Handbags
/collections/hatsText duplicate Hats
/collections/beltsText duplicate Belts
/collections/scarves-glovesText duplicate Scarves & Gloves
/collections/now-on-sale-shoes...Text duplicate Now On Sale
/collections/top-rated-shoes-a...Text duplicate Top Rated
/collections/occasions-gatheringsText duplicate Getting Dressed Up
/collections/westernText duplicate Western Inspired
/collections/comfort-footwearText duplicate Comfort Footwear
/collections/exclusively-sundanceText duplicate Exclusively Sundance
/collections/handbags-pursesNo Text
/collections/handbags-pursesText duplicate SHOP NEW HANDBAGS
/collections/home-decorHome Decor
/collections/new-home-arrivalsText duplicate New Arrivals
/collections/bedding-bathText duplicate Bedding & Bath
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/collections/rugs-1Text duplicate Rugs
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/collections/now-on-sale-homeText duplicate Now On Sale
/collections/gifts-for-the-home-1Text duplicate Gifts for the Home
/collections/pendleton-throwsText duplicate Pendleton Throws
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/collections/new-home-arrivalsText duplicate SHOP SPRING DECOR
/collections/new-outlet-arrivalsText duplicate New Arrivals
/collections/outlet-women-s-ap...Text duplicate Women's Apparel
/collections/outlet-swimwearText duplicate Swimwear
/collections/outlet-womens-pet...Text duplicate Petite Styles
/collections/outlet-jewelryText duplicate Jewelry
/collections/outlet-shoes-acce...Text duplicate Shoes & Accessories
/collections/outlet-home-furni...Text duplicate Home Furnishings
/collections/almost-gone-outle...Text duplicate Almost Gone
/collections/recent-outlet-mar...Text duplicate Recent Markdowns
/collections/outlet-items-unde...Text duplicate $30 & Under
/collections/outlet-limited-je...Text duplicate Limited Jewelry Luxuries
/collections/outlet-women-s-ap...No Text
/collections/outlet-women-s-ap...Text duplicate SHOP FRESH MARKDOWNS
/products/e-gift-cardText duplicate Gift Cards
/customer_authentication/redir...Subdomain Text duplicate Login
A-TITLE My Account
/searchA-TITLE Search No Text
/cartNo Text
/collections/new-arrivalsNo Text
/collections/occasions-gatheringsSubdomain No Text
/collections/new-shoes-accesso...No Text
/collections/new-shoes-accesso...New window No Text
/collections/new-women-s-jewel...No Text
/collections/new-women-s-jewel...New window No Text
/collections/sandalsNo Text
/collections/sandalsNew window No Text
/collections/new-home-arrivalsNo Text
/collections/utility-clothing-...No Text
/collections/utility-clothing-...Shop the utility trend
/collections/utility-clothing-...New window No Text
/collections/lace-and-eyeletNo Text
/collections/lace-and-eyeletShop Lace & Eyelet
/collections/lace-and-eyeletNew window No Text window External Subdomain Facebook
A-TITLE Facebook window External Subdomain Instagram
A-TITLE Instagram window External Subdomain Pinterest
A-TITLE Pinterest
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/pages/order-statusOrder Status
A-TITLE Order Status
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A-TITLE Returns & Exchanges
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A-TITLE Shipping & Handling
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A-TITLE Gift Boxes
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A-TITLE E-Gift Cards
/pages/privacy-policyPrivacy Policy
A-TITLE Privacy Policy
/pages/size-chartsSize Charts
A-TITLE Size Charts
/pages/terms-conditionsTerms & Conditions
A-TITLE Terms & Conditions
/pages/about-usABOUT US
https://careers.smartrecruiter...New window External Subdomain Career Opportunities
A-TITLE Career Opportunities
/pages/our-legacyOur Legacy
A-TITLE Our Legacy
/pages/giving-backGiving Back
A-TITLE Giving Back
/pages/contactCONTACT US
https://sundancecatalog1.mysho...External Subdomain Store Locator
A-TITLE Store Locator
/pages/contactLive Chat
A-TITLE Live Chat
/pages/request-a-catalogRequest a Catalog
A-TITLE Request a Catalog
/collections/allStart Shopping

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.16 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (187 kB).

HTTP Response Header

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External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 1,138 referring domains.
This page has 36,821 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 706 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


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Sundance Living ~ Previously Sundance Catalog
Sundance Livingwas founded in 1989 by Robert Redford. The Sundance lifestyle is one of authenticity, freedom and creativity, yet rich in heritage.

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Previously Sundance Catalog39%Check

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