Teaclass.com - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.85 s
File size
48.50 kB
Media files
Number of links
316 internal / 7 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
The page title is too short. (83 pixels of 580 max pixel length) Optimize title
The page title is only one word.
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
TeaClass home page
The meta description is too short. (130 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length) Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Server location: United States of America
The language is not specified in the HTML markup.
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportuser-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width, height=device-height
abstractTeaClass home page
descriptionTeaClass home page
og:email[email protected]

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Only 2 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
These Typos were found:
  • knowlege => knowledge
The average number of words per sentence of 40 words is high.
This page contains 1254 words. That's ok.
25.4% of the text are stop words.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width, height=device-height" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
This page only loads 3 JavaScript files. That's good!
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 25 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
2 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
https://www.teaclass.com/img/teaclass.svgNo alt attribute provided
https://www.teaclass.com/img/b_bg.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/lessons/0101_1.jpgTwo leaves and a budWhat is Tea?
/img/lessons/0102_3.jpgPartially oxidized leafTypes of Tea
/img/lessons/0103_7.jpgChinese herbs and spicesTisanes: The non-tea
/img/lessons/0104_3.jpgThe many styles of teaMaking the Perfect Cup
/img/lessons/0105_1.jpgTea can help you live a healthier lifestyleDrinking Health: Benefits and Misconceptions
/img/lessons/0106_1.jpgPlucking teaHow is Tea Made?
/img/lessons/0107_1.jpgKuan YinTea Stories
/img/lessons/0108_1.jpgShen Nung, the 'Divine Healer'Let Loose the Bags: Tea bags and Loose Tea
/img/lessons/0109_5.jpgTheombromine is one type of xanthine.Drinking Health: Polyphenols & Flavonoids
/img/lessons/0110_3.jpgHealthy iced black tea with L-TheanineDrinking Health: Amino Acids and Stimulants
/img/lessons/0111_2.jpgTwo leaves and a budCamellia sinensis
/img/lessons/0112_1.jpgOver-caffeinated?The Truth About Caffeine
/img/lessons/0201_3.jpgFlavored pu erh teaHow is Tea Flavored?
/img/lessons/0202_1.jpgTea vs. CoffeeTea vs Coffee: The battle for the cup
/img/lessons/0203_1.jpgOrganic FieldOrganic, Fair Trade, and Kosher teas
/img/lessons/0204_4.jpgSilver Needle White TeaWhite Tea
/img/lessons/0205_1.jpgSencha green teaGreen Tea
/img/lessons/0206_3.jpgBlack DragonOolong Tea
/img/lessons/0207_1.jpgBlack tea leavesBlack Tea
/img/lessons/0208_1.jpgPaper wrapped Pu'erh cakesPu-erh
/img/lessons/0209_1.jpgRooibosRooibos, Honeybush & Mate
/img/lessons/0210_1.jpgLarge leafMaking the Grade: Measuring tea quality
/img/lessons/0211_1.jpgKuan YinMore Tea Stories: Ti Kuan Yin, and Genmai Cha
/img/lessons/0212_4.jpgLots of sugarPresto!: Instant Tea, Matcha and RTD
/img/lessons/0301_3.jpgEGCG - an antioxidant in Green TeaDrinking Health: The Science of Tea
/img/lessons/0302_1.jpgTraditional tea tastingTwo Leaves and a Tastebud: How to Taste
/img/lessons/0303_1.jpgStyles of teaTalking Tea
/img/lessons/0304_2.jpgTea storageCommon Tea Questions
/img/lessons/0305_1.jpgTea and weight lossCommon Health Questions
/img/lessons/0306_1.jpgBeautiful Glass TeapotChoosing Teapots: Glass, Porcelain, or Ceramic?
/img/lessons/0307_1.jpgYixing clay teapotYixing Clay
/img/lessons/0308_1.jpgTetsubin TeapotJapanese Tetsubin
/img/lessons/0309_1.jpgYerba MateYerba Mate
/img/lessons/0311_1.jpgThai Iced TeaTea Drinks : Chai, Thai Iced Tea, and More
/img/lessons/0312_1.jpg1904 World Fair posterThe Coolest Tea: Iced Tea
/img/lessons/0313_3.jpgEnjoy tea with good foodCup Meets Plate: Pairing Food with Tea
/img/lessons/0314_1.jpgChinese tea shop signChinese Tea
/img/lessons/0315_1.jpgJapanese tea garden near Mt. FujiJapanese Tea
/img/lessons/0316_1.jpgThe elegance of chanoyu.Japanese Tea Ceremony
/img/lessons/0317_2.jpgMap of Taiwan (Formosa)Taiwanese (Formosa) Tea
/img/lessons/0318_1.jpgTea trayGong Fu Ceremony
/img/lessons/0319_1.jpgMuscat GrapesIndian Tea
/img/lessons/0320_2.jpgMap of Ceylon (Sri Lanka)Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Tea
/img/lessons/0321_1.jpgGreen Tea LeavesDrinking Health: Quick Facts
/img/lessons/0101_1.jpgTwo leaves and a budWhat is Tea?
/img/lessons/0102_3.jpgPartially oxidized leafTypes of Tea
/img/lessons/0103_7.jpgChinese herbs and spicesTisanes: The non-tea
/img/lessons/0104_3.jpgThe many styles of teaMaking the Perfect Cup
/img/lessons/0105_1.jpgTea can help you live a healthier lifestyleDrinking Health: Benefits and Misconceptions
/img/lessons/0106_1.jpgPlucking teaHow is Tea Made?
/img/lessons/0107_1.jpgKuan YinTea Stories
/img/lessons/0108_1.jpgShen Nung, the 'Divine Healer'Let Loose the Bags: Tea bags and Loose Tea
/img/lessons/0109_5.jpgTheombromine is one type of xanthine.Drinking Health: Polyphenols & Flavonoids
/img/lessons/0110_3.jpgHealthy iced black tea with L-TheanineDrinking Health: Amino Acids and Stimulants
/img/lessons/0111_2.jpgTwo leaves and a budCamellia sinensis
/img/lessons/0112_1.jpgOver-caffeinated?The Truth About Caffeine
/img/lessons/0201_3.jpgFlavored pu erh teaHow is Tea Flavored?
/img/lessons/0202_1.jpgTea vs. CoffeeTea vs Coffee: The battle for the cup
/img/lessons/0203_1.jpgOrganic FieldOrganic, Fair Trade, and Kosher teas
/img/lessons/0204_4.jpgSilver Needle White TeaWhite Tea
/img/lessons/0205_1.jpgSencha green teaGreen Tea
/img/lessons/0206_3.jpgBlack DragonOolong Tea
/img/lessons/0207_1.jpgBlack tea leavesBlack Tea
/img/lessons/0208_1.jpgPaper wrapped Pu'erh cakesPu-erh
/img/lessons/0209_1.jpgRooibosRooibos, Honeybush & Mate
/img/lessons/0210_1.jpgLarge leafMaking the Grade: Measuring tea quality
/img/lessons/0211_1.jpgKuan YinMore Tea Stories: Ti Kuan Yin, and Genmai Cha
/img/lessons/0212_4.jpgLots of sugarPresto!: Instant Tea, Matcha and RTD
/img/lessons/0301_3.jpgEGCG - an antioxidant in Green TeaDrinking Health: The Science of Tea
/img/lessons/0302_1.jpgTraditional tea tastingTwo Leaves and a Tastebud: How to Taste
/img/lessons/0303_1.jpgStyles of teaTalking Tea
/img/lessons/0304_2.jpgTea storageCommon Tea Questions
/img/lessons/0305_1.jpgTea and weight lossCommon Health Questions
/img/lessons/0306_1.jpgBeautiful Glass TeapotChoosing Teapots: Glass, Porcelain, or Ceramic?
/img/lessons/0307_1.jpgYixing clay teapotYixing Clay
/img/lessons/0308_1.jpgTetsubin TeapotJapanese Tetsubin
/img/lessons/0309_1.jpgYerba MateYerba Mate
/img/lessons/0311_1.jpgThai Iced TeaTea Drinks : Chai, Thai Iced Tea, and More
/img/lessons/0312_1.jpg1904 World Fair posterThe Coolest Tea: Iced Tea
/img/lessons/0313_3.jpgEnjoy tea with good foodCup Meets Plate: Pairing Food with Tea
/img/lessons/0314_1.jpgChinese tea shop signChinese Tea
/img/lessons/0315_1.jpgJapanese tea garden near Mt. FujiJapanese Tea
/img/lessons/0316_1.jpgThe elegance of chanoyu.Japanese Tea Ceremony
/img/lessons/0317_2.jpgMap of Taiwan (Formosa)Taiwanese (Formosa) Tea
/img/lessons/0318_1.jpgTea trayGong Fu Ceremony
/img/lessons/0319_1.jpgMuscat GrapesIndian Tea
/img/lessons/0320_2.jpgMap of Ceylon (Sri Lanka)Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Tea
/img/lessons/0321_1.jpgGreen Tea LeavesDrinking Health: Quick Facts

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Welcome to TeaClass!
The H1 heading contains the words Welcome to! Use important keywords instead.
Too many H1 headings
There are 49 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Welcome to TeaClass!
H1 What is Tea?
H1 Types of Tea
H1 Tisanes: The non-tea
H1 Making the Perfect Cup
H1 Drinking Health: Benefits and Misconceptions
H1 How is Tea Made?
H1 Tea Stories
H1 Let Loose the Bags: Tea bags and Loose Tea
H1 Drinking Health: Polyphenols & Flavonoids
H1 Drinking Health: Amino Acids and Stimulants
H1 Camellia sinensis
H1 The Truth About Caffeine
H1 How is Tea Flavored?
H1 Tea vs Coffee: The battle for the cup
H1 Organic, Fair Trade, and Kosher teas
H1 White Tea
H1 Green Tea
H1 Oolong Tea
H1 Black Tea
H1 Pu-erh
H1 Rooibos, Honeybush & Mate
H1 Making the Grade: Measuring tea quality
H1 More Tea Stories: Ti Kuan Yin, and Genmai Cha
H1 Presto!: Instant Tea, Matcha and RTD
H1 Drinking Health: The Science of Tea
H1 Two Leaves and a Tastebud: How to Taste
H1 Talking Tea
H1 Common Tea Questions
H1 Common Health Questions
H1 Choosing Teapots: Glass, Porcelain, or Ceramic?
H1 Yixing Clay
H1 Japanese Tetsubin
H1 Yerba Mate
H1 Matcha
H1 Tea Drinks : Chai, Thai Iced Tea, and More
H1 The Coolest Tea: Iced Tea
H1 Cup Meets Plate: Pairing Food with Tea
H1 Chinese Tea
H1 Japanese Tea
H1 Japanese Tea Ceremony
H1 Taiwanese (Formosa) Tea
H1 Gong Fu Ceremony
H1 Indian Tea
H1 Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Tea
H1 Drinking Health: Quick Facts
H2 teaclass powered by adagio teas
H2 Welcome!
H2 Get Started! If you're an Adagio Teas customer or have registered with TeaMap, TeaCritic, TeaChef, use the same email to log in.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 7 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.adagio.com/External Subdomain adagio teas
A-TITLE Beginner
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A-TITLE Beginner
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A-TITLE Beginner
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A-TITLE Beginner
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A-TITLE Beginner
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/lesson_0105.htmlHealth Benefits Part 1
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A-TITLE Beginner
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A-TITLE Beginner
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A-TITLE Beginner
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/lesson_0108.htmlTea bags vs. Loose
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A-TITLE Beginner
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A-TITLE Beginner
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A-TITLE Beginner
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/lesson_0111.htmlCamellia Sinensis
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A-TITLE Beginner
/lesson_0112.htmlIMG-ALT Over-caffeinated?
/lesson_0112.htmlCaffeine and Tea
A-TITLE Intermediate
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/lesson_0201.htmlHow is Tea Flavored?
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A-TITLE Intermediate
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A-TITLE Intermediate
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A-TITLE Intermediate
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/lesson_0204.htmlWhite Tea
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A-TITLE Intermediate
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/lesson_0205.htmlGreen Tea
/category-intermediate.htmlText duplicate Intermediate
A-TITLE Intermediate
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/lesson_0206.htmlOolong Tea
/category-intermediate.htmlText duplicate Intermediate
A-TITLE Intermediate
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/lesson_0207.htmlBlack Tea
/category-intermediate.htmlText duplicate Intermediate
A-TITLE Intermediate
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/category-intermediate.htmlText duplicate Intermediate
A-TITLE Intermediate
/lesson_0209.htmlIMG-ALT Rooibos
/lesson_0209.htmlRooibos, Honeybush & Mate
/category-intermediate.htmlText duplicate Intermediate
A-TITLE Intermediate
/lesson_0210.htmlIMG-ALT Large leaf
/lesson_0210.htmlMeasuring Quality
/category-intermediate.htmlText duplicate Intermediate
A-TITLE Intermediate
/lesson_0211.htmlText duplicate IMG-ALT Kuan Yin
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A-TITLE Intermediate
/lesson_0212.htmlIMG-ALT Lots of sugar
/lesson_0212.htmlTea on the Go
A-TITLE Advanced
/lesson_0301.htmlIMG-ALT EGCG - an antioxidant in Green Tea
/lesson_0301.htmlHealth Benefits Part 2
/category-advanced.htmlText duplicate Advanced
A-TITLE Advanced
/lesson_0302.htmlIMG-ALT Traditional tea tasting
/lesson_0302.htmlTasting Tea
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A-TITLE Advanced
/lesson_0303.htmlIMG-ALT Styles of tea
/lesson_0303.htmlTalking Tea
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A-TITLE Advanced
/lesson_0304.htmlIMG-ALT Tea storage
/lesson_0304.htmlCommon Tea Questions
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A-TITLE Advanced
/lesson_0305.htmlIMG-ALT Tea and weight loss
/lesson_0305.htmlCommon Health Questions
/category-advanced.htmlText duplicate Advanced
A-TITLE Advanced
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/lesson_0306.htmlChoosing Teapots: Glass, Porcelain, or Ceramic?
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A-TITLE Advanced
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A-TITLE Advanced
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A-TITLE Advanced
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A-TITLE Advanced
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/lesson_0310.htmlText duplicate Matcha
/category-advanced.htmlText duplicate Advanced
A-TITLE Advanced
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A-TITLE Advanced
/lesson_0312.htmlIMG-ALT 1904 World Fair poster
/lesson_0312.htmlCool (Iced) Tea
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A-TITLE Advanced
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/lesson_0313.htmlFood Pairings
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A-TITLE Advanced
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/lesson_0314.htmlChinese Tea
/category-advanced.htmlText duplicate Advanced
A-TITLE Advanced
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/lesson_0315.htmlJapanese Tea
/category-advanced.htmlText duplicate Advanced
A-TITLE Advanced
/lesson_0316.htmlIMG-ALT The elegance of chanoyu.
/lesson_0316.htmlJapanese Tea Ceremony
/category-advanced.htmlText duplicate Advanced
A-TITLE Advanced
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/lesson_0317.htmlTaiwanese (Formosa) Tea
/category-advanced.htmlText duplicate Advanced
A-TITLE Advanced
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/category-advanced.htmlText duplicate Advanced
A-TITLE Advanced
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/lesson_0319.htmlIndian Tea
/category-advanced.htmlText duplicate Advanced
A-TITLE Advanced
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/lesson_0320.htmlSri Lanka (Ceylon) Tea
/category-advanced.htmlText duplicate Advanced
A-TITLE Advanced
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/lesson_0321.htmlDrinking Health: Quick Facts
/category-beginner.htmlText duplicate Beginner
A-TITLE Beginner
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A-TITLE Beginner
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A-TITLE Beginner
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/lesson_0103.htmlText duplicate view lesson
/category-beginner.htmlText duplicate Beginner
A-TITLE Beginner
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/category-beginner.htmlText duplicate Beginner
A-TITLE Beginner
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A-TITLE Beginner
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A-TITLE Beginner
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A-TITLE Beginner
/lesson_0108.htmlText duplicate IMG-ALT Shen Nung, the 'Divine Healer'
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/lesson_0108.htmlText duplicate view lesson
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A-TITLE Beginner
/lesson_0109.htmlText duplicate IMG-ALT Theombromine is one type of xanthine.
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A-TITLE Beginner
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/lesson_0110.htmlText duplicate view lesson
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A-TITLE Beginner
/lesson_0111.htmlText duplicate IMG-ALT Two leaves and a bud
/lesson_0111.htmlCamellia sinensis
/lesson_0111.htmlText duplicate view lesson
/category-beginner.htmlText duplicate Beginner
A-TITLE Beginner
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/lesson_0112.htmlThe Truth About Caffeine
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A-TITLE Intermediate
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/lesson_0201.htmlText duplicate view lesson
/category-intermediate.htmlText duplicate Intermediate
A-TITLE Intermediate
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A-TITLE Intermediate
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A-TITLE Intermediate
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A-TITLE Intermediate
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/category-intermediate.htmlText duplicate Intermediate
A-TITLE Intermediate
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A-TITLE Intermediate
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/category-intermediate.htmlText duplicate Intermediate
A-TITLE Intermediate
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A-TITLE Intermediate
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/category-intermediate.htmlText duplicate Intermediate
A-TITLE Intermediate
/lesson_0210.htmlText duplicate IMG-ALT Large leaf
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A-TITLE Intermediate
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A-TITLE Intermediate
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