Wgu.edu - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.05 s
File size
350.00 kB
Media files
Number of links
306 internal / 13 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Western Governors University – Online College
The length of the page title is perfect. (425 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Western Governors University is an online university where you can earn an affordable, accredited, career-focused college degree at an accelerated pace.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (950 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionWestern Governors University is an online university where you can earn an affordable, accredited, career-focused college degree at an accelerated pace.
titleWestern Governors University – Online College
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
twitter:descriptionWestern Governors University is an online university where you can earn an affordable, accredited, career-focused college degree at an accelerated pace.
og:site_nameWestern Governors University
og:titleWestern Governors University – Online College
og:descriptionWestern Governors University is an online university where you can earn an affordable, accredited, career-focused college degree at an accelerated pace.
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Page quality

(Critically important)
There are 4 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate 1: Yes! WGU is institutionally accredited by the Northwest Commission on ...
  • Duplicate 2: An accredited online college offers the same valuable and respected de...
This page contains 3301 words. That's ok.
34.7% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
46 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 14.72 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 66 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
11 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
The University of You
The H1 heading is perfect.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 49 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 The University of You
H2 BUSINESS Duplicate text
H2 TECHNOLOGY Duplicate text
H2 HEALTH & NURSING Duplicate text
H2 EDUCATION Duplicate text
H2 Unlock Your Potential and Start with Confidence
H2 Online Education Built for Life
H2 What Our Alumni Are Saying
H2 Innovation in Every Step
H2 Frequently Asked Questions at WGU
H2 Does WGU offer financial aid?
H2 Are there scholarships available?
H2 How does tuition work at WGU?
H2 How do I communicate with my mentor?
H2 Is this program truly "at your own pace"?
H2 How quickly can you finish the program?
H2 Can you skip ahead if you get done early?
H2 Is WGU accredited?
H2 How is an online college different than an on-campus college?
H2 How long does it take to complete an online degree?
H3 Ready to Start Your WGU Journey?
H3 WGU Grads Hold Positions With Top Employers
H3 What is the best online college?
H3 What can I do with an online degree?
H3 How is an online college different from an on-campus college?
H3 How long does it take to complete an online degree? Duplicate text
H3 Are online universities expensive?
H3 Do all my existing credits transfer to WGU?
H3 Is WGU accredited? Duplicate text
H3 What will be needed for admissions?
H3 How soon can I start?
H3 Will another school or employer accept my WGU degree?
H3 How does WGU support military students?
H3 Can I use my military benefits/GI bill at WGU?
H3 What makes WGU different?
H3 Does WGU offer financial aid? Duplicate text
H3 Does WGU have military scholarships?
H3 How do I find out more about WGU's Naval Community College program?
H3 Is WGU a partner with the Community College of the Airforce?
H3 Do you have more information about WGU's military program?
H3 The University
H3 For Students
H3 Most Visited Links
H3 Support
Anchor text is an URL
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 13 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.wgu.edu/Anchor Skip to content
https://www.wgu.edu/Anchor Skip to Chat
https://www.wgu.edu/Subdomain No Text
https://my.wgu.edu/New window External Subdomain Student Login
/admissions/get-info.htmlSubdomain Request Info
https://apply.wgu.edu/registerExternal Subdomain Apply Now
/online-degree-programs.htmlAll Degrees
https://www.wgu.edu/quiz.htmlNew window Subdomain Explore Your Options
/online-business-degrees.htmlView All Business Degrees
/online-business-degrees.htmlView all Business Bachelor's Degrees
/online-business-degrees/busin...Business Management – B.S.
/online-business-degrees/healt...Healthcare Administration – B.S.
/online-business-degrees/human...Human Resource Management – B.S.
/online-business-degrees/it-in...Information Technology Management – B.S.
/online-business-degrees/marke...Marketing – B.S.
/online-business-degrees/suppl...Supply Chain and Operations Management – B.S.
/online-business-degrees/commu...Communications – B.S.
/online-business-degrees/user-...User Experience Design – B.S.
/online-business-degrees/accou...Accounting – B.S.
/online-business-degrees/finan...Finance – B.S.
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Health Information Management – B.S. (from the Leavitt School of Health)
/online-business-degrees/maste...View all Business Master's Degrees
/online-business-degrees/mba-m...Master of Business Administration (MBA)
/online-business-degrees/mba-m...MBA Information Technology Management
/online-business-degrees/mba-m...MBA Healthcare Management
/online-business-degrees/manag...Management and Leadership – M.S.
/online-business-degrees/accou...Accounting – M.S.
/online-business-degrees/marke...Marketing – M.S.
/online-business-degrees/human...Human Resource Management – M.S.
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Master of Healthcare Administration (from the Leavitt School of Health)
/online-it-degrees/data-analyt...Data Analytics – M.S. (from the School of Technology)
/online-it-degrees/masters-pro...Information Technology Management – M.S. (from the School of Technology)
/online-teaching-degrees/educa...Education Technology and Instructional Design – M.Ed. (from the School of Education)
/online-business-degrees/certi...Supply Chain
/online-business-degrees/certi...Accounting Fundamentals
/online-business-degrees/certi...Digital Marketing and E-Commerce
/online-teaching-degrees.htmlView All Education Degrees
/online-teaching-degrees/educa...View all Education Bachelor's Degrees
/online-teaching-degrees/eleme...Elementary Education
/online-teaching-degrees/speci...Special Education
/online-teaching-degrees/mathe...Mathematics Education
/online-teaching-degrees/physi...Physics Education
/online-teaching-degrees/biolo...Biology Education
/online-teaching-degrees/earth...Earth Science Education
/online-teaching-degrees/chemi...Chemistry Education
/online-teaching-degrees/educa...Educational Studies – B.A. (Does Not Lead to a Teaching License)
/online-teaching-degrees/educa...View All Education Master's Degrees
/online-teaching-degrees/ell-e...English Language Learning
/online-teaching-degrees/socia...Social Studies Education
/online-teaching-degrees/scien...Science Education
/online-teaching-degrees/chemi...Text duplicate Chemistry Education
/online-teaching-degrees/physi...Text duplicate Physics Education
/online-teaching-degrees/biolo...Text duplicate Biology Education
/online-teaching-degrees/earth...Text duplicate Earth Science Education
/online-teaching-degrees/eleme...Text duplicate Elementary Education
/online-teaching-degrees/engli...English Education
/online-teaching-degrees/speci...Text duplicate Special Education
/online-teaching-degrees/mathe...Text duplicate Mathematics Education
/online-teaching-degrees/curri...Curriculum and Instruction – M.S.
/online-teaching-degrees/educa...Educational Leadership – M.S.
/online-teaching-degrees/educa...Education Technology and Instructional Design – M.Ed.
/online-teaching-degrees/endor...Text duplicate English Language Learning
/online-teaching-degrees/teach...Teaching License/Certification
/online-teaching-degrees/state...State Licensure Information
/online-it-degrees.htmlView All Technology Degrees
/online-it-degrees/bachelors-p...View all Technology Bachelor's Degrees
/online-it-degrees/cloud-compu...Cloud Computing – B.S.
/online-it-degrees/computer-sc...Computer Science – B.S.
/online-it-degrees/cybersecuri...Cybersecurity and Information Assurance – B.S.
/online-it-degrees/data-analyt...Data Analytics – B.S.
/online-it-degrees/information...Information Technology – B.S.
/online-it-degrees/accelerated...Accelerated IT Program – B.S. to M.S.
/online-it-degrees/network-eng...Network Engineering and Security – B.S.
/online-it-degrees/software-en...Software Engineering – B.S.
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Text duplicate Health Information Management – B.S. (from the Leavitt School of Health)
/online-business-degrees/it-in...Information Technology Management – B.S. (from the School of Business)
/online-business-degrees/user-...User Experience Design – B.S. (from the School of Business)
/online-it-degrees/masters-pro...View all Technology Master's Degrees
/online-it-degrees/cybersecuri...Cybersecurity and Information Assurance – M.S.
/online-it-degrees/data-analyt...Data Analytics – M.S.
/online-it-degrees/information...Information Technology Management – M.S.
/online-it-degrees/computer-sc...Computer Science – M.S.
/online-it-degrees/software-en...Software Engineering – M.S.
/online-business-degrees/mba-m...MBA Information Technology Management (from the School of Business)
/online-it-degrees/certificate...Full Stack Engineering
/online-it-degrees/certificate...Front End Web Developer with CodeSignal
/online-it-degrees/certificate...Java Developer with CodeSignal
/online-it-degrees/certificate...ServiceNow Application Developer
/online-it-degrees/certificate...Data Analytics Skills
/online-it-degrees/certificate...Artificial Intelligence (Single Course)
/online-it-degrees/it-certific...IT Certifications Included in WGU Degrees
/online-nursing-health-degrees...View All Health & Nursing Degrees
/online-nursing-health-degrees...View all Health & Nursing Bachelor's Degrees
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Nursing (RN-to-BSN online) – B.S.
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Nursing (Prelicensure) – B.S. (Available in select states)
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Health Information Management – B.S.
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Health and Human Services – B.S.
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Psychology – B.S.
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Health Science – B.S.
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Public Health – B.S.
/online-business-degrees/healt...Healthcare Administration – B.S. (from the School of Business)
/online-nursing-health-degrees...View all Nursing & Health Master's Degrees
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Nursing – Education (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Nursing – Leadership and Management (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Nursing – Nursing Informatics (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Nursing – Family Nurse Practitioner (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S. (Available in select states)
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Nursing – Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S. (Available in select states)
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Nursing – Education (RN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Nursing – Leadership and Management (RN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Nursing – Nursing Informatics (RN-to-MSN Program) – M.S.
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Master of Healthcare Administration
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Master of Public Health
/online-business-degrees/mba-m...MBA Healthcare Management (from the School of Business)
/online-teaching-degrees/educa...Text duplicate Education Technology and Instructional Design – M.Ed. (from the School of Education)
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Nursing Leadership
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Nursing Education—Post-Master's Certificate
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Nursing Leadership and Management—Post-Master's Certificate
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Family Nurse Practitioner—Post-Master's Certificate
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner —Post-Master's Certificate
/online-business-degrees/certi...Business Leadership (with the School of Business)
/online-business-degrees/certi...Supply Chain (with the School of Business)
/online-business-degrees/certi...Accounting Fundamentals (with the School of Business)
/online-business-degrees/certi...Digital Marketing and E-Commerce (with the School of Business)
/online-it-degrees/certificate...Java Developer (with CodeSignal and the School of Technology)
/online-it-degrees/certificate...Front End Web Developer (with CodeSignal and the School of Technology)
/online-it-degrees/certificate...Full Stack Engineering (with the School of Technology)
/online-it-degrees/certificate...ServiceNow Application Developer (with the School of Technology)
/online-it-degrees/certificate...Data Analytics Skills (with the School of Technology)
/online-it-degrees/certificate...Artificial Intelligence (Single Course with the School of Technology)
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Nursing Leadership (with the Leavitt School of Health)
/admissions/personalized-start...Single Courses
https://www.wgu.edu/about.htmlAbout WGU
/about/annual-report.html2023 Annual Report
/about/story.htmlWGU's Story
/about/story/issues-we-care-ab...Issues We Care About
/about/story/equity.htmlDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion
/about/measuring-impact.htmlMeasuring Impact
/about/measuring-impact/public...Public Policy Advocacy
/blog/impact.htmlImpact Blog
/newsroom/expert-center.htmlExpert Center
/about/governance/president.htmlOffice of the President
/about/governance/advancement....WGU Advancement
/about/governance/labs.htmlWGU LABS
/about/governance/academy.htmlWGU Academy
/about/governance/business.htmlSchool of Business
/about/governance/it.htmlSchool of Technology
/about/governance/health.htmlLeavitt School of Health
/about/governance/education.htmlSchool of Education
/about/careers.htmlCareers at WGU
/about/careers/culture/voices....Hear from Employees
/about/careers/diversity.htmlCommitment to Diversity
/about/careers/blog.htmlCareers Blog
/financial-aid-tuition.htmlTuition and Fees
/financial-aid-tuition/tuition...Tuition—School of Business
/financial-aid-tuition/tuition...Tuition—School of Education
/financial-aid-tuition/tuition...Tuition—School of Technology
/financial-aid-tuition/tuition...Tuition—Leavitt School of Health
/financial-aid-tuition/financi...Your Financial Obligations
/financial-aid-tuition/tuition...Tuition Comparison
/financial-aid-tuition/financi...Financial Aid
/financial-aid-tuition/financi...Applying for Financial Aid
/financial-aid-tuition/financi...State Grants
/financial-aid-tuition/financi...Consumer Information Guide
/financial-aid-tuition/financi...Responsible Borrowing Initiative
/financial-aid-tuition/financi...Higher Education Relief Fund
/financial-aid-tuition/fafsa-h...FAFSA Help
/financial-aid-tuition/net-pri...Net Price Calculator
/financial-aid-tuition/financi...FAFSA Simplification
/financial-aid-tuition/scholar...See All Scholarships
/financial-aid-tuition/scholar...Military Scholarships
/financial-aid-tuition/scholar...Subdomain Anchor State Scholarships
/financial-aid-tuition/scholar...Scholarship FAQs
/financial-aid-tuition/payment...Payment Plans
/financial-aid-tuition/corpora...Corporate Reimbursement
/financial-aid-tuition/current...Current Student Hardship Assistance
/student-experience/military/t...Military Tuition Assistance
https://apply.wgu.edu/registerExternal Subdomain New Students
/alumni/stay-involved/continui...WGU Returning Graduates
/admissions/restart.htmlWGU Readmission
/admissions/enrollment.htmlEnrollment Checklist
/admissions/ada-form.htmlAccommodation Request
/admissions/teaching-requireme...School of Education Admission Requirements
/admissions/business-requireme...School of Business Admission Requirements
/admissions/it-requirements.htmlSchool of Technology Admission Requirements
/admissions/nursing-health-req...Leavitt School of Health Admission Requirements
/admissions/computer-requireme...Computer Requirements
/admissions/no-standardized-te...No Standardized Testing
/admissions/clinicals.htmlHealth and Nursing Clinical Information
/admissions/student-teaching.htmlStudent Teaching Information
/admissions/transfers.htmlFAQs about Transferring
/admissions/transfers/transfer...Transfer to WGU
/admissions/transfers/wgu-tran...Transferrable Certifications
/admissions/transfers/wgu-tran...Request WGU Transcripts
/admissions/international-tran...International Transfer Credit
/online-degree-programs.htmlProspective Students
/student-portal.htmlSubdomain Current Students
/student-experience/military.htmlMilitary and Veterans
/about/careers.htmlText duplicate Careers at WGU
https://www.wgu.edu/about.htmlText duplicate About WGU
/advancement.htmlAdvancement & Giving
/partnerships.htmlPartnering with WGU
https://apply.wgu.edu/registerExternal Subdomain Text duplicate Apply Now
/admissions/get-info.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Request Info
/financial-aid-tuition/tuition...Subdomain much lower
/about/annual-report.htmlSubdomain 98%
/about/annual-report.htmlSubdomain $18,200
/student-experience/learning/r...Subdomain See Why Students Love WGU
/online-business-degrees.htmlSubdomain BUSINESS
/online-business-degrees/bache...Subdomain Bachelor's Degrees
/online-business-degrees/maste...Subdomain Master's Degrees
/online-business-degrees/certi...Subdomain Certificates
/online-it-degrees.htmlSubdomain TECHNOLOGY
/online-it-degrees/bachelors-p...Subdomain Text duplicate Bachelor's Degrees
/online-it-degrees/masters-pro...Subdomain Text duplicate Master's Degrees
/online-it-degrees/certificate...Subdomain Text duplicate Certificates
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Subdomain HEALTH & NURSING
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Subdomain Text duplicate Bachelor's Degrees
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Subdomain Text duplicate Master's Degrees
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Subdomain Text duplicate Certificates
/online-teaching-degrees.htmlSubdomain EDUCATION
/online-teaching-degrees/educa...Subdomain Text duplicate Bachelor's Degrees
/online-teaching-degrees/educa...Subdomain Text duplicate Master's Degrees
/online-teaching-degrees/state...Subdomain Text duplicate State Licensure Information
/online-business-degrees.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate BUSINESS
/online-business-degrees/bache...Subdomain Text duplicate Bachelor's Degrees
/online-business-degrees/maste...Subdomain Text duplicate Master's Degrees
/online-business-degrees/certi...Subdomain Text duplicate Certificates
/online-it-degrees.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate TECHNOLOGY
/online-it-degrees/bachelors-p...Subdomain Text duplicate Bachelor's Degrees
/online-it-degrees/masters-pro...Subdomain Text duplicate Master's Degrees
/online-it-degrees/certificate...Subdomain Text duplicate Certificates
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Subdomain Text duplicate HEALTH & NURSING
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Subdomain Text duplicate Bachelor's Degrees
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Subdomain Text duplicate Master's Degrees
/online-nursing-health-degrees...Subdomain Text duplicate Certificates
/online-teaching-degrees.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate EDUCATION
/online-teaching-degrees/educa...Subdomain Text duplicate Bachelor's Degrees
/online-teaching-degrees/educa...Subdomain Text duplicate Master's Degrees
/online-teaching-degrees/state...Subdomain Text duplicate State Licensure Information
https://www.wgu.edu/Anchor Take Quiz
/content/wgu-marketing/en/onli...Subdomain Find your Perfect Credential
/personalized-profile.htmlSubdomain Personalize Your Path
/about/annual-report.htmlSubdomain 2023 Harris Poll
https://www.wgu.edu/about.htmlSubdomain LEARN MORE ABOUT WGU
/student-experience/learning/p...Subdomain Explore More
/student-experience/learning/h...Subdomain Text duplicate Explore More
/financial-aid-tuition/scholar...Subdomain Text duplicate Explore More
/student-experience/education-...Subdomain Text duplicate Explore More
https://apply.wgu.edu/registerExternal Subdomain Text duplicate Apply Now
/student-experience/learning/r...Subdomain SEE MORE REVIEWS
/student-experience/education-...Subdomain Text duplicate Explore More
/about/governance/president.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Office of the President
/student-experience/outcomes/d...New window Subdomain Black History Month at WGU
/alumni/alumni-support/resourc...New window Subdomain 2024 Distinguished Graduate Awards
/alumni/commencement/upcoming-...New window Subdomain 2025 Commencement Plans
/financial-aid-tuition/financi...Subdomain federal student aid
https://youtu.be/e9RHCkBrRIIExternal This video shows more
/student-experience/learning/h...Subdomain pace that meets your learning style and knowledge level
/student-experience/learning/h...Subdomain competency-based model,
/financial-aid-tuition.htmlSubdomain tuition increase.
/student-experience/learning/a...institutionally accredited
A-TITLE Accreditation at WGU
/online-university-guide.htmlSubdomain best online college
A-TITLE best online college info
/online-university-guide.htmlSubdomain flexibility in your program
A-TITLE online colleges offer flexibility
/admissions/transfers.htmlSubdomain generous transfer policy
/student-experience/how-you-le...Subdomain Text duplicate institutionally accredited
/admissions.htmlSubdomain general admissions process
/about/accreditation.htmlSubdomain accredited
/alumni/career-support/educati...Subdomain we add the university to a list
/student-experience.htmlSubdomain student-centered experience
/student-experience/learning/m...Subdomain active-duty, veteran, or dependent
/student-experience/learning/m...Subdomain using military benefits
/financial-aid-tuition/financi...Subdomain URL anchor text
A-TITLE https://www.wgu.edu/financial-aid-tuition/financial-aid.html
/financial-aid-tuition/scholar...Subdomain URL anchor text
A-TITLE https://www.wgu.edu/financial-aid-tuition/scholarships.html
/lp/general/wgu/military/usncc...Subdomain URL anchor text
A-TITLE https://www.wgu.edu/lp/general/wgu/military/usncc.html
https://partners.wgu.edu/Pages...External Subdomain URL anchor text
A-TITLE https://partners.wgu.edu/pages/ccaf.aspx
https://www.youtube.com/watch?...External Subdomain URL anchor text
https://www.wgu.edu/about.htmlSubdomain About Us
/admissions/accessibility.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Accessibility
/student-experience/learning/a...Subdomain Accreditation
https://www.wgu.edu/newsroom.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Newsroom
/about/careers.htmlSubdomain Careers
/student-portal.htmlNew window Subdomain Student Portal
/admissions.htmlSubdomain Admissions
/about/institutional-catalog.htmlSubdomain Catalog
/student-experience/title-ix.htmlSubdomain Title IX
https://www.wgu.edu/alumni.htmlSubdomain Alumni Services
/online-business-degrees.htmlSubdomain Business Programs
/online-degree-programs/bachel...Subdomain Text duplicate Bachelor's Degrees
/student-experience.htmlSubdomain Student Experience
/content/wgu-marketing/en/onli...Subdomain Online Degrees
/financial-aid-tuition/scholar...Subdomain Scholarships
/student-experience/military.htmlSubdomain Military
/financial-aid-tuition/scholar...New window Subdomain Text duplicate Scholarships
/financial-aid-tuition/financi...New window Subdomain Text duplicate Financial Aid
/student-experience/how-you-le...New window Subdomain Faculty
/student-experience/outcomes/d...New window Subdomain Text duplicate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
/student-experience/student-re...New window Subdomain Testimonials
/student-experience/student-re...New window Subdomain Student Communities
https://www.wgu.edu/privacy.htmlSubdomain Privacy Policy
/privacy/cookies.htmlSubdomain Cookie Policy
https://www.wgu.edu/contact.htmlSubdomain Contact Us
https://www.wgu.edu/sitemap.htmlSubdomain Sitemap
https://www.linkedin.com/edu/w...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.facebook.com/wgu.edu/New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.instagram.com/west...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.youtube.com/user/W...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.tiktok.com/@wguNew window External Subdomain No Text

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://www.wgu.edu/"
HTTP header
The web server version is sent within the HTTP header.
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.05 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (350 kB).

HTTP Response Header

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Western Governors University – Online College
Western Governors University is an online university where you can earn an affordable, accredited, career-focused college degree at an accelerated pace.

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