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Home - Sustainable Energy Authority Of Ireland | SEAI
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No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Here at the SEAI, we’re working with people across Ireland, from homeowners to large industry, to transform how we think about and use energy.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (892 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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URL de la página
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descriptionHere at the SEAI, we’re working with people across Ireland, from homeowners to large industry, to transform how we think about and use energy.
twitter:descriptionHere at the SEAI, we’re working with people across Ireland, from homeowners to large industry, to transform how we think about and use energy.
og:site_nameSustainable Energy Authority Of Ireland
og:descriptionHere at the SEAI, we’re working with people across Ireland, from homeowners to large industry, to transform how we think about and use energy.

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(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1893 palabras.
Un 23.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 21 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 15.74 palabras.
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Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...p9cru9sf$b6u4fxcj32ns9mci63uo95ks649jiotCarece de atributo ALT
...p9cru9sf$macvw0367nugz7k9222hv3b7bmwo9jtThree winners of a 2023 award holding their trophy to the camera on the awards stage
...p9cru9sf$je9dy4cf1wgooyfgzmatckdos1fbeyxMinsters at the launch of the new home energy upgrade loan scheme
...p9cru9sf$hey9mset25thrkekfkgugqrztvkdqfva couple relaxing on a couch in their home
...p9cru9sf$9q7du8lvwsb8zgndhhzqnidigbt1d6dcontractors assessing a solar panel
...p9cru9sf$17tec2ang28rjrquh3oo3nipgkhvb7dRows of houses in a neighbourhood
...p9cru9sf$py54ex4hk0wy7qaytpcxnd0u8ggq28ca person checking their BER rating on an ipad
...p9cru9sf$n88h75opywhagr4p1avk4igygrqvno0A charger plugged into an electric vehicle
...p9cru9sf$hjborsu9crhlwsj7j7c8wb35f0d0ln2A contractor wearing a safety helmet fixing solar panels to a roof de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT
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...files/cms-templates/img/rialtas-logo.svgRialtas na hEirann logo

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Delivering Ireland’s Energy Revolution
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Hay 34 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Delivering Ireland’s Energy Revolution
H2 We are working with citizens, businesses, communities and government to transform how we think about, generate and use energy.
H2 Grants and Supports
H2 Popular Content
H2 News & Media
H2 SEAI blog
H2 Careers at SEAI
H3 SEAI Energy Awards 2024
H3 Home Energy Upgrade Loan Scheme
H3 Home Energy Grants
H3 Business Grants
H3 Community Grants
H3 Find your BER
H3 EV Journey Cost Calculator
H3 Find a Registered Professional
H3 SEAI urges consumers to check energy labels and make informed decisions when purchasing energy products
H3 National Retrofit Plan Progress Report Q1 2024
H3 National Biomethane Strategy
H3 SEAI announces call for energy research and innovation projects
H3 A Year Driving Electric
H3 Stat Chat: Truth, Trust, and Timeliness
H3 Are you ready for your new solar panels?
H3 Five reasons why you should enter the 2024 SEAI Energy Awards
H4 Home Energy
H4 Community Energy
H4 Grants
H4 Business & Public Sector
H4 Technologies
H4 Data & Insights
H5 Subscribe
H5 Company
H5 Communications
H5 Governance
H6 Sign up to our Newsletter
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 6 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content SEAI - Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Energy Energy Overview
/home-energy/home-upgrades/Home Energy Upgrades
/home-energy/home-upgrades/Home Energy Upgrades Overview
/home-energy/home-upgrades/pla...Plan your home energy upgrades
/home-energy/home-upgrades/gui...Guide to home energy upgrades
/home-energy/home-upgrades/b2-...B2 Home Energy Comparison
/home-energy/home-upgrades/eeo...EEOS for Homeowners
/home-energy/building-energy-r...Building Energy Rating (BER)
/home-energy/building-energy-r...Building Energy Rating (BER) Overview
/home-energy/building-energy-r...Find an existing BER
/home-energy/building-energy-r...Get a BER Assessment
/home-energy/building-energy-r...Understand a BER
/home-energy/building-energy-r...Improve a BER
/home-energy/building-energy-r...BER Advisory Report
/home-energy/building-energy-r...BER Sales and Rental Guidelines
/home-energy/building-energy-r...Support for BER Assessors
/grants/home-energy-grants/Subdominio Home Grants
/home-energy/take-climate-action/Take Climate Action
/home-energy/take-climate-action/Take Climate Action Overview
/home-energy/take-climate-acti...Save Energy at Home
/home-energy/take-climate-acti...Where do I start?
/reduceyouruse/Reduce Your Use
/home-energy/energy-labelling-...Energy Labelling and Ecodesign
/home-energy/energy-labelling-...Energy Labelling and Ecodesign Overview
/home-energy/energy-labelling-...Energy Labelling
/home-energy/energy-labelling-...Tyre Labelling Energy Learn how to save energy at home, and maximise the energy efficiency of your appliances and products. Read more about Home Energy
/community-energy/Community Energy
/community-energy/Community Energy Overview
/community-energy/sustainable-...Sustainable Energy Communities
/community-energy/sustainable-...Sustainable Energy Communities Overview
/community-energy/sustainable-...Learn Stage: Join the Network
/community-energy/sustainable-...Plan Stage: Energy Master Plan
/community-energy/sustainable-...Do Stage: Plan into Action
/community-energy/sustainable-...Sustainable Energy Community Map
/community-energy/sustainable-...Community Energy Stories
/community-energy/sustainable-...Events and Webinars
/community-energy/sustainable-...Tools and Resources
/grants/community-grants/Community Grants
/grants/community-grants/Community Grants Overview
/grants/community-grants/bec-mapCommunity Energy Projects Map
/community-energy/community-be...Community Benefit Funds
/community-energy/enabling-fra...Community Enabling Framework
/community-energy/enabling-fra...Community Enabling Framework Overview
/community-energy/enabling-fra...RESS Community Impacts Research
/community-energy/schools/Schools Overview
/community-energy/schools/prim...Primary School
/community-energy/schools/clim...Climate SOS
/community-energy/schools/post...Post Primary School
/community-energy/schools/work...Workshops for Schools
/community-energy/schools/save...Energy Management for Schools
/community-energy/Community Energy We're engaging with schools and communities across Ireland to change the way your community thinks about energy. Read more about Community E... Overview
/grants/home-energy-grants/Texto duplicado Home Grants
/grants/home-energy-grants/Home Grants Overview
/grants/home-energy-grants/ind...Individual Energy Upgrade Grants
/grants/home-energy-grants/one...One Stop Shop services for homes
/grants/home-energy-grants/ful...Fully Funded Energy Upgrades
/grants/home-energy-grants/def...Defective Concrete Blocks Affected Homeowners
/grants/home-energy-grants/hom...Home Energy Upgrade Loan Scheme
/grants/home-energy-grants/ins...Insulation Grants
/grants/home-energy-grants/hea...Heating Controls Grant
/grants/home-energy-grants/sol...Solar Electricity Grant
/grants/home-energy-grants/sol...Solar Water Heating Grant
/grants/home-energy-grants/hea...Heat Pump System Grant
/grants/home-energy-grants/hom...Statistics for National Home Retrofit Programmes
/grants/community-grants/Texto duplicado Community Grants
/grants/community-grants/Texto duplicado Community Grants Overview
/grants/community-grants/bec-mapTexto duplicado Community Energy Projects Map
/grants/electric-vehicle-grants/Electric Vehicle Grants
/grants/electric-vehicle-grants/Electric Vehicle Grants Overview
/grants/electric-vehicle-grant...Grant Eligible Cars
/grants/electric-vehicle-grant...Grant Amounts
/grants/electric-vehicle-grant...Electric Vehicle Charging Grants
/grants/electric-vehicle-grant...EV Dealers Information
/grants/electric-vehicle-grant...EV Importers Information
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Business Grants & Supports
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Business Grants & Supports Overview
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Support Scheme for Renewable Heat
/business-and-public-sector/bu...EXEED Certified Grant
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Non-Domestic Microgen Grant
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS)
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Accelerated Capital Allowance
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Energy Contracting
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Energy Contracting Support Scheme
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Energy Audits
/grants/research-funding/Research Funding
/grants/research-funding/Research Funding Overview
/grants/research-funding/resea...Research, Development and Demonstration Funding Programme
/grants/research-funding/partn...Strategic Research Funding Partnerships
/grants/research-funding/horiz...Horizon Europe
/grants/research-funding/innov...Innovation Fund
/grants/research-funding/resea...SEAI Fellowship Programme 2023
/grants/find-a-registered-prof...Find a Registered Professional
/grants/find-a-registered-prof...Find a Registered Professional Overview
/grants/supports-for-contractors/Support for Contractors
/grants/supports-for-contractors/Support for Contractors Overview
/grants/support-for-one-stop-s...Support for registered One Stop Shops
/grants/support-for-one-stop-s...Support for registered One Stop Shops Overview SEAI grants are helping homeowners, business owners, communities, and large industries reduce their energy costs and greenhouse emissions. Read more. ...
/business-and-public-sector/Business & Public Sector
/business-and-public-sector/Business & Public Sector Overview
/business-and-public-sector/pu...Public Sector
/business-and-public-sector/pu...Public Sector Overview
/business-and-public-sector/pu...Public Sector Energy Programme
/business-and-public-sector/pu...Monitoring and Reporting
/business-and-public-sector/la...Large Business
/business-and-public-sector/la...Large Business Overview
/business-and-public-sector/la...Large Industry Energy Network (LIEN)
/business-and-public-sector/en...Energy Auditing Compliance Scheme
/business-and-public-sector/en...Energy Auditing Compliance Scheme Overview
/business-and-public-sector/sm...Small and Medium Business
/business-and-public-sector/sm...Small and Medium Business Overview
/business-and-public-sector/sm...Why energy efficiency
/business-and-public-sector/sm...Steps to energy efficiency
/business-and-public-sector/sm...Training and supports
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Texto duplicado Business Grants & Supports
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Texto duplicado Business Grants & Supports Overview
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Texto duplicado Support Scheme for Renewable Heat
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Texto duplicado EXEED Certified Grant
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Texto duplicado Non-Domestic Microgen Grant
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Texto duplicado Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS)
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Texto duplicado Accelerated Capital Allowance
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Texto duplicado Energy Contracting
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Texto duplicado Energy Contracting Support Scheme
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Texto duplicado Energy Audits
/business-and-public-sector/tr...Triple E Register for Products
/business-and-public-sector/tr...Triple E Register for Products Overview
/business-and-public-sector/tr...Registering a Product
/business-and-public-sector/tr...Categories and Criteria
/business-and-public-sector/ev...Electric Vehicles for Business
/business-and-public-sector/ev...Electric Vehicles for Business Overview
/business-and-public-sector/ev...Grants and Supports
/business-and-public-sector/ev...Switch your Fleet
/business-and-public-sector/ev...Why Choose EVs for your Business
/business-and-public-sector/re...Renewable Heating for Business
/business-and-public-sector/re...Renewable Heating for Business Overview
/business-and-public-sector/re...Benefits of Renewable Heating
/business-and-public-sector/re...Renewable Heating Systems
/business-and-public-sector/re...Where to Start
/business-and-public-sector/st...Standards and Regulations
/business-and-public-sector/st...Standards and Regulations Overview
/business-and-public-sector/st...Energy Management Systems and ISO 50001
/business-and-public-sector/st...EXEED Certified Program
/business-and-public-sector/st...IS 399 Energy Efficient Design Management
/business-and-public-sector/st...Nearly Zero Energy Building Standard
/business-and-public-sector/st...BACS (Building Automation and Control Systems) Regulations
/business-and-public-sector/di...Display Energy Certificate (DEC)
/business-and-public-sector/di...Display Energy Certificate (DEC) Overview
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Non-Domestic Building Retrofit
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Non-Domestic Building Retrofit Overview
/business-and-public-sector/bu...National Plan
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Pathfinder programme
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Decarbonising buildings
/business-and-public-sector/en...Energy Labelling, Tyre Labelling and Ecodesign
/business-and-public-sector/Business & Public Sector SEAI are helping Irish companies and organisations to reduce their energy costs significantly while improving their energy efficienc... Overview
/technologies/electric-vehicles/Electric Vehicles
/technologies/electric-vehicles/Electric Vehicles Overview
/technologies/electric-vehicle...What is an Electric Vehicle?
/technologies/electric-vehicle...Why Drive Electric
/technologies/electric-vehicle...Buying an Electric Vehicle
/technologies/electric-vehicle...Charging an Electric Vehicle
/technologies/electric-vehicle...Compare Cars
/technologies/electric-vehicle...Journey Cost Calculator
/technologies/ocean-energy/Offshore Renewable Energy
/technologies/ocean-energy/Offshore Renewable Energy Overview
/technologies/ocean-energy/oce...Offshore Renewable Energy Technologies
/technologies/ocean-energy/oce...Ocean Policy and Funding
/technologies/ocean-energy/oce...Ocean Test Sites in Ireland
/technologies/solar-energy/Solar Energy
/technologies/solar-energy/Solar Energy Overview
/technologies/solar-energy/ele...Electricity from Solar
/technologies/solar-energy/hot...Hot Water from Solar Thermal Collectors
/technologies/bioenergy/Bioenergy Overview
/technologies/bioenergy/what-i...What is Bioenergy?
/technologies/bioenergy/bioene...Bioenergy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
/technologies/bioenergy/biomas...Sustainable Biomass Fuels in Ireland
/technologies/wind-energy/Wind Energy
/technologies/wind-energy/Wind Energy Overview
/technologies/seai-maps/SEAI Maps
/technologies/seai-maps/SEAI Maps Overview
/technologies/seai-maps/ber-mapBER Map
/technologies/seai-maps/bioene...Bioenergy Map
/technologies/seai-maps/distri...District Heating Map
/technologies/seai-maps/geothe...Geothermal Map
/technologies/seai-maps/heat-d...Heat Demand Map
/technologies/seai-maps/hydro-...Hydro Power Map
/technologies/seai-maps/solar-mapSolar Map
/technologies/seai-maps/wind-a...Wind Atlas
https://singlepointofcontact.s...Externo Subdominio Single Point of Contact We are working at all levels of society and business to support the development of clean energy technologies in Ireland. Read more about Technol...
/data-and-insights/Data & Insights
/data-and-insights/Data & Insights Overview
/data-and-insights/seai-statis...Ireland's Energy Statistics
/data-and-insights/seai-statis...Ireland's Energy Statistics Overview
/data-and-insights/seai-statis...Key Statistics
/data-and-insights/seai-statis...Energy Data Portal
/data-and-insights/seai-statis...Key Publications
/data-and-insights/seai-statis...Monthly Energy Data
/data-and-insights/seai-statis...Annual Energy Data
/data-and-insights/seai-statis...Conversion Factors
/data-and-insights/seai-statis...Release Calendar
/data-and-insights/national-he...National Heat Study
/data-and-insights/national-he...National Heat Study Overview
/data-and-insights/seai-research/SEAI Energy Research
/data-and-insights/seai-research/SEAI Energy Research Overview
/data-and-insights/seai-resear...About SEAI Research
/data-and-insights/seai-resear...National Energy Research Database
/data-and-insights/internation...International Energy Agency
/data-and-insights/internation...International Energy Agency Overview
/data-and-insights/internation...Ireland's involvement in the IEA
/data-and-insights/internation...Standing Group and Committees
/data-and-insights/internation...Technology Collaboration Programmes
/data-and-insights/internation...SEAI IEA TCP Appointment Call
/data-and-insights/behavioural...Behavioural Insights
/data-and-insights/behavioural...Behavioural Insights Overview
/data-and-insights/Data & Insights Energy research is vital for building a clean and more secure energy future for Ireland. Learn about our research and statistics production. ... out more about Delivering Ireland’s Energy Revolution
/events/sustainable-energy-awa...SEAI Energy Awards 2024 If you believe that you, your business, your community, or the organisation you work for, is a leader in energy efficiency or renewab...
IMG-ALT Three winners of a 2023 award holding their trophy to the camera on the awards stage
/news-and-media/home-upgrade-l...Home Energy Upgrade Loan Scheme The new low-cost scheme, launched by Minister Ryan, Minister McGrath and Minister Richmond, means homeowners can borrow from ...
IMG-ALT Minsters at the launch of the new home energy upgrade loan scheme
/grants/home-energy-grants/Home Energy Grants There are now more ways than ever to make your home warmer and more energy efficient. Discover our range of grant options. We offer indivi...
IMG-ALT a couple relaxing on a couch in their home
/business-and-public-sector/bu...Business Grants Do you want to cut down on energy costs or meet energy saving targets? Our business grants have helped organisations all over Ireland make si...
IMG-ALT contractors assessing a solar panel
/grants/community-grants/Community Grants The Community Grant supports new approaches to achieving energy efficiency in Irish communities. SEAI support multiple projects managed by r...
IMG-ALT Rows of houses in a neighbourhood
/home-energy/building-energy-r...Find your BER Check the SEAI National BER Register to see if your property already has a valid BER certificate. You can download the BER certificate and advi...
IMG-ALT a person checking their BER rating on an ipad
/technologies/electric-vehicle...EV Journey Cost Calculator See how much you could save on your typical journeys by switching to an EV. Calculate the cost of your trips in a range of cars. F...
IMG-ALT A charger plugged into an electric vehicle
/grants/find-a-registered-prof...Find a Registered Professional Certain SEAI services and grants require you to choose from our list of registered professionals. Search our energy profession...
IMG-ALT A contractor wearing a safety helmet fixing solar panels to a roof
/news-and-media/See all news
/news-and-media/energy-label-i...SEAI urges consumers to check energy labels and make informed decisions when purchasing energy products 27 June 2024 The Sustainable Energy Authority of Irel...
/news-and-media/seai-national-...National Retrofit Plan Progress Report Q1 2024 4 June 2024 SEAI National Retrofit Plan Quarterly Progress Report Q1 2024 Find out more
/news-and-media/national-biome...National Biomethane Strategy 29 May 2024 Minister McConalogue and Minister Ryan welcomes publication of the National Biomethane Strategy. Expression of Inter...
/news-and-media/seai-announces...SEAI announces call for energy research and innovation projects 7 May 2024 €20 million Government funding to be invested in 2024 Find out more all blog posts
/blog/a-year-driving-electric/...A Year Driving Electric 28 June 2024 Fergus Sharkey 11 min Thinking of purchasing an EV? Hear from Fergus, who bought his first EV in 2023. Get an honest, pr...
/blog/truth-trust-and-timeline...Energy Statistics Stat Chat: Truth, Trust, and Timeliness 24 June 2024 Lee Carroll 3 min New statutory instruments recently added to the Irish statute books ...
/blog/are-you-ready-solar-pane...Renewable Technologies Home Energy Upgrades Are you ready for your new solar panels? 4 June 2024 SEAI 6 min Are you getting solar photovoltaic (PV) panels in...
/blog/apply-seai-energy-awards...Featured Energy Research Communities Business & Industry Five reasons why you should enter the 2024 SEAI Energy Awards 27 May 2024 SEAI 4 min Here are five g... out more about Careers at SEAI
A-TITLE Find out more about Careers at SEAI Us Us
/register-with-seai/Register with SEAI
/pilot-projects/Pilot Projects
/news-and-media/News & Media Events Studies Energy Hub
/code-of-governance/Code of Governance Framework
/legal-and-privacy/Legal & Privacy
/cookie-management/Cookie Management
/disclosures-policy/Disclosures Policy
/customer-charter/Customer Charter
/oireachtas-committee-meet/Oireachtas Committee Meetings
/accessibility-statement/Accessibility Statement ventana Externo Subdominio Facebook (opens in a new tab)
A-TITLE Visit Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland on Facebook ventana Externo Subdominio Instagram (opens in a new tab)
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A-TITLE Visit Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland on YouTube

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Disallow: /grants/electric-vehicle-grants/dealers-ev-grant-scheme/dealer-list-08-01-2018.xlsx


Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Home - Sustainable Energy Authority Of Ireland | SEAI
Here at the SEAI, we’re working with people across Ireland, from homeowners to large industry, to transform how we think about and use energy.

Palabras clave más importantes

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
SEAI Energy78%Check
Energy Revolution66%Check
SEAI Energy Awards66%Check
Sustainable Energy65%Check
SEAI Energy Research65%Check
Community Energy61%Check
Solar Energy61%Check

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