- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.13 s
File size
231.60 kB
Media files
Number of links
175 internal / 4 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
HCP Social Listening & DOL identification & activation |
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 629 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
We built the world's only platform that tracks the voices of millions of verified HCPs on social media, so you can hear what HCPs are saying.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (861 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en-gb
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en-gb
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no
robotsindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1
descriptionWe built the world's only platform that tracks the voices of millions of verified HCPs on social media, so you can hear what HCPs are saying.
og:descriptionWe built the world's only platform that tracks the voices of millions of verified HCPs on social media, so you can hear what HCPs are saying.

Test up to 1.000 webpages of with our free plan!

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Page quality

(Critically important)
There are 4 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate 1: The world’s most comprehensive online HCP listening: hear what HCPs ar...
  • Duplicate 2: The world's leading DOL identification and activation: discover how to...
This page contains 3034 words. That's ok.
34.3% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
17 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 16 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 61 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
97 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

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Video URLWidthHeight

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
The world's most comprehensive HCP social listening
The H1 heading is perfect.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 129 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 The world's most comprehensive HCP social listening
H2 Introducing: DOL Finder
H2 Since 1998 we have developed data-driven insights that inspire innovation.
H2 Discover how we could help you
H2 HCP Social Listening
H2 HCP Social Listening Duplicate text
H2 Digital Opinion Leaders
H2 Digital Opinion Leaders Duplicate text
H2 Innovation
H2 Innovation Duplicate text
H2 Join your peers in reading the latest insights on HCP Social Media Listening, Digital Opinion Leaders and more
H2 See what some of our world-renowned clients have to say about working with
H2 Are you ready to make a positive difference in healthcare?
H3 Pharma 101
H3 HCP Market Research
H3 Competitive Intelligence
H3 Congress Tracking
H3 Digital Healthcare Personas
H3 Track Healthcare Conversations Across The Globe
H3 Public And Private Data Networks
H3 ESMO 2023: which peers and resources did eHCPs trust?
H3 Top 50 Pharma Tracker: eHCPs celebrate vaccine data from Novavax and Moderna approval
H3 eHCPs raise awareness of the impact of diabetes on mental health
H3 Lessons from WHO on how to disseminate AMR information
H3 What is a Digital Opinion Leader?
H3 How do Digital Opinion Leaders compare with KOLs?
H3 How do I identify my Digital Opinion Leaders?
H3 How do I engage Digital Opinion Leaders?
H3 How do I activate Digital Opinion Leaders?
H3 DOL Finder
H3 Key DOL resources
H3 Understanding The Differences between DOLs and online KOLs
H3 Digital Opinion Leaders are the New Key Opinion Leaders
H3 White Paper: 10 questions to ask about your Digital Opinion Leaders
H3 Digital Opinion Leaders Duplicate text
H3 DOL Finder Duplicate text
H3 HCP Voice
H3 Launch Excellence
H3 Congress Strategy
H3 Content Strategy
H3 Drug Safety Monitoring
H3 Digital Customer Engagement Training
H3 All solutions
H3 Maximising scientific data to drive advocacy for label expansion
H3 Developing a bespoke global playbook for DOLs
H3 Launching into crowded US market building trusted relationships with DOLs
H3 Articles
H3 Ebooks & White Papers
H3 Trackers
H3 Webinars
H3 Pharma 101 Duplicate text
H3 Subscribe to eJournal
H3 Podcast
H3 Featured Content
H3 The Top 50 Global Digital Opinion Leaders in T2D – The Launch of’s New Service
H3 The beginner’s guide to how HCPs use Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn
H3 Are Digital Opinion Leaders just Influencers with medical qualifications?
H3 About
H3 Working with us
H3 Case Studies
H3 Press
H3 Contact
H3 Events
H3 Modern Slavery Statement
H3 A day in the life of’s Winning Analyst Team – BHBIA BOBI Awards 2023
H3 Reflections on Reuters Pharma Europe 2023
H3 Pharma 101 Duplicate text
H3 HCP Market Research Duplicate text
H3 Competitive Intelligence Duplicate text
H3 Congress Tracking Duplicate text
H3 Digital Healthcare Personas Duplicate text
H3 Track Healthcare Conversations Across The Globe Duplicate text
H3 Public And Private Data Networks Duplicate text
H3 ESMO 2023: which peers and resources did eHCPs trust? Duplicate text
H3 Top 50 Pharma Tracker: eHCPs celebrate vaccine data from Novavax and Moderna approval Duplicate text
H3 eHCPs raise awareness of the impact of diabetes on mental health Duplicate text
H3 Lessons from WHO on how to disseminate AMR information Duplicate text
H3 What is a Digital Opinion Leader? Duplicate text
H3 How do Digital Opinion Leaders compare with KOLs? Duplicate text
H3 How do I identify my Digital Opinion Leaders? Duplicate text
H3 How do I engage Digital Opinion Leaders? Duplicate text
H3 How do I activate Digital Opinion Leaders? Duplicate text
H3 DOL Finder Duplicate text
H3 Key DOL resources Duplicate text
H3 Understanding The Differences between DOLs and online KOLs Duplicate text
H3 Digital Opinion Leaders are the New Key Opinion Leaders Duplicate text
H3 White Paper: 10 questions to ask about your Digital Opinion Leaders Duplicate text
H3 Digital Opinion Leaders Duplicate text
H3 DOL Finder Duplicate text
H3 HCP Voice Duplicate text
H3 Launch Excellence Duplicate text
H3 Congress Strategy Duplicate text
H3 Content Strategy Duplicate text
H3 Drug Safety Monitoring Duplicate text
H3 Digital Customer Engagement Training Duplicate text
H3 All solutions Duplicate text
H3 Maximising scientific data to drive advocacy for label expansion Duplicate text
H3 Developing a bespoke global playbook for DOLs Duplicate text
H3 Launching into crowded US market building trusted relationships with DOLs Duplicate text
H3 Articles Duplicate text
H3 Ebooks & White Papers Duplicate text
H3 Trackers Duplicate text
H3 Webinars Duplicate text
H3 Pharma 101 Duplicate text
H3 Subscribe to eJournal Duplicate text
H3 Podcast Duplicate text
H3 Featured Content Duplicate text
H3 The Top 50 Global Digital Opinion Leaders in T2D – The Launch of’s New Service Duplicate text
H3 The beginner’s guide to how HCPs use Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn Duplicate text
H3 Are Digital Opinion Leaders just Influencers with medical qualifications? Duplicate text
H3 About Duplicate text
H3 Working with us Duplicate text
H3 Case Studies Duplicate text
H3 Press Duplicate text
H3 FAQs Duplicate text
H3 Contact Duplicate text
H3 Events Duplicate text
H3 Modern Slavery Statement Duplicate text
H3 A day in the life of’s Winning Analyst Team – BHBIA BOBI Awards 2023 Duplicate text
H3 Reflections on Reuters Pharma Europe 2023 Duplicate text
H3 From every HCP talking online, discover which have the greatest measurable impact upon their HCP peers, and which HCPs they influence the most.
H3 Your Go-To Guide for Understanding and Engaging Digital Opinion Leaders
H3 Let’s set things straight about HCP Digital Opinion Leaders
H3 How HCPs are reacting to novel antibody–drug conjugates (ADCs)
H3 Meet Dr Icro Meattini: An impactful voice in the breast cancer space
H3 What deep social listening reveals about prostate cancer: key insights for healthcare strategy
H3 Client success stories 2024
H3 Explore our case studies to learn how our insights led to innovation and better health outcomes.
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
There are 4 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/working-with-us/Get In Touch 101 The fundamentals of pharma social media market research
/insight/hcp-market-research/HCP Market Research Discover healthcare professionals’ needs, opinions and their digital behaviours
/insight/competitive-intellige...Competitive Intelligence Discover how your competitors are viewed and engaged with online
/insight/congress-tracking/Congress Tracking Learn how healthcare professionals engage before, during and after your events
/insight/digital-customer-pers...Digital Healthcare Personas Create or enhance your digital healthcare professional personas
/unique-data/tracking-healthca...Track Healthcare Conversations Across The Globe Health stakeholder insights in any market in the world
/unique-data/public-and-privat...Public And Private Data Networks Discover the 360° view of your customers’ opinions about our unique HCP data
/knowledge/esmo-2023-which-pee...ESMO 2023: which peers and resources did eHCPs trust? While a plethora of HCPs posted online, not all posts had the same reach...
/knowledge/top-50-pharma-track...Top 50 Pharma Tracker: eHCPs celebrate vaccine data from Novavax and Moderna approval Discover what healthcare professionals (HCPs) think about pharmaceutica...
/knowledge/ehcps-raise-awarene...eHCPs raise awareness of the impact of diabetes on mental health eHCPs facilitate a broader conversation relating to diabetes - including mental health...
/knowledge/lessons-from-who-on...Lessons from WHO on how to disseminate AMR information What was the response of eHCPs to WHO’s antibiotic book and how are they combatting AMR?
IMG-ALT Header image for article looking into HCPs' views on AMR and WHO guidance all our recent content
/digital-opinion-leaders/Anchor What is a Digital Opinion Leader? An introduction to DOLs
/digital-opinion-leaders/Anchor How do Digital Opinion Leaders compare with KOLs? There are significant differences between traditional Key Opinion Leaders and DOLs
/digital-opinion-leaders/Anchor How do I identify my Digital Opinion Leaders? Identify your biggest online healthcare professional influencers
/digital-opinion-leaders/Anchor How do I engage Digital Opinion Leaders? Create engagement plans to build relationships with your most influential customers
/digital-opinion-leaders/Anchor How do I activate Digital Opinion Leaders? Overcoming the internal and external hurdles for effective DOL engagement Finder A platform to identify and monitor the most influential eHCPs
/knowledge/we-explore-the-diff...KOLs and DOLs – the same or not the same? That is the question
/webinar/the-beginners-guide-t...The beginner’s guide to DOLs
/knowledge/ten-questions-to-as...Ten questions to ask about your HCP Digital Opinion Leaders
/webinar/medical-affairs-the-n...Medical Affairs: The New Digital Normal for HCP Relationships
/webinar/identifying-your-risi...Identifying Your Rising Star DOLs
/knowledge/14-ways-pharma-can-...14 ways pharma can engage HCP Digital Opinion Leaders
/white-paper/3-essential-conce...3 Essential Concepts for your Digital Opinion Leader strategy
/webinar/navigating-digital-op...Understanding The Differences between DOLs and online KOLs Helping you to identify the online influencers who matter to you...
/webinar/digital-opinion-leade...Digital Opinion Leaders are the New Key Opinion Leaders Influential online healthcare professionals are changing the world of healthcare engagement.
/white-paper/10-questions-to-a...White Paper: 10 questions to ask about your Digital Opinion Leaders HCP ‘Digital Opinion Leaders’ (DOLs) are driving health policy decisions
/digital-opinion-leaders/Anchor View more DOL resources
/digital-opinion-leaders/Digital Opinion Leaders Identify, engage and activate your DOLs Finder A platform to identify and monitor the most impactful online HCPs Voice A platform to explore the collective intelligence of thousands of online HCPs in your field
/health-strategy/launch-excell...Launch Excellence Plan your launch in a way that resonates with your customers and their digital behaviours
/health-strategy/congress-stra...Congress Strategy Build education and engagement strategies for your key events
/health-strategy/content-strat...Content Strategy Identify and meet healthcare professional information needs on the channels they use
/insight/drug-safety-monitoring/Drug Safety Monitoring Uncover real-world cases and little-known side effects of your products
/health-strategy/digital-custo...Digital Customer Engagement Training Provide your team with tools to better engage with HCPs healthcare
/health-strategy/Health strategy solutions solutions
/case-study/maximising-scienti...Maximising scientific data to drive advocacy for label expansion Maximising scientific data to drive advocacy for label expansion
/case-study/developing-a-bespo...Developing a bespoke global playbook for DOLs An interactive DOL playbook was developed & designed, providing guidelines for global teams
/case-study/launching-into-cro...Launching into crowded US market building trusted relationships with DOLs PAG collaboration led to first ever Twitter Spaces event during drug launch all our case studies
/?s&post_type[]=articleArticles Read the latest in all things HCP Insights and Health Strategy
/resources/white-papers-ebooks/Ebooks & White Papers Download our free for pharma eBooks and White papers
/resources/hcp-insight-trackers/Trackers Keep up to date on a range of topics discussed by HCPs each month
/?s&post_type[]=webinarWebinars Join our live sessions or watch on-demand our range of Webinars duplicate Pharma 101 The fundamentals of pharma social media market research
/sign-up-to-creation-knowledge/Subscribe to eJournal Subscribe to our monthly eJournal to receive powerful HCP insights Listen to our conversations with impactful online healthcare professionals
/knowledge/what-hcps-think-abo...What HCPs Think About Medical Tweetorials
/knowledge/what-hcps-think-abo...What HCPs think about Mixing and Matching Covid-19 vaccines: From rejection to wide acceptance.
/knowledge/what-hcps-think-abo...What HCPs Think about Health Equity in Cancer Care
/webinar/medical-affairs-the-n...Text duplicate Medical Affairs: The New Digital Normal for HCP Relationships
/knowledge/breaking-out-of-the...Breaking out of the erratic Digital Opinion Leader engagement cycle
/knowledge/ win Gold with Frontline.Live at PM Society Awards all our Resources
/webinar/the-top-50-global-dig...The Top 50 Global Digital Opinion Leaders in T2D – The Launch of’s New Service The world’s most comprehensive syndicated study of the top 50 Glob...
/webinar/creation-cos-guide-to...The beginner’s guide to how HCPs use Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn For anyone in the pharma industry who would like to understand the behaviour of ...
/knowledge/are-digital-opinion...Are Digital Opinion Leaders just Influencers with medical qualifications? The difference between an influencer to a Digital Opinion Leader
/?s&post_type[]=webinarView all our Webinars Our Story, Vision & Values and Team
/working-with-us/Working with us Good relationships are at the heart of what we do, it would be great to start ours today Studies Learn how our expertise has succeeded in helping to achieve positive change We love to work with the media to surface data on what healthcare professionals say online Everything you want to know about HCP insights and We'd love to hear from you or answer any questions you may have Discover the top pharma events in 2024
/modern-slavery-statement/Modern Slavery Statement We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery
/sign-up-to-creation-knowledge/Subscribe for free HCP insights
/knowledge/a-day-in-the-life-o...A day in the life of’s Winning Analyst Team – BHBIA BOBI Awards 2023 The Insights Team is proud to have won BHBIA BOBI Award Analyst ...
/knowledge/reflections-on-reut...Reflections on Reuters Pharma Europe 2023 Reflections on our time at Reuters Pharma Europe 2023
/?s&post_type[]=articleView other Articles
/working-with-us/Text duplicate Get In Touch duplicate Pharma 101 The fundamentals of pharma social media market research
/insight/hcp-market-research/Text duplicate HCP Market Research Discover healthcare professionals’ needs, opinions and their digital behaviours
/insight/competitive-intellige...Text duplicate Competitive Intelligence Discover how your competitors are viewed and engaged with online
/insight/congress-tracking/Text duplicate Congress Tracking Learn how healthcare professionals engage before, during and after your events
/insight/digital-customer-pers...Text duplicate Digital Healthcare Personas Create or enhance your digital healthcare professional personas
/unique-data/tracking-healthca...Text duplicate Track Healthcare Conversations Across The Globe Health stakeholder insights in any market in the world
/unique-data/public-and-privat...Text duplicate Public And Private Data Networks Discover the 360° view of your customers’ opinions duplicate Learn about our unique HCP data
/knowledge/esmo-2023-which-pee...Text duplicate ESMO 2023: which peers and resources did eHCPs trust? While a plethora of HCPs posted online, not all posts had the same reach...
/knowledge/top-50-pharma-track...Text duplicate Top 50 Pharma Tracker: eHCPs celebrate vaccine data from Novavax and Moderna approval Discover what healthcare professionals (HCPs) think about pharmaceutica...
/knowledge/ehcps-raise-awarene...Text duplicate eHCPs raise awareness of the impact of diabetes on mental health eHCPs facilitate a broader conversation relating to diabetes - including mental health...
/knowledge/lessons-from-who-on...Text duplicate Lessons from WHO on how to disseminate AMR information What was the response of eHCPs to WHO’s antibiotic book and how are they combatting AMR?
IMG-ALT Header image for article looking into HCPs' views on AMR and WHO guidance
/digital-opinion-leaders/Anchor Text duplicate What is a Digital Opinion Leader? An introduction to DOLs
/digital-opinion-leaders/Anchor Text duplicate How do Digital Opinion Leaders compare with KOLs? There are significant differences between traditional Key Opinion Leaders and DOLs
/digital-opinion-leaders/Anchor Text duplicate How do I identify my Digital Opinion Leaders? Identify your biggest online healthcare professional influencers
/digital-opinion-leaders/Anchor Text duplicate How do I engage Digital Opinion Leaders? Create engagement plans to build relationships with your most influential customers
/digital-opinion-leaders/Anchor Text duplicate How do I activate Digital Opinion Leaders? Overcoming the internal and external hurdles for effective DOL engagement duplicate DOL Finder A platform to identify and monitor the most influential eHCPs
/knowledge/we-explore-the-diff...Text duplicate KOLs and DOLs – the same or not the same? That is the question
/webinar/the-beginners-guide-t...Text duplicate The beginner’s guide to DOLs
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/webinar/digital-opinion-leade...Text duplicate Digital Opinion Leaders are the New Key Opinion Leaders Influential online healthcare professionals are changing the world of healthcare engagement.
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/health-strategy/launch-excell...Text duplicate Launch Excellence Plan your launch in a way that resonates with your customers and their digital behaviours
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/insight/drug-safety-monitoring/Text duplicate Drug Safety Monitoring Uncover real-world cases and little-known side effects of your products
/health-strategy/digital-custo...Text duplicate Digital Customer Engagement Training Provide your team with tools to better engage with HCPs healthcare
/health-strategy/Text duplicate Health strategy solutions duplicate Insight solutions
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/case-study/developing-a-bespo...Text duplicate Developing a bespoke global playbook for DOLs An interactive DOL playbook was developed & designed, providing guidelines for global teams
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/knowledge/breaking-out-of-the...Text duplicate Breaking out of the erratic Digital Opinion Leader engagement cycle
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/knowledge/are-digital-opinion...Text duplicate Are Digital Opinion Leaders just Influencers with medical qualifications? The difference between an influencer to a Digital Opinion Leader duplicate About Our Story, Vision & Values and Team
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/knowledge/your-go-to-guide-fo...07.03.2025 | Article Your Go-To Guide for Understanding and Engaging Digital Opinion Leaders’s top resources to help you navigate DOLs effectivel...
A-TITLE Your Go-To Guide for Understanding and Engaging Digital Opinion Leaders
/knowledge/lets-set-things-str...03.03.2025 | Article Let’s set things straight about HCP Digital Opinion Leaders Setting things straight about HCP Digital Opinion Leaders By Anni Neumann
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/knowledge/how-hcps-are-reacti...26.02.2025 | Article How HCPs are reacting to novel antibody–drug conjugates (ADCs) We track the conversation around the latest approvals and data releases o...
A-TITLE How HCPs are reacting to novel antibody–drug conjugates (ADCs)
/knowledge/meet-dr-icro-meatti...26.02.2025 | Article Meet Dr Icro Meattini: An impactful voice in the breast cancer space DOL Finder guide using Dr Meattini's profile, an impactful voice in...
A-TITLE Meet Dr Icro Meattini: An impactful voice in the breast cancer space
/knowledge/what-deep-social-li...17.02.2025 | Article What deep social listening reveals about prostate cancer: key insights for healthcare strategy Deep social listening reveals trends shap...
A-TITLE What deep social listening reveals about prostate cancer: key insights for healthcare strategy
/knowledge/client-success-stor...13.02.2025 | Article Client success stories 2024 2024 was a great year of collaboration for and the pharmaceutical industry By Katie Kennedy
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