Disabilityrightsca.org - SEO Checker

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296,30 kB
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(Extremadamente importante)
Disability Rights California
La longitud del título es óptima (237 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
DRC is a nonprofit agency. We are the largest disability rights group in the nation. Federal law established us to protect and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. We are the protection and advocacy agency for California.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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(Poco importante)
El nombre del dominio es demasiado extenso.
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URL de la página
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GeneratorDrupal 8 (https://www.drupal.org)
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descriptionDRC is a nonprofit agency. We are the largest disability rights group in the nation. Federal law established us to protect and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. We are the protection and advocacy agency for California.
keywordsDisability Rights California, DRC, Accessibility Rights, nonprofit

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(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2875 palabras.
Un 30% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 10 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 19.27 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
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(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
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No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 13 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página está perfectamente optimizada para las redes sociales.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de Schema.org) adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...em/files/images/Home-banner-mobilev2.jpgText: DRC 2023 Annual Report. Photo: Three young men of different races and with different developmental disabilities together all smiling.
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...es/images/prop-36-home-banner-mobile.jpgText: NO on Prop36. Photo: Front of the CA state capitol.
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...iles/images/LA-College-press-release.jpgPerson with disability on electric wheelchair stopping at the bottom of inaccessible staircase, unable to reach the top
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...images/budget-banner-b_1_1_0_1_0_0_0.jpgPhoto of the CA State Capital building with the CA state seal in front of it.
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...s/default/files/images/ADA-24-Banner.jpgAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - A young woman with a disability in a wheel chair at her company office meeting.
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...les/images/ihhs-press-release-v3_0_0.jpgOlder disabled immigrant in a wheelchair at home
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.../files/default_images/default_banner.pngDRC Logo
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...images/accessible-press-release-v3_0.jpgA black man in a wheel chair in his kitchen and looking at camera.
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...tes/default/files/images/Gala 2024-1.jpgLady Justice with two spotlights with supporting text: The Art of Disability Justice 2024 Gala
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...es/images/cycling-press-release-v3_0.jpgDisabled cyclist on the special handbike bicycle
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...les/images/voting-press-release-v3_0.jpgAn elderly person placing a vote-by-mail ballot in a mailbox.
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...files/images/vapd-press-release-v3_0.jpgFront of a VA Hospital with the VA sign in front.
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...ages/California Leadership Awards4_0.jpgAn illustration of Nelson Mandela with California Leadership Award goes to California Mandela Campaign
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...s/default/files/images/Umoja-BHM2-14.jpgAn illustration of a raised fist with the Umoja logo with text that reads Black History Month Spotlight Umoja Employee Resource Group
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...fault/files/images/MainBanner_news_2.jpgA newspaper next to a laptop.
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...les/images/budget-banner-b_1_1_0_1_0.jpgPhoto of the CA State Capital building with the CA state seal in front of it.
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...files/images/ihhs-press-release-v3_0.jpgHispanic IHHS woman caring for wheelchair-bound disabled boy in the kitchen, giving him a drink while smiling.
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...fault/files/images/Cambodian Webinar.jpgDRC employees and the organization APSARA in Stockton at Cambodian Outreach
...es/default/files/images/dor-banner_2.jpgA microphone in front of a crowd.
...es/default/files/images/dor-banner_2.jpgA microphone in front of a crowd.
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...lt/files/images/Public-policy-banner.jpgPhoto of the top of the top of the CA capitol building.
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...es/default/files/images/prop1-banner.jpgPortrait of a mature man at a community center.
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...les/images/Top Stories 2023 Banner-2.jpgIllustrartion of a male smiling with a handful of books. Text; 2023 Year in Review
...les/images/Top Stories 2023 Banner-2.jpgIllustrartion of a male smiling with a handful of books. Text; 2023 Year in Review
...default/files/images/Census-banner-1.jpgA blurred image of crowd of people walking through a city.
...default/files/images/Census-banner-1.jpgA blurred image of crowd of people walking through a city.
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.../images/kern-county-press-release-v3.jpgA black female student sitting alone in a classroom
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.../default/files/images/DIaster Banner.jpgA male in a wheelchair looking at the sunset with trees around him.
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...s/images/National Caregivers Month_0.jpgA smiling grandfather, his daughter and grand daughter.
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...ault/files/images/Giving Tuesday-3_0.jpgA diverse group of four people smiling and walking through a park.
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...mages/mental-health-press-release-v3.jpgA male mental health provider helping two black teens at a session.
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/sites/default/files/images/HSP1.jpgAn illustration of a HSP member and a client talking with 1 house and 2 apartment buildings.
...les/images/care-court-article-banner.jpgA city street with several tents on the sidewalk that homeless people are using.
...les/images/care-court-article-banner.jpgA city street with several tents on the sidewalk that homeless people are using.
...s/default/files/images/ca-employment.jpgI man in a wheelchair at the office talking to a woman standing next to him
...s/default/files/images/ca-employment.jpgI man in a wheelchair at the office talking to a woman standing next to him
...mages/Child-handcuff-press-release_0.jpgA young child in handcuffs
...mages/Child-handcuff-press-release_0.jpgA young child in handcuffs
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/sites/default/files/images/Curb-Press.jpgA curbside voting sign on the side of the road.
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.../files/default_images/default_banner.pngDRC Logo
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.../default/files/images/eviction-Press.jpgAn apartment gate with an eviction notice tapped on the front.
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.../files/default_images/default_banner.pngDRC Logo
.../default/files/images/24Gala-top_1_0.jpgDisability Rights California Gala 2024
.../default/files/images/24Gala-top_1_0.jpgDisability Rights California Gala 2024
...efault/files/images/DRC-Story-banner.jpgMemorial of 9 tall stone rectangle shaped monuments in dedication to those who lived and died in state hospitals.
...efault/files/images/DRC-Story-banner.jpgMemorial of 9 tall stone rectangle shaped monuments in dedication to those who lived and died in state hospitals.
...ult/files/images/Kids-w-disabilities.jpgA young girl with a disability at her desk doing schoolwork in a classroom.
...ult/files/images/Kids-w-disabilities.jpgA young girl with a disability at her desk doing schoolwork in a classroom.
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.../files/default_images/default_banner.pngDRC Logo
.../files/default_images/default_banner.pngDRC Logo
.../files/default_images/default_banner.pngDRC Logo
/sites/default/files/images/Kings-Press.jpgA cell at KCJC. The room has concrete floors and cinderblock walls, and is empty except for a bare mattress on a bed frame bolted to the floor and a metal toilet.
/sites/default/files/images/Kings-Press.jpgA cell at KCJC. The room has concrete floors and cinderblock walls, and is empty except for a bare mattress on a bed frame bolted to the floor and a metal toilet.
...ault/files/images/No-SB-326-Press-v2.jpgNo on SB 326 - Photo of the front of the California State Capital building.
...ault/files/images/No-SB-326-Press-v2.jpgNo on SB 326 - Photo of the front of the California State Capital building.
...default/files/images/Restraint-Press.jpgA young boy sitting alone in a room.
...default/files/images/Restraint-Press.jpgA young boy sitting alone in a room.
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.../files/default_images/default_banner.pngDRC Logo
...es/images/Special-Education-Press-v2.jpgA teacher helping a young girl with a disability with her homework.
...es/images/Special-Education-Press-v2.jpgA teacher helping a young girl with a disability with her homework.
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/sites/default/files/images/HUD.jpgIllustration of four houses in a row
/sites/default/files/images/solitary_0.jpgImage of a person mind. Inside is a butterfly trying to get out of a cage.
/sites/default/files/images/solitary_0.jpgImage of a person mind. Inside is a butterfly trying to get out of a cage.
/system/files/images/DRC-Logo-Footer.pngDisability Rights California

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
September is Deaf Awareness Month
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 89 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 September is Deaf Awareness Month
H1 In September We Commemorate The California Memorial Project
H2 Self-Advocacy Resources
H2 Disability Rights California Advocacy
H2 Restoring Dignity: The Mission of the California Memorial Project (CMP)
H2 California Memorial Project 22nd Anniversary Remembrance Ceremony
H2 Proposition 36: A Misleading Bipartisan Push with No Real Public Safety Benefit
H2 Black Parallel School Board Finalizes 5-Year Monitoring Plan with Sacramento City Schools to Address and Remedy Ongoing Disability and Racial Discrimination Against Students
H2 Disability Rights California Thanks Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency for His Service to Disabled Californians
H2 Disability Rights California and Community Advocates for Just and Moral Governance Urge San Diego Board of Supervisors to Oppose Prop 36 and Protect San Diegans
H2 Disability Rights California and Civil Rights Corps Oppose Proposition 36 and Any Legislation that Harms California’s Most Vulnerable Residents
H2 DREDF, DRC and 89 Organizations Condemn Mask Bans and Urge Lawmakers Not to Adopt Them to Protect the Right of People with Disabilities to Participate in the Community Safely
H2 Federal Judge Orders West Los Angeles College to Restore Campus Shuttle to Provide Equal Access to Students with Mobility Disabilities
H2 Disability Rights California’s Summary of The Final 2024-25 Budget
H2 Disability Rights California Advocating for Safe and Dignified Air Travel for Individuals with Disabilities
H2 Federal Court Issues Historic Order Ending Race-Based Policing by School District
H2 Disability Rights California Condemns Grants Pass v. Johnson Decision
H2 Celebrating the Legacy and Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
H2 Impact of the State Budget on the Developmental Services System and People who Rely on Regional Center Funded Supports
H2 Raising Awareness through Assistive Technology and Celebrating Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Anniversary
H2 Disability Rights California (DRC) Statement on Biden’s Plan to Provide Relief for Some Undocumented Spouses and Children of US Citizens
H2 Disability Rights California’s Summary of The Governor’s May Revision to the Proposed 2024-25 Budget
H2 Disability Rights California signed on in support of these comments
H2 Health Advocates Say Elimination of In-Home Supportive Services for Undocumented Immigrants Could Have Devastating Impacts on CA’s Most Vulnerable
H2 DRC signs on with 132 other organizations to lift up concerns in this year’s May Revision of the budget from Governor Newsom
H2 Persistence and Advocacy for Disability Rights Culminate in Unveiling of 1000th Accessible Unit by Los Angeles Housing Department
H2 Disability Rights California Statement on Governor Newsom’s Proposition 1 Announcement
H2 Disability Rights California Opposes Harmful Budget Cuts to Housing Assistance Programs Serving Disabled Californians
H2 Honoring Art and Advocacy at Our Second-Annual Gala
H2 Advocates Concerned for Disability Access at Orange County Annual Bike Rally
H2 Disability Rights California Opposes Proposed Cuts to Vital Services for Disabled Californians
H2 Disability Rights California Applauds Rules by Biden Administration Increasing Access and Protections for Disabled Americans
H2 Join us in Recognizing Sexual Assault Month this April and Denim Day (the last Wednesday of the month)
H2 Coalition of Disability Groups Demand Immediate Action to Ensure Accessible Ballot Return for 2024 Elections
H2 Disability Rights California Calls for Change and Accountability Following Police Shooting of Teen with Disability
H2 Disability Rights California Releases New Report, “STUCK: Los Angeles County’s Abuse and Neglect of People on Mental Health Conservatorships in Jail and Locked Psychiatric Facilities.”
H2 Disability Rights California Releases New Investigative Report, “Unmasking Policing in Veterans Healthcare: Advocating for Equitable Access to Services for Disabled and Unhoused Veterans”
H2 Disability Rights California is Excited to Lift Up the 2024 Reparations Priority Package Introduced by the California Legislative Black Caucus
H2 Disability Rights California’s Managing Attorney, Will Leiner Appointed to the Master Plan for Developmental Services Stakeholder Committee
H2 Disability Rights California Awards California Mandela Campaign with California Leadership Award
H2 Celebrating Unity with UMOJA
H2 DRC Urges Attorney General Bonta to Support Remote Participation in Brown Act Meetings as a Reasonable Accommodation Under the ADA
H2 Disability Rights California’s Summary of The Governor’s Proposed 2024-25 Budget
H2 California Eliminates Parent Provider Rules for Minor In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Recipients
H2 Building Connections with the Cambodian Community
H2 Department of Rehabilitation Public Comment Opportunities
H2 2023 Public Policy Advocacy Victories
H2 Disability Rights California Opposes Proposition 1
H2 Community Organizations call for Los Angeles County to Defer Implementation of Mental Health Legislation
H2 Barragán, Disability Rights California Statement on California’s Expansion of Capacity in Home & Community Based Alternatives Waiver
H2 2023 Year in Review
H2 US Census is looking to make changes in how it collects disability data. We need your help!
H2 Disability Rights California Celebrates the Life and Advocacy of Rosalynn Carter
H2 Dolores Huerta Foundation Pursues Legal Action Against Kern County Board of Education's Approval of Central Academy of Arts and Technology Charter School
H2 Disaster Training for People with Disabilities
H2 November is National Family Caregivers Month
H2 We’re Grateful for You This Giving Tuesday
H2 Settlement Reached Between Disability Rights California, the County of Alameda, and the United States Department of Justice to Strengthen the County’s Behavioral Health System
H2 Meet the Housing Stability Project
H2 Care Court Will Become a Path Toward Institutionalization
H2 Gov. Newsom is Failing to Insist that California Be a Leader in Disability Employment | Opinion
H2 Federal Court Finds School Policing Violates Disability Rights Laws
H2 Disability Rights California Statement on the Signing of AB 531, SB 326 and SB 43
H2 Governor Newsom Signs AB 545 (Pellerin), a DRC-Sponsored Bill Ensuring In-Person Accessible Voting for All
H2 Newsom Signs Legislation Expanding Involuntary Treatment on World Mental Health Day
H2 Governor Newsom Signs AB 1418 (McKinnor), a DRC-Cosponsored Bill that Prevents Discriminatory Evictions
H2 Disability Rights California Mourns the Passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein
H2 Become a Sponsor for our 2nd Annual Gala Event
H2 2023 California Memorial Project: Remembering the Past to Honor the Present
H2 Back to School for Kids with Disabilities
H2 Honoring the Life of Lillibeth Navarro
H2 Disability Rights California Applauds the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra’s Decision to Update and Strengthen the Healthcare-Related Regulations in Section 504 of the...
H2 Disability Rights California and Disability Rights Advocates Investigation Finds Deficient and Discriminatory Conditions at Kings County Juvenile Detention Center
H2 Peer Advocates Mobilizing in Opposition to SB 326 and the Governor’s Proposal to “Modernize” the Mental Health System
H2 Disability Rights California Releases Report on the Use of Restraint and Seclusion in California Schools
H2 We Want to Hear from You! Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Program
H2 Victory for Special Education Students in Federal Court
H2 Letter: [Docket No. FR-6257-A-01] Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability: Updates to HUD’s Section 504 Regulations. RIN 2529-AB03
H2 A Different Conversation About Solitary Confinement
H2 Disability Rights California Opposes Proposition 1 Texto duplicado
H2 SB 43 (Eggman) – Expanding the Definition of “Gravely Disabled”
H2 AB 545 (Pellerin) – Elections: Access for Voters with Disabilities
H2 The California Mandela Act
H2 SB 1338 (Umberg) - Disability Rights California Information on CARE Act
H2 Sign up for Updates
H2 Careers
H2 Disability Rights California Regional Center Vendor Reporting
H2 How We’re Making a Difference
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/IMG-ALT Disability Rights California
A-TITLE Homepage
/about-usAbout Us
/who-we-are/vision-mission-adv...Mission, Vision, Values
/who-we-are/board-of-directorsBoard of Directors
/who-we-are/paimi-advisory-cou...PAIMI Advisory Council
/who-we-are/leadership-teamLeadership Team
/who-we-are/annual-reportsAnnual Report
/who-we-are/our-historyOur History
/post/drc-staff-spotlightEmployee Spotlights
/what-we-doWhat We Do
/what-we-do/success-storiesSuccess Stories
/what-we-do/advocacy-platformAdvocacy Platform
/legislationPublic Policy
/legislation/state-budgetState Budget
/public-policy/2023-selected-s...2023 Legislation Affecting Persons with Disabilities
/legislation/public-policy-pri...Public Policy Principles
/legislation/legislation-archiveLegislation Archive
/newsroom/press-releases-state...Press Release/ Statements
/newsroom/latest-newsLatest News
/drc-advocacydrc Advocacy
/newsroom/media-coverageMedia Coverage
/get-helpGet Help
/contact-usContact Us
/newsroom/press-releases-state...Media Inquiries
/get-helpTexto duplicado Get Help
/post/drc-training-outreach-fo...DRC Training/Outreach
/pod/drc-regional-center-vendo...Regional Center Vendor Reporting
/careersTexto duplicado Careers
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/newsroomTexto duplicado Newsroom
/contact-us/how-to-get-helpHow to Get Help
/legislationTexto duplicado Public Policy
/what-we-do/casesTexto duplicado Cases
/publicationsSelf-Advocacy Resources
/publicationsRead More about Self-Advocacy Resources
/drc-advocacyDisability Rights California Advocacy
/drc-advocacyRead More about Disability Rights California Advocacy
/2023-annual-reportSubdominio IMG-ALT Text: DRC 2023 Annual Report. Photo: Three young men of different races and with different developmental disabilities together all smiling.
A-TITLE Read the DRC 2023 Annual Report
/2023-annual-reportSubdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Text: DRC 2023 Annual Report. Photo: Three young men of different races and with different developmental disabilities together all smiling.
A-TITLE Read the DRC 2023 Annual Report
/latest-news/disability-rights...Subdominio IMG-ALT Text: NO on Prop36. Photo: Front of the CA state capitol.
/latest-news/disability-rights...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Text: NO on Prop36. Photo: Front of the CA state capitol.
/latest-news/restoring-dignity...Restoring Dignity: The Mission of the California Memorial Project (CMP)
/latest-news/restoring-dignity...Read more about Restoring Dignity: The Mission of the California Memorial Project (CMP)
A-TITLE Restoring Dignity: The Mission of the California Memorial Project (CMP)
/events/california-memorial-pr...California Memorial Project 22nd Anniversary Remembrance Ceremony
/events/california-memorial-pr...Read more about California Memorial Project 22nd Anniversary Remembrance Ceremony
A-TITLE California Memorial Project 22nd Anniversary Remembrance Ceremony
/latest-news/proposition-36-a-...Proposition 36: A Misleading Bipartisan Push with No Real Public Safety Benefit
/latest-news/proposition-36-a-...Read more about Proposition 36: A Misleading Bipartisan Push with No Real Public Safety Benefit
A-TITLE Proposition 36: A Misleading Bipartisan Push with No Real Public Safety Benefit
/press-release/black-parallel-...Black Parallel School Board Finalizes 5-Year Monitoring Plan with Sacramento City Schools to Address and Remedy Ongoing Disability and Racial Discrimination ...
/press-release/black-parallel-...Read more about Black Parallel School Board Finalizes 5-Year Monitoring Plan with Sacramento City Schools to Address and Remedy Ongoing Disability and Racial...
A-TITLE Black Parallel School Board Finalizes 5-Year Monitoring Plan with Sacramento City Schools to Address and Remedy Ongoing Disability and Racial Discrimination ...
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California Thanks Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency for His Service to Disabled Californians
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California Thanks Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency for His Service to Disabled ...
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Thanks Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency for His Service to Disabled Californians
/press-release/disability-righ...Disability Rights California and Community Advocates for Just and Moral Governance Urge San Diego Board of Supervisors to Oppose Prop 36 and Protect San Dieg...
/press-release/disability-righ...Read more about Disability Rights California and Community Advocates for Just and Moral Governance Urge San Diego Board of Supervisors to Oppose Prop 36 and ...
A-TITLE Disability Rights California and Community Advocates for Just and Moral Governance Urge San Diego Board of Supervisors to Oppose Prop 36 and Protect San Dieg...
/press-release/disability-righ...Disability Rights California and Civil Rights Corps Oppose Proposition 36 and Any Legislation that Harms California’s Most Vulnerable Residents
/press-release/disability-righ...Read more about Disability Rights California and Civil Rights Corps Oppose Proposition 36 and Any Legislation that Harms California’s Most Vulnerable Residents
A-TITLE Disability Rights California and Civil Rights Corps Oppose Proposition 36 and Any Legislation that Harms California’s Most Vulnerable Residents
/latest-news/dredf-drc-and-89-...DREDF, DRC and 89 Organizations Condemn Mask Bans and Urge Lawmakers Not to Adopt Them to Protect the Right of People with Disabilities to Participate in the...
/latest-news/dredf-drc-and-89-...Read more about DREDF, DRC and 89 Organizations Condemn Mask Bans and Urge Lawmakers Not to Adopt Them to Protect the Right of People with Disabilities to Pa...
A-TITLE DREDF, DRC and 89 Organizations Condemn Mask Bans and Urge Lawmakers Not to Adopt Them to Protect the Right of People with Disabilities to Participate in the...
/press-release/federal-judge-o...Federal Judge Orders West Los Angeles College to Restore Campus Shuttle to Provide Equal Access to Students with Mobility Disabilities
/press-release/federal-judge-o...Read more about Federal Judge Orders West Los Angeles College to Restore Campus Shuttle to Provide Equal Access to Students with Mobility Disabilities
A-TITLE Federal Judge Orders West Los Angeles College to Restore Campus Shuttle to Provide Equal Access to Students with Mobility Disabilities
/public-policy/state-budget/di...Disability Rights California’s Summary of The Final 2024-25 Budget
/public-policy/state-budget/di...Read more about Disability Rights California’s Summary of The Final 2024-25 Budget
A-TITLE Disability Rights California’s Summary of The Final 2024-25 Budget
/press-release/disability-righ...Disability Rights California Advocating for Safe and Dignified Air Travel for Individuals with Disabilities
/press-release/disability-righ...Read more about Disability Rights California Advocating for Safe and Dignified Air Travel for Individuals with Disabilities
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Advocating for Safe and Dignified Air Travel for Individuals with Disabilities
/press-release/federal-court-i...Federal Court Issues Historic Order Ending Race-Based Policing by School District
/press-release/federal-court-i...Read more about Federal Court Issues Historic Order Ending Race-Based Policing by School District
A-TITLE Federal Court Issues Historic Order Ending Race-Based Policing by School District
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California Condemns Grants Pass v. Johnson Decision
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California Condemns Grants Pass v. Johnson Decision
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Condemns Grants Pass v. Johnson Decision
/latest-news/celebrating-the-l...Celebrating the Legacy and Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
/latest-news/celebrating-the-l...Read more about Celebrating the Legacy and Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
A-TITLE Celebrating the Legacy and Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
/latest-news/impact-of-the-sta...Impact of the State Budget on the Developmental Services System and People who Rely on Regional Center Funded Supports
/latest-news/impact-of-the-sta...Read more about Impact of the State Budget on the Developmental Services System and People who Rely on Regional Center Funded Supports
A-TITLE Impact of the State Budget on the Developmental Services System and People who Rely on Regional Center Funded Supports
/latest-news/raising-awareness...Raising Awareness through Assistive Technology and Celebrating Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Anniversary
/latest-news/raising-awareness...Read more about Raising Awareness through Assistive Technology and Celebrating Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Anniversary
A-TITLE Raising Awareness through Assistive Technology and Celebrating Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Anniversary
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California (DRC) Statement on Biden’s Plan to Provide Relief for Some Undocumented Spouses and Children of US Citizens
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California (DRC) Statement on Biden’s Plan to Provide Relief for Some Undocumented Spouses and Children of US Citizens
A-TITLE Disability Rights California (DRC) Statement on Biden’s Plan to Provide Relief for Some Undocumented Spouses and Children of US Citizens
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California’s Summary of The Governor’s May Revision to the Proposed 2024-25 Budget
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California’s Summary of The Governor’s May Revision to the Proposed 2024-25 Budget
A-TITLE Disability Rights California’s Summary of The Governor’s May Revision to the Proposed 2024-25 Budget
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California signed on in support of these comments
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California signed on in support of these comments
A-TITLE Disability Rights California signed on in support of these comments
/press-release/health-advocate...Health Advocates Say Elimination of In-Home Supportive Services for Undocumented Immigrants Could Have Devastating Impacts on CA’s Most Vulnerable
/press-release/health-advocate...Read more about Health Advocates Say Elimination of In-Home Supportive Services for Undocumented Immigrants Could Have Devastating Impacts on CA’s Most Vulne...
A-TITLE Health Advocates Say Elimination of In-Home Supportive Services for Undocumented Immigrants Could Have Devastating Impacts on CA’s Most Vulnerable
/latest-news/drc-signs-on-with...DRC signs on with 132 other organizations to lift up concerns in this year’s May Revision of the budget from Governor Newsom
/latest-news/drc-signs-on-with...Read more about DRC signs on with 132 other organizations to lift up concerns in this year’s May Revision of the budget from Governor Newsom
A-TITLE DRC signs on with 132 other organizations to lift up concerns in this year’s May Revision of the budget from Governor Newsom
/press-release/persistence-and...Persistence and Advocacy for Disability Rights Culminate in Unveiling of 1000th Accessible Unit by Los Angeles Housing Department
/press-release/persistence-and...Read more about Persistence and Advocacy for Disability Rights Culminate in Unveiling of 1000th Accessible Unit by Los Angeles Housing Department
A-TITLE Persistence and Advocacy for Disability Rights Culminate in Unveiling of 1000th Accessible Unit by Los Angeles Housing Department
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California Statement on Governor Newsom’s Proposition 1 Announcement
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California Statement on Governor Newsom’s Proposition 1 Announcement
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Statement on Governor Newsom’s Proposition 1 Announcement
/press-release/disability-righ...Disability Rights California Opposes Harmful Budget Cuts to Housing Assistance Programs Serving Disabled Californians
/press-release/disability-righ...Read more about Disability Rights California Opposes Harmful Budget Cuts to Housing Assistance Programs Serving Disabled Californians
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Opposes Harmful Budget Cuts to Housing Assistance Programs Serving Disabled Californians
/latest-news/honoring-art-and-...Honoring Art and Advocacy at Our Second-Annual Gala
/latest-news/honoring-art-and-...Read more about Honoring Art and Advocacy at Our Second-Annual Gala
A-TITLE Honoring Art and Advocacy at Our Second-Annual Gala
/press-release/advocates-conce...Advocates Concerned for Disability Access at Orange County Annual Bike Rally
/press-release/advocates-conce...Read more about Advocates Concerned for Disability Access at Orange County Annual Bike Rally
A-TITLE Advocates Concerned for Disability Access at Orange County Annual Bike Rally
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California Opposes Proposed Cuts to Vital Services for Disabled Californians
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California Opposes Proposed Cuts to Vital Services for Disabled Californians
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Opposes Proposed Cuts to Vital Services for Disabled Californians
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California Applauds Rules by Biden Administration Increasing Access and Protections for Disabled Americans
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California Applauds Rules by Biden Administration Increasing Access and Protections for Disabled Americans
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Applauds Rules by Biden Administration Increasing Access and Protections for Disabled Americans
/latest-news/join-us-in-recogn...Join us in Recognizing Sexual Assault Month this April and Denim Day (the last Wednesday of the month)
/latest-news/join-us-in-recogn...Read more about Join us in Recognizing Sexual Assault Month this April and Denim Day (the last Wednesday of the month)
A-TITLE Join us in Recognizing Sexual Assault Month this April and Denim Day (the last Wednesday of the month)
/press-release/coalition-of-di...Coalition of Disability Groups Demand Immediate Action to Ensure Accessible Ballot Return for 2024 Elections
/press-release/coalition-of-di...Read more about Coalition of Disability Groups Demand Immediate Action to Ensure Accessible Ballot Return for 2024 Elections
A-TITLE Coalition of Disability Groups Demand Immediate Action to Ensure Accessible Ballot Return for 2024 Elections
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California Calls for Change and Accountability Following Police Shooting of Teen with Disability
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California Calls for Change and Accountability Following Police Shooting of Teen with Disability
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Calls for Change and Accountability Following Police Shooting of Teen with Disability
/press-release/disability-righ...Disability Rights California Releases New Report, “STUCK: Los Angeles County’s Abuse and Neglect of People on Mental Health Conservatorships in Jail and Lock...
/press-release/disability-righ...Read more about Disability Rights California Releases New Report, “STUCK: Los Angeles County’s Abuse and Neglect of People on Mental Health Conservatorships ...
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Releases New Report, “STUCK: Los Angeles County’s Abuse and Neglect of People on Mental Health Conservatorships in Jail and Lock...
/press-release/disability-righ...Disability Rights California Releases New Investigative Report, “Unmasking Policing in Veterans Healthcare: Advocating for Equitable Access to Services for D...
/press-release/disability-righ...Read more about Disability Rights California Releases New Investigative Report, “Unmasking Policing in Veterans Healthcare: Advocating for Equitable Access t...
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Releases New Investigative Report, “Unmasking Policing in Veterans Healthcare: Advocating for Equitable Access to Services for D...
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California is Excited to Lift Up the 2024 Reparations Priority Package Introduced by the California Legislative Black Caucus
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California is Excited to Lift Up the 2024 Reparations Priority Package Introduced by the California Legislative Black Caucus
A-TITLE Disability Rights California is Excited to Lift Up the 2024 Reparations Priority Package Introduced by the California Legislative Black Caucus
/press-release/disability-righ...Disability Rights California’s Managing Attorney, Will Leiner Appointed to the Master Plan for Developmental Services Stakeholder Committee
/press-release/disability-righ...Read more about Disability Rights California’s Managing Attorney, Will Leiner Appointed to the Master Plan for Developmental Services Stakeholder Committee
A-TITLE Disability Rights California’s Managing Attorney, Will Leiner Appointed to the Master Plan for Developmental Services Stakeholder Committee
/custom-page-w-top-photo/disab...Disability Rights California Awards California Mandela Campaign with California Leadership Award
/custom-page-w-top-photo/disab...Read more about Disability Rights California Awards California Mandela Campaign with California Leadership Award
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Awards California Mandela Campaign with California Leadership Award
/latest-news/celebrating-unity...Celebrating Unity with UMOJA
/latest-news/celebrating-unity...Read more about Celebrating Unity with UMOJA
A-TITLE Celebrating Unity with UMOJA
/press-release/drc-urges-attor...DRC Urges Attorney General Bonta to Support Remote Participation in Brown Act Meetings as a Reasonable Accommodation Under the ADA
/press-release/drc-urges-attor...Read more about DRC Urges Attorney General Bonta to Support Remote Participation in Brown Act Meetings as a Reasonable Accommodation Under the ADA
A-TITLE DRC Urges Attorney General Bonta to Support Remote Participation in Brown Act Meetings as a Reasonable Accommodation Under the ADA
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California’s Summary of The Governor’s Proposed 2024-25 Budget
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California’s Summary of The Governor’s Proposed 2024-25 Budget
A-TITLE Disability Rights California’s Summary of The Governor’s Proposed 2024-25 Budget
/press-release/california-elim...California Eliminates Parent Provider Rules for Minor In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Recipients
/press-release/california-elim...Read more about California Eliminates Parent Provider Rules for Minor In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Recipients
A-TITLE California Eliminates Parent Provider Rules for Minor In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Recipients
/latest-news/building-connecti...Building Connections with the Cambodian Community
/latest-news/building-connecti...Read more about Building Connections with the Cambodian Community
A-TITLE Building Connections with the Cambodian Community
/latest-news/department-of-reh...Department of Rehabilitation Public Comment Opportunities
/latest-news/department-of-reh...Read more about Department of Rehabilitation Public Comment Opportunities
A-TITLE Department of Rehabilitation Public Comment Opportunities
/latest-news/2023-public-polic...2023 Public Policy Advocacy Victories
/latest-news/2023-public-polic...Read more about 2023 Public Policy Advocacy Victories
A-TITLE 2023 Public Policy Advocacy Victories
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California Opposes Proposition 1
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California Opposes Proposition 1
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Opposes Proposition 1
/latest-news/community-organiz...Community Organizations call for Los Angeles County to Defer Implementation of Mental Health Legislation
/latest-news/community-organiz...Read more about Community Organizations call for Los Angeles County to Defer Implementation of Mental Health Legislation
A-TITLE Community Organizations call for Los Angeles County to Defer Implementation of Mental Health Legislation
/latest-news/barragan-disabili...Barragán, Disability Rights California Statement on California’s Expansion of Capacity in Home & Community Based Alternatives Waiver
/latest-news/barragan-disabili...Read more about Barragán, Disability Rights California Statement on California’s Expansion of Capacity in Home & Community Based Alternatives Waiver
A-TITLE Barragán, Disability Rights California Statement on California’s Expansion of Capacity in Home & Community Based Alternatives Waiver
/latest-news/2023-year-in-review2023 Year in Review
/latest-news/2023-year-in-reviewRead more about 2023 Year in Review
A-TITLE 2023 Year in Review
/latest-news/us-census-is-look...US Census is looking to make changes in how it collects disability data. We need your help!
/latest-news/us-census-is-look...Read more about US Census is looking to make changes in how it collects disability data. We need your help!
A-TITLE US Census is looking to make changes in how it collects disability data. We need your help!
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California Celebrates the Life and Advocacy of Rosalynn Carter
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California Celebrates the Life and Advocacy of Rosalynn Carter
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Celebrates the Life and Advocacy of Rosalynn Carter
/press-release/dolores-huerta-...Dolores Huerta Foundation Pursues Legal Action Against Kern County Board of Education's Approval of Central Academy of Arts and Technology Charter School
/press-release/dolores-huerta-...Read more about Dolores Huerta Foundation Pursues Legal Action Against Kern County Board of Education's Approval of Central Academy of Arts and Technology Ch...
A-TITLE Dolores Huerta Foundation Pursues Legal Action Against Kern County Board of Education's Approval of Central Academy of Arts and Technology Charter School
/latest-news/disaster-training...Disaster Training for People with Disabilities
/latest-news/disaster-training...Read more about Disaster Training for People with Disabilities
A-TITLE Disaster Training for People with Disabilities
/latest-news/november-is-natio...November is National Family Caregivers Month
/latest-news/november-is-natio...Read more about November is National Family Caregivers Month
A-TITLE November is National Family Caregivers Month
/latest-news/were-grateful-for...We’re Grateful for You This Giving Tuesday
/latest-news/were-grateful-for...Read more about We’re Grateful for You This Giving Tuesday
A-TITLE We’re Grateful for You This Giving Tuesday
/press-release/settlement-reac...Settlement Reached Between Disability Rights California, the County of Alameda, and the United States Department of Justice to Strengthen the County’s Behavi...
/press-release/settlement-reac...Read more about Settlement Reached Between Disability Rights California, the County of Alameda, and the United States Department of Justice to Strengthen the...
A-TITLE Settlement Reached Between Disability Rights California, the County of Alameda, and the United States Department of Justice to Strengthen the County’s Behavi...
/latest-news/meet-the-housing-...Meet the Housing Stability Project
/latest-news/meet-the-housing-...Read more about Meet the Housing Stability Project
A-TITLE Meet the Housing Stability Project
/latest-news/care-court-will-b...Care Court Will Become a Path Toward Institutionalization
/latest-news/care-court-will-b...Read more about Care Court Will Become a Path Toward Institutionalization
A-TITLE Care Court Will Become a Path Toward Institutionalization
/latest-news/gov-newsom-is-fai...Gov. Newsom is Failing to Insist that California Be a Leader in Disability Employment | Opinion
/latest-news/gov-newsom-is-fai...Read more about Gov. Newsom is Failing to Insist that California Be a Leader in Disability Employment | Opinion
A-TITLE Gov. Newsom is Failing to Insist that California Be a Leader in Disability Employment | Opinion
/press-release/federal-court-f...Federal Court Finds School Policing Violates Disability Rights Laws
/press-release/federal-court-f...Read more about Federal Court Finds School Policing Violates Disability Rights Laws
A-TITLE Federal Court Finds School Policing Violates Disability Rights Laws
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California Statement on the Signing of AB 531, SB 326 and SB 43
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California Statement on the Signing of AB 531, SB 326 and SB 43
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Statement on the Signing of AB 531, SB 326 and SB 43
/press-release/governor-newsom...Governor Newsom Signs AB 545 (Pellerin), a DRC-Sponsored Bill Ensuring In-Person Accessible Voting for All
/press-release/governor-newsom...Read more about Governor Newsom Signs AB 545 (Pellerin), a DRC-Sponsored Bill Ensuring In-Person Accessible Voting for All
A-TITLE Governor Newsom Signs AB 545 (Pellerin), a DRC-Sponsored Bill Ensuring In-Person Accessible Voting for All
/latest-news/newsom-signs-legi...Newsom Signs Legislation Expanding Involuntary Treatment on World Mental Health Day
/latest-news/newsom-signs-legi...Read more about Newsom Signs Legislation Expanding Involuntary Treatment on World Mental Health Day
A-TITLE Newsom Signs Legislation Expanding Involuntary Treatment on World Mental Health Day
/press-release/governor-newsom...Governor Newsom Signs AB 1418 (McKinnor), a DRC-Cosponsored Bill that Prevents Discriminatory Evictions
/press-release/governor-newsom...Read more about Governor Newsom Signs AB 1418 (McKinnor), a DRC-Cosponsored Bill that Prevents Discriminatory Evictions
A-TITLE Governor Newsom Signs AB 1418 (McKinnor), a DRC-Cosponsored Bill that Prevents Discriminatory Evictions
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California Mourns the Passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California Mourns the Passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Mourns the Passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein
/latest-news/become-a-sponsor-...Become a Sponsor for our 2nd Annual Gala Event
/latest-news/become-a-sponsor-...Read more about Become a Sponsor for our 2nd Annual Gala Event
A-TITLE Become a Sponsor for our 2nd Annual Gala Event
/latest-news/2023-california-m...2023 California Memorial Project: Remembering the Past to Honor the Present
/latest-news/2023-california-m...Read more about 2023 California Memorial Project: Remembering the Past to Honor the Present
A-TITLE 2023 California Memorial Project: Remembering the Past to Honor the Present
/latest-news/back-to-school-fo...Back to School for Kids with Disabilities
/latest-news/back-to-school-fo...Read more about Back to School for Kids with Disabilities
A-TITLE Back to School for Kids with Disabilities
/latest-news/honoring-the-life...Honoring the Life of Lillibeth Navarro
/latest-news/honoring-the-life...Read more about Honoring the Life of Lillibeth Navarro
A-TITLE Honoring the Life of Lillibeth Navarro
/latest-news/disability-rights...Disability Rights California Applauds the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra’s Decision to Update and Strengthen the Healthcare-R...
/latest-news/disability-rights...Read more about Disability Rights California Applauds the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra’s Decision to Update and Strengthen ...
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Applauds the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra’s Decision to Update and Strengthen the Healthcare-R...
/press-release/disability-righ...Disability Rights California and Disability Rights Advocates Investigation Finds Deficient and Discriminatory Conditions at Kings County Juvenile Detention C...
/press-release/disability-righ...Read more about Disability Rights California and Disability Rights Advocates Investigation Finds Deficient and Discriminatory Conditions at Kings County Juve...
A-TITLE Disability Rights California and Disability Rights Advocates Investigation Finds Deficient and Discriminatory Conditions at Kings County Juvenile Detention C...
/press-release/peer-advocates-...Peer Advocates Mobilizing in Opposition to SB 326 and the Governor’s Proposal to “Modernize” the Mental Health System
/press-release/peer-advocates-...Read more about Peer Advocates Mobilizing in Opposition to SB 326 and the Governor’s Proposal to “Modernize” the Mental Health System
A-TITLE Peer Advocates Mobilizing in Opposition to SB 326 and the Governor’s Proposal to “Modernize” the Mental Health System
/press-release/disability-righ...Disability Rights California Releases Report on the Use of Restraint and Seclusion in California Schools
/press-release/disability-righ...Read more about Disability Rights California Releases Report on the Use of Restraint and Seclusion in California Schools
A-TITLE Disability Rights California Releases Report on the Use of Restraint and Seclusion in California Schools
/latest-news/we-want-to-hear-f...We Want to Hear from You! Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Program
/latest-news/we-want-to-hear-f...Read more about We Want to Hear from You! Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Program
A-TITLE We Want to Hear from You! Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Program
/press-release/victory-for-spe...Victory for Special Education Students in Federal Court
/press-release/victory-for-spe...Read more about Victory for Special Education Students in Federal Court
A-TITLE Victory for Special Education Students in Federal Court
/latest-news/letter-docket-no-...Letter: [Docket No. FR-6257-A-01] Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability: Updates to HUD’s Section 504 Regulations. RIN 2529-AB03
/latest-news/letter-docket-no-...Read more about Letter: [Docket No. FR-6257-A-01] Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability: Updates to HUD’s Section 504 Regulations. RIN 2529-AB03
A-TITLE Letter: [Docket No. FR-6257-A-01] Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability: Updates to HUD’s Section 504 Regulations. RIN 2529-AB03
/latest-news/a-different-conve...A Different Conversation About Solitary Confinement
/latest-news/a-different-conve...Read more about A Different Conversation About Solitary Confinement
A-TITLE A Different Conversation About Solitary Confinement
/latest-news/disability-rights...Subdominio Sin texto
/latest-news/disability-rights...Subdominio Texto duplicado Disability Rights California Opposes Proposition 1
/latest-news/disability-rights...Subdominio Texto ancla no relevante
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/latest-news/sb-43-eggman-expa...Sin texto
/latest-news/sb-43-eggman-expa...SB 43 (Eggman) – Expanding the Definition of “Gravely Disabled”
/latest-news/sb-43-eggman-expa...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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/latest-news/ab-545-pellerin-e...Sin texto
/latest-news/ab-545-pellerin-e...AB 545 (Pellerin) – Elections: Access for Voters with Disabilities
/latest-news/ab-545-pellerin-e...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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A-TITLE Disability Rights California Advocacy
/latest-news/ab-280-holden-the...Sin texto
/latest-news/ab-280-holden-the...The California Mandela Act
/latest-news/ab-280-holden-the...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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A-TITLE Disability Rights California Advocacy
/latest-news/sb-1338-umberg-di...Sin texto
/latest-news/sb-1338-umberg-di...SB 1338 (Umberg) - Disability Rights California Information on CARE Act
/latest-news/sb-1338-umberg-di...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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/public-policy/sponsored-legis...Click Here for a Full List of DRC’s Public Policy Priorities
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/careersSin texto
/careersTexto duplicado Careers
/careersTexto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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/home-advocacySin texto
/pod/drc-regional-center-vendo...Disability Rights California Regional Center Vendor Reporting
/pod/drc-regional-center-vendo...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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/Nueva ventana Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Disability Rights California
A-TITLE Homepage
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/who-we-are/join-our-teamTexto duplicado Careers
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Disability Rights California
DRC is a nonprofit agency. We are the largest disability rights group in the nation. Federal law established us to protect and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. We are the protection and advocacy agency for California.

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Disability Rights78%Check
Disability Rights California74%Check
Disability Rights California Statement64%Check
Disability Rights California Opposes64%Check
Disability Rights California Applauds64%Check
Disability Rights California Releases64%Check
AB 54564%Check

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