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/publications/resources/teachi... | | No Text |
/publications/resources/teachi... | | Professional Preparation | | New window External Subdomain | IMG-ALT advertisement University of Alabama Make an Impact on Health and Wellness | | New window External Subdomain | IMG-ALT advertisement University of Alabama Make Your Passion Your Career | | New window External Subdomain | IMG-ALT advertisement HPE Solutions Let Us Help YOU make a difference! |
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/pressroom/2022/student-percep... | | High School Students Find Value in Health and Physical Education |
/career/Career-Center.aspx | | Job Openings at SHAPE America |
/pressroom/2022/shape-america-... | | SHAPE America Announces Establishment of the Chuck and Cathie Corbin Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Keynote Address | | New window External Subdomain | No Text | | New window External Subdomain | Strategies for Supporting All Students in Health and Physical Education | | New window External Subdomain | No Text | | New window External Subdomain | Why All Physical Education Teachers Need an Adapted PE Bucket | | New window External Subdomain | No Text | | New window External Subdomain | How to Empower Girls in Physical Education |
/publications/resources/teachi... | | IMG-ALT New Mind and Body Calendars |
/publications/resources/teachi... | | New! Mind & Body Calendars |
/publications/resources/downlo... | | IMG-ALT New Jr. NBA Curricula |
/publications/resources/downlo... | | New Curricula |
/publications/products/default... | | IMG-ALT New Book Release The Essentials of Teaching Health Education Second Edition |
/publications/products/default... | | Now Available! The Essentials of Teaching Health Education, Second Edition | | New window External | @SHAPEAmerica | | New window External | #SHAPECleveland | | New window External Subdomain | No Text | | New window External | No Text | | New window External Subdomain | No Text | | New window External Subdomain | No Text | | New window External Subdomain | No Text |
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/publications/resources/defaul... | | Publications |
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/standards/ | | National Standards |
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/publications/resources/teachi... | Text duplicate | Physical Education |
/explorePA.aspx | Text duplicate | Physical Activity |
/publications/resources/teachi... | Text duplicate | Health Education |
/publications/resources/teachi... | Text duplicate | Research |
/publications/resources/teachi... | | Early Childhood Education |
/events/explorecoaching | | Sport |
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/about/partnerships/default.aspx | | Meet Our Partners |
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(Nice to have)